
Defines functions ind_to_cat sum_col gen_levels_percentiles gen_levels_sd gen_levels

# #' @noRd
# # Not used for now

# plot_df_meansd_w_numeric <- function(output,
#                            x,
#                            w,
#                            x_levels,
#                            w_levels,
#                            x_levels_labels,
#                            w_levels_labels,
#                            other_numeric_on = "mean",
#                            other_categorical_on = "reference"
#                           ) {
#     tmp_lvl <- expand.grid(w_level = w_levels, x_level = x_levels)
#     tmp_lbl <- expand.grid(w_label = w_levels_labels, x_label = x_levels_labels)
#     mf1 <- stats::model.frame(output)
#     mf2 <- data.frame(lapply(mf1, sum_col,
#                              other_numeric_on = other_numeric_on,
#                              other_categorical_on = other_categorical_on))
#     mf2 <- do.call(rbind, replicate(nrow(tmp_lvl), mf2, simplify = FALSE))
#     mf2 <- data.frame(x_level = as.character(tmp_lbl$x_label),
#                       w_level = as.character(tmp_lbl$w_label),
#                       mf2)
#     mf2[, x] <- tmp_lvl$x_level
#     mf2[, w] <- tmp_lvl$w_level
#     mf2
#   }

# #' @noRd
# # Not used for now

# plot_df_meansd_w_categorical <- function(output,
#                            x,
#                            w,
#                            x_levels,
#                            w_levels,
#                            x_levels_labels,
#                            w_levels_labels,
#                            other_numeric_on = "mean",
#                            other_categorical_on = "reference"
#                           ) {
#     tmp_lvl <- expand.grid(w_level = w_levels, x_level = x_levels)
#     tmp_lbl <- expand.grid(w_label = w_levels, x_label = x_levels_labels)
#     mf1 <- stats::model.frame(output)
#     mf2 <- data.frame(lapply(mf1, sum_col,
#                              other_numeric_on = other_numeric_on,
#                              other_categorical_on = other_categorical_on))
#     mf2 <- do.call(rbind, replicate(nrow(tmp_lvl), mf2, simplify = FALSE))
#     mf2 <- data.frame(x_level = as.character(tmp_lbl$x_label),
#                       w_level = as.character(tmp_lbl$w_label),
#                       mf2)
#     mf2[, x] <- tmp_lvl$x_level
#     mf2[, w] <- tmp_lvl$w_level
#     mf2
#   }

gen_levels <- function(x,
                       method, ...) {
    out <- switch(method,
              sd = gen_levels_sd(x = x, ...),
              percentile = gen_levels_percentiles(x = x, ...)

gen_levels_sd <- function(x,
                          from_mean_in_sd = 1,
                          levels = c(-1, 0, 1),
                          ...) {
    x_mean <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    x_sd <- stats::sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    out <-  x_mean + levels * from_mean_in_sd * x_sd

gen_levels_percentiles <- function(x,
                          sd_to_percentiles = NA,
                          sd_levels = c(-1, 0, 1),
                          percentiles = c(.16, .50, .84),
                          ...) {
    if (is.numeric(sd_to_percentiles)) {
        percentiles <- sapply(sd_levels * sd_to_percentiles, stats::pnorm)
    out <- stats::quantile(x, percentiles, na.rm = TRUE)
    out <- unname(out)

sum_col <- function(x,
                    other_numeric_on = c("mean", "median"),
                    other_categorical_on = c("reference", "modal")
  ) {
    if (missing(other_numeric_on)) other_numeric_on <- "mean"
    if (missing(other_categorical_on)) other_categorical_on <- "reference"
    if (is.numeric(x)) {
        out <- switch(other_numeric_on,
                mean = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
                median = stats::median(x, na.rm = TRUE))
    if (is.character(x)) {
        xf <- as.factor(x)
      } else {
        xf <- x
    if (is.factor(xf)) {
        out <- switch(other_categorical_on,
                reference = as.ordered(xf)[1],
                modal = names(which(table(xf) == max(table(xf)))))

# #' @noRd
# # Not used for now

# is_standardized <- function(x) {
#     if (!is.numeric(x)) return(FALSE)
#     isTRUE(all.equal(stats::sd(x, na.rm = TRUE), 1)) &&
#       isTRUE(all.equal(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), 0))
#   }

# #' @noRd
# # Not used for now

# find_bs <- function(mf, x, w, w_levels) {
#     b_all <- sapply(w_levels, find_b, mf = mf, x = x, w = w)
#     b_all
#   }

# #' @noRd
# # Not used for now

# find_b <- function(w_i, mf, x, w) {
#     mf_i <- mf[mf[, w] == w_i, ]
#     b_i <- (mf_i[mf_i$x_level == "High", "predicted"] -
#             mf_i[mf_i$x_level == "Low", "predicted"]) /
#           (mf_i[mf_i$x_level == "High", x] -
#             mf_i[mf_i$x_level == "Low", x])
#     b_i
#   }

ind_to_cat <- function(wlevels) {
    wlevels0 <- attr(wlevels, "wlevels")
    wvars <- attr(wlevels, "wvars")
    wnames <- names(wvars)
    w_types <- attr(wlevels, "w_types")
    tmpfct <- function(wn, wt, wlevels, wlevels0) {
               categorical = wlevels0[, wn],
               numeric = wlevels[, wn])
    out <- mapply(tmpfct, wn = wnames, wt = w_types,
                            MoreArgs = list(wlevels = wlevels,
                                            wlevels0 = wlevels0),
                    SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    out <- as.data.frame(out)
    rownames(out) <- rownames(wlevels)

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