draw.barplot2D: Draw 2-dimensional barplots in an existing plot

View source: R/draw.barplot2D.R

draw.barplot2DR Documentation

Draw 2-dimensional barplots in an existing plot


2-Dimensional barplots are essentially rectangular pieplots. These plots can be used to display proportional data in certain locations on a map.


draw.barplot2D(x, y, z, width, height, scale = F, col = NULL, col.frame = "black", 
	lwd.frame = 1, silent = TRUE, ...)


x, y

vector with x and y-locations of the centre of the 2D barplots


array where the rows correspond to x and y and the columns correspond to categories to be plotted. The function make.xyz can be useful to create z.


the width of the (largest) 2D barplot (user coordinate units). This can be a single value or a vector with the same length as x.


the width of the (largest) 2D barplot see width


logical, should the surface area of each 2d-barplot automatically be scaled to the sum of its z-values? Only works if width and height are vectors with a length of 1.


a vector (same length as the number of columns in z) of colors to be used in filling the rectangles


the colour of the frame of the 2D barplot


the line width of the frame of the 2D barplot


logical, should a progress message be displayed in the console? Defaults to FALSE.


arguments to be passed to barplot2D, particlarly border, which determines the colour of the borders of the rectangles (as opposed to the frame around each 2D barplot which is controlled by col.frame. Other relevant arguments include density and lwd.


The algorithm that determines the location of each rectangle within the 2D-barplot is as follows: 1) Start with a rectangle representing the highest value of z. 2) Try to put the first rectangle on the left. 3) If it too elongated, try to put two rectangles, on top of each other, on the left. 4) When you have placed those rectangles, proceed with the remaining rectangles.

More precisely, we choose the number of rectables to stack so as to minimize the following penalty: penalty for the first rectangle in the stack + penalty for the last where the penalty of a rectangle is: ratio - 1.1. where ratio is the ratio of the longer side by the smaller.


Adapted by Hans Gerritsen


This function was adapted from http://zoonek2.free.fr/UNIX/48_R/03.html


xlim <- c(-15,0)
ylim <- c(50,56)
xyz <- make.xyz(landings$Lon,landings$Lat,landings$LiveWeight,landings$Species)
col <- rainbow(5)
basemap(xlim, ylim, main = "Species composition of gadoid landings")
draw.shape(coast, col="cornsilk")
draw.barplot2D(xyz$x, xyz$y, xyz$z, width = 0.8, height = 0.4, col=col)
legend("topright", legend=colnames(xyz$z), fill=col, bg="lightblue", inset=0.02)  
basemap(xlim, ylim, main = "Species composition of gadoid landings")
draw.shape(coast, col="cornsilk")
draw.barplot2D(xyz$x, xyz$y, xyz$z, width = 1, height = 0.5, scale=TRUE, col=col)
legend("topright", legend=colnames(xyz$z), fill=col, bg="lightblue", inset=0.02)

mapplots documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 5:15 p.m.