
Defines functions shannon

Documented in shannon

#'@title Calculates Shannon's Index of Diversity
#'@description This function calculates Shannon's Index of Diversity for \eqn{j}
#'  areas and \eqn{i} years.
#'@details Shannon's index of diversity (H'): \deqn{H' = -\Sigma p_i ln(p_i)}
#'  \eqn{p_i} is the proportion of the total sample contributed by the i(th)
#'  species and \eqn{S} is the number of species recorded in the sample. This
#'  index is sensitive to the number of species recorded in the sample
#'  (Magurran, 1988).
#'@inheritParams resourcePotential
#'@param X A dataframe of fishery independent data derived from research vessel
#'  survey data or model output, with columns \code{YEAR}, \code{ID},
#'  \code{SPECIES}, and \code{ABUNDANCE}. \code{YEAR} indicates the year the
#'  observation was recorded, \code{ID} is an area code indicating where the
#'  observation was recorded, \code{SPECIES} is a numeric code indicating the
#'  species sampled, and \code{ABUNDANCE} is the corresponding abundance
#'  (stratified and corrected for catchability as required).
#'@param species.table A table where the column names match the entries in
#'  \code{groups}. Column entries are species codes indicating the species from
#'  \code{X} included in each group. \code{species.table} may also include
#'  columns for other species groups; these will be ignored. If \code{groups =
#'  "ALL"}, this table is not required. Default is \code{species.table = NULL}.
#'@param metric A character string indicating which column in \code{X} to use to
#'  calculate the indicator. Default is \code{metric = "ABUNDANCE"}.
#'@param years A vector of years for which to calculate indicator.
#'@return Returns a dataframe with columns \code{ID} and \code{YEAR}, and a
#'  column \code{ShannonDiversity_group} for each entry in \code{groups}.
#'  If there is no data for spatial scale \eqn{j} in year \eqn{i}, indicator
#'  values is assigned NA.
#'@family biodiversity indicators
#'@references  Bundy A, Gomez C, Cook AM. 2017. Guidance framework for the
#'  selection and evaluation of ecological indicators. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish.
#'  Aquat. Sci. 3232: xii + 212 p.
#'  Greenstreet SP, Rogers SI. 2006. Indicators of the health of the North Sea
#'  fish community: identifying reference levels for an ecosystem approach to
#'  management. ICES J Mar Sci J du Cons 63:573-593
#'  Magurran, AE. 1988. Ecological Diversity and its Measurement. Chapman and
#'  Hall, London. 179 pp.
#'@author  Danielle Dempsey \email{Danielle.Dempsey@@dfo-mpo.gc.ca}, Adam Cook,
#'  Catalina Gomez, Alida Bundy
#'shannon(X, groups = c("ALL", "FINFISH"), metric = "ABUNDANCE", years = c(2014:2019))

shannon <- function(X, groups, species.table = NULL, metric = "ABUNDANCE", years) {
  for(k in 1:length(groups)){          # loop over species groups
    X.k <- speciesGroups(X = X, group = groups[k], species.table = species.table) # subset X to the species of interest
    uI = unique(X$ID)                   # extract the spatial scale ID's
    ind.k <- NULL                       # initialize dataframe for storing indicator values
    for (j in 1:length(uI)){            # loop over all spatal scales
      X.j = X.k[X.k$ID == uI[j], ]          # subset data to spatial scale j
      for (i in 1:length(years)){                   # loop over all years
        year.i = years[i]                           # set years.i to current year  
        X.ij = X.j[X.j$YEAR == year.i, metric]      # subset data to include only current year
        if(length(X.ij) > 0){                          # if there are no obs in X.ij,  set ind.i to NA
          p <- X.ij/sum(X.ij)                          # calculate the proportion of each species by metric
          ind.i <- -sum(p*log(p))                      # calculate Shannon's metric of diversity
        } else ind.i <- NA
        ind.i = data.frame(uI[j], year.i, ind.i)       # create a dataframe with spatial scale ID, year, and indicator value
        ind.k = rbind(ind.k, ind.i)                    # bind ind.i to ind dataframe
    ind.name <- paste("ShannonDiversity_", groups[k], sep = "")            # name indicator: ShannonDiversity_group
    names(ind.k) = c("ID", "YEAR", ind.name)                               # name the ind dataframe
    ind.k <- ind.k[order(ind.k$ID), ] 
    if(k == 1) ind = ind.k
    ind <- merge(ind, ind.k)
  ind                                                                    # return ind 

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marindicators documentation built on Nov. 12, 2019, 5:07 p.m.