# ABOUT: These functions are used internally for for defensive programming.
# -----------------
# Synonym so that assert_types(x, "tibble", "formula") works
is.tibble = tibble::is_tibble
is.formula = rlang::is_formula
# Asserts whether x is an `mcpfit`
assert_mcpfit = function(x) {
if (!is.mcpfit(x))
stop("Expected `mcpfit` but got: ", class(x))
# Asserts whether x contains non-numeric, decimal, or less-than-lower
assert_integer = function(x, name = NULL, lower = -Inf) {
# Recode
if (is.null(name))
name = substitute(x)
x = stats::na.omit(x)
# Do checks
greater_than = ifelse(lower == -Inf, " ", paste0(" >= ", lower, " "))
if (!is.numeric(x))
stop("Only integers", greater_than, "allowed for '", name, "'. Got ", x)
if (!all(x == floor(x)) || !all(x >= lower))
stop("Only integers", greater_than, "allowed for '", name, "'. Got ", x)
# Asserts whether x is logical
assert_logical = function(x, max_length = 1) {
if (!is.logical(x))
stop("`", substitute(x), "` must be logical (TRUE or FALSE). Got ", x)
if (length(x) > max_length)
stop("`", substitute(x), "` must be at most length ", max_length, ". Got length ", length(x))
# Asserts whether x is one of a set of allowed values
assert_value = function(x, allowed = c()) {
if (!(x %in% allowed)) {
allowed[is.character(allowed)] = paste0("'", allowed[is.character(allowed)], "'") # Add quotes for character values
stop("`", substitute(x), "` must be one of ", paste0(allowed, collapse = ", "), ". Got ", x)
# Asserts whether x is one of a set of allowed types.
# e.g., `assert_types(vec, "numeric", "character", "foo")`
assert_types = function(x, ...) {
types = list(...)
# Test each function on x
passed = logical(length(types))
for (i in seq_along(types)) {
is.type = eval(parse(text = paste0("is.", types[[i]]))) # From character to function
passed[i] = is.type(x)
# Return helpful error
if (!any(passed == TRUE))
stop("`", substitute(x), "` must be ", paste0(types, collapse = " or "), ". Got ", class(x))
# Asserts whether x is numeric in range
assert_numeric = function(x, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf) {
if (!is.numeric(x))
stop("`", substitute(x), "` must be numeric. Got ", class(x))
if (any(x < lower) || any(x > upper))
stop("`", substitute(x), "` contained value(s) outside the interval (", lower, ", ", upper, ").")
# Asserts ellipsis. `ellipsis` is a list and `allowed` is a character vector
assert_ellipsis = function(..., allowed = NULL) {
assert_types(allowed, "null", "character")
illegal_names = dplyr::setdiff(names(list(...)), allowed)
if (length(illegal_names) > 0)
stop("The following arguments are not accepted for this function: '", paste0(illegal_names, collapse = "', '"), "'")
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