
Defines functions get_conformal_bounds get_conformal_score

get_conformal_score <- function(x, score) {
    response_name <- insight::find_response(attr(x, "model"))
    response <- x[[response_name]]
    if (!is.numeric(response) && score != "softmax") {
      insight::format_error('The response must be numeric. Did you want to use `conformal_score="softmax"`?')
    if (score == "residual_abs") {
      out <- abs(response - x$estimate)
    } else if (score == "residual_sq") {
      out <- (response - x$estimate)^2
    } else if(score == "softmax") {
      model <- attr(x, "model")
      response <- x[[insight::find_response(model)]]
      if (is.numeric(response) && is_binary(response)) {
        # See p.4 of Angelopoulos, Anastasios N., and Stephen Bates. 2022. “A
        # Gentle Introduction to Conformal Prediction and Distribution-Free
        # Uncertainty Quantification.” arXiv.
        # https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2107.07511.
        # 1 minus the softmax output of the true class
        out <- ifelse(response == 1, 1 - x$estimate, x$estimate)
      } else if ("group" %in% colnames(x)) {
        # HACK: is this fragile? I think `group` should always be character.
        idx <- as.character(response) == as.character(x$group)
        out <- 1 - x$estimate[idx]
      } else {
        insight::format_error("Failed to compute the conformity score.")

get_conformal_bounds <- function(x, score, conf_level) {
    model <- attr(x, "model")
    response_name <- insight::find_response(model)
    response <- x[[response_name]]
    d <- min(score[score > stats::quantile(score, probs = conf_level)])
    if ("group" %in% colnames(x)) {
      q <- stats::quantile(score, probs = (length(score) + 1) * conf_level / length(score))
      out <- x[x$estimate > (1 - q),]
      out <- out[, .(pred.set = list(unique(group))), by = c("rowid", response_name)]
      setorder(out, rowid)
      class(out) <- c("predictions", class(out))
      attr(out, "variables_datagrid") <- response_name
    } else {
      # continuous outcome: conformity half-width
      x$pred.low <- x$estimate - d
      x$pred.high <- x$estimate + d

conformal_split <- function(x, test, calibration, score, conf_level, ...) {
    # calibration
    # use original model---fitted on the training set---to make predictions in the calibration set
    # p_calib is the `predictions()` call, which we re-evaluate on newdata=calibration
    p_calib <- attr(x, "call")
    p_calib[["newdata"]] <- calibration
    p_calib[["vcov"]] <- FALSE # faster
    p_calib <- eval(p_calib)
    score <- get_conformal_score(p_calib, score = score)

    # test
    # use original model to make predictions in the test set
    p_test <- attr(x, "call")
    p_test[["newdata"]] <- test
    p_test <- eval(p_test)

    # bounds
    out <- get_conformal_bounds(p_test, score = score, conf_level = conf_level)


conformal_cv_plus <- function(x, test, R, score, conf_level, ...) {
    # cross-validation
    train <- get_modeldata(attr(x, "model"))
    idx <- sample(seq_len(nrow(train)), nrow(train))
    idx <- split(idx, ceiling(seq_along(idx) / (length(idx) / R)))
    scores <- NULL
    for (i in idx) {
        data_cv <- train[-i,]
        # re-fit the original model on training sets withholding the CV fold
        model_cv <- stats::update(attr(x, "model"), data = data_cv)
        # use the updated model to make out-of-fold predictions
        # call_cv is the `predictions()` call, which we re-evaluate in-fold: newdata=train[i,]
        call_cv <- attr(x, "call")
        call_cv[["model"]] <- model_cv
        call_cv[["newdata"]] <- train[i,]
        call_cv[["vcov"]] <- FALSE # faster
        pred_cv <- eval(call_cv)
        # save the scores form each fold
        scores <- c(scores, get_conformal_score(pred_cv, score = score))

    # test
    out <- attr(x, "call")
    out[["newdata"]] <- test
    out <- eval(out)

    # bounds
    out <- get_conformal_bounds(out, score = scores, conf_level = conf_level)


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