
Defines functions ndunc ndvar

Documented in ndunc ndvar

.pkgglobalenv <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

ndvar <- function(n)
#NAME mc.control
#TITLE Sets or Gets the Default Number of Simulations.
# Sets or retrieves the default number of simulations.
#{n}<<Number of simulations.>>
#\samp{ndvar()} gets and \samp{ndvar(n)} sets the default number of simulation in the 1D simulations
#or the number of simulation in the variability dimension in the 2D simulations.</>
#\samp{ndunc()} gets and \samp{ndunc(n)} sets the number of simulations in the uncertainty dimension
#in the 2D simulations.</>
#\samp{n} is rounded to its ceiling value.</>
#The default values when loaded are 1001 for \samp{ndvar} and 101 for \samp{ndunc}.
#The current value, AFTER modification if \samp{n} is present (!= \samp{options}).
#(oldvar <- ndvar())
#(oldunc <- ndunc())

#CREATED 08-01-25
  if(!exists("mc.control", envir=.pkgglobalenv))
    assign("mc.control",list(nsv=1001,nsu=101),envir=.pkgglobalenv )
  x <- get("mc.control", envir=.pkgglobalenv)
   if(!is.list(x) || is.null(x$nsv) || is.null(x$nsu))
    assign("mc.control",list(nsv=1001,nsu=101),envir=.pkgglobalenv )
    if (n > 0) x$nsv <- ceiling(n)
        else stop("Invalid n")
    assign("mc.control",x, envir=.pkgglobalenv)}

ndunc <- function(n)
#ISALIAS ndvar
  if(!exists("mc.control", envir=.pkgglobalenv))
    assign("mc.control",list(nsv=1001,nsu=101),envir=.pkgglobalenv )
  x <- get("mc.control", envir=.pkgglobalenv)
   if(!is.list(x) || is.null(x$nsv) || is.null(x$nsu))
    assign("mc.control",list(nsv=1001,nsu=101),envir=.pkgglobalenv )
    if (n > 0) x$nsu <- ceiling(n)
        else stop("Invalid n")
    assign("mc.control",x, envir=.pkgglobalenv)}

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mc2d documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:54 a.m.