BuildBorderGroup: Building new border groups for Linked Micromap created by the...

View source: R/BuildBorderGroup.r

BuildBorderGroupR Documentation

Building new border groups for Linked Micromap created by the micromapST package


The package's micromapST function created linked micromaps for any geographic region. The information related to the selected regions is provided to the micromapST function via a bordergrp dataset. This dataset contains all of the operational information, the needed boundary dataset and a name table required for micromapST to draw the linked micromaps for the desired region of the world or elsewhere. The dataset must contain the general information data.frame (areaParms), the area boundary data.frame (list of points for each area in the boundery) and a name table that provide the the "Name", "Abbr", and "ID" location names for each area in the boundary group. The Name Table also assists in providing the L2 and Regional features. The border groups were originally created manually, one by one.
The BuildBorderGroup function is a compilation of the learning from building past border groups. The function tries to provide a common foundation to address many of the unique situations discovered building the border groups manually. However, there are still some situations that required the builder's intervention in order to produce a usable map for linked micromaps.
The BuildBorderGroup function accepts a shape file (ESRI format) and a user built name table. The name table provides the location ids (name, abbreviation or id) to allow the micromapST user ways to specify the identity of individual area using one of several forms of identifier. The forms used by the BuildBorderGroup and micromapST functions are "Name", "Abbr" (abbreviation), and the numerical "ID" identifiers that have been assigned and accepted over time for the area as the primary location identifiers.
In two special cases micromapST has been extended to support an "Alt_Abbr" and an "Alias" form of the location identifiers. The "Alt_abbr" form was added to handle geographic area that have two sets of commonly used abbreviations. The name table was expanded to contain both sets of abbreviations and allows the user of the border group to select the abbreviation that matches data frame location ids. The "Alias" identifier was implement to handle a special case where the source of the statistical data did not use the accepted "Name" or "Abbr" location ids, but used a more generallized string. To keep the matching as flexiable as possible, a wildcard matching alias was introduced. As each identifier in the data is examined, it is compared against the alias string with leading and traiing "*" matching character. As long as the Alias strings are unique and do not appear in two data rows, the matching provide the link between the data and the geographical area. Over the past 10 years, the source program has been changed many times, but the location id label matches has continued to work.
The user created name table also provides additional information regional identification and sub-setting of the map, and area labeling. During the border group building process, the name table The Name Table also provides parameters to the BuildBorderGroup function to make specific modifications to areas. The modifications to areas include shifting it location, scaling it size, and rotating the area. These modifiers were used to scale Alaska to 35 it's normal size and move it to below California to reduce the size of the total map. Hawaii was also moved below the U. S. to reduce the total size of the map.
The name table also allows the builder to assocate areas with regions in their map and Level 2 border outlining. Check the micromapST documentation on how the Level 2 and Region boundaries are to be used. The most important task the name table does is help provide the linkage between the rows in the user's data frames to the an area's collection of polygons from the shapefile. The Name Table also provide multiple location ids to allow the user to provide the full formal name ("Name"), one of two abbreviates (if available), or the numerical ID assigned to each area.
When the processing is completed, the user has a border group .RDA file ready for use with micromapST with boundaries usable in the small maps in linked micromaps and the name table documentation for the border group.

The BuildBorderGroup function validates all of the call parameters, inspects the information provided by the builder in the name table, inspects the shape file provided, inspects the projections used or requested, ensures the +unit= parameter in the projection is set to meters, The function performs the following steps to construct a border group: may different spatial areas by using different border groups.

In Version 3.0.0 of the BuildBorderGroup function, the function was upgraded to retire and package functions from the rgdal, rgeos and maptools packages as of October 16th, 2023. The spatial functions are not done by the "sf" package.

The following describes the process of conconstructing a border group dataset:

  • 1. Validate all of the calling parameters provided on the function call and provide targeted error and warning messages.

  • 2. Read the shape file to gather initial shape file variables. The shape file can be read prior to the call to the BuildBorderGroup function, modified, and passed as a structure using the ShapeFile call parameter.

  • 3. Read the name table file and verifies all required columns are present. The Name Table data can also be pre-read and passed to BuildBorderGroup function as a data.frame .

  • 4. Validate the data in the name table columns: characters vs. numeric vs. NA; duplicate valids, and range of values.

  • 5. Validate the geometry in the shape file data.

  • 6. Simplify the shape file geometry to provide a caricatured map with minimal vectex, but maintaining the ability to recognize the areas. This generally reduces the size of the boundary information to between 1 using the rmapshaper package.

  • 7. Preform a union the polygons in the shape file to organize polygons by their associated area. In SP, it would be collecting all polygon data for an area as a list of polygons as one group. In sf, it is collecting all of the polygons for an area and forming a multipolygon of the data. Since we have moved entirely to sf operation, this union is preformed by the aggregate.sf features in sf.

  • 8. Match the name table rows (entries) with the area polygons in the spatial structure. Once the match is established, a key is assigned for the area and set in both the name table and spatial structure. The abbreviation id is normally used for the key, but if the abbreviation is not provided, a short key is created. Abbreviation for areas are not always available.

  • 9. The projection of the map makes a difference in how usable the map in making linked micromap. It was desided to no use longitute/latitude in the final resulting map. Therefore, the user has three choices: specify a non-long/lat projection on the original shape file; specify final projection parameters in the "proj4" call parameter, or let the function construct a Albers Equal Area projection about the centroid of the map with the north and south latitudes half the distance from the middle to the north and south limits of the map. If there are any map labels requested, their location points are transformed. Any needed transformation is done at this time.

  • 10. The areaParms data.frame table is constructed to permit restarting the build process and to save all of the other call parameters and operation parameters needed by micromapST. The MapHdrs, IDHdrs, MapMinH, MapMaxH, and LabelCex variables are saved in the areaParms data.frame.

  • 11. The name table, areaParms, and the 4 boundary data.frame structures are check pointed to disk for possible manual editing. If manual editing of the shape file or name table is done, they result of the edits must be saved using the original file name and the file placed in the original check point directory. The check point files will be read when the BuildBorderGroup is call with the checkPointRestart parameter set to TRUE the name table directory provided is the same, and the check pointed files are located. Manual editing should be done very carefully.

  • 12. On a "checkPointReStart=TRUE" the BuildBorderGroup function reloads all of the check pointed data.frame to pick up the Border Group building process from where it left off.

  • 13. On either a restart or a normal run, the function gathers the boundary information for the area boundaries, layer 2 boundaries, regional boundaries, and a map outline boundary (Layer 3).

  • 14. The name table becomes the areaNamesAbbrsIDs data.frame and any working columns not needed in the final name table are deleted.

  • 15. The name table to aggregate the area boundaries to form the regional boundary spatial structure, the Level 2 spatial structure, and the Lever 3 spatial structure (outline of the entire set of areas.) This is done to make sure all of the layers of boundaries correctly overlay each other.

  • 16. Each set of spatial images are converted into the micomapST boundary data.frame structures (not sp or sf) that are compatiable with the R polygon drawing function.

  • 17. The final collection data.frames for the border group are: areaParms, areaNamesAbbrsID, areaVisBorders, L2VisBorders, RegVisBorders, and L3VisBorders data.frames are written out to a single .RDA dataset file as the completed border group dataset.

Each border group is a different dataset containing the unique boundaries and operational information to allow micromapST to work in a different spatial area. The structure of each border group dataset is identical with the same variable names and types of structures. A user can build their own border group dataset to meet their specific spatial area needs. Because the package contains several border group datasets each one using the same data.frame names and structure, the use of lazydata or lazyloading had to be disabled. This means the R system cannot preload the datasets and have them waiting for use, they would effectively overlay each other.

The name of the border group is specified in the bordGrp call parameter. To permit a user to reference a border group dataset not contained in the package, and reside in a user's folder, the bordDir must be used to direct the package to the border group. The border group must be saved under R using the save function with the file extension of ".rda".
For example: bordGrp="private", bordDir="c:/SavedBorderGroups"

Each border group contain six (6) datasets by the same data.frame names. This allows the micromapST package the ability to quickly load a particular border group and create the requested micromaps. The six data.frames are: areaParms, areaNamesAbbrsIDs, areaVisBorders, L2VisBorders, RegVisBorders, and L3VisBorders. Since the same data.frame names are reused in each border group, the R lazyload feature is disabled in the package.

Several border group bordGrp examples are contained in the package and include the 51 states and DC of the United States, the counties of Kansas, Maryland, New York, Utah, the countries and provinces of the U.K. and China, and the U. S. Seer Registries used by the National Cancer Institute.

The example in this section shows how to build the Kentucky County border group using a simple name table and the U. S. Census Bureau Kentucky county 2000 boundary data.


BuildBorderGroup(ShapeFile         = NULL,   # required	       
                         ShapeFileDir      = NULL,   # defaults to NameTableDir
                         # required if not the default value of "link"
                         ShapeLinkName     = NULL,   
                         NameTableFile     = NULL,   # required
                         NameTableDir      = NULL,   # required
                         # required if not the default value of "link"   
                         NameTableLink     = NULL,       
                         BorderGroupName   = NULL,   # required
                         # defaults to NameTableDir	
                         BorderGroupDir    = NULL,  	
                         MapHdr            = NULL,   # optional		
                         MapMinH           = NULL,   # optional           
                         MapMaxH           = NULL,   # optional      
                         # required, default is the BorderGroupName and "Areas"
                         IDHdr             = NULL,  		
                         LabelCex          = NULL,   # optional      
                         # optional, but highly recommended 
                         ReducePC          = 1.25,   # percent value	
                         proj4             = NULL,   # optional		
                         checkPointReStart = NULL,   # optional
                         debug             = 0	     # debug only	



a character string of the name of the ERSI formated shape file. Only the main part of the shape file name should be provided. The .shp, .shx, .dbf extensions should be omitted.


a character string defining the path to the folder containing the ERSI shape file. If the ShapeFileDir parameter is not provided or empty, the Name Table Directory will be used.


a character string defining the name of the variable within the shape file @data slot to use to match the polygons in the shape file with the area's row in the Name Table. The default value is "__Link".


a character string defining the path to the folder containing the Name Table File. There is no default value for this parameter.


a character string defining the name of the excel spreadsheet file or a .csv file containing the user built Name Table columns and information.


a character string defining the Name Table column name that should be used to match the ShapeFileLink variable to link the Name Table to the area's collection of polygons. The default value is "link".


a character string to use as the border group's name and dataset name. If the string ends with a "BG", it will be striped and re-added when the border group is built. If the string does not end with "BG", "BG" will be added to designate the file is a border group.


a character string defining the path to the folder where the border group dataset will be written at the end of the processing. If this parameter is not provided or "NA", the NameTableDir parameter will be used as the BorderGroupDir parameter. If the BorderGroupDir path does not exist, the BuildBorderGroup function will create the directory.


is a two element character vector used to modify the pre-defined map header labels in micromapST for map type glyphs. The value is entered as
MapHdr = c("1stHdr", "2ndHdr"). Check the micromapST documentation for more details. The first element (MapHdr[1]) is not implemented and is reserved for a future release. The MapHdr[2] element is used to generated the map headers for all of the map glyph tyeps. It should specify the type of area being mapped. For example for the US States map, it was set to "States". The default value is MapHdr=c(<border group name>,"Areas"). This call parameter is not required.


is a numerical variable specifying the minimum height the maps should be in the group/rows in a linked micromap graphic. The default value is 0.5.


is a numerical variable specifying the maximum height the maps should be in the group/rows in a linked micromap graphic. The default value is 1.75.


is a two element character vector used to modify the id glyph headers in micromapST. The two values are entered as IDHdr=c("1stHdr","2ndHdr"). The defaults for this parameter are "" and "States. See micromapST documentation for more details.


a numerical value indicating the cex multiplier to use when drawing the Map Labels (MapL) on the first map in a linked micromap graphic. The default value is 0.4 to match the micromapST maps.


a numerical value between .01 and 100 tell the package to not reduce the number vertex in the shapefile. This is change from earlier releases where 0 to 1 could be used to represent 0 to 100 With the use of smaller keep values, the scale of the parameter can't be determined. Reduced percentage below 1 are common. Therefore, 0.65 is not 65 that be remaining in the shape file after simplification by rmapshaper. The default value is 1.25 to even 0.65 BuildBorderGroup to determine how this factor attects your boundary data.


is a character string representing a projection using the Proj4 notation. The transformation to this projection is done as the last step in the processing of the shape file before converting the boundary data into the micromapST boundary data.frame. proj4 is provided, the projection in the original shape file is used. If the projection in the original shape file is missing or Long/Lat, then the function will create an Albers Equal Area protection centered on the centroid of the map's area.


The BuildBorderGroup function allows for the builder to manually adjust the shape file, just before building the micromapST boundary data.frame. During the normal process, the function writes check point images of the shape file, areaParms data.frame, and the Name Table data.frame to the "CheckPoint" folder in the NameTableDir folder. The builder can inspect and modify any of the tables and the shape file, but must be very careful with what and how they are modified. When done, the builder can re-issue the BuildBorderGroup function call with the checkPointReStart parameter set to TRUE. The function will bypass all of the processing up to the check point, then read in the check point files and continue building the border group. This will frequently be required when the map region contains many small area that will not be seen when shaped and simple scaling or shifting does not produce the desired arrangement of the areas.


is a numerical value from 0 to 65536. It is used by the developers to turn on specific actions or information displays to aid in the debugging and troubleshooting this function. The developers assigned a single actions to each bit in a 16 bit integer. In this way, multiple actions can be requested without any posibility of them interferring with each other. For example: the value of 512 (b'00000010 00000000') is assigned to plotting the border group map at each of the 4 stages of processing the shapefile. The four stages are: 1) RAW, just read; 2) after being process by rmapshaper; 3) after the polygons are manipulated as specified in the Name Table; and finally 4) the boundaries after they are converted into the point table format (VisBorders) for use by micromapST. The output plots are saved as PDF files. All that is needed is to set debug=512. Another action the developers created is to save the plots created by the 512 action in PNG type files, not PDF. This can be done by setting debug = 512+128 = 640, in binary: b'00000010 00000000' OR b'00000000 10000000' = b'00000010 10000000'. The integer values are much easier to work with then the long 0s and 1s binary represention of the bits. Default is 0.

The full table of assigned values is:

bit # value definition
1 1 line by line debugging is being used and some code accomodates are required.
2 2 Outputs variable data to trace the function processes
3 4 Display Information related to projection processing
4 8 Plot intermediate Shape file, SF and SPDF (not the same plots as generated by 256 or 512)
5 16 Display processing and variables related to the SF
6 32 Display processing and variables related to the Name Table
7 64 Display other internal variables during processing of the data
8 128 = 0 sets output file type for the 512 option to PDF (default)
= 1 sets output file type for the 512 option to PNG
9 254 Generate multiple plot graphics of the map using a small format similar to the image
in the linked micromap with each plot with each plot having only 5 areas shaped.
Number of images = Areas/5 + 1.
10 512 Generate a 4" x 4" plot of the area at key processing stage: RAW, After rmapshaping,
After Name Table modifications, and after transformation and the conversion
to the micromapST VisBorder format (Final).
11 1024 Same as 512, but only generates 4" x 4" plots for the RAW and Final images.
12 2048 Display the final BorderGroup map for each layer on the screen: Areas, Level 2,
Regions, Map Outline (level 3). Each is display in a separate window and
must be manually closed.
13 4096 Future Use - not assigned.
14 8192 Write to disk a PDF file of multiple area boundary maps with 5 areas colored in each
map as done for the 256 option.
15 16384 Future Use - not assigned.
16 32768 Future Use - not assigned.

Using any of these debug options will greatly increase the size of the output generated by BuildBorderGroup and should not be used unless requested by the package developer.


The output of this function is a single R dataset containing 6 data.frames and a text report for inclusion in documentation for the border group. The details on each of the 6 data.frames and their contents can be found in the bordGrp section.

The default border group is USStatesBG to be compatible with older R scripts using previous versions of the micromapST package.

Each of the border groups contained in this package have detail descriptions of the specific geographic area they represent. See the "xxxxx"BG section for each border group:

USStatesBG USSeerBG KansasBG MarylandBG NewYorkBG UtahBG UKIrelendBG ChinaBG SeoulSKoreaBG AfricaBG


Path to the saved Border Group file.


Jim Pearson, StatNet Consulting, LLC, Gaithersburg, MD

See Also

micromapST, micromapSEER


# Load libraries needed.
stt1 <- Sys.time()

# Generate a Kentucky County Border Group
# Read the county boundary files.  (Set up system directories. 
#   Replace with your directories to run.)
TempD<-"c:/projects/statnet/"  # my private test PDF directory exist, 
                               #don't use temp.
# get a temp directory for the output PDF files for the example.
if (!dir.exists(TempD)) {
     TempD <- paste0(tempdir(),"/") 
     DataD <- paste0(system.file("extdata",package="micromapST"),"/")
} else {
     DataD <- "c:/projects/statnet/r code/micromapST-3.0.2/inst/extdata/"

cat("Temporary Directory:",TempD,"\n")
# get working data directory
#cat("Working Data Directory:",DataD,"\n")

KYCoBG  <- "KYCountyBG"  # Border Group name
KYCoCen <- "KY_County"   # shape file name(s)

KYCoShp <- st_read(DataD,KYCoCen)
st_crs(KYCoShp)  <- st_crs("+proj=lonlat +datum=NAD83 +ellipse=WGS84 +no_defs")

# inspect name table
KYNTname <- paste0(DataD,"/",KYCoCen,"_NameTable.xlsx")

KYCoNT    <-
spt1 <- Sys.time()
cat("Time to get data and boundaries for Counties:",spt1-stt1,"\n")
## Not run: 
#  building border group for all counties in Kentucky
stt2 <- Sys.time()
# Build Border Group
BuildBorderGroup(ShapeFile     = KYCoShp,
                 ShapeLinkName = "NAME",
                 NameTableLink = "Name",
                 NameTableDir  = DataD,
                 NameTableFile = paste0(KYCoCen,"_NameTable.xlsx"),
                 BorderGroupName = KYCoBG,
                 BorderGroupDir  = TempD,
                 MapHdr        = c("","KY Counties"),
                 IDHdr         = c("KY Co."),
                 ReducePC      = 0.9
# Setup MicromapST graphic
spt2 <- Sys.time()
cat("Time to build KY Co BG:",spt2-stt2,"\n")
stt3 <- spt2
KYCoData  <-,"/",

KY_Co_PD <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
                 lab1=c(NA,NA,"2010 Pop","2020 Pop"),

KYCoTitle  <- c("Ez23ax-Kentucky County","Pop 2010 and 2020")
OutCoPDF   <- paste0(TempD,"Ez23ax-KY Co 2010-2020 Pop.pdf")
grDevices::pdf(OutCoPDF,width=10,height=13)   # on 11 x 14 paper.

micromapST(KYCoData,KY_Co_PD,sortVar=c("2020"), ascend=FALSE,
           rowNames="full", rowNamesCol = c("Name"),
           bordDir = TempD, bordGrp = KYCoBG, 
           title   = KYCoTitle

x <-
spt3 <- Sys.time()
cat("Time to micromapST KY Co graph:",spt3-stt3,"\n")

## End(Not run)   # end of dontrun.

stt4 <- Sys.time()

# Aggregate Kentucky Counties into ADD areas
# The regions in the Kentucky County Name Table (KYCoNT) are the ADD districts
# the county was assigned to.
# The KYCoShp has the county boundaries.
KYCoShp$NAME   <- str_to_upper(KYCoShp$NAME)
KYCoNT$NameCap <- str_to_upper(KYCoNT$Name)

aggInx <- match(KYCoShp$NAME,KYCoNT$NameCap)

xm     <-  # which polygons did not match the name table?
if (any(xm)) {
  cat("ERROR: One or more polygons/counties in the shape file did not match\n",
      "the entries in the KY County name table. They are:\n")
      LLMiss <- KYCoNT[xm,"Name"]

#  aggFUN - a function to inspect the data.frame columns and determine
#    an appropriate aggregation method - copy or sum.
aggFUN <- function(z) { ifelse (is.character(z[1]), z[1], sum(as.numeric(z))) } 

aggList  <- KYCoNT$regID[aggInx]

KYADDShp <- aggregate(KYCoShp, by=list(aggList), FUN = aggFUN)
names(KYADDShp)[1] <- "regID"  # change first column name to "regNames"
row.names(KYADDShp) <- KYADDShp$regID

KeepAttr <- c("regID","AREA","PERIMETER","STATE","geometry")
KYADDShp <- KYADDShp[,KeepAttr]
st_geometry(KYADDShp) <- st_cast(st_geometry(KYADDShp),"MULTIPOLYGON")

spt4 <- Sys.time()
cat("Time to aggregate KY ADDs from Cos:",spt4-stt4,"\n")
stt5 <- spt4
# Build Border Group

BuildBorderGroup(ShapeFile       = KYADDShp,  
        # sf structure of shapefile of combined counties into AD Districts
                 ShapeLinkName   = "regID",
                 NameTableFile   = "KY_ADD_NameTable.xlsx",
                 NameTableDir    = DataD,
                 NameTableLink   = "Index", 
                 BorderGroupName = "KYADDBG",
                 BorderGroupDir  = TempD,
                 MapHdr          = c("","KY ADDs"),
                 IDHdr           = c("KY ADDs"),
                 ReducePC        = 0.9

spt5 <- Sys.time()
cat("Time to build ADD BG:",spt5-stt5,"\n")
stt6 <- spt5
# Test micromapST
KYADDData <-
KY_ADD_PD <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
                 lab1=c(NA,NA,"Pop","Proj. Pop"),
KyTitle <- c("Ez23cx-KY Area Development Dist.",
             "Pop 2020 and proj Pop 2023")
OutPDF2 <- paste0(TempD,"Ez23cx-KY ADD Pop.pdf")


           rowNames= "full", rowNamesCol = "ADD_Name",
           bordDir = TempD,
           bordGrp = "KYADDBG",
           title   = KyTitle
x <-
spt6 <- Sys.time()
cat("Time to do micromapST of KY ADDs:",spt6-stt6,"\n")

micromapST documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:11 a.m.