
Defines functions near.obs.soil

Documented in near.obs.soil

near.obs.soil <- function(
  locations.x.y.md = c(1,2,3),
  observations.x.y.md = c(1,2,3),
  obs.col = 4,
  n.obs = 5,
  depth.range = 0.1, # in units of depth
  no.obs = 'increase', # exactly
  parallel.processing = TRUE,
  pp.type = "doParallel", # "snowfall"
  cpus = detectCores()-1
  l <- NULL # to supress Warning
  ### PREPARE DATA ###
  ### input data preparation
  if (any(class(locations) == "SpatVector")) {
    mid.depth <- locations[[locations.x.y.md[3]]]
    locations <- as.data.frame(cbind(crds(locations), mid.depth))
  } else if (any(class(locations) == "SpatRaster")) {
    mid.depth <- values(locations[[locations.x.y.md[3]]])
    locations <- as.data.frame(cbind(crds(locations, na.rm= FALSE), mid.depth))
  } else if (any(class(locations) == "sf")) {
    mid.depth <- locations[[locations.x.y.md[3]]]
    locations <- as.data.frame(cbind(st_coordinates(locations), mid.depth))
  } else {
    locations <- locations[, locations.x.y.md]
  if (any(class(observations) == "SpatVector")) {
    mid.depth <- observations[[observations.x.y.md[3]]]
    variable <- observations[[obs.col]] # as.data.frame(observations)[, obs.col]
    observations <- as.data.frame(cbind(crds(observations), mid.depth, variable))
  } else if (any(class(observations) == "sf")) {
    mid.depth <- observations[[observations.x.y.md[3]]]
    variable <- observations[, obs.col, drop=T]
    observations <- as.data.frame(cbind(st_coordinates(observations), mid.depth, variable))
  } else {
    observations <- observations[, c(observations.x.y.md, obs.col)]
  ############# probably the best solution - to find the obs in the profile in which horizon is the midpoint
  ############### i.e. the midpoint is in the lower-upper range of the obs in the profile ###
  #### if there is no obs -> error("")
  # or
  #### use only horizons that have obs in the specified depth.range!!!
  # near_o1 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(locations), ncol = n.obs)
  # nn.dists <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(locations), ncol = n.obs)
  near.obs.soil_fun <- function(l) {
    # nearest_obs <- foreach (l = 1:nrow(locations)) %dopar% { # , .export = c("near.obs")
    # for (l in 1:nrow(locations)) {
    loc <- locations[l, ]
    ### remove observations at the same location as loc
    obs.dupl <- observations[which(observations[, 1] != loc[, 1] & observations[, 2] != loc[, 2]), ]
    ### find observations at location depth +-depth.range
    obs.depth.range <- obs.dupl[obs.dupl[, 3] >= (loc[, 3] - depth.range) &
                                  obs.dupl[, 3] <= (loc[, 3] + depth.range), ]
    ### choose one observation per profile in case where multiple observations from one profile are in the depth range
    obs.depth.range$v.dist <- obs.depth.range[, 3] - loc[, 3] # vertical distnaces from observation mid depth to location mid.depth
    obs.depth.range <- obs.depth.range[order(abs(obs.depth.range$v.dist)), ] # sort in asceding order by v.dist because the first observation (closest one) will not be duplicate
    obs.depth.range <- obs.depth.range[!duplicated(obs.depth.range[, 1:2]), ]
    ### find n nearest observations from +-depth.range
    if (nrow(obs.depth.range) < n.obs) {
      ### return error
      if (no.obs == 'exactly') {
        stop(paste(paste('There are only ', nrow(obs.depth.range), ' observations (n.obs = ', n.obs, ') within +-', depth.range, ' from location: ', sep=""),
                   paste('x = ', loc[, 1], sep=""),
                   paste('y = ', loc[, 2], sep=""),
                   paste('depth = ', loc[, 3], sep=""),
                   paste('Please, increase the depth.range.', sep=""), sep="\n"))
      } else { # increase
        multi <- 2
        while (nrow(obs.depth.range) < n.obs) {
          depth.range2 <- depth.range*multi
          ### find observations at location depth +-depth.range
          obs.depth.range <- obs.dupl[obs.dupl[, 3] >= (loc[, 3] - depth.range2) &
                                        obs.dupl[, 3] <= (loc[, 3] + depth.range2), ]
          multi <- multi + 1
        warning(paste('The depth.range for location:', 
                      paste('x = ', loc[, 1], sep=""),
                      paste('y = ', loc[, 2], sep=""),
                      paste('depth = ', loc[, 3], sep=""),
                      paste('was increased to ', depth.range2, ' because there were no ', n.obs, ' nearest observations for +-', depth.range, ' depth.range.', sep=""),
    ### find n.obs nearest observations and distances to them
    knn1 <- nabor::knn(obs.depth.range[, 1:2], loc[, 1:2], k=n.obs)
    # near_o1[l, ] <- obs.depth.range[knn1$nn.idx, 4]
    # nn.dists[l, ] <- knn1$nn.dists
    nl_df <- c(knn1$nn.dists, obs.depth.range[knn1$nn.idx, 4]) # rbind

  ### loop through locations  
  # add foreach in parallel - add
  if (parallel.processing) {
    if (pp.type == "doParallel") {
      nl_df <- foreach(l = 1:nrow(locations), .packages = c("raster","spacetime","gstat")) %dopar% {near.obs.soil_fun(l)}
    } else {
      nl_df <- sfLapply (1:nrow(locations), function(l) {near.obs.soil_fun(l)})
  } else {
    nl_df <- lapply (1:nrow(locations), function(l) {near.obs.soil_fun(l)})
  nl_df <- do.call("rbind", nl_df)
  name1 <- c()
  name2 <- c()
  for (i in 1:n.obs) {
    name1 <- c(name1, paste("dist", i, sep = ""))
    name2 <- c(name2, paste("obs", i, sep = ""))
  all_names <- c(name1, name2)
  nl_df <- as.data.frame(nl_df)
  names(nl_df) <- all_names


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meteo documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 5:07 p.m.