
Defines functions mf_prop_typo

Documented in mf_prop_typo

#' @title Plot proportional symbols using typology coloration
#' @description Plot proportional symbols with colors based on qualitative data.
#' @eval my_params(c(
#' 'x',
#' 'var',
#' 'border',
#' 'lwd',
#' 'add' ,
#' 'lwd_max',
#' 'inches',
#' 'val_max',
#' 'symbol',
#' 'col_na',
#' 'pal',
#' 'alpha',
#' 'rev',
#' 'leg_val_rnd',
#' 'leg_pos2',
#' 'leg_title',
#' 'leg_title_cex',
#' 'leg_val_cex',
#' 'val_order',
#' 'leg_no_data',
#' 'leg_frame',
#' 'leg_adj',
#' 'leg_horiz'))
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @return x is (invisibly) returned.
#' @examples
#' mtq <- mf_get_mtq()
#' mf_map(mtq)
#' mf_map(mtq, c("POP", "STATUS"), "prop_typo")
#' mtq[6, "STATUS"] <- NA
#' mf_map(mtq)
#' mf_map(
#'   x = mtq, var = c("POP", "STATUS"), type = "prop_typo",
#'   inches = .35, border = "tomato4",
#'   val_max = 90000, symbol = "circle", col_na = "grey", pal = "Dynamic",
#'   lwd = 2,
#'   leg_pos = c("bottomright", "bottomleft"),
#'   leg_title = c("Population", "Municipality\nstatus"),
#'   leg_title_cex = c(0.9, 0.9),
#'   leg_val_cex = c(.7, .7),
#'   val_order = c("Prefecture", "Sub-prefecture", "Simple municipality"),
#'   leg_no_data = "No dada",
#'   leg_frame = c(TRUE, TRUE),
#'   add = TRUE
#' )
mf_prop_typo <- function(x, var,
                         inches = 0.3,
                         symbol = "circle",
                         pal = "Dynamic",
                         alpha = 1,
                         rev = FALSE,
                         border = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
                         lwd = .7,
                         lwd_max = 15,
                         col_na = "white",
                         leg_pos = mf_get_leg_pos(x, 1),
                         leg_title = var,
                         leg_title_cex = c(.8, .8),
                         leg_val_cex = c(.6, .6),
                         leg_val_rnd = c(0),
                         leg_no_data = "No data",
                         leg_frame = c(FALSE, FALSE),
                         leg_frame_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
                         leg_horiz = FALSE,
                         leg_adj = c(0, 0),
                         leg_fg = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
                         leg_bg = getOption("mapsf.bg"),
                         leg_size = 1,
                         leg_box_border = getOption("mapsf.fg"),
                         leg_box_cex = c(1, 1),
                         add = TRUE) {
  # default
  op <- par(mar = getOption("mapsf.mar"), no.readonly = TRUE)

  var2 <- var[2]
  var1 <- var[1]

  xtype <- get_geom_type(x)
  # linestring special case
  if (xtype == "LINE") {
    xl <- x[!is.na(x[[var1]]), ]
    if (!missing(val_max)) {
      maxval <- val_max
    } else {
      maxval <- max(xl[[var1]])
    xl$lwd <- xl[[var1]] * lwd_max / maxval
    if (add == FALSE) {
    xl <- xl[xl[[var1]] != 0, ]
    # turn to positive values
    xl[[var1]] <- abs(xl[[var1]])
    # Order the dots
    xl <- xl[order(xl[[var1]], decreasing = TRUE), ]

    val_order <- get_modalities(
      x = xl[[var2]],
      val_order = val_order
    # get color list and association
    pal <- get_the_pal(
      pal = pal, nbreaks = length(val_order), alpha = alpha,
      rev = !rev
    # get color vector
    mycols <- get_col_typo(
      x = xl[[var2]], pal = pal,
      val_order = val_order

    no_data <- FALSE
    if (max(is.na(mycols)) == 1) {
      no_data <- TRUE
    mycols[is.na(mycols)] <- col_na
    op2 <- par(lend = 1)
    mf_base(xl, lwd = xl$lwd, add = TRUE, col = mycols)
    val <- seq(min(xl[[var1]]), max(xl[[var1]]), length.out = 4)
    leg_pos <- split_leg(leg_pos)

    if (length(leg_pos) == 1) {
      la1 <- list(
        type = "prop_line",
        val = val,
        title = leg_title[1],
        lwd = max(xl$lwd),
        col = "grey20",
        val_rnd = leg_val_rnd[1]
      lg <- do.call(leg_comp, la1)
      la2 <- list(
        leg = lg,
        type = "typo",
        val = val_order,
        title = leg_title[2],
        col_na = col_na,
        no_data = no_data,
        no_data_txt = leg_no_data,
        pal = pal,
        box_cex = leg_box_cex,
        box_border = leg_box_border
      lg <- do.call(leg_comp, la2)
        pos = leg_pos[[1]], bg = leg_bg, fg = leg_fg, size = leg_size,
        frame = leg_frame[1], title_cex = leg_title_cex[1],
        val_cex = leg_val_cex[1], mar = getOption("mapsf.mar"),
        adj = leg_adj, frame_border = leg_frame_border
    } else {
        type = "prop_line",
        pos = leg_pos[[1]], val = val, lwd = max(xl$lwd),
        col = "grey20",
        title = leg_title[1], title_cex = leg_title_cex[1],
        val_cex = leg_val_cex[1], val_rnd = leg_val_rnd,
        frame = leg_frame[1], bg = leg_bg, fg = leg_fg
        type = "typo",
        pos = leg_pos[[2]], val = val_order, title = leg_title[2],
        title_cex = leg_title_cex[2], val_cex = leg_val_cex[2],
        col_na = col_na, no_data = no_data, no_data_txt = leg_no_data,
        frame = leg_frame[2], pal = pal, bg = leg_bg, fg = leg_fg,
        box_cex = leg_box_cex, box_border = leg_box_border

  # check merge and order
  dots <- create_dots(x = x, var = var1)

  # get modalities
  val_order <- get_modalities(
    x = dots[[var2]],
    val_order = val_order
  # get color list and association
  pal <- get_the_pal(
    pal = pal, nbreaks = length(val_order),
    alpha = alpha, rev = !rev
  # get color vector
  mycols <- get_col_typo(
    x = dots[[var2]], pal = pal,
    val_order = val_order

  no_data <- FALSE
  if (max(is.na(mycols)) == 1) {
    no_data <- TRUE
  mycols[is.na(mycols)] <- col_na

  # Default max value
  if (missing(val_max)) {
    val_max <- max(dots[[var1]])

  # get sizes
  sizes <- get_size(
    var = dots[[var1]], inches = inches,
    val_max = val_max, symbol = symbol

  # size and values for legend, hollow circle (fixmax case)
  size_max <- max(sizes)
  val <- seq(sqrt(min(dots[[var1]])), sqrt(max(dots[[var1]])), length.out = 4)
  val <- val * val
  if (inches <= size_max) {
    inches <- size_max
    borders <- border
  } else {
    mycols <- c(NA, mycols)
    borders <- c(NA, rep(border, nrow(dots)))
    dots <- rbind(dots[1, ], dots)
    dots[1, var1] <- val_max
    sizes <- c(inches, sizes)

  # empty plot if needed
  if (add == FALSE) {

  # Plot the symbols
    symbol = symbol, dots = dots, sizes = xinch(sizes),
    mycols = mycols, border = borders, lwd = lwd,
    inches = inches

  leg_pos <- split_leg(leg_pos)
  if (length(leg_pos) == 1) {
    ## TEST Double args
    la1 <- list(
      type = "prop",
      val = val,
      title = leg_title[1],
      symbol = symbol,
      inches = size_max,
      col = "grey80",
      val_rnd = leg_val_rnd[1],
      border = border,
      lwd = lwd, horiz = leg_horiz,
      self_adjust = TRUE
    lg <- do.call(leg_comp, la1)
    la2 <- list(
      leg = lg,
      type = "typo",
      val = val_order,
      title = leg_title[2],
      col_na = col_na,
      no_data = no_data,
      no_data_txt = leg_no_data,
      pal = pal,
      box_cex = leg_box_cex,
      box_border = leg_box_border
    lg <- do.call(leg_comp, la2)
      pos = leg_pos[[1]], bg = leg_bg, fg = leg_fg, size = leg_size,
      frame = leg_frame[1], title_cex = leg_title_cex[1],
      val_cex = leg_val_cex[1], mar = getOption("mapsf.mar"),
      adj = leg_adj, frame_border = leg_frame_border
  } else {
    # symbols size
      type = "prop",
      pos = leg_pos[[1]], val = val, title = leg_title[1],
      symbol = symbol, inches = size_max, col = "grey80",
      title_cex = leg_title_cex[1], val_cex = leg_val_cex[1],
      val_rnd = leg_val_rnd, horiz = leg_horiz,
      frame = leg_frame[1], border = border,
      lwd = lwd, bg = leg_bg, fg = leg_fg,
      self_adjust = TRUE, mar = getOption("mapsf.mar")

      type = "typo",
      pos = leg_pos[[2]], val = val_order, title = leg_title[2],
      title_cex = leg_title_cex[2], val_cex = leg_val_cex[2],
      col_na = col_na, no_data = no_data, no_data_txt = leg_no_data,
      frame = leg_frame[2], pal = pal, bg = leg_bg, fg = leg_fg,
      box_border = leg_box_border, box_cex = leg_box_cex

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