
Defines functions summary.magioutput print.magioutput magioutput is.magioutput

Documented in is.magioutput magioutput summary.magioutput

#' `magi`: MAnifold-Constrained Gaussian Process Inference
#' `magi` is a package that provides fast and accurate inference for the parameter estimation problem in Ordinary Differential Equations, including the case when there are unobserved system components.
#' In the references below, please see Yang, Wong, and Kou (2021) for details of the MAGI method (MAnifold-constrained Gaussian process Inference), and Wong, Yang, and Kou (2022) for a detailed user guide.
#' @references
#' Yang, S., Wong, S. W. K., & Kou, S. C. (2021). Inference of Dynamic Systems from Noisy and 
#' Sparse Data via Manifold-constrained Gaussian Processes. *Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences*, 118 (15), e2020397118. \doi{10.1073/pnas.2020397118}
#' Wong, S. W. K., Yang, S., & Kou, S. C. (2022). `MAGI`: A Package for Inference of Dynamic Systems from Noisy and Sparse Data via Manifold-constrained Gaussian Processes. \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.06066}
#' @name magi
#' @md

#' MagiSolver output (\code{magioutput}) object 
#' @description Check for and create a magioutput object
#' @param object an R object
#' @param ... arguments required to create a magioutput object. See details.
#' @return logical. Is the input a magioutput object?
#' @details
#' Using the core \code{\link{MagiSolver}} function returns a \code{magioutput} object as output, which is a list that contains the following elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{theta}}{matrix of MCMC samples for the system parameters \eqn{\theta}, after burn-in.}
#' \item{\code{xsampled}}{array of MCMC samples for the system trajectories at each discretization time point, after burn-in.}
#' \item{\code{sigma}}{matrix of MCMC samples for the observation noise SDs \eqn{\sigma}, after burn-in.}
#' \item{\code{phi}}{matrix of estimated GP hyper-parameters, one column for each system component.}
#' \item{\code{lp}}{vector of log-posterior values at each MCMC iteration, after burn-in.}
#' \item{\code{y, tvec, odeModel}}{from the inputs to \code{MagiSolver}.}
#' } 
#' Printing a \code{magioutput} object displays a brief summary of the settings used for the \code{MagiSolver} run.
#' The summary method for a \code{magioutput} object prints a table of parameter estimates, see \code{\link{summary.magioutput}} for more details. 
#' Plotting a \code{magioutput} object by default shows the inferred trajectories for each component, see \code{\link{plot.magioutput}} for more details.
#' @examples
#' # Set up odeModel list for the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations
#' fnmodel <- list(
#'   fOde = fnmodelODE,
#'   fOdeDx = fnmodelDx,
#'   fOdeDtheta = fnmodelDtheta,
#'   thetaLowerBound = c(0, 0, 0),
#'   thetaUpperBound = c(Inf, Inf, Inf)
#' )
#' # Example FN data
#' data(FNdat)
#' # Create magioutput from a short MagiSolver run (demo only, more iterations needed for convergence)
#' result <- MagiSolver(FNdat, fnmodel, control = list(nstepsHmc = 5, niterHmc = 50)) 
#' is.magioutput(result)
#' @export

is.magioutput <- function(object) {
  inherits(object, "magioutput")

#' @rdname is.magioutput
#' @export
magioutput <- function(...) {
  ell <- list(...)
  class(ell) <- "magioutput"

#' @export
print.magioutput <- function(x, ...) {
  output <- paste0("MagiSolver fitted for ODE system with ", dim(x$xsampled)[3], " components and ", ncol(x$theta), " system parameters")

  output[2] <- paste0("Number of MCMC samples after burn-in = ", length(x$lp))
  output[3] <- paste0("Number of discretization points = ", dim(x$xsampled)[2])
  cat(output, sep = "\n")

#' Summary of parameter estimates from \code{magioutput} object
#' @description Computes a summary table of parameter estimates from the output of \code{MagiSolver}
#' @param object a \code{magioutput} object.
#' @param sigma logical; if true, the noise levels \eqn{\sigma} will be included in the summary.
#' @param par.names vector of parameter names for the summary table. If provided, should be the same length as the number of parameters in \eqn{\theta}, or the combined length of \eqn{\theta} and \eqn{\sigma} when \code{sigma = TRUE}.
#' @param est string specifying the posterior quantity to treat as the estimate. Default is \code{est = "mean"}, which treats the posterior mean as the estimate. Alternatives are the posterior median (\code{est = "median"}, taken component-wise) and the posterior mode (\code{est = "mode"}, approximated by the MCMC sample with the highest log-posterior value).
#' @param lower the lower quantile of the credible interval, default is 0.025.
#' @param upper the upper quantile of the credible interval, default is 0.975.
#' @param digits integer; the number of significant digits to print.
#' @param ... additional arguments affecting the summary produced.
#' @return Returns a matrix where rows display the estimate, lower credible limit, and upper credible limit of each parameter.
#' @details
#' Computes parameter estimates and credible intervals from the MCMC samples. By default, the posterior mean is treated as the parameter estimate, and \code{lower = 0.025} and \code{upper = 0.975} produces a central 95\% credible interval.
#' @examples
#' # Set up odeModel list for the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations
#' fnmodel <- list(
#'   fOde = fnmodelODE,
#'   fOdeDx = fnmodelDx,
#'   fOdeDtheta = fnmodelDtheta,
#'   thetaLowerBound = c(0, 0, 0),
#'   thetaUpperBound = c(Inf, Inf, Inf)
#' )
#' # Example FN data
#' data(FNdat)
#' # Create magioutput from a short MagiSolver run (demo only, more iterations needed for convergence)
#' result <- MagiSolver(FNdat, fnmodel, control = list(nstepsHmc = 5, niterHmc = 100)) 
#' summary(result, sigma = TRUE, par.names = c("a", "b", "c", "sigmaV", "sigmaR"))
#' @export
summary.magioutput <- function(object, sigma = FALSE, par.names, est = "mean", lower = 0.025, upper = 0.975, digits = 3, ...) {

  if (!is.magioutput(object)) 
    stop("\"object\" must be a magioutput object")
  if (est == "mean") {
    f <- mean
    est.lab <- "Mean"
  if (est == "median") {
    f <- median
    est.lab <- "50%"
  if (est == "mode") {
    lpmaxInd = which.max(object$lp)
    f <- function(x) x[lpmaxInd]
    est.lab <- "Mode"
  theta.est <- apply(object$theta, 2,
                     function(x) c(f(x), quantile(x, lower), quantile(x, upper)))
  if (sigma) {
    sigma.est <- apply(object$sigma, 2,
                       function(x) c(f(x), quantile(x, lower), quantile(x, upper)))
    theta.est <- cbind(theta.est, sigma.est)
  if (missing(par.names)) {
    par.names = paste0("theta[", 1:ncol(object$theta), "]")
    if (sigma)
      par.names = c(par.names, paste0("sigma[", 1:ncol(object$sigma), "]"))
  } else if (length(par.names) != ncol(object$theta) + sigma * ncol(object$sigma)) {
    stop(paste("vector of par.names should be length", ncol(object$theta) + sigma * ncol(object$sigma), "to match the number of parameters"))
  colnames(theta.est) <- par.names
  rownames(theta.est) <- c(est.lab, paste0(lower*100, "%"), paste0(upper*100, "%"))
  signif(theta.est, digits)

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magi documentation built on April 26, 2023, 1:12 a.m.