
# This script demonstrates the full process from import to writing to a GADGET
# directory.
# ok and ok_group are there so we can run this code and verify it is correct,
# and not needed every-day use.
# NB: if you want to run this, you must be using mfdb-workspace, also be warned
# any data stored in your database will be destroyed.

# Empty database, so we start from scratch
if (exists("mdb")) mfdb_disconnect(mdb)
mfdb(gsub("inttest", "inttest-gadgetdirectory", Sys.getenv('INTTEST_SCHEMA', 'inttest')), db_params = db_params, destroy_schema = TRUE)

# Open a connection to the DB for the Iceland case study, and open an output
# directory to save files in
mdb <- mfdb(gsub("inttest", "inttest-gadgetdirectory", Sys.getenv('INTTEST_SCHEMA', 'inttest')), db_params = db_params, save_temp_tables = FALSE)

ok_group("Area File", {
    # 3 area cells 45G01--3, each of which are 5km^2, divide area up into 2 divisions
    mfdb_import_area(mdb, data.frame(
        name = c('45G01', '45G02', '45G03'),
        division = c('divA', 'divB', 'divB'),
        size = c(5)))

    # Import temperature data for these areas
    mfdb_import_temperature(mdb, data.frame(
        year = rep(c(1998, 1999), each = 12),
        month = c(1:12, 1:12),
        areacell = c(rep('45G01', times = 24)),
        temperature = c(0.5, 1.2, 2.4, 3.5, 4.6, 5.7, 6.1, 7.4, 8.9, 10, 11, 12, 25:36)))

    # Initalise a gadget directory to output into
    gd <- gadget_directory(tempfile())

    # Define a grouping for area, a for divA and b for divB
    area_group <- mfdb_group(a = c("divA"), b = c("divB"))

    # Group area and temperature data into a & b, group temperature data into
    # quarterly periods, write the lot out into a gadget areafile
    gadget_dir_write(gd, gadget_areafile(
        mfdb_area_size(mdb, list(area = area_group))[[1]],
        mfdb_temperature(mdb, list(year = c(1998, 1999), timestep = mfdb_timestep_quarterly, area = area_group))[[1]]

    # Resulting areafile contains the following data
    ok(cmp_file(gd, "Modelfiles/area",
        "; a\tb",
        "; -- data --",
        "; year\tstep\tarea\tmean",
        paste0("1998\t1\t1\t", round(mean(c(0.5, 1.2, 2.4)), 1)),
        paste0("1998\t2\t1\t", round(mean(c(3.5, 4.6, 5.7)), 1)),
        paste0("1998\t3\t1\t", round(mean(c(6.1, 7.4, 8.9)), 1)),
        paste0("1998\t4\t1\t", round(mean(c(10, 11, 12)), 1)),
        paste0("1999\t1\t1\t", round(mean(25:27), 1)),
        paste0("1999\t2\t1\t", round(mean(28:30), 1)),
        paste0("1999\t3\t1\t", round(mean(31:33), 1)),
        paste0("1999\t4\t1\t", round(mean(34:36), 1)),
        NULL), "Areafile on disk matches")

ok_group("Length / weight / age samples", {
    # Set-up areas/divisions
    mfdb_import_area(mdb, data.frame(id = c(1,2,3), name = c('45G01', '45G02', '45G03'), size = c(5)))
    mfdb_import_division(mdb, list(divA = c('45G01', '45G02'), divB = c('45G01')))

    # Import a survey
        data_source = 'survey1',
            year = c('1998'),
            month = c(1:12),
            areacell = c('45G01'),
            species = c('COD'),
            age =    c(  1,  2,  1,  2,  1,  2,   1,  2,  1,  2,  1,  2),
            length = c( 10, 50, 30, 10, 35, 46,  65, 62, 36, 35, 34, 22),
            weight = c(100,500,300,100,350,460, 650,320,360,350,340,220)))

    # Initalise a gadget directory to output into
    gd <- gadget_directory(tempfile())

    # Get the mean length data from the database
    agg_data <- mfdb_sample_meanlength(mdb, c('age'), list(
            year = 1998:2000,
            area = mfdb_group(divA = c("divA")),
            timestep = mfdb_timestep_biannually,
            age = mfdb_group(all = 1:1000),
            length = mfdb_interval("len", seq(0, 50, by = 5))))

    # Write it into a likelihood component
    # NB: We use agg_data[[1]] since mfdb_sample_meanlength() could have returned
    # multiple bootstrap samples, in this case we didn't use bootstrapping, so
    # only got one.
    gadget_dir_write(gd, gadget_likelihood_component('catchstatistics', data = agg_data[[1]]))

    # Likelihood file has a component
    ok(cmp_file(gd, "likelihood",
        "; ",
        ), "Likelihood file updated")

    # Data files written
    ok(cmp_file(gd, "Data/catchstatistics.catchstatistics.lengthnostddev",
        "; -- data --",
        "; year\tstep\tarea\tage\tnumber\tmean",
        ), "datafile updated")
    ok(cmp_file(gd, "Aggfiles/catchstatistics.catchstatistics.area.agg",
        ), "areafile updated")
    ok(cmp_file(gd, "Aggfiles/catchstatistics.catchstatistics.age.agg",
        paste0("all\t", paste(1:1000, collapse = "\t"))
        ), "age updated")

ok_group("Maturity stage samples", {
    # Set-up areas/divisions
    mfdb_import_area(mdb, data.frame(id = c(1,2,3), name = c('45G01', '45G02', '45G03'), size = c(5)))
    mfdb_import_division(mdb, list(divA = c('45G01', '45G02'), divB = c('45G01')))

    # Import a survey
        data_source = 'survey1',
            year = c('1998'),
            month = c(1:12),
            areacell = c('45G01'),
            species = c('COD'),
            maturity_stage = c(  1,  2,  3,  1,  2,  3,   1,  2,  3,  1,  2,  3),
            age =            c(  1,  2,  1,  2,  1,  2,   1,  2,  1,  2,  1,  2),
            length =         c( 10, 50, 30, 10, 35, 46,  65, 62, 36, 35, 34, 22),
            count =          c(100,500,300,100,350,460, 650,320,360,350,340,220)))

    # Initalise a gadget directory to output into
    gd <- gadget_directory(tempfile())

    # Treat the maturity stage as a stock, divide up into mature and immature
    agg_data <- mfdb_sample_count(mdb, c('maturity_stage', 'age', 'length'), list(
            year = 1998:2000,
            area = mfdb_group(divA = c("divA")),
            length = mfdb_step_interval('len', by = 10, to = 100),
            timestep = mfdb_timestep_biannually,
            maturity_stage = mfdb_group(imm = 1, mat = 2:5)))

    # Write it into a likelihood component
    gadget_dir_write(gd, gadget_likelihood_component(
        'stockdistribution', data = agg_data[[1]]))

    # Likelihood file has a component
    ok(cmp_file(gd, "likelihood",
        "; ",
        ), "Likelihood file updated")

    # Data files written
    ok(cmp_file(gd, "Data/stockdistribution.stockdistribution.sumofsquares",
        "; -- data --",
        "; year\tstep\tarea\tstock\tage\tlength\tnumber",
        NULL), "datafile updated")
    ok(cmp_file(gd, "Aggfiles/stockdistribution.stockdistribution.area.agg",
        NULL), "area aggregation file")
    ok(cmp_file(gd, "Aggfiles/stockdistribution.stockdistribution.len.agg",
        NULL), "len aggregation file")

ok_group("Samples with NULL groupings", {
    # Set-up areas/divisions
    mfdb_import_area(mdb, data.frame(id = c(1,2,3), name = c('45G01', '45G02', '45G03'), size = c(5)))
    mfdb_import_division(mdb, list(divA = c('45G01', '45G02'), divB = c('45G01')))

    # Import a survey
        data_source = 'samples-with-null-groupings',
            year = c('1998'),
            month = c(1:12),
            areacell = c('45G01'),
            species = c('CLL'),
            maturity_stage = c(  1,  2,  3,  1,  2,  3,   1,  2,  3,  1,  2,  3),
            age =            c(  8,  9, 10,  7,  8, 15,  10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 12),
            length =         c( 10, 50, 30, 10, 35, 46,  65, 62, 36, 35, 34, 22),
            count =          c(100,500,300,100,350,460, 650,320,360,350,340,220)))

    # Initalise a gadget directory to output into
    gd <- gadget_directory(tempfile())

    # Treat the maturity stage as a stock, divide up into mature and immature
    agg_data <- mfdb_sample_meanweight(mdb, c('age'), list(
            year = 1998:2000,
            area = mfdb_group(divA = c("divA")),
            age = NULL,
            species = 'CLL',
            timestep = mfdb_timestep_biannually))

    # Write it into a likelihood component
    gadget_dir_write(gd, gadget_likelihood_component(
        'catchstatistics', data = agg_data[[1]]))

    # Likelihood file has a component
    ok(cmp_file(gd, "likelihood",
        "; ",
        ), "Likelihood file updated")

    # Data files written
    ok(cmp_file(gd, "Data/catchstatistics.catchstatistics.weightnostddev",
        "; -- data --",
        "; year\tstep\tarea\tage\tnumber\tmean",
        NULL), "datafile updated")
    ok(cmp_file(gd, "Aggfiles/catchstatistics.catchstatistics.age.agg",
        NULL), "age aggregation file autodiscovered min and max")


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

mfdb documentation built on June 21, 2022, 5:07 p.m.