
Defines functions cor_stat_rs

Documented in cor_stat_rs

#' Calculate general stationary correlation.
#' @param n_regime Integer, number of regimes.
#' @param base_ls List of base model, `sep` or `fs` for now. Or list of
#' correlation matrices/arrays.
#' @param lagrangian_ls List of Lagrangian model, `lagr_tri` or `lagr_askey`
#' for now.
#' @param par_base_ls List of parameters for the base model, used only when
#' `base_fixed = FALSE`.
#' @param par_lagr_ls List of parameters for the Lagrangian model.  Used only
#' when `lagrangian_ls` is not `none`.
#' @param lambda_ls List of weight of the Lagrangian term,
#' \eqn{\lambda\in[0, 1]}.
#' @param h_ls List of Euclidean distance matrix or array,
#' used only when `base_fixed = FALSE`.
#' @param h1_ls List of horizontal distance matrix or array, same dimension as
#' `h_ls`. Used only when `lagrangian_ls` is not `none`.
#' @param h2_ls List of vertical distance matrix or array, same dimension as
#' `h_ls`. Used only when `lagrangian_ls` is not `none`.
#' @param u_ls List of time lag, same dimension as `h_ls`.
#' @param base_fixed Logical; if TRUE, `base_ls` is the list of correlation.
#' @return Correlations for the general stationary model. Same dimension of
#' `base_ls` if `base_fixed = TRUE`.
#' @export
#' @details It gives a list of general stationary correlation for `n_regime`
#' regimes. See [cor_stat] for the model details. Model parameters are lists of
#' length 1 or `n_regime`. When length is 1, same values are used for all
#' regimes. If `base_fixed = TRUE`, the base is a list of correlation and
#' `par_base_ls` and `h_ls` are not used.
#' @examples
#' # Fit general stationary model with sep base.
#' par_s <- list(nugget = 0.5, c = 0.01, gamma = 0.5)
#' par_t <- list(a = 1, alpha = 0.5)
#' par_base <- list(par_s = par_s, par_t = par_t)
#' h1 <- array(c(0, 5, -5, 0), dim = c(2, 2, 3))
#' h2 <- array(c(0, 8, -8, 0), dim = c(2, 2, 3))
#' h <- sqrt(h1^2 + h2^2)
#' u <- array(rep(c(1, 2, 3), each = 4), dim = c(2, 2, 3))
#' cor_stat_rs(
#'     n_regime = 2,
#'     base_ls = list("sep"),
#'     lagrangian_ls = list("none", "lagr_tri"),
#'     par_base_ls = list(par_base),
#'     par_lagr_ls = list(NULL, list(v1 = 10, v2 = 20)),
#'     lambda_ls = list(0, 0.2),
#'     h_ls = list(h),
#'     h1_ls = list(NULL, h1),
#'     h2_ls = list(NULL, h2),
#'     u_ls = list(u, u + 1)
#' )
#' # Fit general stationary model given fs as the base model.
#' h1 <- array(c(0, 5, -5, 0), dim = c(2, 2, 3))
#' h2 <- array(c(0, 8, -8, 0), dim = c(2, 2, 3))
#' h <- sqrt(h1^2 + h2^2)
#' u <- array(rep(c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), each = 4), dim = c(2, 2, 3))
#' fit_base <- cor_fs(
#'     nugget = 0.5, c = 0.01, gamma = 0.5, a = 1, alpha = 0.5,
#'     beta = 0.0, h = h, u = u
#' )
#' par_lagr <- list(v1 = 5, v2 = 10)
#' cor_stat_rs(
#'     n_regime = 2,
#'     par_lagr_ls = list(par_lagr),
#'     h1_ls = list(h1),
#'     h2_ls = list(h2),
#'     u_ls = list(u, u + 1),
#'     lambda_ls = list(0, 0.8),
#'     base_ls = list(fit_base),
#'     lagrangian = list("lagr_tri", "lagr_askey"),
#'     base_fixed = TRUE
#' )
#' @family correlation functions
cor_stat_rs <- function(n_regime,
                        base_fixed = FALSE) {
    if (!is_numeric_scalar(n_regime)) {
        stop("'n_regime' must be an integer.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        n_regime <- as.integer(n_regime)

    if (all(lagrangian_ls == "none")) {
        par_lagr_ls <- h1_ls <- h2_ls <- vector("list", n_regime)
        lambda_ls <- rep(list(0), n_regime)
    } else if (any(lagrangian_ls == "none")) {
        if (missing(par_lagr_ls) || length(par_lagr_ls) != n_regime) {
            stop("length of `par_lagr_ls` must be ", n_regime,
                " if `par_lagr_ls` contains 'none'.",
                call. = FALSE

        if (missing(lambda_ls) || length(lambda_ls) != n_regime) {
            stop("length of `lambda_ls` must be ", n_regime,
                " if `lambda_ls`` contains 'none'.",
                call. = FALSE

        if (missing(h1_ls) || length(h1_ls) != n_regime) {
            stop("length of `h1_ls` must be ", n_regime,
                " if `h1_ls`` contains 'none'.",
                call. = FALSE

        if (missing(h2_ls) || length(h2_ls) != n_regime) {
            stop("length of `h2_ls` must be ", n_regime,
                " if `h2_ls` contains 'none'.",
                call. = FALSE

    args_stat <- c(
        "base", "lagrangian", "par_base", "par_lagr", "lambda", "h",
        "h1", "h2", "u"
    args_stat_i <- paste0("i_", args_stat)
    args_stat_rs <- paste0(args_stat, "_ls")

    if (base_fixed) par_base_ls <- h_ls <- list(NULL)

    for (i in 1:length(args_stat_rs)) {
        length_args_i <- length(eval(as.name(args_stat_rs[i])))

        if (length_args_i == 1) {
            assign(args_stat_i[i], rep(1L, n_regime))
        } else if (length_args_i == n_regime) {
            assign(args_stat_i[i], 1:n_regime)
        } else {
            stop("length of `", args_stat_rs[i], "` must be 1 or ", n_regime,
                call. = FALSE

    corr_ls <- vector("list", n_regime)

    for (i in 1:n_regime) {
        ind_i <- lapply(mget(args_stat_i), function(x) x[[i]])
        args_rs_i <- mget(args_stat_rs)
        names(args_rs_i) <- args_stat
        args_i <- Map(function(x, ind) x[[ind]], args_rs_i, ind_i)
        corr_ls[[i]] <- do.call(cor_stat, c(args_i, base_fixed = base_fixed))

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