#' Visualize matrix data in a form of a heatmap, with categorical values legend
#' @description
#' Matrix data visualization in a form of a heatmap, with
#' the use of \code{ggplot2} library. Numerical values are represented as
#' categorical. Minimum user input (a matrix object) is needed to produce decent visualization output. Further
#' plot adjustments are available, including tile color change,
#' adding a title, font size change, axis label clearing and others.
#' @param matrix.object matrix
#' @param title plot title
#' @param base_size base font size
#' @param scale_fill_manual.values vector of legend colors for categorical values
#' @param geom_tile.colour tiles color value
#' @param clear.labels logical whether or not clear both x- and y-axis labels
#' @param clear.x.label logical whether or not clear x-axis labels
#' @param clear.y.label logical whether or not clear y-axis labels
#' @param uniform.labes logical whether or not define generic short column and rows labeling:
#' * 'c1','c2',...,'cp' for columns,
#' * 'r1','r2',...,'rp' for rows;
#' might be especially useful if the matrix some long colnames and rownames already assigned
#' @param rotate.x.labels logical whether or not rotate x-axis labels by 90 degrees
#' @param x.lab x-axis label
#' @param y.lab y-axis label
#' @param axis.text.x.size font size of x-axis text
#' @param axis.text.y.size font size of y-axis text
#' @param axis.title.x.size font size of x-axis label
#' @param axis.title.y.size font size of y-axis label
#' @param legend.text.size font size of legend text
#' @param legend.title.size font size of legend title
#' @param legend.title legend title
#' @param font family
#' @param remove.legend logical whether or not remove legend
#' @param factor.levels vector of values defining levels of factors
#' (might be used to redefine order of variables in the legend)
#' @param axis.text.x.breaks.idx indices of x-axis elements whose thicks are kept
#' and whose numerical labels are kept
#' @param axis.text.y.breaks.idx indices of y-axis elements whose thicks are kept
#' and whose numerical labels are kept
#' @md
#' @return \code{ggplot2} object
#' @examples
#' mat <- diag(30)
#' vizu.mat.factor(mat)
#' vizu.mat.factor(mat,
#' title = "some title",
#' scale_fill_manual.values = c("white","red"),
#' axis.text.x.breaks.idx = seq(1,30,5),
#' axis.text.y.breaks.idx = seq(1,30,5))
#' vizu.mat.factor(mat,
#' title = "some title: large font, legend: small font",
#' base_size = 20,
#' legend.text.size = 10,
#' legend.title.size = 10)
#' vizu.mat.factor(mat,
#' scale_fill_manual.values = c("white","red"),
#' clear.labels = FALSE)
#' colnames(mat) <- paste0("col", 1:30, sample(LETTERS, 30, replace = TRUE))
#' rownames(mat) <- paste0("row", 1:30, sample(LETTERS, 30, replace = TRUE))
#' vizu.mat.factor(mat,
#' clear.labels = FALSE,
#' rotate.x.labels = TRUE)
#' @import reshape2
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
vizu.mat.factor <- function(matrix.object,
title = "",
base_size = 12,
scale_fill_manual.values = NULL,
geom_tile.colour = "grey90",
clear.labels = TRUE,
clear.x.label = FALSE,
clear.y.label = FALSE,
uniform.labes = FALSE,
rotate.x.labels = FALSE,
x.lab = "",
y.lab = "",
axis.text.x.size = base_size-2,
axis.text.y.size = base_size-2,
axis.title.x.size = base_size-2,
axis.title.y.size = base_size-2,
legend.text.size = base_size-2,
legend.title.size = base_size-2,
legend.title = "value", = "Helvetica",
remove.legend = FALSE,
factor.levels = NULL,
axis.text.x.breaks.idx = NULL,
axis.text.y.breaks.idx = NULL)
n.col <- ncol(matrix.object)
n.row <- nrow(matrix.object)
# Define column names if not defined or uniform.labes == TRUE
if (is.null(colnames(matrix.object)) | uniform.labes) {
colnames(matrix.object) <- paste0("c", 1:n.col)
# Define row names if not defined or uniform.labes == TRUE
if (is.null(rownames(matrix.object)) | uniform.labes) {
rownames(matrix.object) <- paste0("r", 1:n.row)
# Reshape matrix object
matrix.object.m <- melt(matrix.object)
matrix.object.m[, "Var1"] <- factor(matrix.object.m[, "Var1"],
levels = rev(rownames(matrix.object)))
matrix.object.m[, "Var2"] <- factor(matrix.object.m[, "Var2"],
levels = colnames(matrix.object))
# Define numerical matrix values as factors; define factor levels if factor.levels supplied
matrix.object.m$value <- factor(matrix.object.m$value, levels = factor.levels)
} else {
matrix.object.m$value <- factor(matrix.object.m$value)
# ggplot object skeleton
plot.tmp <-
ggplot(matrix.object.m, aes_string("Var2", "Var1")) +
geom_tile(aes_string(fill = "value"), colour = geom_tile.colour) +
labs(x = x.lab,
y = y.lab,
title = title,
fill = legend.title) +
theme_grey(base_size = base_size,
base_family = +
theme(legend.text = element_text(size = legend.text.size),
legend.title = element_text(size = legend.title.size))
# Define tiles fill color if scale_fill_manual.values supplied
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp + scale_fill_manual(values = scale_fill_manual.values)
# Rotate x.axis labels labels
if (rotate.x.labels) {
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
# Define labels size
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = axis.text.x.size),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = axis.text.y.size),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = axis.title.x.size),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = axis.title.y.size))
# x-axis thicks and labels management
if (!is.null(axis.text.x.breaks.idx)){
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp + scale_x_discrete(labels = as.character(axis.text.x.breaks.idx),
breaks = colnames(matrix.object)[axis.text.x.breaks.idx])
} else {
if (clear.labels | clear.x.label){
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp + scale_x_discrete(breaks = NULL)
# y-axis thicks and labels management
if (!is.null(axis.text.y.breaks.idx)){
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp + scale_y_discrete(labels = as.character(axis.text.y.breaks.idx),
breaks = rownames(matrix.object)[axis.text.y.breaks.idx])
} else {
if (clear.labels | clear.y.label){
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp + scale_y_discrete(breaks = NULL)
# Remove legend
if (remove.legend){
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp + theme(legend.position = "none")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Visualize matrix data in a form of a heatmap, with continuous values legend
#' @description
#' Matrix data visualization in a form of a heatmap, with
#' the use of \code{ggplot2} library. Minimum user input (a matrix object) is needed to produce decent visualization output.
#' Automatic plot adjustments are implemented and used as defaults, including
#' selecting legend color palette and legend scale limits. Further
#' plot adjustments are available, including
#' adding a title, font size change, axis label clearing and others.
#' @param matrix.object matrix
#' @param title plot title
#' @param base_size base font size
#' @param adjust.limits logical whether or not adjust legend scale limits automatically:
#' * legend scale starts / ends with 0 for matrix with non-negative / non-positive values only,
#' * legend scale is symmetric for matrix with both negative and positive values
#' @param adjust.colors logical whether or not adjust legend color automatically:
#' * legend color palette white-red for a data matrix with non-negative values only,
#' * legend color palette blue-white for a data matrix with non-positive values only,
#' * legend color palette blue-white-red for a data matrix with both positive and negative values
#' @param fill.scale.limits 2-element vector defining legend scale limits
#' @param colors.palette legend color color palette
#' @param geom_tile.colour tiles color value
#' @param clear.labels logical whether or not clear both x- and y-axis labels
#' @param clear.x.label logical whether or not clear x-axis labels
#' @param clear.y.label logical whether or not clear y-axis labels
#' @param uniform.labes logical whether or not define generic short column and rows labeling:
#' * 'c1','c2',...,'cp' for columns,
#' * 'r1','r2',...,'rp' for rows;
#' might be especially useful if the matrix some long colnames and rownames already assigned
#' @param rotate.x.labels logical whether or not rotate x-axis labels by 90 degrees
#' @param x.lab x-axis label
#' @param y.lab y-axis label
#' @param axis.text.x.size font size of x-axis text
#' @param axis.text.y.size font size of y-axis text
#' @param axis.title.x.size font size of x-axis label
#' @param axis.title.y.size font size of y-axis label
#' @param legend.text.size font size of legend text
#' @param legend.title.size font size of legend title
#' @param legend.title legend title
#' @param font family
#' @param remove.legend logical whether or not remove legend
#' @param axis.text.x.breaks.idx indices of x-axis elements whose thicks are kept
#' and whose numerical labels are kept
#' @param axis.text.y.breaks.idx indices of y-axis elements whose thicks are kept
#' and whose numerical labels are kept
#' @md
#' @return \code{ggplot2} object
#' @examples
#' mat <- matrix(rnorm(30*30), nrow = 30, ncol = 30)
#' vizu.mat(mat)
#' vizu.mat(mat, fill.scale.limits = c(-3,3))
#' vizu.mat(mat, fill.scale.limits = c(-10,10))
#' vizu.mat(mat, fill.scale.limits = c(-10,10),
#' uniform.labes = TRUE, clear.labels = FALSE)
#' colnames(mat) <- paste0("col", 1:30, sample(LETTERS, 30, replace = TRUE))
#' rownames(mat) <- paste0("row", 1:30, sample(LETTERS, 30, replace = TRUE))
#' vizu.mat(mat, fill.scale.limits = c(-10,10),
#' clear.labels = FALSE,
#' rotate.x.labels = TRUE)
#' mat.positive <- abs(mat)
#' vizu.mat(mat.positive,
#' title = "positive values only -> legend limits and colors automatically adjusted",
#' clear.labels = FALSE,
#' rotate.x.labels = TRUE)
#' @import reshape2
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
vizu.mat <- function(matrix.object,
title = "",
base_size = 12,
adjust.limits = TRUE,
adjust.colors = TRUE,
fill.scale.limits = NULL,
colors.palette = NULL,
geom_tile.colour = "grey90",
clear.labels = TRUE,
clear.x.label = FALSE,
clear.y.label = FALSE,
uniform.labes = FALSE,
rotate.x.labels = FALSE,
x.lab = "",
y.lab = "",
axis.text.x.size = base_size-2,
axis.text.y.size = base_size-2,
axis.title.x.size = base_size-2,
axis.title.y.size = base_size-2,
legend.text.size = base_size-2,
legend.title.size = base_size-2,
legend.title = "value", = "Helvetica",
remove.legend = FALSE,
axis.text.x.breaks.idx = NULL,
axis.text.y.breaks.idx = NULL)
n.col <- ncol(matrix.object)
n.row <- nrow(matrix.object)
# Define column names if not defined or uniform.labes == TRUE
if (is.null(colnames(matrix.object)) | uniform.labes) {
colnames(matrix.object) <- paste0("c", 1:n.col)
# Define row names if not defined or uniform.labes == TRUE
if (is.null(rownames(matrix.object)) | uniform.labes) {
rownames(matrix.object) <- paste0("r", 1:n.row)
# Reshape matrix object
matrix.object.m <- melt(matrix.object)
matrix.object.m[, "Var1"] <- factor(matrix.object.m[, "Var1"],
levels = rev(rownames(matrix.object)))
matrix.object.m[, "Var2"] <- factor(matrix.object.m[, "Var2"],
levels = colnames(matrix.object))
# ggplot object skeleton
plot.tmp <-
ggplot(matrix.object.m, aes_string("Var2", "Var1")) +
geom_tile(aes_string(fill = "value"), colour = geom_tile.colour) +
labs(x = x.lab,
y = y.lab,
title = title,
fill = legend.title) +
theme_grey(base_size = base_size,
base_family = +
theme(legend.text = element_text(size = legend.text.size),
legend.title = element_text(size = legend.title.size))
# Tiles fill color
mat.r <- range(matrix.object, na.rm = T)
if (adjust.limits) {
if (mat.r[1] < 0 & mat.r[2] > 0) {
limits.tmp <- c(-1, 1)*max(abs(matrix.object))
colours.tmp <- c("blue", "white", "red")
else if (mat.r[2] > 0) {
limits.tmp <- c(0, mat.r[2])
colours.tmp <- c("white", "red")
else {
limits.tmp <- c(mat.r[1], 0)
colours.tmp <- c("blue", "white")
else {
limits.tmp <- NULL
if (!is.null(fill.scale.limits)) {
limits.tmp <- fill.scale.limits
if (!is.null(colors.palette)) {
colours.tmp <- colors.palette
else if (adjust.colors) {
if (mat.r[1] < 0 & mat.r[2] > 0) {
colours.tmp <- c("blue", "white", "red")
else if (mat.r[2] > 0) {
colours.tmp <- c("white", "red")
else {
colours.tmp <- c("blue", "white")
else {
colours.tmp <- NULL
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp + scale_fill_gradientn(colours = colours.tmp, limits = limits.tmp)
# Rotate x.axis labels labels
if (rotate.x.labels) {
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
# Define labels size
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = axis.text.x.size),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = axis.text.y.size),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = axis.title.x.size),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = axis.title.y.size))
# x-axis thicks and labels management
if (!is.null(axis.text.x.breaks.idx)){
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp + scale_x_discrete(labels = as.character(axis.text.x.breaks.idx),
breaks = colnames(matrix.object)[axis.text.x.breaks.idx])
} else {
if (clear.labels | clear.x.label){
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp + scale_x_discrete(breaks = NULL)
# y-axis thicks and labels management
if (!is.null(axis.text.y.breaks.idx)){
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp + scale_y_discrete(labels = as.character(axis.text.y.breaks.idx),
breaks = rownames(matrix.object)[axis.text.y.breaks.idx])
} else {
if (clear.labels | clear.y.label){
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp + scale_y_discrete(breaks = NULL)
# Remove legend
if (remove.legend){
plot.tmp <- plot.tmp + theme(legend.position = "none")
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