
Defines functions sanity_dots

# This function is very strict.
sanity_dots <- function(model, calling_function = NULL, ...) {
    dots <- list(...)

    if (isTRUE(calling_function == "marginaleffects")) {
        # comparison: this would break `dydx` normalization
        # interaction: cross countrast+slope do not make sense
        # transform: should we really be back-transforming slopes?
        unsupported <- c("comparison", "transform", "cross", "transform_pre", "transform_post")
        unsupported <- intersect(names(dots), unsupported)
        if (length(unsupported) > 0) {
            msg <- sprintf(
                "These arguments are supported by the `comparisons()` function but not by the `slopes()` function: %s",
                paste(unsupported, collapse = ", "))
            stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

    # deprecated
    if ("interaction" %in% names(dots)) {
        msg <- "The `interaction` argument has been deprecated. Please use `cross` instead."

    valid <- list()

    # mixed effects
    valid[["merMod"]] <- valid[["lmerMod"]] <- valid[["glmerMod"]] <- valid[["lmerModLmerTest"]] <-
        c("include_random", "re.form", "allow.new.levels", "random.only")
    valid[["brmsfit"]] <- c("draw_ids", "nlpar", "ndraws", "re_formula", "allow_new_levels",
                            "sample_new_levels", "dpar", "resp")
    valid[["brmsfit_multiple"]] <- valid[["brmsfit"]]
    valid[["selection"]] <- c("part") # sampleSelection
    valid[["glmmTMB"]] <- c("re.form", "allow.new.levels", "zitype") # glmmTMB
    valid[["bam"]] <- c("exclude", "discrete") # mgcv
    valid[["gam"]] <- c("exclude", "discrete") # mgcv
    valid[["rlmerMod"]] <- c("re.form", "allow.new.levels")
    valid[["gamlss"]] <- c("what", "safe") # gamlss
    valid[["lme"]] <- c("level") # nlme::lme
    valid[["bife"]] <- c("alpha_new", "corrected") # nlme::lme
    valid[["process_error"]] <-  # mvgam::mvgam

    # flexsurv
    valid[["flexsurvreg"]] <- c("times", "p", "start")

    # WeightIt models
    valid[["ordinal_weightit"]] <- valid[["multinom_weightit"]] <- "values"

    white_list <- c(
        "conf.int", "modeldata", "internal_call", "df",
        "transform", "comparison", "side", "delta", "null", "equivalence", "draw",
        "flag", # internal dev
        "transform_pre", "transform_post", # backward compatibility everywhere
        "variables_grid", # backward compatibility in marginal_means()
        "at" # topmodels procast

    model_class <- class(model)[1]

    good <- NULL
    if (model_class %in% names(valid)) {
        good <- valid[[model_class]]

    backward_compatibility <- c("conf.level")
    good <- c(good, backward_compatibility)

    bad <- setdiff(names(dots), c(good, white_list))
    if (length(bad) > 0) {
        if (model_class %in% names(valid)) {
            msg <- sprintf("These arguments are not known to be supported for models of class `%s`: %s. These arguments are known to be valid: %s. All arguments are still passed to the model-specific prediction function, but users are encouraged to check if the argument is indeed supported by their modeling package. Please file a request on Github if you believe that an unknown argument should be added to the `marginaleffects` white list of known arguments, in order to avoid raising this warning: https://github.com/vincentarelbundock/marginaleffects/issues",
                           model_class, paste(bad, collapse = ", "), paste(valid[[model_class]], collapse = ", "))
        } else {
            msg <- sprintf("These arguments are not known to be supported for models of class `%s`: %s. All arguments are still passed to the model-specific prediction function, but users are encouraged to check if the argument is indeed supported by their modeling package. Please file a request on Github if you believe that an unknown argument should be added to the `marginaleffects` white list of known arguments, in order to avoid raising this warning: https://github.com/vincentarelbundock/marginaleffects/issues",
                       model_class, paste(bad, collapse = ", "))
        warning(msg, call. = FALSE)

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marginaleffects documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:26 a.m.