
Defines functions pseudo_johnson_neyman_one_bound print.pseudo_johnson_neyman pseudo_johnson_neyman_optimize pseudo_johnson_neyman_uniroot pseudo_johnson_neyman

Documented in print.pseudo_johnson_neyman pseudo_johnson_neyman

#' @title Pseudo Johnson-Neyman Probing
#' @description Use the pseudo
#' Johnson-Neyman approach (Hayes, 2022)
#' to find the range of values of a
#' moderator in which the conditional
#' effect is not significant.
#' @details This function uses the
#' pseudo Johnson-Neyman approach
#' proposed by Hayes (2022) to find the
#' values of a moderator at which a
#' conditional effect is
#' "nearly just significant" based on
#' confidence interval. If an effect is
#' moderated, there will be two such
#' points (though one can be very large
#' or small) forming a range.
#' The conditional effect
#' is not significant within this range,
#' and significant outside this range,
#' based on the confidence interval.
#' This function receives the output
#' of [cond_indirect_effects()]
#' and search for, within
#' a specific range, the two values of
#' the moderator at which
#' the conditional effect is "nearly just significant",
#' that is, the confidence interval
#' "nearly touches" zero.
#' Note that numerical method is used
#' to find the points. Therefore,
#' strictly speaking, the effects at
#' the end points are still either
#' significant or not significant, even
#' if the confidence limit is very close
#' to zero.
#' ## Supported Methods
#' This function supports models fitted
#' by [lm()], [lavaan::sem()],
#' and [semTools::sem.mi()]. This function
#' also supports both bootstrapping
#' and Monte Carlo confidence intervals.
#' It also supports conditional
#' direct paths (no mediator) and
#' conditional indirect paths (with one
#' or more mediator), with `x` and/or
#' `y` standardized.
#' ## Requirements
#' To be eligible for using this function,
#' one form of confidence intervals
#' (e.g, bootstrapping or Monte Carlo)
#' must has been requested (e.g.,
#' setting `boot_ci = TRUE` or
#' `mc_ci = TRUE`) when calling
#' [cond_indirect_effects()].
#' The confidence level of the confidence
#' intervals adopted when calling
#' [cond_indirect_effects()] will be used
#' by this function.
#' ## Possible failures
#' Even if a path has only one moderator,
#' it is possible that no solution, or
#' more than one solution, is/are found
#' if the relation between this moderator
#' and the conditional effect is not linear.
#' Solution may also be not found if
#' the conditional effect is significant
#' over a wide range of value of the
#' moderator.
#' It is advised to use [plot_effect_vs_w()]
#' to examine the relation between the
#' effect and the moderator first before
#' calling this function.
#' ## Speed
#' Note that, for conditional indirect
#' effects, the search can be slow
#' because the confidence interval needs
#' to be recomputed for each new value
#' of the moderator.
#' ## Limitations
#' - This function currently only supports
#' a path with only one moderator,
#' - This function does not yet support
#' multigroup models.
#' @return
#' A list of the class `pseudo_johnson_neyman`
#' (with a print method, [print.pseudo_johnson_neyman()]).
#' It has these major elements:
#' - `cond_effects`: An output of
#' [cond_indirect_effects()] for the
#' two levels of the moderator found.
#' - `w_min_valid`: Logical. If `TRUE`,
#'  the conditional effect is just
#'  significant at the lower level of
#'  the moderator found,
#'  and so is significant below this point.
#'  If `FALSE`, then the lower level of
#'  the moderator found is just the
#'  lower bound of the range searched,
#'  that is, `w_lower`.
#' - `w_max_valid`: Logical. If `TRUE`,
#'  the conditional effect is just
#'  significant at the higher level of
#'  the moderator found,
#'  and so is significant above this point.
#'  If `FALSE`, then the higher level of
#'  the moderator found is just the
#'  upper bound of the range searched,
#'  that is, `w_upper`.
#' @param object A
#' `cond_indirect_effects`-class object,
#' which is the output of [cond_indirect_effects()].
#' @param w_lower The smallest value of
#' the moderator when doing the search.
#' If set to `NULL,` the default, it
#' will be 10 standard deviations
#' below mean, which should be small
#' enough.
#' @param w_upper The largest value of
#' the moderator when doing the search.
#' If set to `NULL,` the default, it
#' will be 10 standard deviations
#' above mean, which should be large
#' enough.
#' @param optimize_method The optimization
#' method to be used. Either
#' `"uniroot"` (the default) or
#' `"optimize"`, corresponding to
#' [stats::uniroot()] and
#' [stats::optimize()], respectively.
#' @param extendInt Used by
#' [stats::uniroot()]. If `"no"`, then
#' search will be conducted strictly
#' within `c(w_lower, w_upper)`. Otherwise,
#' the range is extended based on this
#' argument if the solution is not found.
#' Please refer to [stats::uniroot()]
#' for details.
#' @param tol The tolerance level used
#' by both [stats::uniroot()] and
#' [stats::optimize()].
#' @param x The output of
#' [pseudo_johnson_neyman()].
#' @param digits Number of digits to
#' display. Default is 3.
#' @param ... Other arguments. Not used.
#' @references
#' Hayes, A. F. (2022). *Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach* (Third edition). The Guilford Press.
#' @seealso [cond_indirect_effects()]
#' @examples
#' library(lavaan)
#' dat <- data_med_mod_a
#' dat$wx <- dat$x * dat$w
#' mod <-
#' "
#' m ~ x + w + wx
#' y ~ m + x
#' "
#' fit <- sem(mod, dat)
#' # In real research, R should be 2000 or even 5000
#' # In real research, no need to set parallel and progress to FALSE
#' # Parallel processing is enabled by default and
#' # progress is displayed by default.
#' boot_out <- do_boot(fit,
#'                     R = 50,
#'                     seed = 4314,
#'                     parallel = FALSE,
#'                     progress = FALSE)
#' out <- cond_indirect_effects(x = "x", y = "y", m = "m",
#'                              wlevels = "w",
#'                              fit = fit,
#'                              boot_ci = TRUE,
#'                              boot_out = boot_out)
#' # Visualize the relation first
#' plot_effect_vs_w(out)
#' out_jn <- pseudo_johnson_neyman(out)
#' out_jn
#' # Plot the range
#' plot_effect_vs_w(out_jn$cond_effects)
#' @export

pseudo_johnson_neyman <- function(object = NULL,
                                  w_lower = NULL,
                                  w_upper = NULL,
                                  optimize_method = c("uniroot", "optimize"),
                                  extendInt = c("no", "yes", "downX", "upX"),
                                  tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25) {
    optimize_method <- match.arg(optimize_method)
    if (inherits(object, "cond_indirect_effects")) {
        if (cond_indirect_effects_has_groups(object)) {
            stop("Multigroup models are not supported.")
        # Do not use update() because it is not reliable in this context
        x <- attr(object, "x", exact = TRUE)
        y <- attr(object, "y", exact = TRUE)
        m <- attr(object, "m", exact = TRUE)
        wlevels0 <- attr(object, "wlevels", exact = TRUE)
        w <- colnames(wlevels0)[1]
        fit <- attr(object, "fit", exact = TRUE)
        full_output_i <- attr(object, "full_output", exact = TRUE)[[1]]
        out_call <- attr(object, "call", exact = TRUE)
        boot_out <- attr(object, "boot_out", exact = TRUE)
        mc_out <- attr(object, "mc_out", exact = TRUE)
        has_boot_out <- !is.null(boot_out)
        has_mc_out <- !is.null(mc_out)
        ci_type <- ifelse(has_boot_out, "boot",
                          ifelse(has_mc_out, "mc",
        boot_ci <- has_boot_out
        mc_ci <- has_mc_out
        standardized_x <- full_output_i$standardized_x
        standardized_y <- full_output_i$standardized_y
        if (ncol(wlevels0) != 1) {
            stop("Support only one moderator.")
        if (!is.numeric(wlevels0[, 1])) {
            stop("Support only numeric moderator.")
        if (!has_boot_out && !has_mc_out) {
            stop("Confidence intervals not in 'object'.")
      } else {
        stop("'object' needs to be an output of cond_indirect_effects().")
    w_tmp <- mod_levels(w = w,
                        fit = fit,
                        w_method = "sd",
                        sd_from_mean = c(-10, 10))
    w_tmp <- range(w_tmp[, w])
    if (is.null(w_lower)) {
        w_lower <- w_tmp[1]
    if (is.null(w_upper)) {
        w_upper <- w_tmp[2]
    wlevel_interval <- c(w_lower, w_upper)
    w_lower_ci <- pseudo_johnson_neyman_one_bound(w0 = w_lower,
                                                  object = object,
                                                  type = "ci")
    w_upper_ci <- pseudo_johnson_neyman_one_bound(w0 = w_upper,
                                                  object = object,
                                                  type = "ci")
    w_increasing <- (w_upper_ci[1, 2] > w_lower_ci[1, 2])
    if (w_increasing) {
        w_lb_0 <- list(w = w_lower, objective = w_lower_ci[1, 2])
        w_ub_0 <- list(w = w_upper, objective = w_upper_ci[1, 1])
      } else {
        w_lb_0 <- list(w = w_upper, objective = w_upper_ci[1, 2])
        w_ub_0 <- list(w = w_lower, objective = w_lower_ci[1, 1])
    if (optimize_method == "uniroot") {
        w_lb <- tryCatch(pseudo_johnson_neyman_uniroot(object = object,
                            wlevel_interval = wlevel_interval,
                            which = "lower",
                            extendInt = extendInt,
                            tol = tol),
                         error = function(e) e)
        if (inherits(w_lb, "error")) {
            w_lb <- w_lb_0
            names(w_lb) <- c("root", "f.root")
        w_ub <- tryCatch(pseudo_johnson_neyman_uniroot(object = object,
                            wlevel_interval = wlevel_interval,
                            which = "upper",
                            extendInt = extendInt,
                            tol = tol),
                         error = function(e) e)
        if (inherits(w_ub, "error")) {
            w_ub <- w_ub_0
            names(w_ub) <- c("root", "f.root")
        w_df <- rbind(data.frame(w_lb[c("root", "f.root")]),
                      data.frame(w_ub[c("root", "f.root")]))
    if (optimize_method == "optimize") {
        w_lb <- tryCatch(pseudo_johnson_neyman_optimize(object = object,
                            wlevel_interval = wlevel_interval,
                            which = "lower",
                            tol = tol),
                         error = function(e) e)
        w_ub <- tryCatch(pseudo_johnson_neyman_optimize(object = object,
                            wlevel_interval = wlevel_interval,
                            which = "upper",
                            tol = tol),
                         error = function(e) e)
        if (inherits(w_lb, "error") || inherits(w_ub, "error")) {
            stop("The search failed. Try setting optimize_method to 'uniroot'.")
        w_df <- rbind(data.frame(w_lb),
    colnames(w_df) <- c("w", "fx")
    w_df <- w_df[order(w_df$w, decreasing = TRUE), ]
    w_min <- min(w_df$w)
    w_max <- max(w_df$w)
    w_min_valid <- isTRUE(all.equal(w_df[2, "fx"], 0, tolerance = 1e-5))
    w_max_valid <- isTRUE(all.equal(w_df[1, "fx"], 0, tolerance = 1e-5))
    w_tmp <- mod_levels(w = w,
                        fit = fit,
                        values = c(Low = w_min, High = w_max))
    w_lower <- min(w_min, w_lower)
    w_upper <- max(w_max, w_upper)
    out_cond <- cond_indirect_effects(wlevels = w_tmp,
                                      x = x,
                                      y = y,
                                      m = m,
                                      fit = fit,
                                      boot_ci = boot_ci,
                                      boot_out = boot_out,
                                      mc_ci = mc_ci,
                                      mc_out = mc_out,
                                      standardized_x = standardized_x,
                                      standardized_y = standardized_y)
    out <- list(cond_effects = out_cond,
                w_min_valid = w_min_valid,
                w_max_valid = w_max_valid,
                w_range_lb = w_min,
                w_range_ub = w_max,
                w_lower = w_lower,
                w_upper = w_upper)
    class(out) <- c("pseudo_johnson_neyman", class(out))

#' @noRd

pseudo_johnson_neyman_uniroot <- function(object,
                                          which = c("lower", "upper"),
                                          extendInt = c("no", "yes", "downX", "upX"),
                                          tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25,
                                          maxiter = 1000) {
    w_b <- stats::uniroot(pseudo_johnson_neyman_one_bound,
                          interval = wlevel_interval,
                          object = object,
                          which = which,
                          type = "limit",
                          extendInt = extendInt,
                          tol = tol,
                          maxiter = maxiter)
    tmp <- pseudo_johnson_neyman_one_bound(w0 = w_b$root,
                                           object = object,
                                           which = which,
                                           type = "ci")
    chk <- switch(which,
                  lower = (tmp[2] < 0) && isTRUE(all.equal(tmp[2], 0)),
                  upper = (tmp[1] > 0) && isTRUE(all.equal(tmp[1], 0)))
    if (chk) {
        adj_tmp <- switch(which,
                          lower = -1 * abs(tmp[2]),
                          upper = abs(tmp[1]))
        w_b <- stats::uniroot(pseudo_johnson_neyman_one_bound,
                               interval = c(w_b$root * (1 - 1e-2),
                                            w_b$root * (1 + 1e-2)),
                               object = object,
                               which = which,
                               type = "limit",
                               adj = adj_tmp,
                               extendInt = "no",
                               tol = tol,
                               maxiter = maxiter)

#' @noRd

pseudo_johnson_neyman_optimize <- function(object,
                                           which = c("lower", "upper"),
                                           tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25,
                                           maximum = FALSE) {
    w_b <- stats::optimize(pseudo_johnson_neyman_one_bound,
                              interval = wlevel_interval,
                              object = object,
                              which = which,
                              type = "distance",
                              maximum = maximum,
                              tol = tol)
    tmp <- pseudo_johnson_neyman_one_bound(w0 = w_b$minimum,
                                           object = object,
                                           which = which,
                                           type = "ci")
    chk <- switch(which,
                  lower = (tmp[2] < 0) && isTRUE(all.equal(tmp[2], 0)),
                  upper = (tmp[1] > 0) && isTRUE(all.equal(tmp[1], 0)))
    if (chk) {
        adj_tmp <- switch(which,
                     lower = sign(tmp[2]) * sqrt(abs(tmp[2])),
                     upper = sign(tmp[1]) * sqrt(abs(tmp[1])))
        w_b <- stats::optimize(pseudo_johnson_neyman_one_bound,
                                  interval = c(w_b$minimum * (1 - 1e-2),
                                               w_b$minimum * (1 + 1e-2)),
                                  object = object,
                                  which = which,
                                  type = "distance",
                                  adj = adj_tmp,
                                  maximum = maximum,
                                  tol = tol)

#' @describeIn pseudo_johnson_neyman Print
#' method for output of [pseudo_johnson_neyman()].
#' @export

print.pseudo_johnson_neyman <- function(x, digits = 3, ...) {
    out_cond <- x$cond_effects
    full_output_i <- attr(out_cond, "full_output", exact = TRUE)[[1]]
    w <- names(full_output_i$wvalues)[1]
    ci_level <- full_output_i$level
    sig_level <- 1 - ci_level
    w_range <- c(x$w_lower, x$w_upper)
    w_range_lb <- min(w_range)
    w_range_ub <- max(w_range)
    w_min_valid <- x$w_min_valid
    w_max_valid <- x$w_max_valid
    w_found_lb <- x$w_range_lb
    w_found_ub <- x$w_range_ub
    w_lb_str <- formatC(w_found_lb, digits = digits, format = "f")
    w_ub_str <- formatC(w_found_ub, digits = digits, format = "f")
    w_range_lb_str <- formatC(w_range_lb, digits = digits, format = "f")
    w_range_ub_str <- formatC(w_range_ub, digits = digits, format = "f")
    cat("== Pseudo Johnson-Neyman Probing ==\n")
    str_tmp <- character(0)
    if (w_min_valid && w_max_valid) {
        str_tmp <- c(str_tmp,
                   paste0("The conditional effect is ",
                          "not significant when ",
                          w, " is greater than ",
                          w_lb_str, " and less than ", w_ub_str,
                          ", and is significant when ",
                          w, " is outside this range, ",
                          "at ", sig_level, " level of significance."))
    if (!w_min_valid && w_max_valid) {
        str_tmp <- c(str_tmp,
                   paste0("The conditional effect is ",
                          "not significant when ",
                          w, " is greater than ",
                          w_lb_str, " and less than ", w_ub_str,
                          ", and is significant when ",
                          w, " is greater than ", w_ub_str, ", ",
                          "at ", sig_level, " level of significance."))
    if (w_min_valid && !w_max_valid) {
        str_tmp <- c(str_tmp,
                   paste0("The conditional effect is ",
                          "not significant when ",
                          w, " is greater than ",
                          w_lb_str, " and less than ", w_ub_str,
                          ", and is significant when ",
                          w, " is less than ", w_lb_str, ", ",
                          "at ", sig_level, " level of significance."))
    if (!w_min_valid && !w_max_valid) {
        str_tmp <- c(str_tmp,
                   paste0("The conditional effect is ",
                          "not significant when ",
                          w, " is greater than ",
                          w_lb_str, " and less than ", w_ub_str,
                          ", ",
                          "at ", sig_level, " level of significance."))
    if (!w_min_valid || !w_max_valid) {
        str_tmp <- c(str_tmp, "", "-- Note --")
    if (!w_min_valid) {
        str_tmp <- c(str_tmp,
                     paste0("- The lower bound of the range of ",
                            "nonsignificance is below ",
                            "the range being searched (",
                            w_range_lb_str, " to ", w_range_ub_str, "). ",
                            "Set a lower value for 'w_lower' if necessary."))
    if (!w_max_valid) {
        str_tmp <- c(str_tmp,
                     paste0("- The upper bound of the range of ",
                            "nonsignificance is above ",
                            "the range being searched (",
                            w_range_lb_str, " to ", w_range_ub_str, "). ",
                            "Set a higher value for 'w_upper' if necessary."))
    str_tmp_final <- strwrap(str_tmp,
                            exdent = 0)
    cat(str_tmp_final, sep = "\n")

#' @noRd
# Search for one bound of the range
pseudo_johnson_neyman_one_bound <- function(w0,
                                            object = NULL,
                                            x = NULL,
                                            y = NULL,
                                            m = NULL,
                                            w = NULL,
                                            fit = NULL,
                                            boot_ci = FALSE,
                                            boot_out = NULL,
                                            mc_ci = FALSE,
                                            mc_out = NULL,
                                            standardized_x = FALSE,
                                            standardized_y = FALSE,
                                            which = c("lower", "upper"),
                                            type = c("distance", "limit", "ci", "est", "full_out"),
                                            adj = 0) {
    which <- match.arg(which)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (inherits(object, "cond_indirect_effects")) {
        # Do not use update() because it is not reliable in this context
        x <- attr(object, "x", exact = TRUE)
        y <- attr(object, "y", exact = TRUE)
        m <- attr(object, "m", exact = TRUE)
        wlevels0 <- attr(object, "wlevels", exact = TRUE)
        w <- colnames(wlevels0)[1]
        fit <- attr(object, "fit", exact = TRUE)
        full_output_i <- attr(object, "full_output", exact = TRUE)[[1]]
        out_call <- attr(object, "call", exact = TRUE)
        boot_out <- attr(object, "boot_out", exact = TRUE)
        mc_out <- attr(object, "mc_out", exact = TRUE)
        has_boot_out <- !is.null(boot_out)
        has_mc_out <- !is.null(mc_out)
        ci_type <- ifelse(has_boot_out, "boot",
                          ifelse(has_mc_out, "mc",
        boot_ci <- has_boot_out
        mc_ci <- has_mc_out
        standardized_x <- full_output_i$standardized_x
        standardized_y <- full_output_i$standardized_y
    w_i <- w0
    names(w_i) <- w
    out <- cond_indirect(wvalues = w_i,
                         x = x,
                         y = y,
                         m = m,
                         fit = fit,
                         standardized_x = standardized_x,
                         standardized_y = standardized_y,
                         boot_ci = boot_ci,
                         boot_out = boot_out,
                         mc_ci = mc_ci,
                         mc_out = mc_out)
    out1 <- switch(which, lower = stats::confint(out)[1, 2] + adj,
                          upper = stats::confint(out)[1, 1] - adj)
                  distance = out1^2,
                  limit = out1,
                  ci = stats::confint(out),
                  est = stats::coef(out),
                  full_out = out))

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