#' Model averaging for multivariate generalized linear models
#' Model averaging for multivariate GLM based on information theory.
#' @name mamglm
#' @export
#' @param data Data frame, typically of environmental variables. Rows for sites and colmuns for environmental variables.
#' @param y Name of 'mvabund' object (character)
#' @param family the 'family' object used.
#' @param scale Whether to scale independent variables (default = TRUE)
#' @param AIC.restricted Whether to use AICc (TRUE) or AIC (FALSE) (default = TRUE).
#' @return A list of results
#' @return \item{res.table }{data frame with "AIC", AIC of the model, "log.L", log-likelihood of the model, "delta.aic", AIC difference to the best model, "wAIC", weighted AIC to the model, "n.vars", number of variables in the model, and each term.}
#' @return \item{importance }{vector of relative importance value of each term, caluclated as as um of the weighted AIC over all of the model in whith the term aperars.}
#' @return \item{family }{the 'family' object used.}
#' @references Burnham, K.P. & Anderson, D.R. (2002) Model selection and multi-model inference: a practical information-theoretic approach. Springer Verlag, New York.
#' @references Wang, Y., Naumann, U., Wright, S.T. & Warton, D.I. (2012) mvabund- an R package for model-based analysis of multivariate abundance data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3, 471-474.
#' @references Warton, D.I., Wright, S.T. & Wang, Y. (2012) Distance-based multivariate analyses confound location and dispersion effects. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3, 89-101.
#' @references Nakamura, A., C. J. Burwell, C. L. Lambkin, M. Katabuchi, A. McDougall, R. J. Raven, and V. J. Neldner. (2015) The role of human disturbance in island biogeography of arthropods and plants: an information theoretic approach. Journal of Biogeography 42:1406-1417.
#' @seealso\code{\link{maglm}}, \code{\link{ses.maglm}}, \code{\link{ses.mamglm}}
#' @examples
#' #load species composition and environmental data
#' library(mvabund)
#' data(capcay)
#' #use a subset of data in this example to reduce run time
#' env_assem <- capcay$env_assem[, 1:5]
#' freq.abs <- mvabund(log(capcay$abund + 1))
#' #to fit a gaussian regression model to frequency data:
#' mamglm(data = env_assem, y = "freq.abs", family = "gaussian")
#' #to fit a binomial regression model to presence/absence data"
#' pre.abs0 <- capcay$abund
#' pre.abs0[pre.abs0 > 0] = 1
#' pre.abs <- mvabund(pre.abs0)
#' mamglm(data = env_assem, y = "pre.abs", family = "binomial")
mamglm <- function(data, y, family, scale = TRUE, AIC.restricted = FALSE){
if (scale) data <-
my.vars <- colnames(data)
n.vars <- length(my.vars)
vars.list <- list()
for (i in 1:n.vars){
vars.list[[i]] <- combn(my.vars, i)
#numbers of combination for each sample size
temp <- sapply(vars.list, ncol)
#AIC for each model
model.aic <- NULL
log.L <- NULL
vars <- list()
k <- 0
vars2 <- matrix(numeric(n.vars * sum(temp)), nrow = sum(temp), ncol = n.vars)
#number of paremeter = i+1 (one means intercept)
#sample size = nrow(data)
#AICc = -2*logLike + 2*n.para*n.sample/(n.sample-n.para-1)
for (i in 1:n.vars){
for (j in 1:temp[i]){
k <- k + 1
vars.temp <- vars.list[[i]][, j]
vars[[k]] <- vars.temp
f.str <- make.formula(y, vars.temp)
if (family == "gaussian") fit.temp <- manylm(f.str, data = data)
else fit.temp <- manyglm(f.str, data = data, family = family)
log.L.temp <- logLik(fit.temp)
log.L <- c(log.L, sum(log.L.temp))
if (AIC.restricted){
#aic is corrected for finite sampe size
aic.restricted <- sum(-2 * log.L.temp + 2 * nrow(data) * (i + 1) /
(nrow(data) - (i + 1) - 1)) / ncol(data)
# aic.restricted <- sum(-2*log.L.temp +2*nrow(data)*(i+1)/(nrow(data)-(i+1)-1))
model.aic <- c(model.aic, aic.restricted)
# aic.unrestricted <- sum(-2*log.L.temp +2*(i+1))
aic.unrestricted <- sum(-2 * log.L.temp + 2 * (i + 1)) / ncol(data)
model.aic <- c(model.aic, aic.unrestricted)
min.aic <- min(model.aic)
delta.aic <- model.aic - min.aic
wAIC <- exp(-delta.aic / 2) / sum(exp(-delta.aic / 2))
res <- data.frame(AIC = model.aic, log.L = log.L, delta.aic, wAIC, n.vars = rep(1:n.vars, temp))
##counting vars
#vars2 is matrix filled with 0 (row:sites,col:parameters)
vars2 <- matrix(numeric(n.vars * sum(temp)), nrow = sum(temp), ncol = n.vars)
colnames(vars2) <- my.vars
n.size <- rep(1:n.vars, temp) # number of paremters for each row
for (i in 1:nrow(vars2)){ # each row (sample)
for (j in 1:n.vars){ # each column (paramter)
for (k in 1:n.size[i]){ # upto number of paramters
if (colnames(vars2)[j] == vars[[i]][k]) vars2[i,j] <- 1
# for exmaple, i=100
# > vars[[100]]
# [1] ""
# [2] "P.mega.Is.p.a"
# [3] "Tot.rain.during.sampling.log..x.0.01."
# these three paramters were used in the 100th analysis
# if jth colnames of vars2, which is a parameter name, is identical to vars[[i]][k], which is a paramter name used in the analysis, vars2[i,j] is replaced by 1
res <- cbind(res, vars2)
res <- res[order(res$AIC), ]
rownames(res) <- NULL
#calculating weighted result of explanable variables
res.temp <- res[, -1:-5]
res2 <- apply(apply(res.temp, 2,
function(x)res$wAIC * x), 2, sum)
list(res.table = res, importance = res2, family = family)
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