# #This file compares the prediction interval from the "Correct" bootmer method
# #to our quick and dirty method to see how they differ.
# #I renamed some things to ease my typing
# #Prep R####
# #rm(list=ls())
# library(lme4)
# library(arm)
# library(mvtnorm)
# library(dplyr)
# library(tidyr)
# library(ggplot2)
# library(knitr)
# library(RPushbullet)
# set.seed(51315)
# data(InstEval)
# data(sleepstudy)
# data(VerbAgg)
# #Cannonical Models for testing purposes
# ##1) Sleepstudy eg - lmer with random slope and random intercept
# m1.form <- Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)
# m1.df <- sleepstudy
# <- m1.df
# ##2) Verbal Aggression eg - lmer (could to glmer(logit)) with 2 levels
# m2.form <- r2 ~ (Anger + Gender + btype + situ)^2 + (1|id) + (1|item)
# m2.df <- VerbAgg
# <- m2.df
# ##3) Verbal Aggression eg - glmer(logit) with 2 levels
# m3.form <- r2 ~ (Anger + Gender + btype + situ)^2 + (1|id) + (1|item)
# m3.df <- VerbAgg
# <- m3.df
# ##4) Instructer Evaluation et - lmer cross-classified, with two different random slopes
# m4.form <- y ~ studage + lectage + service + dept + (studage|s) + (lectage|d)
# m4.df <- InstEval
# <- m4.df
# #Step 1: Our method ####
# # predictInterval <- function(model, newdata, level = 0.95, nsim=1000, stat="median", predict.type="link"){
# # #Depends
# # require(mvtnorm)
# # require(lme4)
# # #Prep Output
# # outs <- newdata
# #
# # #Sort out all the levels
# # reTerms <- names(ngrps(model))
# # n.reTerms = length(reTerms)
# #
# # ##The following 3 lines produce a matrix of linear predictors created from the fixed coefs
# # betaSim <- rmvnorm(nsim, mean = fixef(model), sigma = as.matrix(vcov(model)))
# # newdata.modelMatrix <- lFormula(formula = model@call, data=newdata)$X
# # fixed.xb <- newdata.modelMatrix %*% t(betaSim)
# #
# # ##Draw from random effects distributions for each level and merge onto newdata
# # reSim <- NULL
# # for (j in seq_along(reTerms)) {
# # group=reTerms[j]
# # reMeans <- array(ranef(model)[[group]])
# # reMatrix <- attr(ranef(model, condVar=TRUE)[[group]], which = "postVar")
# # reSim[[group]] <- data.frame(rownames(reMeans), matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(reMeans), ncol=nsim))
# # colnames(reSim[[group]]) <- c(group, paste("sim", 1:nsim, sep=""))
# # for (k in 1:nrow(reMeans)) {
# # lvl = rownames(reMeans)[k]
# # reSim[[group]][k,2:ncol(reSim[[group]])] <- rmvnorm(nsim, mean=as.matrix(reMeans[k,]), sigma=as.matrix(reMatrix[,,k]))
# # }
# # cnames <- colnames(reSim[[group]])
# # reSim[[group]] <- merge(newdata, reSim[[group]], by=group, all.x=TRUE)
# # reSim[[group]] <- as.matrix(reSim[[group]][,setdiff(cnames, group)])
# # }
# #
# # #Calculate yhat as sum of components
# # yhat <- fixed.xb + apply(simplify2array(reSim), c(1,2), sum)
# #
# # #Output prediction intervals
# # if (stat=="median") {
# # outs$fit <- apply(yhat,1,function(x) as.numeric(quantile(x, .5)))
# # }
# # if (stat=="mean") {
# # outs$fit <- apply(yhat,1,mean)
# # }
# # outs$upr <- apply(yhat,1,function(x) as.numeric(quantile(x, 1 - ((1-level)/2))))
# # outs$lwr <- apply(yhat,1,function(x) as.numeric(quantile(x, ((1-level)/2))))
# # if (predict.type=="response") {
# # outs$fit <- model@resp$family$linkinv(outs$fit)
# # outs$upr <- model@resp$family$linkinv(outs$upr)
# # outr$lwr <- model@resp$family$linkinc(outs$lwr)
# # }
# # #Close it out
# # return(outs)
# # }
# #Step 2: Unit Test Function####
# predictInterval.test <- function(model.form, model.df, model.type="lmer",
# predict.df, predict.type="link", stat="median",
# idvar=NULL, nSims=1000, ...) {
# require(lme4); require(dplyr); require(tidyr); require(ggplot2);
# ##Estimate model
# if (model.type=="lmer") {
# modelEstimation.time <- system.time(
# m1 <- lmer(model.form, data=model.df, ...)
# )
# }
# if (model.type=="glmer") {
# modelEstimation.time <- system.time(
# m1 <- glmer(model.form, data=model.df, ...)
# )
# }
# if (model.type=="blmer") {
# modelEstimation.time <- system.time(
# m1 <- blmer(model.form, data=model.df, ...)
# )
# }
# if (model.type=="bglmer") {
# modelEstimation.time <- system.time(
# m1 <- bglmer(model.form, data=model.df, ...)
# )
# }
# ##If it does not have one, add unique identifier to predict.df
# if (is.null(idvar)) {
# predict.df$.newID <- paste("newID", rownames(predict.df), sep="")
# }
# ##Functions for bootMer() and objects
# ####Return predicted values from bootstrap
# mySumm <- function(.) {
# predict(., newdata=predict.df, re.form=NULL, type=predict.type)
# }
# ####Collapse bootstrap into median, 95% PI
# sumBoot <- function(merBoot, stat) {
# if (stat=="median") {
# fit = apply(merBoot$t, 2, function(x) as.numeric(quantile(x, probs=.5, na.rm=TRUE)))
# }
# if (stat=="mean") {
# fit = apply(merBoot$t, 2, function(x) mean(x, na.rm=TRUE))
# }
# return(
# data.frame(merBoot$data,
# fit = fit,
# lwr = apply(merBoot$t, 2, function(x) as.numeric(quantile(x, probs=.025, na.rm=TRUE))),
# upr = apply(merBoot$t, 2, function(x) as.numeric(quantile(x, probs=.975, na.rm=TRUE))),
# colNAs = apply(merBoot$t, 2, function(x) sum(
# )
# )
# }
# ##Bootstrap
# ####Method 1: parametric, re-estimate BLUPS
# cat("\n Bootstrap Method 1")
# boot1.time <- system.time(
# boot1 <- bootMer(m1, mySumm, nsim=nSims,
# use.u=FALSE, type="parametric",
# .progress = "txt", PBargs=list(style=3))
# )
# ####Method 2: parametric, conditional on estimated BLUPS
# cat("\n Bootstrap Method 2")
# boot2.time <- system.time(
# boot2 <- bootMer(m1, mySumm, nsim=nSims,
# use.u=TRUE, type="parametric",
# .progress = "txt", PBargs=list(style=3))
# )
# ####Method 3: semiparametric (draw from resid), conditional on estimated BLUPS
# cat("\n Bootstrap Method 3")
# boot3.time <- system.time(
# boot3 <- bootMer(m1, mySumm, nsim=nSims,
# use.u=TRUE, type="semiparametric",
# .progress = "txt", PBargs=list(style=3))
# )
# ##Our Method
# kf.time <- system.time(
# kf.method <- predictInterval(m1, predict.df)
# )
# ##Compare Times
# compare.time <- rbind(modelEstimation.time, kf.time, boot1.time, boot2.time, boot3.time)
# ##Summarize and compare results
# boot1.sum <- sumBoot(boot1, stat=stat)
# boot2.sum <- sumBoot(boot2, stat=stat)
# boot3.sum <- sumBoot(boot3, stat=stat)
# eval <- merge(predict.df, boot1.sum) %>%
# rename(, boot1.lwr=lwr, boot1.upr=upr)
# eval <- merge(eval, boot2.sum) %>%
# rename(, boot2.lwr=lwr, boot2.upr=upr)
# eval <- merge(eval, boot3.sum) %>%
# rename(, boot3.lwr=lwr, boot3.upr=upr)
# eval <- merge(eval, kf.method) %>%
# rename(, KF.lwr=lwr, KF.upr=upr)
# #Check if nrow(eval) still equals nrow(predict.df) because it should
# if (nrow(eval)!=nrow(predict.df)) {
# stop("Something happened when merging bootstrap summaries together ...")
# }
# ##Add lmer yhats (predict.merMod) on there
# eval$with.u <- predict(m1, newdata=predict.df, re.form=NULL, type=predict.type)
# eval$no.u <- predict(m1, newdata=predict.df, re.form=NA, type=predict.type)
# ##Create summary statistics
# piCoveragePct <- function(ref.upr, ref.lwr, new.upr, new.lwr) {
# pct <- ifelse(ref.upr < new.lwr | ref.lwr > new.upr, 0,
# ifelse(ref.upr < new.upr & ref.lwr > new.lwr, 1,
# ifelse(ref.upr > new.upr & ref.lwr < new.lwr, (new.upr-new.lwr)/(ref.upr-ref.lwr),
# ifelse(ref.upr < new.upr, (ref.upr-new.lwr)/(ref.upr-ref.lwr),
# ifelse(ref.lwr > new.lwr, (new.upr-ref.lwr)/(ref.upr-ref.lwr), NA)))))
# return(pct)
# }
# ###Pct of other PI covered by KF PI
# eval$boot1.coverage <- piCoveragePct(eval$boot1.upr, eval$boot1.lwr, eval$KF.upr, eval$KF.lwr)
# eval$boot2.coverage <- piCoveragePct(eval$boot2.upr, eval$boot2.lwr, eval$KF.upr, eval$KF.lwr)
# eval$boot3.coverage <- piCoveragePct(eval$boot3.upr, eval$boot3.lwr, eval$KF.upr, eval$KF.lwr)
# ###Does KF PI contain point estimates
# eval$contain.boot1 <- piCoveragePct(eval$, eval$, eval$KF.upr, eval$KF.lwr)
# eval$contain.boot2 <- piCoveragePct(eval$, eval$, eval$KF.upr, eval$KF.lwr)
# eval$contain.boot3 <- piCoveragePct(eval$, eval$, eval$KF.upr, eval$KF.lwr)
# eval$contain.with.u <- piCoveragePct(eval$with.u , eval$with.u , eval$KF.upr, eval$KF.lwr)
# eval$ <- piCoveragePct(eval$no.u , eval$no.u , eval$KF.upr, eval$KF.lwr)
# ###Point estimate "bias"
# eval$distance.boot1 <- eval$ - eval$
# eval$distance.boot2 <- eval$ - eval$
# eval$distance.boot3 <- eval$ - eval$
# eval$distance.with.u <- eval$ - eval$with.u
# eval$ <- eval$ - eval$no.u
# ##Close it out
# return(
# list(
# compareTimes=compare.time,
# bootstraps = list(boot1, boot2, boot3),
# kf.method = kf.method,
# model=m1,
# evalData = eval
# )
# )
# }
# #Step 2b: Post processing predictInterval.test()
# <- function(eval.df, response, grouping.factors, seed=314) {
# require(dplyr); require(tidyr); require(ggplot2); require(grid); require(gridExtra);
# ####Data prep
# set.seed(seed)
# eval$random <- runif(nrow(eval))
# Eval <- eval %>%
# mutate(
# random = row_number(random)
# ) %>%
# gather(var, value, starts_with("boot"), starts_with("KF")) %>%
# mutate(
# simMethod = sub("[[:punct:]][0-9A-Za-z]*", "", var),
# stat = sub("[0-9A-Za-z]*[[:punct:]]", "", var)
# ) %>%
# select(-var) %>%
# spread(stat, value) %>%
# group_by(.newID) %>%
# arrange(simMethod) %>%
# mutate(
# x=row_number(simMethod),
# x=(x-mean(x))/10
# ) %>%
# group_by(simMethod) %>%
# mutate(
# x=row_number(random)+x
# )
# ####Direct Comparison Plot
# Eval.small <- arrange(Eval, random) %>% filter(random<=30) %>% arrange(x)
# p1 <- ggplot(aes(y=fit,x=x, color=simMethod), data=Eval.small) +
# geom_point(size=I(3)) +
# geom_linerange(aes(ymax=upr, ymin=lwr), size=I(1)) +
# geom_point(shape="with.u", color="black", size=I(4),
# data=summarize(group_by(Eval.small, .newID), x=mean(x), fit=mean(with.u))) +
# geom_point(shape="no.u", color="black", size=I(4),
# data=summarize(group_by(Eval.small, .newID), x=mean(x), fit=mean(no.u))) +
# theme_bw() +
# labs(x="Index", y="Prediction Interval", title="95% Prediction interval by method for 30 random obs") +
# scale_x_discrete(breaks=1:30, labels=Eval.small$.newID[Eval.small$simMethod=="KF"]) +
# theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90))
# #####Distribution of fitted values
# mean.statment <- paste("mean(",response,")", sep="")
# p2 <- ggplot(aes(x=fit), data=Eval) +
# geom_density(aes(color=simMethod)) +
# geom_vline(x=mean(unlist(Eval[,response]))) +
# geom_density(data=summarize_(
# group_by_(Eval, grouping.factors),
# fit = mean.statment), color="black") +
# theme_bw() +
# labs(x = "Estimate", y="Density",
# title="Average point estimates by prediction type \n (vertical black line is sample grand mean, \n black density is distribution of sample group means)")
# #####Bar Graph of KF PI containing other point estimates
# p3 <- eval %>% select(starts_with("contain.")) %>%
# gather(simMethod, value) %>%
# mutate(
# simMethod = sub("[[:alpha:]]*.", "", simMethod)
# ) %>%
# group_by(simMethod) %>%
# summarize(
# value=100*mean(value)
# ) %>%
# qplot(value, x=simMethod, fill=simMethod, data=., geom="bar", position="dodge", stat="identity") +
# labs(y="Percent", title="Percent of observations in which our P.I. contains other point estimates") +
# theme_bw()
# ##Summarizing Bias
# SD <- sd(eval[,response])
# <- eval %>% select(starts_with("distance.")) %>%
# gather(simMethod, value) %>%
# mutate(
# simMethod = sub("[[:alpha:]]*.", "", simMethod),
# value = value/SD,
# ymax = max(density(value)$y),
# xmin = min(value)
# ) %>%
# group_by(simMethod) %>%
# summarize(
# mean.Distance = round(mean(value),4),
# mad.Distance = round(mad(value),2),
# ymax = max(ymax),
# xmin = min(xmin)
# )
# bias.xmin <- min($xmin, na.rm=TRUE)
# bias.xmax <- 0.2 * bias.xmin
# bias.ymax <- max($ymax, na.rm=TRUE)
# bias.ymin <- .5 * bias.ymax
# <-[,1:3]
# p4a <- eval %>% select(starts_with("distance.")) %>%
# gather(simMethod, value) %>%
# mutate(
# simMethod = sub("[[:alpha:]]*.", "", simMethod),
# value = value/SD
# ) %>%
# qplot(x=value, color=simMethod, data=., geom="density") +
# labs(x="Standard deviations of response variable") +
# theme_bw()
# p4b <- tableGrob(, show.rownames = FALSE)
# p4 <- arrangeGrob(p4a, p4b, ncol=1, main="Distribution of distance from KF point estimates to other point estimates")
# ##Summarizing Bias
# <- eval %>%
# select(ends_with(".coverage")) %>%
# gather(simMethod, value) %>%
# mutate(
# simMethod = gsub(".coverage","", simMethod, fixed=TRUE),
# TotalCoverage=value==1,
# Cov.90to100 = value>0.9 & value < 1,
# Cov.80to90 = value>0.8 & value <= 0.9,
# Cov.50to80 = value>0.5 & value <= 0.8,
# Cov.0to50 = value>0 & value <= 0.5,
# ZeroCoverage= value==0
# ) %>%
# group_by(simMethod) %>%
# summarize(
# TotalCoverage= round(100*sum(TotalCoverage)/n(),1),
# Cover.90to100 = round(100*sum(Cov.90to100)/n(),1),
# Cover.80to90 = round(100*sum(Cov.80to90)/n(),1),
# Cover.50to80 = round(100*sum(Cov.50to80)/n(),1),
# Cover.0to50 = round(100*sum(Cov.0to50)/n(),1),
# ZeroCoverage = round(100*sum(ZeroCoverage)/n(),1)
# )
# p5a <- eval %>%
# select(ends_with(".coverage")) %>%
# gather(simMethod, value) %>%
# mutate(
# simMethod = gsub(".coverage","", simMethod, fixed=TRUE)
# ) %>%
# ggplot(data=., aes(x=100*value, fill=simMethod)) +
# geom_bar(aes(y=300*(..count..)/sum(..count..)), binwidth=5) +
# facet_wrap(~simMethod, ncol=3) +
# labs(y="Percent of Observations", x="Coverage Percentage") +
# theme_bw()
# p5b <- tableGrob(, show.rownames = FALSE)
# p5 <- arrangeGrob(p5a, p5b, ncol=1, main="Distribution of PI coverage percentages")
# ##Wrap-up
# return(
# list(
# CompareRandomObs=p1,
# FitDistributions=p2,
# PointEstimateCoverage=p3,
# BiasSummary=p4,
# CoverageSummary=p5
# )
# )
# }
# #$evalData, response="Reaction", grouping.factors = "Subject")
# #Step 3: Summarize and Compare Results####
# #debug(predictInterval.test)
# cannonical.1 <- predictInterval.test(model.form = m1.form, model.df = m1.df, predict.df =, nSims=2500)
# pbPost("note", title="Finished Cannonical Model 1", body=paste(kable(cannonical.1$compareTimes[,1:3]), collapse ="\n"))
# cannonical.2 <- predictInterval.test(model.form = m2.form, model.df = m2.df, predict.df =, nSims=2500)
# pbPost("note", title="Finished Cannonical Model 2", body=paste(kable(cannonical.2$compareTimes[,1:3]), collapse ="\n"))
# cannonical.4 <- predictInterval.test(model.form = m4.form, model.df = m4.df, predict.df =, nSims=2500)
# pbPost("note", title="Finished Cannonical Model 4", body=paste(kable(cannonical.4$compareTimes[,1:3]), collapse ="\n"))
# cannonical.3 <- predictInterval.test(model.form = m3.form, model.df = m3.df, model.type="glmer",
#, predict.type="response", nSims=2500)
# pbPost("note", title="Finished Cannonical Model 3", body=paste(kable(cannonical.3$compareTimes[,1:3]), collapse ="\n"))
# # save.image()
# #Step 4: checking math with a fine-toothed comb ####
# ##Pull pieces to create toy example
# KF <- cannonical.1$kf.method
# model <- cannonical.1$model
# nsim=5
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