micromapGSetPanelDef: function to build the micromapGPanelDef data.frame

View source: R/micromapDefSets.r

micromapGSetPanelDefR Documentation

function to build the micromapGPanelDef data.frame


The micromapGSetPanelDef function generates a data.frame to supplement the micromapGDefaults structure. The resulting structure along with the values from micromapGSetDefaults are copies into the package's memory and used by the "panel functions" to manage the panels during the setup and glyphics creation.




The variable in the structure are::

Var 1

for the state maps in each group of 5 states that make up one panel row.

Var 2

for the median state (in the middle)

Var 3

for the cumulative hightlight color for the states already presented in other panel rows.

is not recommended. See the micromapGDefault description for more information on these lists. More to come.




Daniel B. Carr, George Mason University, Fairfax VA, and Jim Pearson, StatNet Consulting, LLC, Gaithersburg, MD

micromapST documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:11 a.m.