
#' Turns the outcome of \code{\link{runExperiment}} into a long table.
#' @description Takes the output of \code{\link{runExperiment}}, extracts the dataframes containing the ecological memory patterns generated by \code{\link{computeMemory}}, and binds them together into a single dataframe ready for further analyses or plotting.
#'@usage experimentToTable(
#'  experiment.output = NULL,
#'  parameters.file = NULL,
#'  sampling.names = NULL,
#'  R2 = TRUE
#'  )
#' @param experiment.output list, output of  \code{\link{runExperiment}}.
#' @param parameters.file dataframe of simulation parameters.
#' @param sampling.names vector of character strings with the names of the columns of \code{simulations.file}.
#' @param R2 boolean. If TRUE, the average pseudo R-squared of the random forest models used to analyze the ecological memory pattern of the virtual taxa are shown with the taxon traits.
#' @details This function is used internally by \code{\link{plotExperiment}}, but it is also available to users in case they want to do other kinds of analyses or plots with the data.
#' @author Blas M. Benito  <blasbenito@gmail.com>
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @seealso \code{\link{runExperiment}}, \code{\link{plotExperiment}}
#' @export
experimentToTable <- function(experiment.output = NULL,
                             parameters.file = NULL,
                             sampling.names = NULL,
                             R2 = TRUE){

  #objects to store results
  df.list <- list()
  df.list.index <- 0

  #assessing the number of columns of experiment.input
    list.rows <- length(experiment.output$output)
    list.columns <- 1
    species.names  <-  names(experiment.output$output)
  } else {
    list.rows <- dim(experiment.output$output)[1]
    list.columns <- dim(experiment.output$output)[2]
    species.names <- dimnames(experiment.output$output)[[1]]

  #iterating through list slots
  for (current.row in 1:list.rows){
    for (current.column in 1:list.columns){

      #getting experiment data
      if(list.columns > 1){

        #getting the memory output
        temp.data <- experiment.output$output[[current.row,current.column]]$memory

        #adding R2 to name if required
        if(R2 == TRUE){

          temp.data$name = paste(experiment.output$names[[current.row,current.column]], "; R2 ", round(mean(experiment.output$output[[current.row,current.column]]$R2), 2), "sd ", round(sd(experiment.output$output[[current.row,current.column]]$R2), 2), sep = "")

        } else {

          temp.data$name <- experiment.output$names[[current.row,current.column]]


        #getting pseudo R squared
        temp.data$R2mean <- mean(experiment.output$output[[current.row,current.column]]$R2)
        temp.data$R2sd <- sd(experiment.output$output[[current.row,current.column]]$R2)

        #getting average multicollinearity
        temp.data$VIFmean <- mean(experiment.output$output[[current.row,current.column]]$multicollinearity$vif)
        temp.data$VIFsd <- sd(experiment.output$output[[current.row,current.column]]$multicollinearity$vif)

        #if only one column
      } else {

        #getting the memory output
        temp.data <- experiment.output$output[[current.row]]$memory

        #getting R2
        if(R2 == TRUE){

          temp.data$name <- paste(experiment.output$names[[current.row]], "; R2 ", round(mean(experiment.output$output[[current.row]]$R2), 2), "sd ", round(sd(experiment.output$output[[current.row]]$R2), 2), sep="")

        } else {

          temp.data$name <- experiment.output$names[[current.row]]


        #getting pseudo R squared
        temp.data$R2mean <- mean(experiment.output$output[[current.row]]$R2)
        temp.data$R2sd <- sd(experiment.output$output[[current.row]]$R2)

        #getting average multicollinearity
        temp.data$VIFmean <- mean(experiment.output$output[[current.row]]$multicollinearity$vif)
        temp.data$VIFsd <- sd(experiment.output$output[[current.row]]$multicollinearity$vif)


      #adding parameters
      temp.data <- cbind(temp.data, as.data.frame(lapply(parameters.file[parameters.file$label == species.names[current.row], ], rep, nrow(temp.data))))

      #adding resampling (sampling.names)
      temp.data$sampling <- sampling.names[current.column]

      #adding dataframe to list
      df.list.index <- df.list.index + 1
      df.list[[df.list.index]] <- temp.data

  #puttind dataframe together
  simulation.df <- do.call("rbind", df.list)

  #abbreviate the name field
  simulation.df$name <- gsub(pattern = "maximum.age", replacement = "ma", x = simulation.df$name)
  simulation.df$name  <-  gsub(pattern = "reproductive.age", replacement = "sma", x = simulation.df$name)
  simulation.df$name  <-  gsub(pattern = "sampling", replacement = "smp", x = simulation.df$name)
  simulation.df$name  <-  gsub(pattern = ":", replacement = "", x = simulation.df$name)
  simulation.df$name  <-  gsub(pattern = "fecundity", replacement = "f", x = simulation.df$name)
  simulation.df$name  <-  gsub(pattern = "growth.rate", replacement = "gr", x = simulation.df$name)
  simulation.df$name  <-  gsub(pattern = "niche.", replacement = "", x = simulation.df$name)
  simulation.df$name  <-  gsub(pattern = "driver.", replacement = "", x = simulation.df$name)
  simulation.df$name  <-  gsub(pattern = ".weight", replacement = "w", x = simulation.df$name)
  simulation.df$name  <-  gsub(pattern = "Annual", replacement = "annual", x = simulation.df$name)
  simulation.df$name  <-  gsub(pattern = ".mean", replacement = "m", x = simulation.df$name)
  simulation.df$name  <-  gsub(pattern = ".sd", replacement = "sd", x = simulation.df$name)
  simulation.df$name  <-  gsub(pattern = "autocorrelation.length.A", replacement = "Aac", x = simulation.df$name)
  simulation.df$name  <-  gsub(pattern = "autocorrelation.length.B", replacement  =  "Bac", x  =  simulation.df$name)



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memoria documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9 a.m.