#' Plot response functions from a fitted `mfp2` object
#' Plots the partial linear predictors with confidence limits
#' against the selected covariate(s) of interest.
#' @param model fitted `mfp2` model.
#' @param terms character vector with variable names to be plotted.
#' @param partial_only a logical value indicating whether only the partial
#' predictor (component) is drawn (`TRUE`), or also component-plus-residual
#' (`FALSE`, the default). Only used if `type = "terms"`. See below for details.
#' @param type,ref,terms_seq arguments of [predict.mfp2()]. Only
#' `type = "terms"` and `type = "contrasts"` are supported by this function.
#' @param alpha `alpha` argument of [predict.mfp2()].
#' @param shape,size_points,color_points `ggplot2` properties of drawn
#' data points.
#' @param color_line,linetype,linewidth `ggplot2` properties of line for
#' partial predictor.
#' @param color_fill,alpha_fill `ggplot2` properties of ribbon for confidence
#' interval.
#' @param ... used in alias `plot_mfp` to pass arguments.
#' @details
#' The confidence limits of the partial linear predictors or contrasts are
#' obtained from the variance–covariance matrix of the final fitted model,
#' which takes into account the uncertainty in estimating the model parameters
#' but not the FP powers. This can lead to narrow confidence intervals. A simple
#' way to obtain more realistic confidence intervals within the FP is by using
#' bootstrap, which is not currently implemented. See Royston and Sauerbrei (2008)
#' chapter 4.9.2 for guidance on conducting bootstrapping within
#' the FP class.
#' The component-plus-residual, is the partial linear predictor plus residuals,
#' where deviance residuals are used in generalized linear regression models,
#' while martingale residuals are used in Cox models, as done in Stata mfp program.
#' This kind of plot is only available if `type = "terms"`.
#' @examples
#' # Gaussian
#' data("prostate")
#' x = as.matrix(prostate[,2:8])
#' y = as.numeric(prostate$lpsa)
#' # default interface
#' fit = mfp2(x, y, verbose = FALSE)
#' fracplot(fit) # generate plots
#' @return
#' A list of `ggplot2` plot objects, one for each term requested. Can be
#' drawn as individual plots or facetted / combined easily using e.g.
#' `patchwork::wrap_plots` and further customized.
#' @seealso
#' [predict.mfp2()]
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom ggplot2 .data
#' @export
fracplot <- function(model,
terms = NULL,
partial_only = FALSE,
type = c("terms","contrasts"),
ref = NULL,
terms_seq = c("data", "equidistant"),
alpha = 0.05,
color_points = "#AAAAAA",
color_line = "#000000",
color_fill = "#000000",
shape = 1,
size_points = 1,
linetype = "solid",
linewidth = 1,
alpha_fill = 0.1) {
# Does a check if ggplot2 is available
# It should be as it is in the imports section but in CRAN checks some systems don't have it!
if (!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package \"ggplot2\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE
# assert that the object must be mfp2
if (!inherits(model, "mfp2"))
stop("The model entered is not an mfp2 object.", call. = FALSE)
# check if ref is a list (only if it is not NULL)
if (!is.null(ref) && !is.list(ref))
stop("ref must be a list", call. = FALSE)
# set defaults depending on type
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == "contrasts") {
partial_only <- TRUE
if (missing(terms_seq))
terms_seq <- "equidistant"
terms_seq <- match.arg(terms_seq)
pred <- predict(model,
type = type,
terms = terms,
ref = ref,
terms_seq = terms_seq,
alpha = alpha)
# for points also need the data point predictions
pred_data <- pred
if (!partial_only && terms_seq != "data") {
pred_data <- predict(model,
type = "terms",
terms = terms,
terms_seq = "data")
if (length(pred) == 0) {
warning("i Variables specified in terms not used in final model.")
ylab <- "Partial Predictor"
if (!partial_only) {
# compute residuals to plot points
# for glm, deviance residuals are required
# while for cox martingale residuals
resid <- if (model$family_string == "cox") {
} else {
residuals.glm(model, type = "deviance")
# add residuals to the data
#pred_data <- lapply(pred_data, function(v) transform(v, resid = resid))
pred_data <- lapply(pred_data, function(v) {
v$resid <- resid
# y label for the plot
ylab <- "Partial Predictor + residuals"
# Preallocate the list for plots
plots <- setNames(vector("list", length(names(pred))), names(pred))
# in the calls to ggplot2::aes use the .data pronoun to avoid notes
# generated by R CMD CHECK about missing bindings of global variables
for (v in names(pred)) {
plots[[v]] <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = pred[[v]],
ggplot2::aes(x = .data$variable,
y = .data$value)) +
ggplot2::geom_line(linewidth = linewidth,
linetype = linetype,
color = color_line) +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes(ymin = .data$lower,
ymax = .data$upper),
alpha = alpha_fill) +
ifelse(model$fp_terms[v, "acd"], "1", ""),
paste0(model$fp_powers[[v]], collapse = ", "),
ifelse(model$fp_terms[v, "acd"], ":ACD", "")
)) +
ggplot2::xlab(v) + ggplot2::ylab(ylab) +
if (!partial_only)
plots[[v]] <- plots[[v]] +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = pred_data[[v]],
ggplot2::aes(y = .data$value + .data$resid),
color = color_points,
size = size_points,
shape = shape)
#' @describeIn fracplot Alias for fracplot.
plot_mfp <- function(...) {
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