


# Beta regression
tmp <- read.csv("")
tmp$batch <- factor(tmp$batch)
dat <<- tmp
mod <- gamlss::gamlss(yield ~ batch + temp,
    family = "BE",
    data = dat,
    trace = FALSE)

expect_error(predictions(mod, newdata = head(dat)), pattern = "what. argument")
p1 <- predictions(mod, newdata = head(dat), what = "mu")
p2 <- predictions(mod, newdata = head(dat), what = "sigma")
expect_inherits(p1, "predictions")
expect_inherits(p2, "predictions")

# EMMeans provides the same results whether regrid = "response" or
# regrid = "link"

# marginaleffects
mfx <- slopes(
    type = "link",
    newdata = datagrid(batch = 1),
    variables = "temp",
    what = "mu")

# emtrends
em <- emtrends(mod, ~temp, "temp", at = list("batch" = tmp$batch[1]))
em <- data.frame(em)

# We do expect that they will be equivalent
expect_equivalent(mfx$estimate, em$temp.trend, tolerance = .001)
expect_equivalent(mfx$std.error, em$SE, tolerance = .001)

# predictions: no validity
pred <- suppressWarnings(predictions(mod, what = "mu"))
expect_predictions(pred, n_row = nrow(tmp))
pred <- predictions(mod,
    newdata = datagrid(batch = 1:3, temp = c(300, 350)),
    what = "mu")
expect_predictions(pred, n_row = 6)

# marginalmeans: vs. emmeans
mm <- marginal_means(mod, what = "mu")
expect_marginal_means(mm, n_row = 10)
mm <- tidy(mm)
em <- broom::tidy(emmeans::emmeans(mod, "batch", type = "response"))
expect_equivalent(mm$estimate, em$response, tol = 0.001)
expect_equivalent(mm$std.error, em$std.error, tolerance = 0.01)

# Logistic regression
data("titanic_train", package = "titanic")
tmp <- titanic_train
tmp$Pclass <- as.factor(tmp$Pclass)
dat <<- na.omit(tmp)

mod <- gamlss::gamlss(Survived ~ Age + Pclass,
    family = "BI", data = dat, trace = FALSE)

# The R-package margins does not provide support to gamlss.
# Error in tmp[["fit"]] : subscript out of bounds
# In addition: Warning message:
#   In predict.gamlss(model, newdata = out, type = type, = TRUE,  :
#              = TRUE is not supported for new data values at the moment

# emtrends
mfx <- slopes(mod,
    type = "link",
    newdata = datagrid(Pclass = "1"),
    variables = "Age",
    what = "mu")
em <- emtrends(mod, ~Age, "Age", at = list("Pclass" = "1"))
em <- tidy(em)
expect_equivalent(mfx$estimate, em$Age.trend, tolerance = .001)
expect_equivalent(mfx$std.error, em$std.error, tolerance = .001)

# predictions: no validity
pred <- predictions(mod, what = "mu")

expect_predictions(pred, n_row = nrow(na.omit(titanic_train)))
pred <- predictions(
    newdata = datagrid(Pclass = 1:3, Age = c(25, 50)),
    what = "mu")
expect_predictions(pred, n_row = 6)

# marginalmeans: vs. emmeans
mm <- marginal_means(mod, variables = "Pclass", what = "mu") |>
expect_marginal_means(mm, n_row = 3)
mm <- tidy(mm)
em <- broom::tidy(emmeans::emmeans(mod, "Pclass", type = "response"))
expect_equivalent(mm$estimate, em$response)
expect_equivalent(mm$std.error, em$std.error, tolerance = 0.01)

# Issue #933
dat <- read.csv("", na.strings = "")
dat <- dat |>
    transform(prop = rBE(nrow(dat), mu = 0.5, sigma = 0.2)) |> 
mod <- gamlss::gamlss(
        prop ~ sex * body_mass_g + year + re(random = list(~ 1 | species, ~ 1 | island)),
        family = BE(),
        data = dat,
        trace = FALSE)
cmp <- avg_comparisons(mod, what = "mu") |> suppressWarnings()
expect_inherits(cmp, "comparisons")

# end.  

rm(list = ls())

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marginaleffects documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 1:07 a.m.