
Defines functions logLikAttr

### this function returns the log-likelihood value with gradient and Hessian as
### attributes. If the log-likelihood function provided by the user does not add
### these attributes, this functions uses the functions provided by the user
### as arguments "grad" and "hess" or (if they are not provided) uses the
### finite-difference method to obtain the gradient and Hessian
logLikAttr <- function(theta, fnOrig, gradOrig=NULL, hessOrig=NULL,
         sumObs = FALSE, returnHessian = TRUE, ...) {
   ## fixed:    logical, which parameters to keep fixed

         # large initial indentation to be able to diff to previous version
         # that was defined in maxNR() / maxNR.R.

         ## number of parameters
         nParam <- length( theta )
         ## value of log-likelihood function
         f <- fnOrig(theta, ...)
         ## if there are NA-s in the function value, do not
         ## compute gradient and Hessian
         if(any(is.na(f))) {
            attr(f, "gradient") <- NA
            attr(f, "hessian") <- NA
         ## gradient of log-likelihood function
         gr <- attr( f, "gradient" )
         if( is.null( gr ) ) {
            if( !is.null( gradOrig ) ) {
               gr <- gradOrig(theta, ...)
            } else {
               gr <- numericGradient(f = fnOrig, t0 = theta,
                                    fixed=fixed, ...)
         ## if there are NA-s in active gradient, do not compute Hessian
   if(is.matrix(gr)) {
      if(ncol(gr) != length(theta)) {
         stop(paste0("if gradient is a matrix, it must have length(parameter) colums (currently ", length(theta),
                     "), not ", ncol(gr)))
            activeGr <- gr[,!fixed]
         else {
            activeGr <- gr[!fixed]
         if(any(is.na(activeGr))) {
            attr(f, "gradient") <- gr
            attr(f, "hessian") <- NA
         # if gradients are observation-specific, they must be stored in a matrix
         if(observationGradient(gr, length(theta))) {
            gr <- as.matrix(gr)

         ## Set gradients of fixed parameters to NA so that they are always NA
         ## (no matter if they are analytical or finite-difference gradients)
         if( is.null( dim( gr ) ) ) {
            gr[ fixed ] <- NA
         } else {
            gr[ , fixed ] <- NA
         ## Hessian of log-likelihood function
         if( isTRUE( returnHessian ) ) {
            h <- attr( f, "hessian" )
            if( is.null( h ) ) {
               if(!is.null(hessOrig)) {
                  h <- as.matrix(hessOrig(theta, ...))
               } else {
                  llFunc <- function( theta, ... ) {
                     return( sum( fnOrig( theta, ... ) ) )
                  if( !is.null( attr( f, "gradient" ) ) ) {
                     gradFunc <- function( theta, ... ) {
                        return( sumGradients( attr( fnOrig( theta, ... ), "gradient" ),
                           nParam ) )
                  } else if( !is.null( gradOrig ) ) {
                     gradFunc <- function( theta, ... ) {
                        return( sumGradients( gradOrig( theta, ... ), nParam ) )
                  } else {
                     gradFunc <- NULL
                  h <- numericHessian(f = llFunc, grad = gradFunc,
                                      t0 = theta,
                                      fixed=fixed, ...)
            ## Check the correct size of Hessian.
            if((dim(h)[1] != nParam) | (dim(h)[2] != nParam)) {
               stop("Wrong hessian dimension.  Needed ", nParam, "x", nParam,
                    " but supplied ", dim(h)[1], "x", dim(h)[2])
            else {
               ## Set elements of the Hessian corresponding to the
               ## fixed parameters
               ## to NA so that they are always zero
               ## (no matter if they are
               ## calculated analytical or by the finite-difference
               ## method)
               h[ fixed, ] <- NA
               h[ , fixed ] <- NA
         } else if( tolower( returnHessian ) == "bhhh" ) {
            ## We have to return BHHH Hessian.  Check if it contains NA in free paramateres, otherwise
            ## return outer product as Hessian.
            h <- NULL
                           # to keep track of what we have done
            if(is.null(dim(gr)) & any(is.na(gr[!fixed]))) {
                           # NA gradient: do not check but send the wrong values to the optimizer.
                           # The optimizer should take corresponding action, such as looking for another value
               h <- NA
            else if(is.matrix(gr)) {
               if(any(is.na(gr[,!fixed]))) {
                           # NA gradient: do not check but send the wrong values to the optimizer.
                           # The optimizer should take corresponding action, such as looking for another value
                  h <- NA
            if(is.null(h)) {
                           # gr seems not to contain NA-s at free parameters
               checkBhhhGrad( g = gr, theta = theta,
                             analytic =
                             ( !is.null( attr( f, "gradient" ) ) ||
                              !is.null( gradOrig ) ),
               h <- - crossprod( gr )
            attr( h, "type" ) = "BHHH"
         } else {
            h <- NULL

         ## sum log-likelihood values over observations (if requested) 
         if( sumObs ) {
            f <- sumKeepAttr( f )

         ## sum gradients over observations (if requested)
         if( sumObs ) {
            ## We need just summed gradient
            gr <- sumGradients( gr, nParam )
         if( !is.null( gradOrig ) && !is.null( attr( f, "gradient" ) ) ) {
            attr( f, "gradBoth" ) <- TRUE
         if( !is.null( hessOrig ) && !is.null( attr( f, "hessian" ) ) ) {
            attr( f, "hessBoth" ) <- TRUE

         attr( f, "gradient" ) <- gr
         attr( f, "hessian" ) <- h
         return( f )

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maxLik documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:32 a.m.