
context("metapred 2. Stratified fitting")

### Some stuff necessary for testing
# The data
n <- 100
n.cov <- 3
td <- data.frame(matrix(rbinom(n * (n.cov + 1), 1, .5), ncol = n.cov + 1, nrow = n))
td.ig <- td + 1 # For inverse gaussian and Gamma.

# Arguments
f <- X1 ~ X2 + X3
gl <- glm(f, family = binomial, data = td)
st.i <- td[["X4"]]
st.u <- sort(unique(st.i))
folds <- metamisc:::l1o(st.u)

# Ideally these would be separated into 3 tests, but they use each other's objects, which are cleaned up by test_that.
test_that("Stratified models can be estimated and MA.", {
  # Stratified estimation
  expect_is(stratum.fit <- mp.stratum.fit(gl), "mp.stratum.fit")
  expect_is(stratified.fit <- mp.stratified.fit(formula = f, data = td, 
                                                st.i = st.i, st.u = st.u, estFUN = glm, 
                                                family = binomial)  , "mp.stratified.fit")
  # MA 
  # Note: this essentially yields the global model
  expect_is(meta.fit <- metamisc:::mp.meta.fit(stratified.fit, metamisc:::urma), "mp.meta.fit")
  expect_length(coef(meta.fit), 3)
  # FE because rma automatically switches to FE for this sample anyways
  expect_is(cv.meta.fit <- metamisc:::mp.cv.meta.fit(stratified.fit = stratified.fit, folds = folds, metaFUN = metamisc:::urma,
                                                     meta.method = "FE"), "mp.cv.meta.fit") 
  expect_equal(dim(coef(cv.meta.fit)), c(length(unique(td[["X4"]])), ncol(td) - 1) )
  # Recal of MA
  expect_is(recal.meta.fit <- metamisc:::mp.recal.meta.fit(meta.fit = meta.fit, formula = f, newdata = td, estFUN = glm), "mp.meta.fit")
  expect_gt(coef(recal.meta.fit)[1], coef(meta.fit)[1])
  expect_identical(coef(recal.meta.fit)[-1], coef(meta.fit)[-1])

td_factor <- td
td_factor$X1 <- as.factor(td_factor$X1)
test_that("Stratified models for predicting factors can be estimated", {
  expect_is(stratified.fit <- metamisc:::mp.stratified.fit(formula = f, data = td_factor,
                                                           st.i = st.i, st.u = st.u, estFUN = glm,
                                                           family = binomial)  , "mp.stratified.fit")
  expect_is(meta.fit <- metamisc:::mp.meta.fit(stratified.fit, metamisc:::urma), "mp.meta.fit")
  expect_length(coef(meta.fit), 3)
  # FE because rma automatically switches to FE for this sample anyways
  expect_is(cv.meta.fit <- metamisc:::mp.cv.meta.fit(stratified.fit = stratified.fit, folds = folds, metaFUN = metamisc:::urma,
                                                     meta.method = "FE"), "mp.cv.meta.fit")
  expect_equal(dim(coef(cv.meta.fit)), c(length(unique(td_factor[["X4"]])), ncol(td_factor) - 1) )
  # Recal of MA
  expect_is(recal.meta.fit <- metamisc:::mp.recal.meta.fit(meta.fit = meta.fit, formula = f, newdata = td_factor, estFUN = glm), "mp.meta.fit")
  expect_gt(coef(recal.meta.fit)[1], coef(meta.fit)[1])
  expect_identical(coef(recal.meta.fit)[-1], coef(meta.fit)[-1])

test_that("Stratified models can be cross-validated", {
  # CV: development
  expect_is(cv.dev <- metamisc:::mp.cv.dev(formula = f, data = td, st.i = st.i, st.u = st.u, folds = folds,
                                           estFUN = glm, metaFUN = metamisc:::urma, meta.method = "FE", family = binomial)
            , "mp.cv.dev")
  expect_equal(family(cv.dev), binomial())
  expect_equal(getPredictMethod(fit = cv.dev, two.stage = TRUE), metamisc:::predictGLM)
  # CV: recalibration
  # Note: double recalibration sadly removes the previous original coefs and should not be done.
  expect_is(cv.recal  <- metamisc:::mp.cv.recal(cv.dev = cv.dev, newdata = td, folds = folds, estFUN = glm), "mp.cv.dev")
  expect_is(cv.recal2 <- metamisc:::mp.cv.recal(cv.recal, td, folds, glm), "mp.cv.dev")
  # CV: validation
  expect_is(cv.val <- metamisc:::mp.cv.val(cv.dev = cv.dev, data = td, st.i = st.i, folds = folds), "mp.cv.dev")
  expect_is(cv.val, "mp.cv.val")
  # CV: validation with recalibration
  # Note: with recalibration, gen and perf should always appear to be smaller (=better)
  expect_is(cv.val.recal <- mp.cv.val(cv.dev = cv.dev, data = td, st.i = st.i, folds = folds,
                                      recal.int = TRUE, estFUN = glm), "mp.cv.dev")
  expect_gt(cv.val$gen, cv.val.recal$gen)
  expect_true(all(cv.val$perf$perf > cv.val.recal$perf$perf))
  # Whole sequence
  expect_is(cv <- mp.cv(formula = f, data = td, st.i = st.i, st.u = st.u, folds = folds, family = binomial, meta.method = "FE"), "mp.cv")
  expect_true(all(class(cv) == c("mp.cv", "mp.cv.val", "mp.cv.dev")))
  # Global model
  expect_is(global <- mp.global.2st(cv.val, urma), "mp.global")
  expect_is(global <- mp.global.2st(cv, urma), "mp.global")
  expect_is(global <- mp.global.2st(cv.val.recal, urma), "mp.global")

test_that("A stepwise stratified model can be fitted", {
  # No stepwise
  expect_is(step0 <- metamisc:::mp.step(formula = f, data = td, remaining.changes = c(""), st.i = st.i,
                                        st.u = st.u, folds = folds, family = binomial, meta.method = "FE"), "mp.step")
  expect_length(step0$cv, 1)
  expect_is(mp.step.get.best(step0), "mp.cv")
  # Main effects
  change.main <- c("X2", "X3")
  expect_is(step <- metamisc:::mp.step(formula = f, data = td, remaining.changes = change.main, st.i = st.i,
                                       st.u = st.u, folds = folds, family = binomial, meta.method = "FE"), "mp.step")
  expect_is(mp.step.get.best(step), "mp.cv")
  # Interaction effect
  change.interaction <- c("X2:X3")
  expect_is(step2 <- mp.step(formula = f, data = td, remaining.changes = change.interaction, st.i = st.i,
                             st.u = st.u, folds = folds, family = binomial, meta.method = "FE"), "mp.step")
  expect_is(mp.step.get.best(step2), "mp.cv")
  # Entire fit
  expect_is(fit <- mp.fit(formula = f, data = td, remaining.changes = change.main, st.i = st.i,
                          st.u = st.u, folds = folds, family = binomial, max.steps = 3, meta.method = "FE"), "mp.fit")
  expect_equal(fit$best.step, "s1") # for this data and seed

y <- c(rep(0, 20), rep(1, 20))
x <- rnorm(length(y), y, 1)
z <- factor(rbinom(length(y), 1, c(0.3, 0.6)[y]))
y <- factor(y)
y[1:3] <- NA
k <- rep(1:2, 10)
d <- data.frame(y, x, z, k)

# The idea is that it does the same as how glm handles factors internally.
# so the behaviour of metapred should not change in this case as y is converted 
# to factor
test_that("factor_as_binary / metapred can handle factors", { 
  metapred_numeric_y <- metapred(d, "k", y ~ x + z, family = binomial)
  y <- factor(y)
  metapred_factor_y <- metapred(d, "k", y ~ x + z, family = binomial)
  expect_identical(coef(metapred_numeric_y), coef(metapred_factor_y))

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