dat.besson2016: Dataset on How Maternal Diet Impacts Copying Styles in...

dat.besson2016R Documentation

Dataset on How Maternal Diet Impacts Copying Styles in Rodents


Results from 46 studies synthesising maternal nutritional effects on coping styles in rodents.




The data frame contains the following columns:

comp_ID character effect-size unique identifier
study_ID character study unique identifier
dam_ID character dam unique identifier (group of dams subjected to the same treatment)
animal_ID character offspring unique identifier (group of offspring from the same dam group subjected to the same treatment)
Reference character author’s names and date
species character species [rats or mice]
strain character strain
manip_type character maternal nutritional manipulation type [protein or calorie]
manip_direction character direction of maternal nutritional manipulation [- = restriction, + = overfeeding]
nom_manip_val character degree of maternal nutritional manipulation as described in the original publications [% = percentage of caloric or protein restriction, # = increase in caloric intake]
exp character percentage of caloric or protein maternal restriction or increase in caloric intake of the experimental group
control character percentage of caloric or protein maternal restriction or increase in caloric intake for the control group
manip_parameter character protein content, percentage fat or intake
vitmin_eql character were vitamins equalized across maternal diets? [yes or no]
adlib_con character were maternal control groups fed ad libitum? [yes or no]
adlib_exp character were maternal experimental groups fed ad libitum? [yes or no]
diet_con character name of maternal control diet?
diet_exp character name of maternal experimental diet?
dam_diet_start_dPC numeric start of the dam diet [in days post-conception]
dam_diet_end_dPC numeric end of the dam diet [in days post-conception]
diet_label character period of maternal diet manipulation [pregestation = pre-gestation, pre = pregnancy, lact = lactation, or pre+lact = pregnancy and lactation]
age_mating numeric dam age at mating if known
n_con_dam integer sample size of the control dam groups
n_exp_dam integer sample size of the experimental dam groups
multi_use_con character were control groups used multiple time? [yes or no]
dam_housing character how were dams housed? [pair, group, or single]
temperature numeric temperature during the experiment [°C]
photoperiod integer photoperiod during the experiment [number of hours of light]
litter_size integer size of the litter [number of pups per dam]
litter_size_equalized character has litter size been equalized? [yes or no]
crossfostered character have pups been cross-fostered? [yes or no]
sex character sex of the offspring that were tested [m = male, f = female, both = mixed sex]
housing character offspring housing during the test period [dam, pair, single, or group]
bodymass_mean_contr numeric mean body mass of control offspring close to or during the testing period [g]
bodymass_SE_contr numeric S.E. for body mass of control offspring close to or during the testing period
bodymass_mean_exp numeric mean body mass of experimental offspring close to or during the testing period [g]
bodymass_SE_exp numeric S.E. for body mass of experimental offspring close to or during the testing period
bm_N_contr integer sample size for body mass of control offspring close to or during the testing period
bm_N_exp integer sample size for body mass of experimental offspring close to or during the testing period
bm_dPP integer age of offspring when body mass was measured [in days post-parturition]
offspring_diet character offspring diet after weaning [type of control diet]
offspring_con_adlib character were control offspring fed ad libitum after weaning? [yes or no]
offspring_diet_level character name of offspring diet after weaning
offspring_diet_end_dPP integer end of the offspring diet [in days post-parturition]
post_diet_adlib character were experimental offspring fed ad libitum after weaning? [yes or no]
response_age_dPP numeric offspring age when behavioural testing started [in days post-parturition]
authors_behaviour_classification character author's classification of offspring behaviour [anxiety, exploration, or activity]
our_behaviour_classification character our classification of offspring behaviour [anxiety, exploration, or activity]
response_test character type of test used [elevated T-maze (ETM), open field, etc.] to measure offspring behaviour
time_trial integer duration of the testing [min]
measure character measures taken during testing [total distance moved, time spent in open arm, etc.]
unit character unit of the behavioural measure taken [min, s, m, number (#), etc.]
high_better character for activity and exploration, a higher number is assumed to be better (i.e., animals were more active), but the opposite was assumed for anxiety (i.e., they were more anxious) [yes or no]
night.day character time of day when behaviours were measured [night or day]
comparison character for a given control-treatment group comparison, animal group codes as used in the original article [e.g., LP, HP]. This field allows identification of exactly which data (i.e., comparison of which pairs of groups) were extracted from the original paper, and is not used in our analyses. For our analyses the groups were re-coded as control/experimental.
exp_mean numeric mean of the offspring behaviour measured for the experimental group
exp_se numeric S.E. of the offspring behaviour measured for the experimental group
exp_n integer sample size for the offspring experimental group
con_mean numeric mean of offspring behaviour measured for the control group
con_se numeric S.E. of the offspring behaviour measured for the control group
con_n integer sample size for the offspring control group
con_ID character identifier for shared control groups within experiment
percentage character is the offspring behaviour measure a percentage? [yes or no]
Data_source character figure or table number in the original paper from which the data were extracted
measure_comments character any comments on the offspring behaviour measures
SE_imputed character was S.E. imputed for the offspring behaviour measure? [yes or no]
Comments character any comments on the data


Data from experiments where dams were subject to caloric or protein restriction or were overfed around gestation were included. Offspring activity, exploration, or anxiety were measured outcomes variables from maternal experimental treatments. Multilevel meta-analysis and meta-regression models were used to analyze the meta-analytic data.


ecology, evolution, standardized mean differences


Daniel Noble, daniel.noble@anu.edu.au


Besson, A. A., Lagisz, M., Senior, A. M., Hector, K. L., & Nakagawa, S. (2016). Effect of maternal diet on offspring coping styles in rodents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Biological Reviews, 91(4), 1065–1080. https://doi.org/10.1111/brv.12210


### copy data into 'dat' and examine data
dat <- dat.besson2016

## Not run: 

### load metafor

### compute SD from SE
dat$sd_c <- with(dat, con_se * sqrt(con_n))
dat$sd_e <- with(dat, exp_se * sqrt(exp_n))

### compute standardized mean differences and corresponding sampling variances
dat <- escalc(measure="SMD", m1i=exp_mean, m2i=con_mean, sd1i=sd_e, sd2i=sd_c,
              n1i=exp_n, n2i=con_n, data=dat, add.measure=TRUE)

### fit model
mod1 <- rma.mv(yi ~ 1, V = vi, random = list(~ 1 | study_ID, ~ 1 | comp_ID), data = dat)

## End(Not run)

metadat documentation built on April 6, 2022, 5:08 p.m.