
Defines functions microbenchmark

Documented in microbenchmark

#' Sub-millisecond accurate timing of expression evaluation.
#' \code{microbenchmark} serves as a more accurate replacement of the
#' often seen \code{system.time(replicate(1000, expr))}
#' expression. It tries hard to accurately measure only the time it
#' takes to evaluate \code{expr}. To achieved this, the
#' sub-millisecond (supposedly nanosecond) accurate timing functions
#' most modern operating systems provide are used. Additionally all
#' evaluations of the expressions are done in C code to minimize any
#' overhead.
#' This function is only meant for micro-benchmarking small pieces of
#' source code and to compare their relative performance
#' characteristics. You should generally avoid benchmarking larger
#' chunks of your code using this function. Instead, try using the R
#' profiler to detect hot spots and consider rewriting them in C/C++
#' or FORTRAN.
#' The \code{control} list can contain the following entries:
#' \describe{
#' \item{order}{the order in which the expressions are evaluated.
#'   \dQuote{random} (the default) randomizes the execution order,
#'   \dQuote{inorder} executes each expression in order and
#'   \dQuote{block} executes all repetitions of each expression
#'     as one block.}
#' \item{warmup}{the number of iterations to run the timing code before
#'   evaluating the expressions in \dots. These warm-up iterations are used
#'   to estimate the timing overhead as well as spinning up the processor
#'   from any sleep or idle states it might be in. The default value is 2.}
#' }
#' @note Depending on the underlying operating system, different
#' methods are used for timing. On Windows the
#' \code{QueryPerformanceCounter} interface is used to measure the
#' time passed. For Linux the \code{clock_gettime} API is used and on
#' Solaris the \code{gethrtime} function. Finally on MacOS X the,
#' undocumented, \code{mach_absolute_time} function is used to avoid
#' a dependency on the CoreServices Framework.
#' Before evaluating each expression \code{times} times, the overhead
#' of calling the timing functions and the C function call overhead
#' are estimated. This estimated overhead is subtracted from each
#' measured evaluation time. Should the resulting timing be negative,
#' a warning is thrown and the respective value is replaced by
#' \code{0}. If the timing is zero, a warning is raised.
#' Should all evaluations result in one of the two error conditions described above, an error is raised.
#' One platform on which the clock resolution is known to be too low to measure short runtimes with the required precision is 
#' Oracle\if{html}{\out{®}}\if{latex}{\out{\textregistered\ }}\if{text}{(R)}
#' Solaris 
#' on some 
#' SPARC\if{html}{\out{®}}\if{latex}{\out{\textregistered\ }}\if{text}{(R)}
#' hardware.
#' Reports of other platforms with similar problems are welcome.
#' Please contact the package maintainer.
#' @param ... Expressions to benchmark.
#' @param list  List of unevaluated expressions to benchmark.
#' @param times Number of times to evaluate each expression.
#' @param check A function to check if the expressions are equal. By default \code{NULL} which omits the check.
#' In addition to a function, a string can be supplied.
#' The string \sQuote{equal} will compare all values using \code{\link{all.equal}}, \sQuote{equivalent} will compare all values using \code{\link{all.equal}} and check.attributes = FALSE, and \sQuote{identical} will compare all values using \code{\link{identical}}.
#' @param control List of control arguments. See Details.
#' @param unit Default unit used in \code{summary} and \code{print}.
#' @param setup An unevaluated expression to be run (untimed) before each benchmark expression.
#' @return Object of class \sQuote{microbenchmark}, a data frame with
#' columns \code{expr} and \code{time}. \code{expr} contains the
#' deparsed expression as passed to \code{microbenchmark} or the name
#' of the argument if the expression was passed as a named
#' argument. \code{time} is the measured execution time of the
#' expression in nanoseconds. The order of the observations in the
#' data frame is the order in which they were executed.
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.microbenchmark}} to display and
#' \code{\link{boxplot.microbenchmark}} or
#' \code{\link{autoplot.microbenchmark}} to plot the results.
#' @examples
#' ## Measure the time it takes to dispatch a simple function call
#' ## compared to simply evaluating the constant \code{NULL}
#' f <- function() NULL
#' res <- microbenchmark(NULL, f(), times=1000L)
#' ## Print results:
#' print(res)
#' ## Plot results:
#' boxplot(res)
#' ## Pretty plot:
#' if (requireNamespace("ggplot2")) {
#'   ggplot2::autoplot(res)
#' }
#' ## Example check usage
#' my_check <- function(values) {
#'   all(sapply(values[-1], function(x) identical(values[[1]], x)))
#' }
#' f <- function(a, b)
#'   2 + 2
#' a <- 2
#' ## Check passes
#' microbenchmark(2 + 2, 2 + a, f(2, a), f(2, 2), check=my_check)
#' \dontrun{
#' a <- 3
#' ## Check fails
#' microbenchmark(2 + 2, 2 + a, f(2, a), f(2, 2), check=my_check)
#' }
#' ## Example setup usage
#' set.seed(21)
#' x <- rnorm(10)
#' microbenchmark(x, rnorm(10), check=my_check, setup=set.seed(21))
#' ## Will fail without setup
#' \dontrun{
#' microbenchmark(x, rnorm(10), check=my_check)
#' }
#' ## using check
#' a <- 2
#' microbenchmark(2 + 2, 2 + a, sum(2, a), sum(2, 2), check='identical')
#' microbenchmark(2 + 2, 2 + a, sum(2, a), sum(2, 2), check='equal')
#' attr(a, 'abc') <- 123
#' microbenchmark(2 + 2, 2 + a, sum(2, a), sum(2, 2), check='equivalent')
#' ## check='equal' will fail due to difference in attribute
#' \dontrun{
#' microbenchmark(2 + 2, 2 + a, sum(2, a), sum(2, 2), check='equal')
#' }
#' @author Olaf Mersmann
microbenchmark <- function(..., list=NULL,
                           setup=NULL) {
  stopifnot(times == as.integer(times))
  if (!missing(unit) && !is.null(unit))
    stopifnot(is.character(unit), length(unit) == 1L)

  unit <- determine_unit(unit = unit)

  control[["warmup"]] <- coalesce(control[["warmup"]], 2^18L)
  control[["order"]] <- coalesce(control[["order"]], "random")

  stopifnot(as.integer(control$warmup) == control$warmup)

  exprs <- c(as.list(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$`...`), list)
  nm <- names(exprs)
  exprnm <- sapply(exprs, function(e) paste(deparse(e), collapse=" "))
  if (is.null(nm))
    nm <- exprnm
    nm[nm == ""] <- exprnm[nm == ""]
  names(exprs) <- nm

  env <- parent.frame()
  setup <- substitute(setup)

  if (!is.null(check)) {
    setupexpr <- as.expression(setup)
    checkexprs <- lapply(exprs, function(e) c(setupexpr, e))

    ## Evaluate values in parent environment
    values <- lapply(checkexprs, eval, env)
    if (is.character(check) && isTRUE(check == 'equal')) {
      check <- function(values) { all(sapply(values[-1], function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(values[[1]], x)))) }
    } else if (is.character(check) && isTRUE(check == 'equivalent')) {
      check <- function(values) { all(sapply(values[-1], function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(values[[1]], x, check.attributes = F)))) }
    } else if (is.character(check) && isTRUE(check == 'identical')) {
      check <- function(values) { all(sapply(values[-1], function(x) identical(values[[1]], x))) }
    ok <- check(values)

    if (!isTRUE(ok)) {
      stop("Input expressions are not equivalent.", call. = FALSE)

  ## GC first

  o <- if (control$order == "random")
    sample(rep(seq_along(exprs), times=times))
  else if (control$order == "inorder")
    rep(seq_along(exprs), times=times)
  else if (control$order == "block")
    rep(seq_along(exprs), each=times)
    stop("Unknown ordering. Must be one of 'random', 'inorder' or 'block'.")
  exprs <- exprs[o]

  if (anyDuplicated(nm) > 0) {
    duplicates <- nm[duplicated(nm)]
    stop("Expression names must be unique. Duplicate expression names: ",
         paste(duplicates, collapse = ", "))
  expr <- factor(nm[o], levels = nm)
  res <- .Call(do_microtiming, exprs, env,
               as.integer(control$warmup), setup,

  ## Sanity check. Fail as early as possible if the results are
  ## rubbish.
  if (all(is.na(res)))

  res <- data.frame(expr = expr, time=res)
  class(res) <- c("microbenchmark", class(res))
  if (!is.null(unit))
    attr(res, "unit") <- unit

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microbenchmark documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:45 p.m.