bordGrp: Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using...

bordGrpR Documentation

Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package


The micromapST function can be used to create linked micromaps for may different spatial areas by using different border groups. Several border group (bordGrp) examples are contained in the package and include the 51 states and DC of the United States, the counties of Kansas, Maryland, New York, Utah, the countries and provinces of the U.K. and China, and the U. S. Seer Registries used by the National Cancer Institute. Each border group is a different dataset containing the unique boundaries and operational information to allow micromapST to work in a different spatial area. The structure of each border group dataset is identical with the same variable names and types of structures. A user can build their own border group dataset to meet their specific spatial area needs. Because the package contains several border group datasets, the use of lazydata or lazyloading has been disabled.

The name of the border group is specified in the bordGrp call parameter. To permit a user to reference a border group dataset not contained in the package, and reside in a user's folder, the bordDir must be used to direct the package to the border group. The border group must be saved under R using the save function with the file extension of ".rda". For example: bordGrp="private", bordDir="c:/SavedBorderGroups"

Each border group contain six (6) datasets by the same data.frame names. This allows the micromapST package the ability to quickly load a particular border group and create the requested micromaps. The five data.frames are: areaParms, areaNamesAbbrsIDs, areaVisBorders, L2VisBorders, RegVisBorders, and L3VisBorders. Since the same data.frame names are reused in each border group, the R lazyload feature is disabled in the package.

The following describes the purpose and structure of each data.frame in the border group dataset:


- contains specific parameters and operational information for the border group


- containing the names (full text), name abbreviations, wildcard string for name matching, alternate name abbrevations, regional (Level 2) association of the sub-area, and a numerical identifier for the areas in the border group. If the border group is for a state, the areas would be the counties within the state. If the border group is for a continent, then the areas are the countries on the continent. When the border group is for a country like the United States, then the areas are the administrative areas (like states, provinces, special administrative areas, or cities) within that country.


- the boundary point lists for each area in the border group.


- when a border group needs to have an intermediate set of boundaries drawn for clearity, the border group can provide the package a layer 2 set of boundaries via the L2VisBorders data.frame. The structure consists of the boundary information (point lists) of these areas and associated keys. Each area is linked to it's L2 boundary via the L2_ID variable (column) in the name table (areaNamesAbbrsIDs data.frame. At this time only the U. S. States and U. S. Seer Registry border group uses the L2 boundary overlays. It uses L2VisBorders to draw the boundaries of U. S. States around Seer Registries within a state. The areaParms$Map.L2Borders variable in the border group must be set to TRUE for the package to draw the layer 2 boundaries. If a border group does not use an intermediate level outline, L2VisBorders should be set to L3VisBorders or NA and the areaParms$Map.L2Borders variable set to FALSE. In this case, no L2 boundaries are drawn.


- when the border group wants to work with the areas on a regional basis, the regID variable in the name table (areaNamesAbbrsIDs), the RegVisBorders boundary information data.frame, and the areaParms$aP_Regions are used to enable the feature and provide the information to map only regions of areas and overlay areas with regional boundaries highlights. When the regions call parameter is set to TRUE and the selected border group has the areaParms$aP_Regions set to TRUE, the package will scan the data provided by the caller and determine which regions are being referenced and which are not. The package uses the regID variable in the name table(areaNamesAbbrsIDs) to associate a area with a region and as a key into the RegVisBorders data.frame to draw the region boundaries. Any region not containing data and any L2 area and areas within those regions will not be drawn. If a border group does not use the regions feature the RegVisBorders data.frame in the border group should be set to the L3VisBorders data.frame or NA and the areaParms$aP_Regions variablel set to FALSE. This will disable the regions feature for the border group.


- the boundary point list for an outline of the entire geographica area referenced by the border group. For the U.S. or a country border group, this is the outline of the country. For a state border group like Kansas, this is an outline of the state. For smaller areas like Seoul, it is an outline of the city. The L3VisBorders data frame must be present in the border group.


The default border group is USStatesBG to be compatible with older R scripts using previous versions of the micromapST package.

This section provide the data frame structural details of each of the 6 data.frames and thier variables that make up a border group dataset.

areaParms data.frame

The areaParms data.frame contains specific information about and in support of its border group. It provides column headers for the map and id glyphics and controls several features that related to handling a border group by the micromapST package. These controls are specific to a border group and do not changed from one micromapST call to the next and don't have to be part of the calling parameters.

For example, there are several built in titles and labels for the map and id glyphics. These will change for different border groups. For the USStatesBG border group, the map title is always "U.S. States", while in the USSeerBG border group the map glyphic title is "U.S. Seer Areas".

This data.frame contains the following variables that are used by micromapST when handling a border group.

The areaParms data.frame variables are:


- logical variable. If TRUE then the border group represents the entire US area and labels will be placed on the first map for Alaska, Hawaii, and DC. This is option is only used with the USStatesDF and USSeerBG border groups. For the state/county border groups and foreign country border groups, areaUSData must be set to FALSE. This variable is being retired.


- logical variable. If TRUE, enables the use of the "alias" name matching feature and the rowNames=alias call parameter. The "alias" name matching feature permits a partial ("contains") match of the loc id data in the rowNamesCol link column in the statsDFrame or the row.names of the statsDFrame data.frame. At the present time, the "alias" feature is only used in the USSeerBG bordGrp. It was implemented to be able to use directly use data generated by the SEER*Stat website and match the loc ids to the internal SEER*Stat registry names in the border group. This feature can be expanded when needed to other border groups if the "Alias" column in the name table is filled in with unique strings.


- logical variable. If TRUE, the package contains a valid RegVisBorders data.frame and the name table (areaNamesAbbrsIDs) contains the regID (or name) of a region boundary associated with the area. If the caller set the regions call parameter to TRUE, the package will only draw areas in regions and the region boundaries if the region contains areas with data. For examples: this allows you to provide data for the west coast U. S. states and not have the midwest, south, or northeastern states drawn. This feature is available to all border groups, but is currently only used by the USStatesBG, USSeerBG, UKIrelandBG and ChinaBG border groups. If set to FALSE, the regions feature is disabled and all regional information ignored.
The RegVisBorders should still exist, but should be set to equal the L3VisBorders data.frame. The regions call parameter will be ignored. As an example: In the USStatesBG and USSeerBG border groups, the regions are set up using the 4 U. S. census regions of: West, South, Midwest, and NorthEast. If only data for states in the NorthEast are passed to micromapST, only the NorthEast region and its states will be mapped when regions is set to TRUE. If regions is set to FALSE then all of the boundaries for all of the U. S. States and DC are drawn eventhough data was only provided for the states in the northeast region. This feature also allows a border group with a large number of sub-area, like the UK and Ireland border group to be assembled and used on a regional basis with fewer sub-area were the full border group is not really usable with linked micromap presentations.


- character variable. 1st title for the id type glyphics column.


- character variable. 2nd title for the id type glyphics column.


- character variable. 1st title element for the map type glyphics column. This variable is not implemented in this release.


- character variable. 2nd title element for the map type glyphics column. This variable provides the type of areas in the map. This string should be kept to less than 12-16 characters.


- a numeric variable. The X/Y aspect ratio for the map borders in this border group. This is used to adjust the map glyphic to keep the area's aspect looking correct.


- a numeric variable. The minimum height of a group/row in inches


- the maximum height of a group/row in inches.


- a number representing the cex multiplier used on the text function when the map labels are drawn.


- a character vector of the name of the border group.


- logical variable. If TRUE, the L2VisBorder border overlay is drawn on the map glyphics. If FALSE, the L2VisBorders boundaries are not drawn. This option is currently only used by USSeerBG to draw state boundaries for states containing multiple Seer Registries.


- logical variable. If TRUE, the regions feature is enabled. When the feature is enabled, the RegVisBorders data.frame should be included in the border group, but it is not required. The key to the regional feature is the regID column in the name table (areaNamesAbbrsIDs) that identifies the region associated with the area and the regional boundaries in the RegVisBorders data.frame. If FALSE, the regions feature is disabled.


- a character vector containing the projection used to create the areaVisBorders, L2VisBorders, RegVisBorders, and L3VisBorders boundary point lists.


- a character vector containing the measurement units of the coordinates in the VisBorders boundary point lists.


- logical variable. If TRUE, the L2VisBorder boundary data is available to drawn on the map glyphics. If FALSE, the L2VisBorders boundaries are not available and are not drawn. This option is currently only used by the following border groups: USSeerBG.


- logical variable. If TRUE, the RegVisBorder boundary data is available in the border group and can be used to drawn a regional boundaryy overlay on the map glyphics. If FALSE, the RegVisBorders boundary data is not available and regional boundaries are not drawn. This set of boundaries are only only available in the following border groups: USStatesBG, USSeerBG, ChinaBG, and UKIrelandBG. The drawing of the regional boundaries is controlled by the regionB call parameter.

areaNamesAbbrsIDs data.frame

The areaNamesAbbrsIDs data.frame provides the linkages between the fullname, abbreviation, and numerical identifier to link the statsDFrame data to the boundaries for the county areas. It is also used to validate the incoming data to ensure the linkage can be established. Within the boundary files, the area abbreviation is the key linkage.

The areaNamesAbbrsIDs dataset provides a table to permit the translation of a numerical ID (e.g., FIPS codes), area abbreviatation (should be less than 4-6 characters), optional alternate abbreviation, and full area names in the micromapST function.


- character string of each area name. Used to link the areas to boundaries when rowNames = "full" is specified. Used as the represented name of the sub-area in "ID" glyphics columns when plotNames = "full" is spedified (default).


- the name abbreviation for each area. Should be 2 to 3 character, but no more than 6 characters. Used to link the sub-areas to boundaries when rowNames = "ab" is specified. Used as the represented name of the area in "ID" glyphics columns when plotNames = "ab" is specified (default).


- an alternate name abbreviation for each sub-area. Should be 2 to 3 characters, but no more than 6 characters. Most of the time this field is identical to the Abbr field. In some cases, multiple sets of authenticated abbreviations were found for the sub-areas in a continent or country. When this happened, the most common abbreviation should be placed in the Abbr field and the second abbreviation placed in the Alt_Abr field. This features allows the border group to be used by a wider audience. To access the Alt_Abr abbreviates, set the rowNames call argument/parameter to "alt_ab". The labels in the statsDFrame statistics data.frame will be matched against the alternate abbreviations.


- numerical identifier for each area. Used to link the data to boundary information when rowNames = id is specified. The row.names in the user provided data.frame or specificed rowNamesCol column must match the IDs in the name table. If no match a warning is generated and the data row ignored.


- a character string for each area used to do a wildcard match ("contains") with the rowName or rowNamesCol specified in the micromapST call when the USSeerBG border group is used. When a match is completed, the abbreviation is used to link the user's data to the boundary data. The alias match is done when rowNames is set to "alias". There should be only one match in the data for each sub-area alias. If more are found, an error is raised. This feature is only supported in the USSeerBG border group.


- is the level 2 identifier. Used to link the area to the L2VisBorders boundary data point data.frame. In the case of the USSeerBG border group, the L2 boundaries are state boundaries and the L2_ID value is the state 2 character abbreviation.


- is the full name L2 area.


- is the region identifier. Used to link the area to the RegVisBorders boundary data point data.frame. The USStatesBG and USSeerBG border groups use this field to like the sub-areas to the four (4) U. S. Census regions (Northeast, South, MidWest, and West) This association is used with the regions call parameter to determine which regions and their areas, etc. will be drawn when the caller provide data is mapped.


- is the full name of a region.


- is a character string used to link the name table to the boundary data in the VisBorders data.frames.


- when the initial border group is created, the Key, Name or the Abbr variables may not be able to provide a link to the original boundary data. When this happens, the border group creater must use an alternate "link" to tie the name table to the boundary data. The link field is used to accomplish this in the package provided border group building steps and functions. Once the border group is fully constructed, the Link field is not use.

MapL, MapX, and MapY

These three columns have replaced the MapLabel column outlined below. The MapL column provides the label to be drawn at the coordinates provided for the area. Only a few areas should require labels. To many labels will make the map unreadable in a linked micromap. The MapX and MapY columns in the name table provide the x and y coordinates for the label on the map. The coordinates are in the same units as the boundary coordinates used.

areaVisBorders, L2VisBorders, RegVisBorders, and L3VisBorders

There are four boundary dataset - The boundaries of the areas being micromapped (counties) are in areaVisBorders. The boundaries of an intermediate level (2) for general orientation are in L2VisBorders. The boundaries of regional areas for highlight overlays and regional only mapping and are in RegVisBorders. The boundaries of the an outline of the entire mapping area is in L3VisBorders.

These four data.frames contain the boundary point lists for the areas, regions and total map space. The L2VisBorders, RegVisBorders, and L3VisBorders data.frames are used to outline groups of areas, regions of the area and the entire space. The areaVisBorders data.frame contains the point lists for each sub-areas and are keyed to the name table (areaNamesAbbrsIDs).

The data structure for each of the following four boundary data.frames is:

seq Key x y hole


- a numerical sequence number of the boundary points in the data.frame.


- the Key field had different uses in each of the four VisBorders structured data.frames. In the areaVisBorders data.frame, the Key is the unique key for the sub-area as defined in the name table (areaNamesAbbrsIDs). All of the points with the same Key form one or more polygons and represent boundaries of a sub-area. This allows the package to locate the boundary data for a specific sub-area when needed.

In the RegVisBorders boundary data.frame, the Key is the region ID associated with the boundary points (polygons). One or more sub-areas can be linked to an region boundary via the regID variable in the name table. The USStatesBG, USSeerBG, UKIrelandBG,and ChinaBG border groups may use of the regions feature.

In the L3VisBorders, all of the Key field values area set to a name that represents the entire border group area. The Key field is not used in drawning the area's outline. The level 3 boundary outline data.frame is always drawn when the entire geographic area is mapped. If not all of the regions are being mapped, then the L3 boundary is not drawn.


- a numerical value for the x coordinates of a polygon. The end of the polygon is signaled by an x value of NA. The first point in the polygon does not have to be repeated. The polygon draw function used by micromapST will close the figure. An area may be composed of several polygons. Holes in areas are also represented by polygons and are associated with the sub-area.


- a numerical value for the y coordinates of a polygon. The end of the polygon is signaled by an y value of NA.


- a logical value. If TRUE, the associated polygon is a hole within the sub-area identified by the Key field. A hole polygon is always drawn using the maps background color. For this reason, sub-areas containing holes (lakes, rivers, or other sub-areas), must proceed any sub-area in the data.frame that it may overlay with the hole. For example, if one sub-area "A" is contained within sub- area "B", sub-area "B" must have a hole where sub-area "A" is located and must preceed sub-area "A" in the VisBorders data.frame. In this way, sub-area "B" and its hole are drawn before sub-area "A" preventing sub- area "B" hole from overlaying sub-area "A".

Hole are processed by re-drawing the hole area with the current background color. Therefore, any area with holes must be in the data.frame prior to any areas that may occupy the hole's space in the map.

The order of the area's boundaries in these files is very important to allow correct processing of the holes and any areas that overlay holes. Holes are not unpainted polygons, but polygons repainted back to the background color. The order should be areas with holes must preceed areas that overlay hole space. This is required to ensure an area is not over-painted by an area's hole

Each data.frame should be validated before using to make sure they are clean and will not generate errors when used by micromapST.

Each border group contains the same six data.frames using the same six names. This allows the micromapST package the ability to quickly load a particular border group and create the requested micromaps.

See the write up on each included border group for details on the specific content of their border group dataset and the list of sub-area names, abbreviations, and id that should be used to link the data to the boundary information.

The regions feature and RegVisBorder overlays are only supported in the following border groups:

USStatesBG USSeerBG UKIrelendBG ChinaBG


Jim Pearson, StatNet Consulting, LLC, Gaithersburg, MD

micromapST documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:11 a.m.