
#' #' Distance Measures between Multiple Samples using Gaussian Mixture Models
#' #' 
#' #' Taking multiple observations (a sample) as a unit of analysis requires 
#' #' a measure of discrepancy between samples. \code{distgmm} fits finite 
#' #' Gaussian mixture models to each sample and use the fitted model as 
#' #' a representation of a single sample. A single model is selected via 
#' #' Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). 
#' #' 
#' #' @param datalist a length \eqn{N} list of samples. All elements of the list should be of same type, either \code{vector} or \code{matrix} of same dimension (number of columns).
#' #' @param method name of the distance/dissimilarity measure.
#' #' @param maxk maximum number of clusters to be fitted using GMM.
#' #' @param as.dist a logical; \code{TRUE} to return \code{dist} object, \code{FALSE} to return an \eqn{(N\times N)} symmetric matrix of pairwise distances.
#' #' 
#' #' @return either \code{dist} object of an \eqn{(N\times N)} symmetric matrix of pairwise distances by \code{as.dist} argument.
#' #' 
#' #' @examples 
#' #' ## let's try two-dimensional data of 30 samples
#' #' ## single or mixture of two and three gaussian distributions.
#' #' dlist = list()
#' #' for (i in 1:10){
#' #'   dlist[[i]] = matrix(rnorm(120),ncol=2) 
#' #' }
#' #' for (i in 11:20){
#' #'   A = matrix(rnorm(60,mean=-4),ncol=2)
#' #'   B = matrix(rnorm(60,mean= 4),ncol=2)
#' #'   dlist[[i]] = rbind(A,B)
#' #' }
#' #' for (i in 21:30){
#' #'   A = matrix(rnorm(40,mean=-4),ncol=2)
#' #'   B = matrix(rnorm(40),ncol=2)
#' #'   C = matrix(rnorm(40,mean= 4),ncol=2)
#' #'   dlist[[i]] = rbind(A,B,C)
#' #' }
#' #' 
#' #' ## compute pairwise distances, expecting (3 x 3) block structure.
#' #' mm = distgmm(dlist, maxk=5)
#' #' 
#' #' ## visualize
#' #' opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
#' #' par(pty="s")
#' #' image(mm[,nrow(mm):1], main="3-block pattern as expected")
#' #' par(opar)
#' #' 
#' #' @keywords internal
#' #' @noRd
#' distgmm <- function(datalist, method=c("L2"), maxk=5, as.dist=FALSE){
#'   #######################################################
#'   # Preprocessing : checkers
#'   if (!check_datalist(datalist)){
#'     stop("* distgmm : an input should be a list containing samples of same dimension.")
#'   }
#'   maxk   = round(maxk)
#'   method = match.arg(method)
#'   nlist  = length(datalist)
#'   #######################################################
#'   # Compute : GMM
#'   list.gmm = list()
#'   if (is.vector(datalist[[1]])){
#'     vec.flag = TRUE
#'     for (n in 1:nlist){
#'      list.gmm[[n]] = mclust::Mclust(datalist[[n]], G=1:maxk, modelNames="V", verbose=FALSE)$parameters
#'     }  
#'   } else {
#'     vec.flag = FALSE
#'     for (n in 1:nlist){
#'       list.gmm[[n]] = mclust::Mclust(datalist[[n]], G=1:maxk, verbose=FALSE, modelNames="VVV")$parameters
#'     }
#'   }
#'   #######################################################
#'   # Compute : Pairwise Distance
#'   output = array(0,c(nlist,nlist))
#'   for (i in 1:(nlist-1)){
#'     objA = list.gmm[[i]]
#'     for (j in (i+1):nlist){
#'       objB = list.gmm[[j]]
#'       if (vec.flag){
#'         theval = switch(method, 
#'                         "L2" = distgmm_l2_1d(objA, objB))
#'         output[i,j] <- output[j,i] <- theval
#'       } else {
#'         theval = switch(method,
#'                         "L2" = distgmm_l2_nd(objA, objB))
#'         output[i,j] <- output[j,i] <- theval
#'       }
#'     }
#'   }
#'   #######################################################
#'   if (as.dist){
#'     return(stats::as.dist(output))
#'   } else {
#'     return(output)  
#'   }
#' }
#' # use Mclust 'parameters' object ------------------------------------------
#' #' @keywords internal
#' #' @noRd
#' distgmm_l2_1d <- function(objA, objB){
#'   weightA = as.vector(objA$pro)
#'   muA     = matrix(objA$mean, ncol=1)
#'   covA    = array(0,c(1,1,length(weightA)))
#'   for (i in 1:length(weightA)){
#'     covA[,,i] = objA$variance$sigmasq[i]
#'   }
#'   weightB = as.vector(objB$pro)
#'   muB     = matrix(objB$mean, ncol=1)
#'   covB    = array(0,c(1,1,length(weightB)))
#'   for (i in 1:length(weightB)){
#'     covB[,,i] = objB$variance$sigmasq[i]
#'   }
#'   ## run CPP (same for both 1d and nd cases)
#'   cpp.res = cpp_pairwise_L2(muA, muB, covA, covB)
#'   A = cpp.res$A
#'   B = cpp.res$B
#'   C = cpp.res$C
#'   ## matrix multiplication
#'   term1 = base::sum(as.vector(A%*%weightA)*weightA)
#'   term2 = base::sum(as.vector(B%*%weightB)*weightB)
#'   term3 = -2*base::sum(as.vector(C%*%weightB)*weightA)
#'   ## return distance/ L2 needs to be taken square root.
#'   return(base::sqrt(term1+term2+term3))
#' }
#' #' @keywords internal
#' #' @noRd
#' distgmm_l2_nd <- function(objA, objB){
#'   weightA = as.vector(objA$pro)
#'   muA     = t(objA$mean)
#'   covA    = objA$variance$sigma
#'   weightB = as.vector(objB$pro)
#'   muB     = t(objB$mean)
#'   covB    = objB$variance$sigma
#'   if (length(dim(covA)) < 3){
#'     tmpA = covA
#'     covA = array(0,c(ncol(muA),ncol(muA),1))
#'     covA[,,1] = as.matrix(tmpA)
#'   }
#'   if (length(dim(covB)) < 3){
#'     tmpB = covB
#'     covB = array(0,c(ncol(muB),ncol(muB),1))
#'     covB[,,1] = as.matrix(tmpB)
#'   }
#'   ## run CPP (same for both 1d and nd cases)
#'   cpp.res = cpp_pairwise_L2(muA, muB, covA, covB)
#'   A = cpp.res$A
#'   B = cpp.res$B
#'   C = cpp.res$C
#'   ## matrix multiplication
#'   term1 = base::sum(as.vector(A%*%weightA)*weightA)
#'   term2 = base::sum(as.vector(B%*%weightB)*weightB)
#'   term3 = -2*base::sum(as.vector(C%*%weightB)*weightA)
#'   ## return distance/ L2 needs to be taken square root.
#'   return(base::sqrt(term1+term2+term3))
#' }

# # personal experiment -----------------------------------------------------
# x = list()
# for (i in 1:20){
#   x[[i]] = matrix(rnorm(300*2),ncol=2)
# }
# for (i in 21:40){
#   x[[i]] = rbind(matrix(rnorm(150*2,mean=-4),ncol=2), matrix(rnorm(150*2,mean=4),ncol=2))
# }
# for (i in 41:60){
#   x[[i]] = rbind(matrix(rnorm(100*2,mean=-4),ncol=2), matrix(rnorm(100*2),ncol=2), matrix(rnorm(150*2,mean=4),ncol=2))
# }
# mm = distgmm(x, maxk=10)
# image(mm[,nrow(mm):1])

# bestgmm <- function(dat){
#   # belows are all automatically implemented in mclustBIC
#   # # run mclustBIC
#   # opt_gmm <- (mclust::mclustBIC(dat, G=1:9, verbose = FALSE))
#   # colgmm  <- colnames(opt_gmm)
#   # rowgmm  <- 1:9
#   # 
#   # # extract mclustBIC information
#   # mm      <- matrix(opt_gmm, nrow=nrow(opt_gmm))
#   # mm[is.na(mm)] = -Inf
#   # idmax   <- as.integer(which(mm == max(mm), arr.ind = TRUE)) # show the
#   # 
#   # nclust  <- rowgmm[idmax[1]]
#   # vartype <- colgmm[idmax[2]]
#   # run Mclust
#   runobj <- mclust::Mclust(dat, G=1:10, verbose=FALSE)
#   # run GMM with prespecified results
#   output  = list()
#   output$weight = runobj$parameters$pro
#   output$mu     = t(runobj$parameters$mean)
#   output$cov    = runobj$parameters$variance
#   return(output)
# }

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