
#' @import              methods
#' @importFrom broom    glance tidy
#' @importFrom dplyr    %>% bind_cols bind_rows filter group_by lead
#'                      mutate n pull row_number select summarize
#' @importFrom glmnet   cv.glmnet
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis box par plot plot.new plot.window
#'                      points rect text
#' @importFrom lattice  bwplot densityplot stripplot xyplot
#' @importFrom mitml    jomoImpute mitmlComplete panImpute testModels
#' @importFrom nnet     multinom
#' @importFrom Rcpp     evalCpp
#' @importFrom rlang    .data syms
#' @importFrom rpart    rpart rpart.control
#' @importFrom stats    C aggregate as.formula binomial coef
#'                      complete.cases confint
#'                      contr.treatment cor df.residual fitted
#'                      formula gaussian getCall
#'                      glm is.empty.model lm lm.fit
#'                      median model.frame model.matrix
#'                      na.exclude na.omit na.pass
#'                      pf predict pt qt quantile quasibinomial
#'                      rbinom rchisq reformulate rgamma rnorm runif
#'                      sd summary.glm terms update var vcov
#' @importFrom tidyr    complete
#' @importFrom utils    askYesNo flush.console head install.packages methods
#'                      packageDescription packageVersion
#'                      tail write.table
#' @export bwplot
#' @export densityplot
#' @export stripplot
#' @export xyplot
#' @export complete

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mice documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:38 p.m.