
Defines functions sendAndReceive buildXTS buildURL buildRow startSession endSession listStrategies openStrategy viewStrategy closeStrategy getStrategy clearStrategy undoStrategy addRow getRow

Documented in addRow clearStrategy clearStrategy closeStrategy closeStrategy endSession endSession getRow getRow getStrategy getStrategy listStrategies openStrategy openStrategy startSession undoStrategy undoStrategy viewStrategy viewStrategy

# Set
machina <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

# Private functions

#' sendAndReceive()
#' Sends message via web service to kafka and receives the corresponding response
sendAndReceive <-
  function(msg, needOpenStrategy=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
    if (verbose) cat("sendAndReceive()\n")

    #' check state of session
    if (class(machina$session) != "machina") { stop("Session not open") }
    if (is.null(machina$session$initialized) || !machina$session$initialized)
      stop("Web session not started")
    if (needOpenStrategy)
      if (is.null(machina$session$strategyName)) stop("Strategy not open")

    url <- buildURL("/api/user/kafka/sendMessageToSW")
    if (verbose) cat("POST to ", url, "\n", sep="")
    rsp <-
        add_headers(access_token = machina$session$accessToken),
        body = msg,
        encode = "json",
        if (verbose) { verbose() })

    if (rsp$status_code != 200)
      if (verbose) cat("Error return\n")
      stop("[", rsp$errorType, "] ", rsp$errorMessage)

    if (verbose)

    content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(rsp$content))
    if (!is.null(content$error)) stop("Error: ", content$error)

    if (verbose) cat("Returning\n")

#' buildXTS()
#' Builds an XTS timeseries object from a Machina row
buildXTS <-
    for (i in 1:length(row$days$data))
      temp.times <- seq(row$days$startTime[i],
      temp.data <- data.frame(temp.times, row$days$data[i])
      names(temp.data) <- c("Times", "Data")
      temp.ts <- xts(temp.data$Data, order.by=temp.data$Times)
      if (i == 1)
        out.ts <- temp.ts
        out.ts <- rbind(out.ts, temp.ts)

#' buildURL()
#' Builds service URL from session's service host plus path
buildURL <-
    return(paste(machina$session$protocol, "://", machina$session$serviceHost, path, sep=""))

#' buildRow()
#' Builds row from service response
buildRow <-

# Public functions

#' Members of Machina session (machina$session)
#' Informational:
#'   $serviceHost        name/port of web service
#'   $userName           name of user who started the session
#'   $strategyName       name of current strategy
#'   $initialized        whether session was successfully initialized
#' Functional:
#'   $strategyCallback   function to call when strategy changes
#'   $protocol           protocol to use (http or https)
#' Maintained by session:
#'   $accessToken        web session token
#'   $backtestConfig     last backtest configuration set to or received from strategy
#'   $backtestConfigList last list of backtest configurations received from strategy
#'   $strategy           last list of rows retrieved from the strategy
#'   $row                last row retrieve from the strategy

#' startSession()
#' Starts Machina session by logging in to web service
#' The service uses the following URLs:
#'   http://<host>/api/user/authenticateAccount    - login
#'   http://<host>/api/user/kafka/sendMessageToSW  - interact with StrategyWorker
#'   http://<host>/api/user/logout                 - logout
#' @param userName user name
#' @param password user password
#' @param serviceHost host of web service to use
#' @param protocol protocol to use (default = "https")
#' @param verbose whether to produce verbose output (default = FALSE)
#'  Side effects: Logs in to web service
startSession <-
    userName = NULL,
    password = NULL,
    serviceHost = "account.machi.na",
    protocol = "https",
    strategyCallback = viewStrategy,
    verbose = FALSE)
    if (interactive())
      if (is.null(userName))
        userName <- readline("User name: ")
      if (is.null(password))
        password <- readline("Password: ")
    if (is.null(userName) || is.null(password)) stop("User id and password must be supplied")
    if (!is.null(machina$session) && machina$session$initialized) stop("Session already started")

    machina$session <- list(serviceHost=serviceHost, initialized=FALSE)
    machina$session$userName <- userName
    machina$session$protocol <- protocol
    machina$session$strategyCallback <- strategyCallback
    class(machina$session) <- "machina"

    url <- buildURL("/api/user/authenticateAccount")
    if (verbose) cat("POST to ", url, "\n", sep="")
    rsp <- POST(url, authenticate(userName, password), if (verbose) { verbose() })

    machina$session$initialized = (rsp$status_code == 200)
    machina$session$accessToken <- rsp$headers$access_token

    if (!machina$session$initialized) stop("[", rsp$status_code, "]: ", rawToChar(rsp$content))

#' endSession()
#' Ends Machina session by logging out of web service interface
#' @param verbose whether to produce verbose output (default = FALSE)
#' @return Side effects: Logs out of web service
endSession <-
  function(verbose = FALSE)
    if (class(machina$session) != "machina") stop("Session not open")
    if (!machina$session$initialized) stop("Session not started")

    url <- buildURL("/api/user/logout")
    if (verbose) cat("POST to ", url, "\n", sep="")
    rsp <-
        add_headers(access_token = machina$session$accessToken),
        if (verbose) { verbose() })
    machina$session$initialized = (rsp$status_code != 200)

    if (machina$session$initialized) stop("[", rsp$status_code, "]: ", rawToChar(rsp$content))

    # remove session
    rm("session", envir = machina)

#' listStrategies()
#' Lists strategies available to user
#' @param verbose whether to produce verbose output (default = FALSE)
#' @return data.frame with strategies
listStrategies <-
  function(verbose = FALSE)
    rsp <-
        msg = list(messageType = "ListStrategies"),
        needOpenStrategy = FALSE,
        verbose = verbose)

#' openStrategy()
#' Opens StrategyWorker session
#' @param strategyName mode name of strategy to open
#' @param updateStrategy whether to populate the saved strategy (default = TRUE)
#' @param verbose whether to produce verbose output (default = FALSE)
#' @return row list if updateStrategy is TRUE, else none
#'  Side effects: session members updated are $strategyName and $strategy (if updateStrategy is TRUE)
openStrategy <-
    strategyName = NULL,
    updateStrategy = TRUE,
    verbose = FALSE)
    if (class(machina$session) != "machina") { stop("Session not open") }
    if (!is.null(machina$session$strategyName)) stop("Strategy already open")

    if (is.null(strategyName))
      machina$session$strategyName <- paste("strategy", floor(runif(1, 0, 10^12)), sep="")
      cat("Strategy name not supplied. Using", machina$session$strategyName, "\n")
      machina$session$strategyName <- strategyName

    if (is.null(machina$session$strategyName)) stop("Strategy name must be supplied")

    if (updateStrategy)
      dummy <- getStrategy(verbose)

#columns we want

#      "Row"     = character(0),
#      "Vector"  = character(0),
#      "Query"   = character(0),
#      "PnL"     = character(0),
#      "Sharpe"  = character(0),
#	      "TradesPerDay" = character(0),

viewStrategy <-
  function(verbose = FALSE)
    if ((class(machina$session$strategy) != "data.frame") || (nrow(machina$session$strategy) == 0))
      cat("Empty strategy\n")
      if (!is.null(machina$session$strategy$backtest))
        rows <-
            Query = machina$session$strategy$query,
            BacktestName = machina$session$strategy$backtest$backtestName,
            PandL = machina$session$strategy$backtest$pnl,
            NumTrades = machina$session$strategy$backtest$ntrades,
            SharpeRatio = machina$session$strategy$backtest$sharpe,
            SortinoRatio = machina$session$strategy$backtest$sortino)
        rows <- data.frame(Query = machina$session$strategy$query)
      if (verbose) print(rows)

        paste("Strategy Rows [", machina$session$userName, "/", machina$session$strategyName, "]", sep=""))

#' closeStrategy()
#' Closes StrategyWorker session
#' @param verbose whether to produce verbose output (default = FALSE)
#' @return Side effects: strategy name is removed from session
closeStrategy <-
  function(verbose = FALSE)
    machina$session$strategyName <- NULL

#' getStrategy()
#' Gets strategy, returning date.frame with information on rows in strategy
#' If strategyCallback is defined, it is called with the updated strategy
#' as its parameter.
#' @param verbose whether to produce verbose output (default = FALSE)
#' @return data.frame listing rows in strategy
#'   Side effects: data.frame of rows is stored in session$strategy
getStrategy <-
  function(verbose = FALSE)
    rsp <-
        msg =
            messageType = "GetRows",
            strategyName = machina$session$strategyName),
        verbose = verbose)
    machina$session$strategy <- rsp$rows
    if (is.function(machina$session$strategyCallback))
      if (verbose) cat("Calling strategy callback\n")
      machina$session$strategyCallback(verbose = verbose)

#' clearStrategy()
#' Clears strategy by removing all rows
#' @param updateStrategy whether to update the row list (default = TRUE)
#' @param verbose whether to produce verbose output (default = FALSE)
#' @return updated (empty) row list if updateStrategy is TRUE, else none
#'   Side effects: (empty) data.frame of rows is stored in session$strategy if updateStrategy is TRUE
clearStrategy <-
  function(updateStrategy = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
    rsp <-
        msg =
            messageType = "ClearStrategy",
            strategyName = machina$session$strategyName),
        verbose = verbose)
    if (updateStrategy)

#' undoStrategy()
#' Undoes last operation on strategy (addRow or clear)
#' @param updateStrategy whether to update the row list (default = TRUE)
#' @param verbose whether to produce verbose output (default = FALSE)
#' @return updated (empty) row list if updateStrategy is TRUE, else none
#'   Side effects: data.frame of rows is stored in session$strategy if updateStrategy is TRUE
undoStrategy <-
  function(updateStrategy = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
    rsp <-
        msg =
            messageType = "UndoStrategy",
            strategyName = machina$session$strategyName),
        verbose = verbose)
    if (updateStrategy)

#' addRow()
#' Adds row to strategy
#' If inclusion of data is requested, on return $ts has XTS timeseries of data for the row,
#' in both return value and machina$session$row.
#' startDate and endDate default to NULL (specify beginning and end, respectively,
#' of available data).  Either or both can be set using format "YYYYMMDD" respectively,
#' in order to reduce the amount of data returned.
#' @param query Machina command line query
#' @param updateStrategy whether to update the row list (default = TRUE)
#' @param includeData whether to include data (default = FALSE)
#' @param startDate start date (default = NULL)
#' @param endDate end date (default = NULL)
#' @param verbose whether to produce verbose output (default = FALSE)
#' @return list with row info
#'   Side effects: returned list is saved in session$row
addRow <-
    updateStrategy = TRUE,
    includeData = FALSE,
    startDate = NULL,
    endDate = NULL,
    verbose = FALSE)
    rsp <-
        msg =
            messageType = "AddRow",
            strategyName = machina$session$strategyName,
            query = query),
        verbose = verbose)
    machina$session$row <- buildRow(rsp)
    if (updateStrategy) dummy <- getStrategy(verbose)
    if (includeData)
      dummy <-
          includeData = includeData,
          startDate = startDate,
          endDate = endDate,
          verbose = verbose)

#' getRow()
#' Gets row, optionally with data
#' If inclusion of data is requested, on return $ts has XTS timeseries of data for the row,
#' in both return value and machina$session$row.
#' startDate and endDate default to NULL (specify beginning and end, respectively,
#' of available data).  Either or both can be set using format "YYYYMMDD" respectively,
#' in order to reduce the amount of data returned.
#' @param rowIndex row number to get (1-based)
#' @param includeData whether to include data (default = FALSE)
#' @param startDate start date (default = NULL)
#' @param endDate end date (default = NULL)
#' @param verbose whether to produce verbose output (default = FALSE)
#' @return list with info on row
#'   Side effects: returned list is saved in session$row
getRow <-
           includeData = FALSE,
           startDate = NULL,
           endDate = NULL,
           verbose = FALSE)
    msg <-
        messageType = "GetRow",
        strategyName = machina$session$strategyName,
        rowIndex = rowIndex,
        includeData = as.character(includeData))
    if (!is.null(startDate)) msg$startTime <- paste(startDate, "T0931", sep="")
    if (!is.null(endDate)) msg$endTime <- paste(endDate, "T1601", sep="")

    rsp <- sendAndReceive(msg = msg, verbose = verbose)

    # parse duration; for now assume minute bars
    rsp$barDuration <- duration(1, "minutes")
    # convert values
    rsp$days$startTime <- ymd_hm(rsp$days$startTime)
    rsp$days$length <- as.numeric(rsp$days$length)
    rsp$days$offset <- as.numeric(rsp$days$offset)

    machina$session$row <- buildRow(rsp)

    ##' build timeseries from data, if requested
    if (includeData) machina$session$row$ts <- buildXTS(rsp)


Try the machina package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

machina documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:21 a.m.