
#' Get data on annual market expectations for the Top 5 indicators (Focus/BCB)
#' @param indicator A single string or a character vector with economic indicators names, see details for possible values. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param detail A single string. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param first_date A single string or Date in "YYYY-mm-dd" format. Default for 2 years prior to the current date.
#' @param last_date A single string or Date in "YYYY-mm-dd" format. Default is the current date.
#' @param reference_date A single string in "YYYY" format, indicating the reference year for which the statistic is expected. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param calc_type A single string, NULL or a character vector indicating the calculation type (term) of the statistics. See details for possible values. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param be_quiet Logical. Should messages or warnings not be displayed? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param use_memoise Logical. Sets the use of caching system, creating a folder named "cache_bcb" by default. Default to TRUE.
#' @param do_parallel Logical. For using parallel data importation. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return A tibble with data from BCB-Olinda Data Services.
#' @description This function provides the extraction of data and statistics related to the expectations of economic indicators, specifically the annual market expectations of the indicators of the Top 5 Focus ranking, made available by the Central Bank of Brazil's Expectations System through the Olinda API. The data comes from several financial institutions: banks, funds, research houses, etc. Important: arguments are case sensitive.
#' @details For periods for which there are no statistics, they will be omitted from the query.
#' Possible values for indicator argument: "IGP-DI", "IGP-M", "IPCA", "Meta para taxa over-selic", "Taxa de câmbio".
#' Possible values for detail argument: if indicator "Meta para taxa over-selic" or "Taxa de câmbio" -> "Fim do ano" / "Media do ano".
#' Possible values for calc_type argument: "short", "medium" or "long".
#' @author Fernando da Silva <<fernando@fortietwo.com>>
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- get_annual_top5(
#'   indicator = "IPCA",
#'   first_date = Sys.Date() - 30,
#'   reference_date = format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"),
#'   use_memoise = FALSE
#' )
get_annual_top5 <- function (
  indicator      = NULL,
  detail         = NULL,
  first_date     = Sys.Date() - 2*365,
  last_date      = Sys.Date(),
  reference_date = NULL,
  calc_type      = NULL,
  be_quiet       = FALSE,
  use_memoise    = TRUE,
  do_parallel    = FALSE
  valid_indicator <- c("IGP-DI", "IGP-M", "IPCA", "Meta para taxa over-selic", "Taxa de c\u00e2mbio")

  if (missing(indicator) | !all(indicator %in% valid_indicator) | is.null(indicator)) {
    stop("\nArgument 'indicator' is not valid or missing. Check your inputs.", call. = FALSE)
  } else indicator

  valid_detail <- c(
    "Meta para taxa over-selic / Fim do ano",
    "Meta para taxa over-selic / Media do ano",
    "Taxa de c\u00e2mbio / Fim do ano",
    "Taxa de c\u00e2mbio / Media do ano"

  if (!is.null(detail) && !is.na(detail)) {
    if ((class(detail) != "character")) {
      stop("\nArgument 'detail' is not valid. Check your inputs.", call. = FALSE)
    } else if
    (!all(paste0(indicator, " / ", detail) %in% valid_detail)) {
      stop("\nArgument 'detail' is not valid. Check your inputs.", call. = FALSE)
    } else if
    (length(detail) > 1) {
      stop("\nArgument 'detail' is not valid. Check your inputs.", call. = FALSE)
    } else
  } else if
  ((length(detail) > 0) && is.na(detail)) {
    detail <- NULL
  } else detail

  first_date <- try(as.Date(first_date), silent = TRUE)
  if (length(first_date) <= 0 || is.na(first_date)) {first_date = NULL}
  if (class(first_date) %in% "try-error") {
    stop("\nArgument 'first_date' is not a valid date.", call. = FALSE)
  if (missing(first_date)) {first_date = Sys.Date() - 10 * 365} else

  last_date <- try(as.Date(last_date), silent = TRUE)
  if (length(last_date) <= 0 || is.na(last_date)) {last_date = NULL}
  if (class(last_date) %in% "try-error") {
    stop("\nArgument 'last_date' is not a valid date.", call. = FALSE)
  if (missing(last_date)) {last_date = Sys.Date() - 10 * 365} else

  if ((length(first_date) > 0) && first_date > Sys.Date()) {
    stop("\nIt seems that 'first_date' > current date. Check your inputs.", call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(last_date)) {
    if ((length(first_date) > 0) && last_date < first_date) {
      stop("\nIt seems that 'last_date' < first_date. Check your inputs.", call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(reference_date) && !is.na(reference_date)) {
    if ((class(reference_date) != "character")) {
      stop("\nArgument 'reference_date' is not valid. Check your inputs.", call. = FALSE)
    } else if
    (nchar(reference_date) == 4L & grepl("[[:digit:]]+$", reference_date)) {
      reference_date <- as.character(reference_date)
    } else
      stop("\nArgument 'reference_date' is not valid. Check yout inputs.", call. = FALSE)
  } else if
  (is.na(reference_date) && (length(reference_date) > 0)) {reference_date <- NULL} else

  if (!is.null(calc_type) && !is.na(calc_type) & length(calc_type) > 0) {
    if ((class(calc_type) != "character")) {
      stop("\nArgument 'calc_type' is not valid. Check your inputs.", call. = FALSE)
    } else if
    (!all(calc_type %in% c("short", "medium", "long"))){
      stop("\nArgument 'calc_type' is not valid. Check your inputs.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      calc_type <- dplyr::recode(
        "short"  = "C",
        "medium" = "M",
        "long"   = "L"
  } else if
  (is.na(calc_type) && (length(calc_type) > 0) | is.null(calc_type)) {calc_type <- NULL} else {
    stop("\nArgument 'calc_type' is not valid. Check your inputs.", call. = FALSE)

  if ((class(do_parallel) != "logical") || (is.na(do_parallel))) {
    stop("\nArgument 'do_parallel' must be logical. Check your inputs.", call. = FALSE)
  } else if

  ((class(be_quiet) != "logical") || (is.na(be_quiet))) {
    stop("\nArgument 'be_quiet' must be logical. Check your inputs.", call. = FALSE)

  foo_args <- paste0(
    paste0("(", paste(sprintf("Indicador eq '%s'", indicator), collapse = " or ", sep = ""), ")"),
    sprintf(" and IndicadorDetalhe eq '%s'", detail),
    sprintf(" and Data ge '%s'", first_date),
    sprintf(" and Data le '%s'", last_date),
    sprintf(" and DataReferencia eq '%s'", reference_date),
    {if (!is.null(calc_type)) {
      paste0(" and (", paste(sprintf("tipoCalculo eq '%s'", calc_type), collapse = " or ", sep = ""), ")")

  odata_url <- list(
      query = list(
        `$filter`  = foo_args,
        `$format`  = "json",
        `$orderby` = "Data desc"

  if ((class(use_memoise) != "logical") || (is.na(use_memoise))) {
    stop("\nArgument 'use_memoise' must be logical. Check your inputs.", call. = FALSE)
  } else
    memoising <- function(use_memoise, cache_dir) {
      if (use_memoise) {
        foo_memoise <- memoise::memoise(f = jsonlite::fromJSON, cache = cache_dir)
      } else
        foo_memoise <- jsonlite::fromJSON

  from_bcb <- memoising(
    use_memoise = use_memoise,
    cache_dir   = memoise::cache_filesystem("./cache_bcb")

  resp <- httr::GET(odata_url[[1]])
  if (httr::http_type(resp) != "application/json") {
    stop("BCB-Olinda API did not return json.", call. = FALSE)

  if (!do_parallel) {

    if (be_quiet) {message("", appendLF = FALSE)} else {
        paste0("\nFetching [", paste(indicator, collapse = ", "), "] data ", "from BCB-Olinda... \n"),
        appendLF = FALSE

    df <- try(
      suppressWarnings(purrr::pmap(.l = odata_url, .f = from_bcb)[[1]][["value"]]),
      silent = TRUE
  } else {
    used_workers <- future::nbrOfWorkers()
    available_cores <- future::availableCores()
    flag <- inherits(future::plan(), "sequential")
    if (flag) {
        "When using do_parallel = TRUE, you need to call future::plan() to configure your parallel settings.\n",
        "A suggestion, write the following lines just before:\n\n",
        "future::plan(future::multisession, workers = floor(future::availableCores()/2))", "\n\n",
        "Notice it will use half of your available cores so that your OS has some room to breathe."),
        call. = FALSE
    } else if
    (be_quiet) {message("", appendLF = FALSE)} else
        paste0("\nRunning parallel with ", used_workers, " cores (", available_cores, " available)\n",
               "\nFetching [", paste(indicator, collapse = ", "), "] data ", "from BCB-Olinda... \n"),
        appendLF = TRUE

    df <- try(
      suppressWarnings(furrr::future_pmap(.l = odata_url, .f = from_bcb)[[1]][["value"]]),
      silent = TRUE

  if (class(df) == "try-error") {
    stop("\nError in fetching data: ", conditionMessage(attr(df, "condition")),
         call. = FALSE
  } else if
  (purrr::is_empty(df)) {
        "\nIt seems that there is no data available. Possibly, the last available data is earlier than that defined in one of these arguments:
      \n1. 'first_date'", "\n2. 'reference_date'"
      call. = FALSE
  } else if
  (be_quiet) {message("", appendLF = FALSE)}
    message(paste0("\nFound ", nrow(df), " observations!\n"), appendLF = FALSE)

  df <- dplyr::rename_with(
    ~c("indicator", "detail", "date", "reference_date", "calc_type",
       "mean", "median", "sd", "coef_var", "min", "max")
  df <- dplyr::mutate(
    date = as.Date(date, format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
    calc_type = dplyr::recode(calc_type, "C" = "S")


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meedr documentation built on July 21, 2021, 5:08 p.m.