
Defines functions initInputEnv initEnv

#' Private function that initialize an environment for a given chart.
#' @param parentEnv an environment to be used as the enclosure of the environment
#'   created.
#' @param id index of the chart
#' @return Environment
#' @noRd
initEnv <- function(parentEnv, id) {
  res <- new.env(parent = parentEnv)
  res$.initial <- TRUE
  res$.session <- NULL
  res$.id <- id
  if (id == 0) res$.output <- "shared"
  else res$.output <- paste0("output_", id)

#' Private function that initializes environments and inputs
#' @param inputs list of uninitialized inputs
#' @param env parent environement
#' @param compare character vector with the name of the inputs to compare
#' @param ncharts number of charts that will be created
#' @return An InputEnv object with the following elements:
#' - envs: list with elements
#'    - shared: shared environment
#'    - ind: list of individual environments. Length is equal to ncharts
#' - hierarchy: Named list representing the disposition of inputs
#' - inputList: same as inputs but flattened to facilitate looping.
#' - ncharts: number of charts
#' @noRd
initInputEnv <- function(inputs, env = parent.frame(), compare = NULL, ncharts = 1) {
  res <- InputEnv()
  res$init(inputs = inputs, env = env, compare = compare, ncharts = ncharts)

InputEnv <- setRefClass(
  fields = c("envs", "inputList", "ncharts", "hierarchy"),
  methods = list(
    initialize = function() {},

    init = function(inputs, env = parent.frame(), compare = NULL, ncharts = 1) {
      if (is.null(names(inputs))) stop("All arguments need to be named.")
      for (i in inputs) if (!inherits(i, "Input")) stop("All arguments need to be Input objects.")

      ncharts <<- ncharts

      # Initialize environments
      sharedEnv <- initEnv(env, 0)
      indEnvs <- lapply(seq_len(ncharts), function(i) initEnv(sharedEnv, i))
      envs <<- list(
        shared = sharedEnv,
        ind = indEnvs

      # Get the hierarchy of inputs (used for html generation)
      getHierarchyRecursive <- function(inputs) {
        res <- sapply(names(inputs), function(n) {
          if (inputs[[n]]$type == "group") {
          } else {
        }, USE.NAMES = TRUE, simplify = FALSE)

      hierarchy <<- getHierarchyRecursive(inputs)

      # Init inputs
      lapply(names(inputs), function(n) {inputs[[n]]$init(n, sharedEnv)})
      inputList <<- InputList(inputs)

      # If compare is not null, unshare inputs and set initial values
      lapply(names(compare) , function(n) {
        newInputIds <- unshareInput(n)
        if (!is.null(compare[[n]])) {
          for (i in seq_len(ncharts)) {
            inputList$setValue(inputId = newInputIds[i], value = compare[[n]][[i]])

    shareInput = function(name) {
      if (name %in% inputList$shared()) {
      oldInput <- inputList$getInput(name, 1)

      if(!is.null(oldInput$group)) {

      catIfDebug("Share variable", name)
      newInputIds <- character()

      for (dep in unname(do.call(c, inputList$getDeps(oldInput)))) {
        newInputIds <- append(newInputIds, shareInput(inputList$getInput(inputId = dep)$name))

      newInput <- oldInput$clone(envs$shared)

      for (i in seq_len(ncharts)) {
        inputList$getInput(name, i)$destroy()
        inputList$removeInput(name, chartId = i)

      append(newInputIds, inputList$addInputs(list(name = newInput)))

    unshareInput = function(name) {
      if (is.null(name) || name %in% "") return(character())
      if (name %in% inputList$unshared()) return(character())

      oldInput <- inputList$getInput(name, 0)

      if(!is.null(oldInput$group)) {

      catIfDebug("Unshare variable", name)
      newInputIds <- character()

      for (id in c(oldInput$revDeps,oldInput$displayRevDeps)) {
        newInputIds <- append(newInputIds, unshareInput(inputList$getInput(inputId = id)$name))
      inputList$removeInput(name, chartId = 0)

      for (i in seq_len(ncharts)) {
        newInput <- oldInput$clone(envs$ind[[i]])

        newInputIds <- append(
          inputList$addInputs(list(name = newInput))



    getInputsForChart = function(chartId) {
      if (chartId == 0) {
        inputNames <- intersect(names(hierarchy), inputList$shared())
      } else {
        inputNames <- intersect(names(hierarchy), inputList$unshared())
      sapply(inputNames, function(n) {
        inputList$getInput(n, chartId)
      }, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)

    getShareable = function() {
        inputList$inputTable[inputList$inputTable$type != "sharedValue", "name"]

    addChart = function() {
      ncharts <<- ncharts + 1
      # Copy environment of last chart
      envs$ind <<- append(envs$ind, cloneEnv(envs$ind[[ncharts - 1]], envs$shared))
      assign(".id", ncharts, envir = envs$ind[[ncharts]])
      assign(".output", paste0("output_", ncharts), envir = envs$ind[[ncharts]])
      assign(".initial", TRUE, envir = envs$ind[[ncharts]])

      # Get the list of inputs to clone
      toClone <- inputList$inputTable$chartId == ncharts - 1 &
        inputList$inputTable$name %in% names(hierarchy)
      inputsToClone <- inputList$inputTable[toClone, "input"]

      # Copy inputs
      newInputs <- lapply(inputsToClone, function(input) {

      allNewInputs <- lapply(unname(newInputs), function(input) {

      allNewInputs <- do.call(c, allNewInputs)


    removeChart = function() {
      if (ncharts == 1) stop("Need at least one chart.")

      for (n in inputList$unshared()) {
        inputList$removeInput(n, chartId = ncharts)

      envs$ind[[ncharts]] <<- NULL
      ncharts <<- ncharts - 1

    setChartNumber = function(n) {
      if (n < 1) stop("Need at least one chart.")
      while (n != ncharts) {
        if (n > ncharts) {
        } else {

    clone = function() {
      newSharedEnv <- cloneEnv(envs$shared)
      newEnvs <- lapply(envs$ind, cloneEnv, parentEnv = newSharedEnv)

      newInputList <- InputList(list())

      newInputs <- list()
      for (n in names(hierarchy)) {
        if(inputList$isShared(n)) {
          newInputs <- append(newInputs, inputList$getInput(n, 0)$clone(newSharedEnv))
        } else {
          for (i in seq_len(ncharts)) {
            newInputs <- append(newInputs, inputList$getInput(n, i)$clone(newEnvs[[i]]))

      res <- InputEnv()
      res$envs <- list(shared = newSharedEnv, ind = newEnvs)
      res$inputList <- newInputList
      res$hierarchy <- hierarchy
      res$ncharts <- ncharts


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manipulateWidget documentation built on Oct. 5, 2021, 9:10 a.m.