
Defines functions mf_grad

Documented in mf_grad

#' @title Plot graduated symbols
#' @description Plot graduated symbols based on quantitative data.
#' @eval my_params(c(
#' 'x',
#' 'var',
#' 'border',
#' 'lwd',
#' 'cexs',
#' 'pch',
#' 'add' ,
#' 'col',
#' 'leg_pos',
#' 'leg_title',
#' 'leg_title_cex',
#' 'leg_val_cex',
#' 'leg_val_rnd',
#' 'leg_frame',
#' 'breaks',
#' 'nbreaks',
#' 'leg_adj',
#' 'leg_size',
#' 'leg_border',
#' 'leg_box_cex',
#' 'leg_fg',
#' 'leg_bg',
#' 'leg_frame_border'))
#' @details
#' Breaks defined by a numeric vector or a classification method are
#' left-closed: breaks defined by \code{c(2, 5, 10, 15, 20)}
#' will be mapped as [2 - 5[, [5 - 10[, [10 - 15[, [15 - 20].
#' The "jenks" method is an exception and has to be right-closed.
#' Jenks breaks computed as \code{c(2, 5, 10, 15, 20)}
#' will be mapped as [2 - 5], ]5 - 10], ]10 - 15], ]15 - 20].
#' @importFrom graphics box
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @return x is (invisibly) returned.
#' @examples
#' mtq <- mf_get_mtq()
#' mf_map(mtq)
#' mf_map(mtq, "POP", "grad", pch = 22)
mf_grad <- function(x,
                    breaks = "quantile",
                    nbreaks = 3,
                    col = "tomato4",
                    border = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
                    pch = 21,
                    leg_pos = mf_get_leg_pos(x),
                    leg_title = var,
                    leg_title_cex = .8,
                    leg_val_cex = .6,
                    leg_val_rnd = 2,
                    leg_frame = FALSE,
                    leg_adj = c(0, 0),
                    leg_size = 1,
                    leg_border = border,
                    leg_box_cex = c(1, 1),
                    leg_fg = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
                    leg_bg = getOption("mapsf.bg"),
                    leg_frame_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
                    add = TRUE) {
  # default
  op <- par(mar = getOption("mapsf.mar"), no.readonly = TRUE)
  xout <- x

  # data prep
  x <- x[!is.na(x = x[[var]]), ]
  x <- x[order(x[[var]], decreasing = TRUE), ]
  # jenks
  jen <- FALSE
  if (any(breaks %in% "jenks")) {
    jen <- TRUE
  breaks <- mf_get_breaks(x = x[[var]], nbreaks = nbreaks, breaks = breaks)
  nbreaks <- length(breaks) - 1

  xtype <- get_geom_type(x)
  if (xtype == "LINE") {
    # lwd mgmt
    if (missing(lwd)) {
      lwd <- seq(1, 4, length.out = nbreaks)
    if (length(lwd) != nbreaks) {
        "the length of lwd does not match the number of ",
      ), call. = FALSE)
    mylwd <- get_col_vec(
      x = x[[var]], breaks = breaks, pal = lwd, jen = jen

    if (add == FALSE) {
    # map
    plot(sf::st_geometry(x), col = col, lwd = mylwd, add = TRUE)
    # legend
      type = "grad_line",
      pos = leg_pos,
      val = breaks,
      title = leg_title,
      title_cex = leg_title_cex,
      val_cex = leg_val_cex,
      val_rnd = leg_val_rnd,
      lwd = lwd,
      col = col,
      bg = leg_bg,
      fg = leg_fg,
      size = leg_size,
      frame = leg_frame,
      box_cex = leg_box_cex,
      frame_border = leg_frame_border,
      adj = leg_adj

  if (missing(lwd)) lwd <- .7

  # Transform to point
  st_geometry(x) <- st_centroid(st_geometry(x), of_largest_polygon = TRUE)
  # cex mgmt
  if (missing(cex)) {
    cex <- seq(1, 4, length.out = nbreaks)
  if (length(cex) != nbreaks) {
      "the length of cex does not match the number of ",
    ), call. = FALSE)
  mycex <- get_col_vec(
    x = x[[var]], breaks = breaks, pal = cex, jen = jen
  # color mgmt
  pch <- pch[1]
  mycolspt <- col[1]
  if (pch %in% 21:25) mycolspt <- border
  mycolsptbg <- col[1]

  if (add == FALSE) {
  # display
    col = mycolspt, bg = mycolsptbg, cex = mycex, pch = pch,
    lwd = lwd, add = TRUE
  # legend
  lb <- length(breaks)
  lab <- paste0(breaks[1:(lb - 1)], rep(" - ", lb - 1), breaks[2:lb])
    type = "symb",
    pos = leg_pos,
    val = rev(lab),
    title = leg_title,
    title_cex = leg_title_cex,
    val_cex = leg_val_cex,
    frame = leg_frame,
    border = leg_border,
    pal = col,
    lwd = lwd,
    cex = rev(cex),
    pch = pch,
    bg = leg_bg,
    fg = leg_fg,
    size = leg_size,
    frame_border = leg_frame_border,
    adj = leg_adj

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mapsf documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:19 p.m.