
#' SE Fireworks disaster data
#' Multiple outcomes of a randomized study to reduce post-traumatic stress.
#' Data from a randomized experiment to reduce post-traumatic stress by two
#' treatments: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
#' (experimental treatment), and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) (control
#' treatment). 52 children were randomized to one of these two treatments.
#' Outcomes were measured at three time points: at baseline (pre-treatment, T1),
#' post-treatment (T2, 4-8 weeks), and at follow-up (T3, 3 months). For more
#' details, see de Roos et al (2011).  Some person covariates were reshuffled.
#' The imputation methodology is explained in Chapter 9 of van Buuren (2012).
#' @name fdd
#' @aliases fdd fdd.pred
#' @docType data
#' @format \code{fdd} is a data frame with 52 rows and 65 columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{id}{Client number}
#' \item{trt}{Treatment (E=EMDR, C=CBT)}
#' \item{pp}{Per protocol (Y/N)}
#' \item{trtp}{Number of parental treatments}
#' \item{sex}{Sex: M/F}
#' \item{etn}{Ethnicity: NL/OTHER}
#' \item{age}{Age (years)}
#' \item{trauma}{Trauma count (1-5)}
#' \item{prop1}{PROPS total score T1}
#' \item{prop2}{PROPS total score T2}
#' \item{prop3}{PROPS total score T3}
#' \item{crop1}{CROPS total score T1}
#' \item{crop2}{CROPS total score T2}
#' \item{crop3}{CROPS total score T3}
#' \item{masc1}{MASC score T1}
#' \item{masc2}{MASC score T2}
#' \item{masc3}{MASC score T3}
#' \item{cbcl1}{CBCL T1}
#' \item{cbcl3}{CBCL T3}
#' \item{prs1}{PRS total score T1}
#' \item{prs2}{PRS total score T2}
#' \item{prs3}{PRS total score T3}
#' \item{ypa1}{PTSD-RI B intrusive recollection parent T1}
#' \item{ypb1}{PTSD-RI C avoidant/numbing parent T1}
#' \item{ypc1}{PTSD-RI D hyper-arousal parent T1}
#' \item{yp1}{PTSD-RI B+C+D parent T1}
#' \item{ypa2}{PTSD-RI B intrusive recollection parent T2}
#' \item{ypb2}{PTSD-RI C avoidant/numbing parent T2}
#' \item{ypc2}{PTSD-RI D hyper-arousal parent T2}
#' \item{yp2}{PTSD-RI B+C+D parent T1}
#' \item{ypa3}{PTSD-RI B intrusive recollection parent T3}
#' \item{ypb3}{PTSD-RI C avoidant/numbing parent T3}
#' \item{ypc3}{PTSD-RI D hyper-arousal parent T3}
#' \item{yp3}{PTSD-RI B+C+D parent T3}
#' \item{yca1}{PTSD-RI B intrusive recollection child T1}
#' \item{ycb1}{PTSD-RI C avoidant/numbing child T1}
#' \item{ycc1}{PTSD-RI D hyper-arousal child T1}
#' \item{yc1}{PTSD-RI B+C+D child T1}
#' \item{yca2}{PTSD-RI B intrusive recollection child T2}
#' \item{ycb2}{PTSD-RI C avoidant/numbing child T2}
#' \item{ycc2}{PTSD-RI D hyper-arousal child T2}
#' \item{yc2}{PTSD-RI B+C+D child T2}
#' \item{yca3}{PTSD-RI B intrusive recollection child T3}
#' \item{ycb3}{PTSD-RI C avoidant/numbing child T3}
#' \item{ycc3}{PTSD-RI D hyper-arousal child T3}
#' \item{yc3}{PTSD-RI B+C+D child T3}
#' \item{ypf1}{PTSD-RI parent full T1}
#' \item{ypf2}{PTSD-RI parent full T2}
#' \item{ypf3}{PTSD-RI parent full T3}
#' \item{ypp1}{PTSD parent partial T1}
#' \item{ypp2}{PTSD parent partial T2}
#' \item{ypp3}{PTSD parent partial T3}
#' \item{ycf1}{PTSD child full T1}
#' \item{ycf2}{PTSD child full T2}
#' \item{ycf3}{PTSD child full T3}
#' \item{ycp1}{PTSD child partial T1}
#' \item{ycp2}{PTSD child partial T2}
#' \item{ycp3}{PTSD child partial T3}
#' \item{cbin1}{CBCL Internalizing T1}
#' \item{cbin3}{CBCL Internalizing T3}
#' \item{cbex1}{CBCL Externalizing T1}
#' \item{cbex3}{CBCL Externalizing T3}
#' \item{bir1}{Birlison T1}
#' \item{bir2}{Birlison T2}
#' \item{bir3}{Birlison T3}
#' }
#' \code{fdd.pred} is the 65 by 65 binary
#' predictor matrix used to impute \code{fdd}.
#' @source de Roos, C., Greenwald, R., den Hollander-Gijsman, M., Noorthoorn,
#' E., van Buuren, S., de Jong, A. (2011). A Randomised Comparison of Cognitive
#' Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing
#' (EMDR) in disaster-exposed children. \emph{European Journal of
#' Psychotraumatology}, \emph{2}, 5694.
#' Van Buuren, S. (2018).
#' \href{https://stefvanbuuren.name/fimd/sec-fdd.html}{\emph{Flexible Imputation of Missing Data. Second Edition.}}
#' Chapman & Hall/CRC. Boca Raton, FL.
#' Boca Raton, FL.: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' data <- fdd
#' md.pattern(fdd)

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