
Defines functions average_draws posterior_draws

Documented in posterior_draws

#' Extract Posterior Draws or Bootstrap Resamples from `marginaleffects` Objects
#' @param x An object produced by a `marginaleffects` package function, such as `predictions()`, `avg_slopes()`, `hypotheses()`, etc.
#' @param shape string indicating the shape of the output format:
#' * "long": long format data frame
#' * "DxP": Matrix with draws as rows and parameters as columns
#' * "PxD": Matrix with draws as rows and parameters as columns
#' * "rvar": Random variable datatype (see `posterior` package documentation).
#' @return A data.frame with `drawid` and `draw` columns.
#' @export
posterior_draws <- function(x, shape = "long") {

    checkmate::assert_choice(shape, choices = c("long", "DxP", "PxD", "rvar"))

    # tidy.comparisons() sometimes already saves draws in a nice long format
    draws <- attr(x, "posterior_draws")
    if (inherits(draws, "posterior_draws")) return(draws)

    if (is.null(attr(x, "posterior_draws"))) {
        warning('This object does not include a "posterior_draws" attribute. The `posterior_draws` function only supports bayesian models produced by the `marginaleffects` or `predictions` functions of the `marginaleffects` package.',
                call. = FALSE)

    if (nrow(draws) != nrow(x)) {
        stop('The number of parameters in the object does not match the number of parameters for which posterior draws are available.', call. = FALSE)

    if (shape %in% c("PxD", "DxP")) {
        row.names(draws) <- paste0("b", seq_len(nrow(draws)))
        colnames(draws) <- paste0("draw", seq_len(ncol(draws)))

    if (shape == "PxD") {

    if (shape == "DxP") {

    if (shape == "rvar") {
        draws <- t(draws)
        if (!is.null(attr(x, "nchains"))) {
            x[["rvar"]] <- posterior::rvar(draws, nchains = attr(x, "nchains"))
        } else {
            x[["rvar"]] <- posterior::rvar(draws)

    if (shape == "long") {
        draws <- data.table(draws)
        setnames(draws, as.character(seq_len(ncol(draws))))
        for (v in colnames(x)) {
            draws[[v]] <- x[[v]]
        out <- melt(
            id.vars = colnames(x),
            variable.name = "drawid",
            value.name = "draw")
        cols <- unique(c("drawid", "draw", "rowid", colnames(out)))
        cols <- intersect(cols, colnames(out))
        setcolorder(out, cols)


average_draws <- function(data, index, draws, byfun = NULL) {
    insight::check_if_installed("collapse", minimum_version = "1.9.0")

    w <- data[["marginaleffects_wts_internal"]]
    if (all(is.na(w))) {
        w <- NULL

    if (is.null(index)) {
        index <- intersect(colnames(data), "type")

    if (length(index) > 0) {
        g <- collapse::GRP(data, by = index)

        if (is.null(byfun)) {
            draws <- collapse::fmean(
                g = g,
                w = w,
                drop = FALSE)
        } else {
            draws <- collapse::BY(
                g = g,
                FUN = byfun,
                drop = FALSE)
        out <- data.table(
            average = collapse::dapply(draws, MARGIN = 1, FUN = collapse::fmedian))

    } else {
        if (is.null(byfun)) {
            draws <- collapse::fmean(
                w = w,
                drop = FALSE)
        } else {
            draws <- collapse::BY(
                g = g,
                FUN = byfun,
                drop = FALSE)
        out <- data.table(average = collapse::dapply(draws, MARGIN = 1, FUN = collapse::fmedian))

    setnames(out, old = "average", new = "estimate")
    attr(out, "posterior_draws") <- draws

#' `posteriordraws()` is an alias to `posterior_draws()`
#' This alias is kept for backward compatibility and because some users may prefer that name.
#' @inherit posterior_draws
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
posteriordraws <- posterior_draws

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marginaleffects documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:03 a.m.