
Defines functions boot_ci_bc boot_ci_perc boot_ci_internal

#' @noRd

# Internal function for different types
# of bootstrap CI.
# Only work for one statistic.

boot_ci_internal <- function(t0,
                             level = .95,
                             boot_type = c("perc", "bc"),
                             add_names = TRUE) {
    boot_type <- match.arg(boot_type)
    out <- switch(boot_type,
                  perc = boot_ci_perc(t0 = t0, t = t, level = level),
                  bc = boot_ci_bc(t0 = t0, t = t, level = level))
    # Must be a 2-element numeric vector
    if (add_names) {
        names(out) <- paste0(formatC(c(100 * (1 - level) / 2,
                                     100 * (1 - (1 - level) / 2)), 2,
                                     format = "f"), "%")

#' @noRd

boot_ci_perc <- function(t0,
                         level = .95) {
    boot_tmp <- list(t0 = t0,
                     t = matrix(t, ncol = 1),
                     R = length(t))
    ci <- boot::boot.ci(boot_tmp,
                        type = "perc",
                        conf = level)

#' @noRd

boot_ci_bc <- function(t0,
                       level = .95) {
    # Compute the bias correction
    z0_hat <- stats::qnorm(mean(t < t0,
                                na.rm = TRUE))
    z_alpha_l <- stats::qnorm((1 - level) / 2)
    z_alpha_u <- -z_alpha_l
    # BC percentiles
    bc_a_l <- stats::pnorm(2 * z0_hat + z_alpha_l)
    bc_a_u <- stats::pnorm(2 * z0_hat + z_alpha_u)
    # Corresponding confidence level for percentile CIs
    bc_conf_l <- 1 - bc_a_l * 2
    bc_conf_u <- 1 - (1 - bc_a_u) * 2
    boot_ci_bc_l <- boot_ci_perc(t0 = t0,
                                 t = t,
                                 level = bc_conf_l)
    boot_ci_bc_u <- boot_ci_perc(t0 = t0,
                                 t = t,
                                 level = bc_conf_u)
    c(boot_ci_bc_l[1], boot_ci_bc_u[2])

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