
Defines functions uncertMABC

Documented in uncertMABC

#' Uncertainty of the Magnitude of the Air Buoyancy Correction factor
#' Propagates density uncertainties in the calculation
#' of the Magnitude of Air Buoyancy Correction  (See [MABC()]).
#' Calculations are made according to the
#' Guide to the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in
#' measurement (GUM, JCGM, 2008) as implemented
#' by the package \link[metRology]{metRology} (Ellison, 2018).
#' If air density and associated uncertainty
#' are not provided the default output values of the
#' functions [airDensity()] and [uncertAirDensity()], respectively, are used.
#' @inheritParams MABC
#' @inheritParams uncertAirDensity
#' @param u_rho standard uncertainty of the sample density.
#' @param u_rho_w standard uncertainty of the mass standard density.
#' @param u_rho_air standard uncertainty of air density.
#'   See [uncertAirDensity()].
#' @return Numeric value of uncertainty for the Magnitude of the Air Buoyancy Correction factor.
#' @references
#' BIMP JCGM (2008) Evaluation of measurement data — Guide
#' to the expression of uncertainty in measurement.
#' Andrej-Nikolai Spiess (2018). propagate: Propagation of
#' Uncertainty. R package version 1.0-6.
#' https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=propagate
#' @importFrom metRology uncert contribs
#' @example
#' uncertMABC()
#' @export

uncertMABC <- function(rho = 0.9980,
                       rho_w = 8,
                       rho_air = NULL,
                       u_rho = 0.0001,
                       u_rho_w = 0.006,
                       u_rho_air = NULL,
                       plot = TRUE,
                       printRelSD = TRUE) {
  if (missing(rho_air)) rho_air <- airDensity()
  if (missing(u_rho_air)) u_rho_air <- uncertAirDensity(printRelSD = FALSE)

  MABC <- expression((1 - rho_air/rho_w) / (1 - rho_air/rho))
  #uncertMABC <- propagate::propagate(
  #  expr = MABC,
  #  data = cbind(rho_air = c(rho_air, u_rho_air),
  #               rho = c(rho, u_rho),
  #               rho_w = c(rho_w, u_rho_w)),
  #  do.sim = FALSE)

  uncertMABC <- metRology::uncert(obj = MABC,
                                  x = list(rho_air = rho_air,
                                           rho = rho,
                                           rho_w = rho_w),
                                  u = list(rho_air = u_rho_air,
                                           rho = u_rho,
                                           rho_w = u_rho_w))

  if (plot) {
    #barplot(diag(uncertMABC$rel.contr)[which(diag(uncertMABC$rel.contr) > 0)])

  if (printRelSD) {
    cat(paste0('Relative uncertainty in MABC: ',
               #round(uncertMABC$prop[3]/uncertMABC$prop[1]*100, 4), ' %\n\n'))
               round(uncertMABC$u.y /uncertMABC$y * 100, 4), ' %\n\n'))

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masscor documentation built on Sept. 13, 2021, 9:06 a.m.