
Defines functions BuildBorderGroup

Documented in BuildBorderGroup

#  date: January 9, 2024
#  packages used by BuildBorderGroup function
#  base		bitwise functions; plot; load; and more.
#  tools	CRAN_check_xxxx; file_ext; file_path_sans_ext; file_exists; dir_exists
#  stringr	str_trim; str_split; str_to_upper; str_pad; str_locate; str_replace; str_replace_all; 
#               str_sub; str_to_lower; str_squish; str_remove; str_remove_all;
#  graphics	plot; plot.new; par
#  graphicsR	
#  RColorBrewer	brewer_pal
#  utils	read.csv; read.table; data; capture.output; globalVariables; object.size;
#               head; tail; str; write.csv; 
#  rmapshaper   ms_simplify  (SPDF and/or sf)
#  readxl	read_xls; read_xlsx
#  writexl	write_xlsx
#  sf		plot.sf; 
#               st_geometry; st_shift_longitude; st_is_longlat; 
#               st_transform; st_drop_geometry;  st_as_sf; st_as_sfc; 
#               st_union; st_difference; st_intersects; st_intersection; 
#               st_area; st_coordinates; st_bbox; st_centroid; 
#		st_crs; st_as_text; st_boundary; st_cast; 
#               st_is_valid; st_make_valid; st_read; st_write; 
#               sf_set_s2, st_buffer
#  spdep        poly2nb         # and supporting functions 
#   BuildBorderGroup  function to support micromapST.
#   Updated: 2021-1024,  2022-0316 (Testing and demo data), 2022-0920 (clean up and testing.)
#            2022-1001 to 2022-1205 (migrate to sf functions from retired functions).
#            2023-02xx to 2023-0724 (continue to update to sf, verify code, and test for 
#                release.)
#   In support of release 3.0.0.
#            2023-0724 to 2024-0103 continued updates to support book and correct problems.
#   This function takes a shapefile and name table (CSV or Excel format)
#   and creates a border group dataset ".RDA" of the geographic 
#   areas in the shape file for use as boundary data and location 
#   ids for micromapST. The micromapST package default border
#   group is a characterized US State map.  Several examples
#   of state county boundary, US Seer 18 Registry boundary, continent (Africa)
#   country (China, UK), and city (Seoul , S. Korea) are 
#   included in the micromapST package.
#   Several features of micromapST border groups are partially supported
#   by this build script:
#      1) Level 2 super-area boundaries.
#           Level 2 was originally intended to overprint existing or
#           selected boundaries that are already drawn with a slightly
#           heavier line to provide an acsent.  The level 2 
#           are only printed if there is a L2_ID entry in the 
#           name table, there is a L2VisBorders data.frame and the L2 enabled
#           is set to TRUE in the border group dataset.  
#           check the following????
#           If L2 boundaries differ from the area and regional 
#           boundaries, L2 is enabled and the VisBorders data.frame built. ???
#           Their super-areas can be specified in the Name Table provided
#           by the user, but must consist of aggregations of the areas.
#      2) If a map space is divided into regions (like to U. S. Census regions),
#           each region will be based on the boundaries of its areas.
#           When regional mapping is enabled, only the regions and their 
#           member areas boundaries are drawn when any of the areas in a region
#           have data.  If a region does not have any areas with data, then that
#           region and it member areas will not be drawn.
#           boundaries are drawn that contain data.
#           The name table provides the association of each area with 
#           its region.  When the border group is built, if the number of 
#           regions found in name table is greater than 1, the dataRegionsOnly 
#           flag in the areaParms data.frame is set to TRUE enabling the feature.
#           micromapST will be enabled in the border group dataset.
#           The user still must enable the feature when calling micromapST,
#           by setting dataRegionsOnly=TRUE in the micromapST call.
#      3) While the Level 2 boundaries do not have to be based on the area
#           boundaries, this is helpful. For the Regional mapping feature to 
#           work, each region should be based on area boundaries and have 
#           a one region to many area relationship.
#      4) The drawing order is:
#           Normally all areas, Level 2, Regional, and outline boundaries 
#           be are drawn. 
#           In one special case (dataRegionsOnly=TRUE and a regional boundaries
#           for multiple regions are included in the border group) the drawing
#           of the area, Level 2, regional, and the map outline boundaries) 
#           the drawing of these boundries will be limited to only regions 
#           contain at least one area with data.  The Level 2 boundaries drawn
#           must also fit within the active regions.  The map outline is 
#           is not useful and is not drawn.
#           The general order used by micromapST to draw a map is:
#           a) area colors (???)
#	    b) area boundaries (???)
#           c) level 2 boundaries
#           d) regional boundaries 
#           e) map outline (if needed)
#   Functions not supported and may require manual adjustments:
#      1) Automatic Characterization of the boundary data to ensure 
#           all areas are visible as clear or colored in the 
#           drawn micro map.  The areas must be manually adjusted
#           prior to calling this function. A simple tool is provided
#           for shifting, scaling, and rotating areas, but may not
#           provide enough manipulation to ensure the visibility of the
#           area using a GIS system or tool.   The BuildBorderGroup function
#           does provide a checkpoint of the name table and shape file data
#           to allow manual manipulation prior to building the final 
#           border group.
#  Change List:
#  2019/08/28 - Initial code and documentation development.
#  2019/09/10 - Merged code from earlier builds for Kansas, Utah, China, etc.
#  2019/09/11 - Added Headers call parameter to provide header definitions for the 
#               map and id titles.
#  2019/09/20 - Finished rough packaging and sent to testers (GMU)
#  2019/09/21 - Found problem with regional and level 2 boundaries - tracked down
#               to bad code in modifying the name table headers to allow more 
#               flexibility - fixed 9/22.
#  2019/09/22 - Added plots for each VisBorder created.  
#             - Added titles to plots for clear understanding of the plots.
#  2021/09/29 - Restructured call parameters to include full set of Shape file name and directory;
#               NameTable name and directory, Border group name and directory,
#               Name of data section column containing the link to the initial NameTable,
#               Headers for the Map and ID glyph columns,
#               Percentage of shape file reduction (ReducePC),
#               debug flag.
#  2021/09/29 - Define and implement the call parameter validations and defaults.
#  2021/09/29 - adapt the test NameTable reading and validation.
#	      - add support for .CS, .xls, .xlsx, and .RDA file types.
#             - layout the defaults for the NameTable columns and interaction
#               to insure all columns contains usable data.
#             - add ability to construct abbreviations from names by using the first 4 chars and 
#               adding a numeric to make it unique. 
#             - add logic to ensure the ID numerics always contain leading zero.
#  2021/10/07 - Reorganized code to:  
#                  a) Common global functions, 
#                  b) Main call, 
#                  c) define internal functions,
#                  d) Validate provided call parameter (at least 80%), 
#                  e) Read, validate and process Name Table (from .csv, .xls, .xlsx, or .RDA images, 
#                  f) Build full Name Table  for use with the shape file processing and to validate 
#                     contents of columns, Backfill column information as needed.
#                  g) write out intermediate NameTable as check point, 
#                  h) Read Shapefile or accept SPDF from caller and validate.
#                  i) Check holes and validate completeness of the SPDFs geometry.
#                  j) Validate shape file (data section) and "ShapeLinkName", does shape file 
#                     SP image match the Name Table? - number of entires, - Link Names, 
#                  k) SP union to join all polygons of the same area under one reference and 
#                     assign row.names to SPDF to match NameTable rows (abbr), L2, or region lists. 
#                  l) Handle longitudinal wrapping of the area and preform any shifting or 
#                     scaling. (+over)
#                  m) transform projection into the default projection centered on the area (AEA) or 
#                     to the users projection with units, (no longer in longlat projection) 
#                  n) Save a copy of the SPDF to build the reg, L2 and L3 Vis Borders via SP UNION
#                  o) Test the area sizes in the area SPDF to determine if any area is much too small 
#                     to use as a micro map and notify the caller, 
#                     areas sq. m / Total sq. m vs percentage limit.
#                  p) scan the completed list and place any areas with "holes" first in the 
#                     list (are drawn first), (used SP plotting order) 
#                  q) Create VisBorders DF for areaVisBorders - decode the SP polygons to make the 
#                     area point arrays, simplify by rounding the x and Y values to -2 decimal points, 
#                     walk through the polygon points to eliminate any duplicate points
#                     caused by the value rounding.
#                  r) plot each area and verify proper boundaries, matching with neighbors, 
#                     and holes are handled properly.
#                  s) Repeat steps p through r and create L2VisBorders
#                  t) Repeat steps p through r and create L3VisBorders
#                  u) Repeat steps p through r and create RegVisBorders
#                  v) build areaParms table
#                  w) write all five (5) data .frames as one data set.
#                     (areaParms, areaVisBorder, RegVisBorders, L2VisBorder, L3VisBorder, areaNamesAbbrsIds)
#  2021/10/21 - Added capability to pass function a SPDF instead of filename and directory.
#             - Added feature to visualize the micromap in true size (1.5 x 1.5 max)
#             - Write out Name Table as xlsx, csv, and ascii formated files for documentation.
#  2022/03/16 - Added plot statements to track the visual of the maps 
#               as it passes through the creation and simplification processes
#               in the function. These are used in the papers on the 
#               build border group process.
#             - Cleaned up all of the error message coding and presentations.
#             - Created work .r file of the call sequence and parameters to recreate each border group .rda
#             - Added Michigan and Minnesota to the border group family.
#             - Built Michigan, Minnesota, Louisana, Mexico, Texas  Name Tables or pull out of the old border groups 
#               their name tables.
#  2022/03/18 - Added rotation to the area modifier commands.
#  2022/03/19-04/04 
#             - Updated code to handle the proj4string using the slot(xxx, "proj4string") 
#               form with two components in the result:  projargs and comments.
#	      - Rewrote the code to validate the Xoffset, Yoffset, Scale and Rotate 
#               modifiers to an area.
#             - Dropped/disabled the "proj" (projection modification) per area. Not practical.
#             - Reviewed the MapLabel column and found micromapST does not use the 
#               column - not implemented. Instead it uses a section of code that is controlled
#               by the areaUSData flag in areaParm data.frame to enable.
#             - The validation of the MapLabel Name Table column was re-written and 
#               the three values contained in a string separated by commas, is parsed,
#               the values validated, and placed in three new Name Table columns: MapL (Label),
#               MapX (X value of coordinates), MapY (Y value coordinates.)
#             - Processing of the MapLabel coordinates and all of the area modifiers was
#               changed to handle these values in the same "coordinates" system as the  
#               original shapefile - so that would be long/lat or a projections +units.
#               The modifier values are not needed after the build of the border group but are
#               keep as a record of what was done or if the name table is reused to 
#               build another border group.
#             - The MapLabel coordinates (MapX and MapY) are used to create a 
#               SpatialPoints structure. If and when the map is transformed, 
#               the MapLabel SPDF is also transformed to make the label coordinated match 
#               the map.  micromapST will have to be modified to use these columns
#               instead of the code to place the labels.
#  2022/04/05 - Modified code for clgeo_Clean to handle the Proj4 without error.
#             - Attempted to resolve error "logging.info" function not found. Not
#               sure it is resolved, watching.
#             - Had to reorder the code logic to make sure information was available
#               when needed.  ShapeFile Link data, Key linking between Shapefile
#               and the NameTable, and more.
#             - Replaced (debug && <value> with bitwAnd(debug,<value>) to get the 
#               desired anding function.
#             - Recoded the L2 and Reg column logic to handle missing columns.
#               Now if the xxxName column is present but no xxxID column,
#               the Name column is used to find the groupings and place a representative
#               number (ID) in the xxxID column.  If the xxxID column is present but 
#               no xxxName column, a name is build from the xxxID column and placed in 
#               the xxxName column.  If neither are present, a sequence number is 
#               placed in the xxxID column (1 to number of rows) and a name is created
#               as mentioned above for the xxxName column.  The feature is only 
#               operational if the user provides the ID or Name for the L2 or Reg 
#               groups.
#             - The logic on the projection processing was updated: 1) The projection 
#               on an individual area is disabled and the column removed; 
#               2) If the proj4 string is supported in the call, it must be 
#               A NON-long/lat projection and will be modified to ensure the 
#               +units parameter is +units=m (the default.); 3) If the shapefile
#               does not contain a proj4string or wkt, it will be set to a long/lag
#               projection; 4) If the shapefile contains a non-long/lat 
#               projection it will be inspected and its +units= parameter 
#               changed to meter. The actual map transformation is done at the end 
#               of the process before the micromapST border group is created. 
#               5) The proj4 calling parameter will override the shapefiles projection.
#               6) If after processing the transformations for the Shapefile and/or
#               the proj4 calling parameter, the SPDF is still a long/lat projection,
#               the build function will create a AEA projection based on the maps 
#               centroid with a lat_1 and lat_2 lines at 25% and 75%;  
#               7) The coordinates used by the MapLabel feature are used to 
#               create a SpatialPoint structure.  
#               This structure is then transformed the same as the SpatialPolygons.
#             - Test runs have been completed on: USStates, Alaska, California,
#               Kansas, Kentucky ADD, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota,
#               New York, Utah, Africa, China, Europe, India, Mexico, and Souel Korea.
#             - Fixes were applied to problems dealing with handling bad data and
#               missing name table columns.
#             - Enchance code to permit better matching of links between the Shapefile
#               and the NameTable. Change each to uppercase, trim blanks, added 
#               leading "0", and made all of the strings the same length.  This
#               look awkward for character strings, but help match numerical 
#               values better.
#             ? Should look into problem with column names being with and without
#               leading cap. letters.
#             - Modified the call parameter defaults to use the NameTableDir
#               value if the ShapeDir and/or the BorderGroupDir call parameters are
#               not provided.  This allows all key files to be keep in one directory.
#  2022-04-20 - Reorder logic to allow all key data and files to be "checkpointed"
#               to a directory.  A checkPointRestart option is added to allow the 
#               user to manually modify the shapefile (enlarging and moving any 
#               areas for a better micromap and then restart the buildbordergroup
#               process.  In many cases this will be required to ensure 
#               every area can be seen clearly when shaded in the micromap 
#               graphic column.  When a call to buildbordergroup is completed, 
#               the function will have left the checkpoint files in the 
#               bordergroupdir folder in a subfolder called "CheckPoint".
#               The user can modify the name table or the shapefile in any way
#               However, you can't change the linkage names in the name table
#               or the shape file, and you must save the modified name table
#               and shape file under the same names in the checkpoint folder.
#               Suggestion is to save these files under different names before
#               modifying. 
#               If "checkPoint=TRUE" is included in the original 
#               BuildBorderGroup function call, the function skips all 
#               parameter and table validations and reads back in the 
#               checkpointed data and produces the micromapST boundary data 
#               and control files for the border group.
#               Only minor check of the shape file is done to ensure its 
#               validity using rmapshaper.
#  2022-05-01 - Cleaned up logic, moved East/West hemisphere code into
#               a function to be used before any example maps are draw to
#               properly show how the maps will really look when the 
#               projection is long/lat.  This had to be done, since many of the 
#               Spatial function in R objected to long/lat coordinates > 180 or 
#               < -180.  So, the adjustment is made before drawing only.
#               Just before the SpatialPolygons are converted into the 
#               micromapST VisBorder format, the E/W Hemisphere Correction
#               adjustment logic is called one last time to make any needed
#               adjustments.  After this point, no Spatial functions are used
#               to process the boundary data as it is converted into vertex 
#               data.frames for micromapST.  This was discovered as a problem
#               later and how to be re-implemented.
#             - It is possible the shift, scale and rotate modifications can 
#               cause overlaping areas in the map. To resolve this problems,
#               the identification of neighbors for now overlaping area
#               must be know. This must be done before the areas are modified
#               for the existing neighbor functions will not work.
#               The neighbor identification is done after the polygons
#               are unioned under the areas identification as one "polygon"
#               in the SpatialPolygons structure. Once the data Section is re-created,
#               the neighbor relationships can be identified and lists of the 
#               Keys of the neighbors for each area can be added to the 
#               name table row. By converting the neighor logical number to 
#               the areas key value, as the map processing continues, the 
#               function will be able to always identify the neighbors by their
#               key tags (most of the time the Abbr). 
#             - Add functions to draw the maps for the SPDF data format and 
#               the VisBorder data format of the boundaries.
#             - Added a new sample Plots function to draw the shape file (SPDF) 
#               boundaries in the same manner as the PlotVis and a similar size 
#               that would be used in micromapST and show how the color shaping 
#               work appear.
#             - Corrected the PlotVis and PlotSPDF map drawing functions to 
#               ensure the maps have the correct aspect regardless of the size of
#               the ploting space.
#             - Setup debug flag to output sample maps about 1.5 x 2" at each level
#               of modification.  (debug=16)
#  2022-05-06 - Found neighor relationship keep finding errors in 
#               the geometry after unionSpatialPolygons and adjustments 
#               for the E/W Hemisphere (EWH) Correction logic (LL). Was finally able to 
#               establish the neigbhor relationships between areas after 
#               the union, and data Section rebuilding, but not doing any E/W Hemisphere 
#               adjustments. While the EWH adjustments are 
#               required before any modifications are made to an area, it can't
#               be done earlier as part of the process stream.  Several Spatial 
#               function did not like the extended
#               long/lat points above 180 or below -180 degrees and throw
#               errors and warnings. Changed logic to do the EWH adjustments 
#               just for the sample maps drawn after each major step, but 
#               no adjustments were made to the shape file during the 
#               main line processing.  Tried to do a temporary AEA 
#               projection for the sample maps to handle the IDL, but
#               it did not present the map as the user expected (long/lat projection).
#               The final solution was to do the EWH adjustment when a 
#               sample map was drawn, but delay the adjustment to the real
#               map until the last moment.
#             - Effectively in March, 2022, it was announced that 
#               rgdal, rgeos, and maptools were scheduled to be retired 
#               with no support by the end of 2023 (18 month from now.)
#               Recommendations are to use the sf/terra/stars and other 
#               packages.  Have stated reviewing the packages to determine 
#               the steps needed to remove dependency for these packages.
#               micromapST should not be affected, only the BuildBorderGroup
#               function.
#  2022-05-10 - EPSG code for Lat/Long in US  NAD83 = EPSG:4269
#                                    ESRI:102003 AEA us continental
#  2022-05-13 - Place the suppressWarnings() function around any R statment
#               that generates a rgdal, sp, or proj6 warning in regard
#               the proj4string usage inside a used package that we don't
#               have access to the code.  It is hoped this cleans up
#               the messages generated to the user and removes the 
#               confusing warnings we and they cannot control.
#  2022-05-14 - Updated - code and saved.
#  2022-06-25 - Cleaned up error and output messages to be usable to users.
#             - Added call parameter to specify the size of the Labels when used.
#               This variable is also added to the areaParms data.frame
#             - Updated logic to enable Region feature in micromapST when regID column exists.
#  2022-06-30 - Add Global address space - can't use micromapSTs
#  2022-08-31 - Made adjustments in all plot calls for SPDF structures to add sp:: to the calls.
#             - When problems are reported inserted gBuffer with 0 width to do the clean up of the 
#               structure.  Continued to expand this.
#             - Found the mai, mar parameters were being reset after a graphic file was being opened.
#               This caused the figure to be to large in the image.  Changed the placement of these
#               par settings to after the opens.  Also increased the mar to allow two lines for the 
#               title area and increased the size of the plot by 0.4 inches to accomodate the titles.
#               This seems to have removed all of the plot error messages that could not be traced
#               to any other source.
#             - Changed the debug flag implementation to guide the creation of intermediate plots of the 
#               map for documentation and visualizing how the map may look in the linked micromap.
#               The debug field is tried as a series of bits.  Each bit is assigned to an operation or 
#               extra function in the process.
#               Bit  1 =   1 - Used for line by line debugging.
#               Bit  2 =   2 - Outputs information to trace the process of the function.
#               Bit  3 =   4 - Display Information related to projection processing and variable.
#               Bit  4 =   8 - Plot intermediate Shape file and SPDF (not the same as 256 or 512).
#               Bit  5 =  16 - Display processing and variable related to the SPDF
#               Bit  6 =  32 - Display processing and variable related to the Name Table.
#               Bit  7 =  64 - Display internal variable on processing
#               Bit  8 = 128 - 0 = set output file type for the 512 option to PDF (default)
#                              1 = set output file type for the 512 option to PNG
#               Bit  9 = 256 - Generate a multiple plot graphic of the map in small format 
#                              with each plot having only 5 areas shaped.  Number of images = Areas/5 + 1
#               Bit 10 = 512 - Generate a 4" x 4" plot of the area at key states in the processing:
#                               RAW, After rmapshaping, After Name Table modifications, and 
#                               after transformation and converstion to the micromapST VisBorder
#                               format.
#               Bit 11 =1024 - Same as 512, but only generates plots for the RAW and Final images.
#               Bit 12 =2048 - Display the final BorderGroup layers on the screen:  Areas, Level 2,
#                              Regions, Map Outline (level 3).  Each is display in a separate window.
#               Bit 13 =4096 - NA
#               Bit 14 =8192 - Write to disk PDF file of multiple plots of the map from the areaVisBorder
#                              boundaries - one map per 5 colors as done for the 256 option.
#               Bit 15 =16384 - Future
#               Bit 16 =32768 - Future
#             - Changed the minimum map height to .5
#             - Resolved issues with multipel globalVariables calls.
#  2022-09-05 - Removed documentation on MapHdr call parameter.  Set default of Map.Hdr2 to "Areas".
#               Variable will still be set in the areaParms table in the border group.
#               Will still allow the map headers to be specified in the micromapST call.
#             - Changed the maptail colors to a pale yellow/green for above and a pale yellow/red
#               for below colors. 
#             - Tested regionsB and onlyDataRegions opens for border groups with 
#               regional boundary sets (like the US and the UK & Ireland border groups.)
#             - Corrected the location the "line" and refTxt are printed below the glyph.
#             - Verify all location ids are mapped to upper case for comparison to 
#               cover a lot of issues with the users data files and privately 
#               build border groups.
#             - Updated the version string from micromapST.Version.
#             - Modified the onlyDataRegions logic to turn on the regionsB option 
#               to replace the L3 outline of the map when only part of the map is draw.
#  2022-09-08 - Updated logic to enable regional feature when regID and regName 
#               columns are present.
#             - Updated logic to enable the Map.L2Borders feature when a valid 
#               L2 set of columns are present.
#             - Disabled MapHdr and made the default c("","Areas")
#  2022-09-20 - Correct typos in check point file names (,rda instead of .rda).
#             - Remove $area and other processing and test fields in the name table.
#  2022-09-22 - Added call parameter to allow the specification of a unique 
#               directory to write any intermediate plots or text output for the user.  
#               Required by CRAN to support any output via examples in the 
#               BuildBorderGroup documention.
#  2022-09-24 - Fixed the ability to pass the function directly the SPDF 
#               structure via the ShapeFile call parameter.
#             - Fixed the call parameter checks for MapHdr, IDHdr, ReducePC, 
#               debug, ShapeLinkName and NameTableLink to handle the 
#               limitations of is.null() and is.na() checks that produce
#               difference sizes of results.  This is now caught 
#               by CRAN pre-scans.
#  2022-09-27 - Released Version 2.0.1 to CRAN.
#  2022-10-03 - Based on discussion the effectiveness of the rmapshaper 
#               on the map at different ReducePC values and to make sure 
#               there are no coding issues, metrics have been added 
#               to document the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame outputed by 
#               rmapshaper.
#  2022-10-08 - V2.0.2 - Added key routines form MapColoring un-released 
#               package to replace the nacol function.  The nacol function 
#               used sample.int() in the allocation of color indexes.  
#               This created a situation where each run of 
#               BuildBorderGroup would create sample plots that used 
#               the colors differently.  Between two runs, the user 
#               could not compare the resulting maps.  The dsatur, 
#               getAM, getNeighbors, and getAmountColor function 
#               provide a very stable map coloring results.
#  2022-10-09? - V2.0.2 other changes for V2.0.2
#  2022-10-19 - Start conversion from sp/rgdal/rgeos to sf functions.
#  2022-10-25 - Continue conversion Work.
#  2022-11-06 - Continue conversion work.
#  2022-11-11 - Put in st_shift_longitude ONCE at the beginning and 
#               see if any function complains.  If no problems, do 
#               shift at begining and forget about it.
#  2022-11-23 - Continue conversion work to be completely sf for 
#               V2.2.0 release. It turned out to be about a 80% 
#               re-write in the spatial code sections.
#  2022-12-01 - Continue conversion work to sf for V2.2.0.
#               Decided this is such a major change in the code to 
#               use V3.0.0 instead of V2.2.0 replaced the entire 
#               spatial structure to VisBorders format logic.  
#               Removed all old code.
#             - The BuildBorderGroup function has been enhanced 
#               to accept an SPDF or sf data structure as the 
#               "ShapeFile" call parameter value. In this case, the 
#               ShapeFileDir is not required or checked.  If a SPDF
#               structure is provided, it is converted into a sf 
#               structure.  The structure must be a SPDF or sf
#               structure containing the data header to be able 
#               to link the contained polygons to the area entries 
#               in the name table.
#             - The BuildBorderGroup function can now accept a name 
#               table data.frame as the value for the NameTableFile 
#               call parameter. It must meet the requirements defined
#               for the 'csv' or 'spreadsheet' version of the name 
#               table.  In this case, the NameTableDir call parameter 
#               is not required and will be ignored and not checked.
#             - If the directories for the name table and shape file
#               are not used as outlined above, the name table 
#               directory can still be provided to use for the 
#               BorderGroupDir, or the BorderGroupDir MUST be 
#               provided.
#  2022-12-04 - Created the first packaging of V3.0.0 and was able 
#               to complete build, check and INSTALL.
#             - The micromapST examples completed with any failures, 
#               and produced clean linked micromap.
#             - Found the proj4string and projection logic were 
#               not completely right.  The first issue was "cat" 
#               display commands will not handle the list structure
#               of the new projection strings with $input and $wkt.  
#               Reviewed and corrected all code related to projection 
#               values.
#  2022-12-06 - Fix logic with projections including 'proj4'.
#  2022-12-10 - Add logic to disable sf_use_s2 for major modifications to the sf structure.
#               The sf structures are not always valid and must be checked and made valid.
#               Regretfully, st_is_valid does not uncover all of the issues or provide a cause.
#               Therefore, st_make_valid must be done between every major change done
#               done to the sf structure.  The st_make_valid function is not always successful
#               when executed with s2 enabled.  The recommended solution on the web is to 
#               do most of the repairs and major modifications with s2 disable.
#               Code has not been added to disable s2 usage at the begin
#               and to enable it at the end of the function.
#             - Note that the variable xxx$yyy and xxx['yyy'] do not return the same 
#               result.  If xxx is a list, then xxx$yyy returns a value and xxx['yyy'] returns 
#               a list.  Need to check the value returned for xxx[['yyy']]???
#             - One can obtain the proj.4 string for the wkt variable by requesting 
#               the $proj4string of a crs variable.  This causes the sf package to examine
#               the wkt and return the proj.4 string equivalent.   Very helpful.
#             - Still debugging how to clean up shape file structure that are not 100% 
#               valid. (see above.)
#  2022-12-12 - The st_shift_longitude is a very helpful function for 
#               handling Alaska and the US.  However, it does very 
#               poorly when trying to handle areas that statle the 
#               0 degree longitude.  It causes the reverse problem 
#               and created boundary line across the globe.  Logic 
#               has been added to determine if the map is spanning 
#               from -deg to +deg (us to ak.) or +deg to -deg 
#               across the greenwich meridian.  (delta > 180, - 
#               to +; < 180 + to -)
#             - It appears the st_shift_longitude function should 
#               not be used when it can cause geographs spanning 
#               the Prime Meridan are involved.  The result is the 
#               -degrees become + degrees and the map boundaries 
#               are spread across the entire map area from 0 to 360.
#               New logic is being added to 1) get the centroid 
#               of the map, 2) calculate the 180 degree point 
#               opposite to the centroid X value, 3) if the 
#               centroid X value is -, then we look for the range 
#               to be +deg to 180, 4) if the centroid X valie is +, 
#               then we look for the rnage to be -deg to -180, 
#               finally 5) determine the range from the -+180 meridian
#               to the opposite centroid X value.   If the st_bbox 
#               has an X min or max that falls within this range, 
#               then the shift function will be required. Since sf 
#               does not mind having the longitude shifted, we are 
#               trying to keep it enforced through out the processing.
#               However, some of the sf functions revert the 
#               longitude back to the -180 to +180 range.  Need the 
#               shift for any printing (keeps the map together) and 
#               when the name table modifications are made.
#  2022-12-23 - Fixed issue with polygons being reduced to a point or line.  This causes
#               the polygon function to not advance to the next col= element.
#             - Found the polygon function does not skip to the next color if the 
#               polygon is a point or line. They are not considered polygons, so the 
#               color is not steped forward.  The way we use the polygon function this means
#               the color steps on to the next polygon in the list, which may not be the one
#               we want to foreground color.  We paint all polygons everytime we draw a map.
#               The problem comes from the rounding done in the BuildVisBorder function.
#               A polygon with as many as 30+ points can be rounded to a single point depending
#               on the size of the polygon and the overall increments between points.  The 
#               old method of doing it to 500 meters no longer works. We considered justing
#               letting small shape disable, but on a small map, the rounding must at least be 
#               proportion to the map's size. Also, all polygons are important to the map.
#               While the black boundary like may wipe out these small polygons.  We must 
#               at a minimum find a method that makes sure polygons are never reduced to a polygon
#               with less than 4 points. No points (1 point), 2 points would be a degenerated point, 
#               No lines (3 points, start, middle, end), or a triangle (4 points, start, middle, 
#               middle, end).  Any smoothing(rounding) has to be the same for all points on the 
#               map.  Otherwise, neighboring polygons will not matchup on their shared 
#               boundaries.  The choose of whether to do it and what parameters to use, must 
#               be done at the start of the VisBorder build process and used from that point on.
#               The builds of the area, L2, Reg, L3 must use the same parameters.
#  2022-12-24 - Add redirect of the summary border group name table information to a text file
#               in the same folder as the border group output .rda file under the name of 
#               "<BGName>_Rep.txt".
#  2022-12-31 - Removed all debug printouts that were messing up the output for the user.
#  2023-01-02 - Add ability to capture the drivers used to read the initial shape file.  This could 
#               not be done when the shape file is passed as a binary structure to the function.
#               This information is used when the check point shape file is written to make sure
#               the check point file is the same format as the original shape file.
#             - Added option to specify the which format will be used to write the check 
#               point shape file.  It can be used to overwrite the known driver when 
#               the shapefile is read or to specify the format when the shape file is passed
#               to the function as a binary structure.
#             - The sf st_read function will not be limited to allow it to read 
#               any of the known boundary file formats.
#  2023-01-07 - add xLim and yLim (bbox) values against the native units and the transitioned
#               to help with parameter checking.  The tranformation units is saved to the 
#               areaParms data.frame. 
#  2023-01-08 - Removed the ShapeDriver call parameter.  It turns out the filename
#               and directory options required to make this work are too complicated.
#               Returning to allowing the Shapefile read to be anything they can 
#               get pass the st_read function with DSN = directory and LAYER = filename
#               or read the shape file in the users R script and pass the sf structure
#               to BuildBorderGroup via the ShapeFile call parameter.
#               As for the check point Shapefile, it will be written as ESRI Shapefile
#               only.  This will still allow the user to modify the boundaries as needed.
#  2023-01-19 - Updated BuildBorderGroup message documentation to include changes
#               and new messages.
#  2023-03-12 - Corrected missing MapAvgH variable used after doing a CheckPoint Restart.  Was 
#               not calculated from the MapMinH and MapMaxH.
#             - Changed the logic to create the BorderGroupDir path if it did not exist.
#  2023-04-20 - Completed initial conversion of BuildBorderGroup from the sp, spdep, maptools,
#               rgdal, rgeos packages that will be retiring the end of 2023 to the supported
#               spatial packages of sf and sfdep.  
#               Detailed testing has started to release this summer, 2023.
#             - rmapshaper package has changed how the calling parameters are handled and passed 
#               to other internal functions.  BuildBorderGroup function had to change the calling
#               order of the parameters to make the force_FC and sys parameter last in the calling 
#               list.
#  2023-07-15 - Discoveries related to use sf functions in this function:
#               1) Several function do not maintain the longitude shift applied to handle
#               the anti-meridian long/lat longitudes that cross the -+180 longitude line.
#               st_centroid, st_make_valid, and st_transform (as expected).
#               Most of the other function that don't seem to call st_make_valid internally
#               do not un-shift a shifted LongLat projection.  Programmer must watch out
#               for this condition.
#               2) Several functions generate a warning if the data section of the sf 
#               structure is present.  It's best to pass them an sfc structure so no 
#               messages are generated.
#               3) The longlat projection is not a true "PROJECTION".  Several functions
#               trigger a warning if the CRS is not a NA or LongLat type specification.  
#               st_shift_longitude (most be LongLat), 
#		4) The rmapshaper package and ms_simplified function has changed the way
#               the call parameters are handled.  Several are now passed through the "..."
#               mechanism. Initially the force_FC and sys parameters had to move to the 
#               end of the call list.  Now the force_FC parameter is not valid.  Since
#               both were just respecifications of the default values, they have
#               both been removed from the packages call to ms_simplify.
#               5) To guard against damaged geometric structures caused by several 
#               heavy processing functions, like ms_simplify, Neighbor finding, 
#               aggregate, desatr, and others, it is necessary to execute the "st_make_valid" 
#               function after each call to keep the structure health and avoid
#               errors and crashes in other R package functions.
#               6) Since there are two types of coordinates representation: rectangluar
#               and spherical, we attempted to initially run completely in spherical mode
#               allowing sf to use the s2 package routines.  However, it is critical that 
#               the package be able to handle all types of shapefiles we found in spherical
#               mode not all of the geometries were considered valid and some could
#               not be fixed using "st_make_valid" and the older package we used "CleanGeo"
#		was going to not depend on the retiring packages, but was going to remain 
#               focused on sp structures, we had to find a solution.  This may change
#               change later, but for now, we have disabled the use of the s2 routes and 
#               are focusing on servicing shapefiles build on the rectangular coordinates.
#               This seems to handle the spherical coordinates well enough for our 
#               purposes.  We do restore the default mode of "sf_set_s2=TRUE" at the end
#               of the program. 
#               Our goal remains to provide a comprehensive link-micromap package that 
#               allows users with a minimum of R scripting experience to quickly get 
#               charts created, and data analysis in as many different situations 
#               as possible, with quick execution to support multiple re-tries 
#               during their exploration of the data.  The package also produces 
#               very reasonable quality graphics that can be used for presentations and 
#               publications with little effort.
#  2023-07-16 - During the review of the package to ensure all functions are properly 
#               implemented using sf and sfdep, it was discovered the geometric average
#               centroid algorithm did not accurately identify an map's centroid. The
#               script has been updated to include an accurate method using st_union and 
#               st_centroid function.  
#             - rmapshaper has changed the processing of the call parameters again.  force_FC 
#               is now not a valid call parameter.  Since the call included them and set 
#               the parameters to their default values, both parameters have been removed. 
#               This is in hope the default values and features provided by the ms_simplify 
#               function don't change in the future.
#  2023-07-27 - Add call parameter to instruct function to combine ShapeDir and ShapeFile into
#               the DSN string and not use the Layer option on the st_read function call.  This
#               feature is required to be able to read non-ESRI shapefiles and maybe several other
#               formats.
#             - Logic has been added to attempt to st_read the shapefile using two setups:  dsn as 
#               the full filename and dsn= as the directory and layer= as the filebase.  Esri drivers
#               use the dsn and layer while other drivers use the dsn only.  If the Esri approach failes
#               then the single filename as the dsn= will be tried.  If both fail, an error will be 
#               sent to the user.
#  2023-07-30 - Found incorrect code in the validity check for the NameTableFile parameter. Replaces
#               length function with nchar to find out how many characters where in a filename.
#             - Most of the simple validation routines did not catch parameters set to "".  
#               The code was updated to str_trim the parameter, and check for NA, not a character variable,
#               and having a value of "" or " ".  This closed a lot of invalid paramters.
#  2023-08-08 - It appears the sfdep package does not add any value to micromapST that spdep can 
#               provide.  Swapped out the sfdep::st_continguity function call for the spdep::poly2nb
#               function call.
#  2023-11-09 - Corrected logic in checking the ShapeFile to NameTable links and if numeric properly
#               replacing them with the default name of "NAME".
#             - Corrected the MapHdr, ReducePC, IDHdr, MapMinH, MapMaxH call parameter checks
#               to check for "missing" as well as null and na.  For na, any() added as insurance
#               incase a vector or list back it through the validation checks.
#  2023-11-28 - Masked additional messages and warnings from st_intersects and st_intersection
#               functions from the users. 
#  2023-11-28 - Attempted to filter all incoming "Name", "Abbr", "ID", "Alt-Abbr", "Alias",
#               information in the Name Table with the same information in the Shape file
#               and name table.  If all are filtered the same (Name Table at time of being 
#               built and synced with the polygons data) and the user's location ID 
#               information data at the time of importing it for micromapST use, then the
#               it will be the best environment to ensure location ids will match almost
#               99.999% of the time.  Process: Upper Case, no internal punctuation (.-=/ etc.),
#               no internal blanks (only one), and trim external blanks.
#  2024-01-06 - Suppressed warning and messages around rmapshaper, aggregation, and file.remove.
#               Merge new section from 3.0.3 back into 3.0.2 as the base.
#               Rewrote the documentation section on the BuildBorderGroup debug call parameter.
#  2024-01-07 - Several error messages and warning started appearing in the basic tests related
#               to the validation of the MapL column; not a character type column and the length 
#               of the strings were over 3 characters when they were actually 2.  It was found
#               that read.csv and possibily other reading function, will treat any quote in the 
#               original data as a quote and not remove it.  Thus a "AK" field in the .csv file
#               will be placed in the MapL field as "AK" with a length of 4 characters.  The quotes
#               are considered part of the value.  The use of noquote complicates the process 
#               by changing the class of the MapL vector, so it is no longer a character vector.
#               It also does not actually remove the quotes, they re-appear when the string is 
#               converted back into a character variable. The problem is resolve by manually 
#               removing the quotes in the MapL data.
#  2024-01-09 - Correcting column validation when characters and vectors are involved.  Lists are
#               vectors!  If any structure is treated by str_trim, it becomes a character vector. OUCH!
#               Package will work, but may need a lot of adjustments later.
#  2024-01-09 - Several user suggested using the following commands to reliably 
#               get a single boundary around a map:  st_union or aggregate, st_boundary,
#               and st_     . The st_union returns a single area, so it's not
#               useful.  The st_combine also returns a single area.  That leaves
#               aggregate for building Level 2 and Regional boundary sets.  It was
#               hoped st_union could do the Level 3 merger of all areas into one,
#               but caused problems and could not handle interior slivers or gaps
#               between areas.  st_buffer helped for a while, but would not scale
#               and did modify the L3 shape.
#  Operation Sequence:
#       1) Load support libraries
#               sf, sfdep, stringer, tools, utils, graphics,
#               readxl, and writexl 
#	2) Verify all call parameters (pathes and ranges)
#       3) If checkPointReStart = TRUE is specified on the function call, 
#          validate only the critial call parameters to allow the function 
#          to restart the processing using the checkpointed data files and 
#          a possibly modified shapefile and jump to step 19 below.
#       4) Read (if needed) shape file and convert into sf spatial structure.
#	5) Read (if needed) the initial name table and validate 
#          the presents of the required columns and their content.
#       6) Convert old MapLabel columns into MapL, MapX, and MapY columns. (retired)
#       7) Validate the MapX, MapY, and MapL name table columns values.
#       8) Validate and clean boundary spatial data for all areas with sf tools 
#       9) Collect the projection information and determine what transformations
#          may be needed before the micromapST border group is created.
#          (Provide LongLat CRS when none is present, ensure the end projection
#          will be in meters, and if no end projection is provided, create
#          a AEA for the map to provide the best presentation.
#       10) Used the sf tool "st_shift_longitude" to handle the +-180 degree 
#          longitude issue.  However, several sf "st_" function revert the 
#          coordinates back to standard lon/lat during processing.  
#       11) Process LINK fields in the Name Table and Shape file build a 
#          linkage between the two and create and assign a single "Key" per 
#          per area to be used in the micromapST boundaries data.frames.
#       12) Simplify spatial data with rmapshaper. Reduce the geometries keeping between
#          2 to 0.05 percent of the original geometry.
#       13) Aggregated the polygons for same basic area under one entry per 
#          area and combine data information. (sf multipolygon)
#          After this aggregation (union), the structure contains only one 
#          entry or row per basic area (name table row).
#       14) Perform any requested name table modification:  shift, scale, rotate.  
#          With sf, this is now a single algebric formula using matrix 
#          math.  Gone are the 2 pages of code.
#       15) Perform transformation on map and MapX and MapY points.
#          Used the data in the name table, created a set of points, 
#          then transformed.
#       16) Build areaParm parameter data.frame
#       17) Clean up Name Table - remove work columns
#       18) Checkpointed the Name Table and Shapefile in ESRI Shapefile format
#           to disk for possible manual processing (enlarging of unseeable areas).
#       19) Reload for checkpoint files and continue processing.  
#           (Or restart process on request for checkPointReStart).
#       20) Plot to validation boundary data images if requested (debug=1024).
#	21) Using the area sf structure, make copies and aggregate to form
#           the Level 2, Regional and L3 boundaries sf structure.
#       22) Convert each of the 4 boundary sf structures into VisBorders format 
#           data.frames for micromapST.  In the process round the vector values
#           based on the size of the transformed map and remove any duplicate 
#           vector now created.
#       23) Bundle the 4 VisBorders data.frames (area, L2, Regional, L3), 
#           the name table, and areaParms data.frame into the single border 
#           group dataset and write to a compressed .rda file.
#  This routine accepts standard ESRI shape file format boundary data,
#  a user provided name table and creates a Boundary Group in the format
#  required by the micromapST package.  micromapST uses the R "polygon" 
#  drawing function and needs the data to be in a simple data.frame of 
#  the X, Y points, Key for the area, indicator is the polygon is a hole,
#  and NA,NA values for the final X, Y point in a polygon.
#  Author:  James Pearson, StatNet Consulting, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
#  Updated  January 3, 2024
#  Version:  1.1.0 (with package V2.0.2) updated nacol
#  Version:  2.0.X (replaced nacol with DSatur and minor fixes.) 
#  Version:  2.9.0 (completed the conversion of BuildBorderGroup function from 
#                  sp, spdep, maptools, rgdal, rgeos dependencies to sf and sfdep.)
#            Removed references to any functions in sp, spdef, maptools, rgdal, and 
#            rgeos packages.  These packages are being retired in October, 2023 and 
#            the sf and sfdep package will be used to handle spatial objects in the 
#            sf, sfc, and sfg structure formats.  This change is required to remain
#            on CRAN for distribution.
#  Version:  3.0.0 Tested release of 2.9.0
#  Version:  3.0.1 Correction of some call parameter checks. 
#  Version:  3.0.2 Correct as.Date call; correct logic to properly 
#                  fill-in map colors when a single median area is present and 
#                  not mapped;  tighten up several call parameter checks to make
#                  sure internal R error don't occur and confuse the user.
#  Version   3.0.2 updated - corrected BuildBorderGroup processing of sf structures to get 
#                  VisBorder Files.  Changed from st_union to aggregate and added st_boundary
#                  to processing for L3 boundaries.  
#                  Attempt to fix bad geometries that leave slivers in 
#                  geometry - no successful.  Must be careful when making manual adjustments.
#                  Added the origin= option to the as.Date function call to support
#                  old R releases.
#                  Removed test output plots when modifying an area.  USstBG had 4 extra 
#                  plots.
#                  Updated documentation to only include one description of the border
#                  group data.frames (data sets) in bordGrp chapter.
#  functions used from sf:         sf, st_as_sf, st_as_sfc, st_geometry, st_drop_geometry,
#                                  st_union, aggregate, st_make_valid, st_is_valid, st_buffer,
#                                  st_transform, st_shift_longitude, st_read, st_write
#                                  st_crs, st_coordinates, 
#  functions used from stringr:    str_trim, str_split, str_replace, str_replace_all,
#                                  str_sub, str_squish, str_pad, 
#  functions used from spdep:      poly2nb
#  functions used from graphics:   plot line, arrows, polygon, axis, text, boxplot, mtext,
#                                  points, plot.new, strheight, strwidth, par

#  Initialize the definition of Global variable outside of the BuildBorderGroup function name space.
	"warnCnt",         "stopCnt",        "errCnt",          "callVL",        "callVarNames",
	"ShapeFile",       "ShapeFileDir",   "ShapeFilePath",   "ShapeLinkName",
	"NameTableFile",   "NameTableDir",   "NameTablePath",   "NameExt",       "NameTableLink",
	"BorderGroupName", "BorderGroupDir", "BorderGroupPath", 
	"debug",           "proj4",          "ReducePC",       
	"MapHdr",          "MapMinH",        "MapMaxH",         "IDHdr",        
	"LabelCex",        "convertPROJ4",
	"VisForm",         "VisForm2",       "RScale",   
	"WorkSf01",        "WorkSf01Proj4",
	"SfPCkpt",         'SfCkpt'          

#  End of Global Functions

#  Main Code Call - Version 3.0.2 - 2024-01-03

BuildBorderGroup <- function(
			   # Base filename of Shape file without extensions or SPDF or sf data structure.
			ShapeFile       = NULL,		
			   # Directory containing Shape file 
                        ShapeFileDir    = NULL,	
                           # Variable in spatial data containing link to NameTable
                        ShapeLinkName   = NULL,	
                           # The filename with extension of the NameTable or name table data.frame 
                        NameTableFile   = NULL,	
                           # Directory containing the NameTable (.CVS, .xlsx, .xls, or .RDA)
                        NameTableDir    = NULL,	
                           # The column in the NameTable to use to link the sf polygons to the Name Table.
                        NameTableLink   = NULL,   
                           # Name of the Border Group (BordGrp)
			BorderGroupName = NULL, 	
			   # Directory to write the Border Group data set into. (optional, default=NameTableDir)
			BorderGroupDir  = NULL,	
			   # One or two header lines for the Map Glyph column 
			   #       (Max 16 characters each) (optional)
			MapHdr          = NULL,		
			   # Minimum Height for micromap drawing (inches) (optional)
			MapMinH         = NULL,    
			   # Maximum Height for micromap drawing (inches) (optional)
			MapMaxH         = NULL,      
			   # One of two header lines for the ID Glyph column (optional)
			   #      (Max 12 characters each)
			IDHdr           = NULL,	 
			   # cex value for the Map Labels (optional)
			LabelCex        = NULL,           
			   # The percentage of vertex to be kept by rmapshaper (optional)
			ReducePC        = 1.25,       #  in % to be kept
			   # Callers requested micromap image final projection (optional) 
			   #     (projection string with $input and $wkt not sp::CRS)
			proj4           = NULL,		
	                   # Will only do a calculated AEA transformation if the 
	                   # shape file projection is not a long/lat projection and 
	                   # and proj4 is provided and not a long/lat projection.
	                   # default = FALSE, True for restart.
			checkPointReStart = NULL,       #  FALSE - normal run, TRUE - start at check point
			   # Debug flag (control bits) = 0 to 65535.
			debug           = 0		
   #  Future Enhancements:
   #   a) Allow the shape file to be read without a name table being 
   #      specified.  If the caller can specify at least one variable
   #      or more in the shape file (or spatial structure) to be used
   #      as the \"Name\", \"Abbr\" and-or \"ID\" columns that would have 
   #      been in the name table.   It should 
   #      be possible to pull One or more name tables columns from the 
   #      shape file header data.  Syntax may be like:  
   #      SFNameTable=data.frame(Name=\"<var1>\",Abbr=\"<var2>\", ID=\"<var3>\")
   #      The structure becomes a pseudo name table and is filled with 
   #      the variables data from the shape file.  If one column does 
   #      not have data in the shape file header, then the \"<varx>\" 
   #      will be NA.  The name table will be initially filled in with 
   #      all rows from the shape file and finally duplicates will be 
   #      removed after the unionSpatialPolygons function pulls all 
   #      polygons for one area under one \"Polygons\" element. The 
   #      NameTableFile, NameTableDir and NameTableLink parameters will 
   #      not be needed.  The ShapeFileDir will become the default 
   #      directory for the BorderGroupDir.  If not provided, then the 
   #      BorderGroupDir MUST be provided.
   #   b) The BuildBorderGroup function can aggregate areas for the user.  
   #      If they provide a \"AreaGroup=\" call parameter that is a vector 
   #      equal in length to the sf structure being processed and uses values 
   #      from the \"Abbr\" name table column to indicate what polygons 
   #      (and areas) belong to the new aggregated area that will match 
   #      the name table \"Abbr\" field, then the BuildBorderGroup function 
   #      will use the \"AreaGroup=\" vector when the unionSpatialPolygons 
   #      function is performed.  In this case, the ShapeLinkName and 
   #      NameTableLink call parameters are not used.  The length of 
   #      the vector must be the same as the length of the SPDF. 
   #      The values in the AreaGroup vector will match the values 
   #      in the \"Abbr\" column in the name table provided.
   #      This would support a situation like the Kentucky ADD aggregation 
   #      without extra coding or steps.  Plots of the map before (raw) 
   #      and after the aggregation will be available via debug 
   #      flag to allow the user to check the aggregation operation.
   #      For each area need:  1) list of components, 2) name of super-area.
   #   c) The name table information is currently outputted to the console 
   #      at the end of the function process will have an option to 
   #      direct the report to a disk file instead of the console.  
   #      The option may look like: Report=<filename>.  The report would 
   #      be written to the BorderGroupDir as are the other intermediate files.
   #   d) The intermediate files will not by default be written to the 
   #      BorderGroupDir as they are today. They can be requested by 
   #      use of the \"WriteWorkFiles=TRUE/FALSE\" or something similar.  
   #      This will cut down on the amount of disk clutter generated 
   #      by the function.  Check point files will still be written.
   #      Note: The builder can retreive all of these files from the 
   #      bordergroup dataset.
   #   e) The value of the function on return will be set to the full path 
   #      and filename of the location storing the bordGrp dataset.   
   #      e.g., "c:/projects/micromapST/bordgrps/ArizonaBG.rda"    
   #      Using this string, the user could easily read in the border 
   #      group and inspect or use the 6 data.frame stored in the 
   #      border group.
   #   f) The output messages will be cleaned to do a simple report of 
   #      the run parameters in a clean manner instead of what seems 
   #      like random run of messages.  This would be followed by a 
   #      simplified work flow and ending summary.
   #      Warnings and Errors will continue to reported when noticed.
   #   g) The package will be updated to include one example of 
   #      BuildBorderGroup function execution.
   #   h) Work will continue to complete the guidance in the error/warning 
   #      messages in the documentation.  Messages will also be reviewed 
   #      to improve the communications.
   # Call Parameters Definitions:
   #   ShapeFile	- a character string (1 element in vector) of the name of the 
   #                      Shape file or a binary R SPDF or sf spatial structure.  
   #                      If the value is the name of the shape file filename, the file
   #                      must exist in the ShapeFileDir. The shape file is read by the 
   #                      the function into an sf structure.  The shapefile name should not 
   #                      have any extensions included.  If ".shp", ".shx", ".dpf", and-or 
   #                      ".prj" extensions are present the extension will be removed for the 
   #			  st_read layer parameter. Generally, no file extension should
   #			  be included.
   #                      The ShapeFileDir parameter is combined with the ShapeFile 
   #                      parameter and an extension of ".shp" to test if the shape 
   #                      file exists. The value cannot be NULL or NA_character_.
   #                      If the value is a SPDF (SpatialPolygonsDataFrame) or sf 
   #                      (simple features) spatial data structure of the boundary data, 
   #                      then it is process as if it was just read in by the function.   
   #                      If it is an SPDF structure it will be converted to an sf 
   #                      structure.  SP, sfc and sfg structures are not supported
   #                      since the shape file must be linked to the name table 
   #                      through its data variables.
   #                      This parameter is required and has no default values.
   #   ShapeFileDir     - a character string (1 element in vector) - is the 
   #                      directory name containing the shape file.  It should 
   #                      not end in a slash, but if one if present it will be 
   #                      removed.  The directory is used as the dsn= value in 
   #                      the st_read call to read the shape file.  Only the 
   #                      first element is used. The default value for this 
   #                      parameter is the name table directory and then the 
   #                      current working directory as a last resort.
   #                      The existence of the directory is checked.
   #                      The ShapeFileDir parameter is only used if the 
   #                      ShapeFile parameter is used to pass the function 
   #                      the name of a shapefile.  Otherwise, it is ignored 
   #                      and not checked.
   #                      If this parameter is required and has a value of NA, 
   #                      then the current working directory will be used.
   #                      If this parameter is omitted (NULL), then the value 
   #                      provided in the Name Table Directory will be used.
   #   ShapeLinkName    - a character string (1 element in vector) - is the 
   #                      name of the column (or variable) in the shape files 
   #                      (SPDF or sf) structure's data section that will be 
   #                      used as a link of all of the polygons and multipolygons
   #                      in the structure to the area's name table.  The values 
   #                      are matched to the name table's \variable{Link} column 
   #                      values.  There may be multiple polygons/multipolygons 
   #                      in the shape file for an area. The number of unique 
   #                      values (links) in the sf must match the number of 
   #                      entries in the Name Table.  Only the first element is used.  
   #                      After preprocessing the shapefile link values are stored 
   #                      in the spatial structure in the \variable{X__Link} 
   #                      variable or column. The default ShapeLinkName value 
   #                      is 'NAME'.
   #   NameTableDir     - a character string (1 element in vector) - is the 
   #                      directory name containing the callers provided 
   #                      NameTable .CVS, .xlsx, .xls, or .RDA file.  
   #                      This file contains the NameTable to be used with 
   #                      the shape file. If it is not completely filled out, 
   #                      the function will complete the table and write an 
   #                      intermediate .RDA copy for later re-use or for review.  
   #                      The existence of the directory is checked.
   #   NameTableFile    - a character string (1 element in vector) - is the name 
   #                      of the initial or working image of the NameTable 
   #                      provided by the caller to provide different types 
   #                      of labels for each area in the micro map boundary data. 
   #                      The values of NULL and NA_character_ can not be used.  
   #                      The NameTableName is combined with the NameTableDir 
   #                      to create the complete path to the file. The path 
   #                      is tested to verify it exists before attempting to 
   #                      open the file.
   #                      The data provide by the micromapST caller can 
   #                      use a Name, Abbr, ID, Alt_Abbr or Alias identifier 
   #                      to match the data with the name table row of a 
   #                      specific area. (See the Name Table Requirements for 
   #                      more information.)
   #                      As of v3.0.0, the name table data.frame can be passed 
   #                      directly to the function using the NameTableFile 
   #                      call parameter by NameTableFile=NTable  
   #                      where NTable is a data.frame of a valid name table.
   #   NameTableLink    - a character string (1 element in a vector) - This 
   #                      string specifies which column in the name table will 
   #                      be used to link the SPDF information with the 
   #                      NameTable.  The default is \variable{Link}, but 
   #                      it could be the Name, Abbr, or ID fields.
   #   BorderGroupName  - a character string (1 element in a vector) - This 
   #                      string provides the name of the border group.  
   #                      It is used to label the border group inside 
   #                      its data set and as the name of the final border 
   #                      group data set file. It is recommended the name be 
   #                      kept short and end with 'BG' to help provide quick 
   #                      identification of the border group file.  Only the 
   #                      first value is used. This value has no defaults, 
   #                      NULL and NA_character_ cannot be used.
   #   BorderGroupDir   - a character string (1 element in a vector) - this 
   #                      string identifies the directory where the final 
   #                      version of the border group will be written.  
   #                      Any intermediate data sets will also be written 
   #                      to this directory.  Only the first value is used.
   #                      The default value is the current working directory 
   #                      if value is NA. If value is missing, the Name 
   #                      Table Directory value is used.
   #   MapHdr           - is a character vector with 1 or two elements - c(a,b) - the 
   #                      character vector provides the header labels for the Map glyph 
   #                      column containing the micro map drawings for the areas.
   #                      It is recommended the headers be no longer than 16 characters 
   #                      or the the usual width of the micro map. If the strings are 
   #                      too long, they will be truncated.  The border group builder 
   #                      can specify 1 or two header labels for the map glyph.  
   #                      For Example:  MapHdr=c('Header1','Header2')
   #                      If no values are provided for this parameter the c('Areas') 
   #                      will be used.
   #   MapMinH          - is a numeric value used to specify the minimum amount of 
   #                      space to allocate in the output graphic for the micromap 
   #                      drawing in the row group.  The default is 0.5 inches.
   #   MapMaxH          - is a numeric value used to specify the maximum amount of 
   #                      space to allocate in the output graphic for the linked 
   #                      micromap drawing in the row group.  The default is 1.75 inches.
   #                      Note: The actual value used for the height of the 
   #                      micromap will vary between the specified minimum and 
   #                      maximum depending on the number of areas being
   #                      drawn on the graphic.
   #   IDHdr            - is a character vector with 1 or two elements - the 
   #                      character vector provides the header labels for the 
   #                      ID glyph column containing the area names.  The names 
   #                      can be the full name ('Name') or the abbreviation ('Abbr') 
   #                      for the area.  It is recommended the headers be no longer 
   #                      than 12 characters or the the maximum width of the area 
   #                      names.  If the strings are too long, they will be truncated.  
   #                      The border group builder can specify 1 or 2 header labels 
   #                      for the ID glyph. For Example:  IDHdr=c('U.S.','States')
   #                      If no values are provided for this parameter the 
   #                      BorderGroupName will be used.
   #   LabelCex         - a numeric value to be used as the cex value for the 
   #                      Map Label text when Labels are used.  The default is .25.
   #   ReducePC         - is a numeric value (1 element in a vectex) - the 
   #                      numeric is the goal reduction by rmapshaper to 
   #                      the shape file. The range of the value is from 
   #                      0.0001 to 100 percent. A value of 1.5 indicates 
   #                      rmapshaper will keep 1.5% of the original vectex
   #                      in the map areas. The default value is 1.25%.
   #   proj4           -  (optional) can be the character string equal to the 
   #                      $input proj4 string or the $wkt string in the st_crs results
   #                      or a list containing the $input and #wkt strings.  
   #                      The value must be processible by the st_crs function without
   #                      generating an error.  
   #                      The map is processed as a long/lat projection or 
   #                      the projection specified in the shape file. 
   #                      Once the simplification, smoothing and modifications
   #                      are completed, the map will be transformed using the 
   #                      provided proj4 value.  The input is tested and 
   #                      converted to a full $input and $wkt version of the 
   #                      the projection in compliance with the proj6 project.
   #                      The proj4 protection value can not be a longitude/latitude
   #                      projection because of its distorted size of each area and will 
   #                      be ignored.
   #                      If the is still a longitude/latitude projection after all 
   #                      processing is completed, an Albers Equal Area (aea) project
   #                      will be created around its centroid with lat_1 and lat_2 
   #                      value half way between the bottom or top of the 
   #                      map and the center lat_0 value.  
   #                      If the projection provided in the proj4 call parameter
   #                      or a non-long/lat projection in the shape file 
   #                      does not have a +units=m parameter setting the units to 
   #                      meters, the projection will be modified to change 
   #                      the units to meters and the map will be transformed
   #                      at the end of the processing.
   #                      It is suggested, the caller use the border group 
   #                      without this call parameters and seeing if it meets 
   #                      their needs before specifying it.
   #                      An example of a full projection description is:
   #            > LLproj <- sf::st_crs("+proj=lonlat +datum=NAD83 +ellipse=WGS84 +no_def")
   #            > LLproj
   #            Coordinate Reference System:
   #              User input: +proj=lonlat +datum=NAD83 +ellipse=WGS84 +no_def 
   #              wkt:
   #            GEOGCRS["unknown",
   #                DATUM["North American Datum 1983",
   #                    ELLIPSOID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,
   #                        LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],
   #                    ID["EPSG",6269]],
   #                PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
   #                    ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],
   #                    ID["EPSG",8901]],
   #                CS[ellipsoidal,2],
   #                    AXIS["longitude",east,
   #                        ORDER[1],
   #                        ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,
   #                            ID["EPSG",9122]]],
   #                    AXIS["latitude",north,
   #                        ORDER[2],
   #                        ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,
   #                            ID["EPSG",9122]]]]
   #            > 
   #   checkPointReStart - (optional) a logical value - this value is normally FALSE  
   #                      to indicate the function is creating a new border group.
   #                      In the process, checkpoint images of key 
   #                      data are written to a 'checkpoint' directory in
   #                      the bordergroup target directory for troubleshooting 
   #                      and to allow the user to make one last chance to do any 
   #                      manual modifications to the shape file of the 
   #                      boundaries.  Manual changes may be required in cases 
   #                      where the areas need to be enlarge so any colored shading 
   #                      of the area will be visible to the border group 
   #                      users.  When the checkPoint call parameter is 
   #                      present and set to TRUE, the function read back 
   #                      in the checkpointed files and continues the process
   #                      to create the dataset for micromapST boundaries.
   #   debug            - is a numeric value (1 element in a vector) - this is 
   #                      a debug value represents a series of bits in an integer
   #                      value.  Each bit represents a debug function with in 
   #                      the function. a value of 1 is bit 1 of the integer,
   #                      a value of 2 is bit 2 of the integer, a value of 4
   #                      is bit 3 of the integer and so on.  A debug value of 6
   #                      would activate the debug activities for bit 2 and 3.
   #                      The debug value can range from 0 to 65535 using a 16 bit 
   #                      integer.  
   #                      The default value is FALSE or 0.  The Values of 
   #                  	1   = running stand-a-long not as a call (manual debugging only), 
   #			2   = trace program flow, 
   #			4   = display projection processing and variable,
   #          	    	8   = Plot intermediate shape files and sf,
   #                    16  = sf processing and Variables, 
   #			32  = Name Table processing and validation, 
   #			64  = Display internal variuables related to sf/SPDF 
   #                          and Shape File, 
   # 			128 = Selection of 0:PDF or 1:PNG output format for 
   #                          intermediate plots. 
   #                  	256 = Write to a PDF a set of map images at each stage 
   #                          of processing, 
   #   			512 = Write to a file (PDF or PNG, bit 8) a single map 
   #                          image at each stage of processing, 
   #                  	1024 = Write a single map image (PDF or PNG, bit 8) of 
   #                           the final areas and map, 
   #                    2048 = Display the final VisBorders images (areas, L2, 
   #                           Regions, L3) on the screen at the end of processing, 
   #			4096 = NA,
   #			8192 = Write a PDF file containing multiple samples 
   #                           of the map scales to the size the may appear in 
   #                           a linked micromap.
   #                    The major stage of the BuildBorderGroup process are:
   #                       1) Acquired shape file spatial data (Raw unprocessed image)
   #                       2) After simplification by rmapshaper
   #                       3) After modifications by parameters provided in the Name Table
   #                       4) After transformation of geometry
   #                       5) After rounding, duplicate point removal and conversion to the 
   #                          VisBorders format for micromapST.
   #  Name Table Requirements:
   #  The name table can be constructed using a test editor or spreadsheet program.  
   #  The output should be saved as a .csv, .xls or .xlsx formatted file.  
   #  The first row must contain the names of each column. At least two columns 
   #  must be present: the 'link' and at least one of the following 
   #  'Name', 'Abbr', or 'ID'. It is recommended to include all three if possible
   #  to make the border group the most usable.
   #  The values in the 'link' column must match the values in 'ShapeLinkName' 
   #  attribute/variable in the sf/SPDF structure.  The number of areas 
   #  (rows in the name table) should match the number of areas in the shape 
   #  file, SPDF, or sf structure provided.  
   #  The values in the 'Name', 'Abbr' and 'ID' columns should be the most 
   #  commonly accepted values for the full name of the area, the common 
   #  abbreviation for the area and a numerical ID for the area.
   #  The name table can also contain special identifiers for each area:  
   #  'Alt-Abbr' and 'Alias'.  The 'Alt-Abbr' column is use to provide 
   #  an alternate abbreviation for the areas when there are more then 
   #  one commonly accepted abbreviation.  For example an international 
   #  abbreviation and a local abbreviation.  The 'Alias' identifier is 
   #  used with a wildcard match against the identifier provided in the 
   #  data tables.  The 'Alias' character strings must match some part 
   #  of the identifer provide and must also be unique in the name table.  
   #  The 'Alias' feature help use data produced by other programs and 
   #  websites that do not use standard identifiers.
   #      The values in each column must be unique.
   #      The use definition of each of these rows are: 
   #         - Name (full name length name of an area), 
   #         - Abbr (an commonly accepted abbreviation for the area), or 
   #         - ID   (a numeric ID for the area).
   #      It is highly recommended that all three columns be included in the NameTable.
   #      Additional columns may be specified:  
   #         - Alt_Abbr - an alternate abbreviation that can be when a 
   #              second abbreviation is needed (also commonly accepted);
   #         - Alias - a character string used to match data to the NameTable 
   #              using a regular expression match of '*<value>*' (this is useful 
   #              when the source of the data does not provide a clear area name 
   #              or abbreviation, but a unique string can be used to match the 
   #              name in the data); 
   #      The initial NameTable must contain a 'Link' column containing the values 
   #      used to link the NameTable row to an area in the SPDF.
   #      Other information and values contained in the NameTable to support other
   #      features are:
   #         - L2_ID - a value to identify which Level 2 space the area belongs 
   #              (a matching L2_ID_Name should also be provided), and  
   #         - Reg_ID - a value to identify which region in the geological space the 
   #              area belongs (a matching Reg_Name should also be provided), 
   #              this supports the micromapST feature of only matching regions within 
   #              a BordGrp in the micro map drawing.  
   #      More information on the NameTable s provided later.
   #  Checkpoint restart:  After the map simplification, name table modifications, 
   #   projection transformation are made and Name Table has been completed, 
   #   copies of the Name Table as .rda and .csv files and the map spatial boundary
   #   data as an Esri Shapefile and .rda file are written out for inspection.
   #   If more adjustments need to be made to the Shape File, the shape file
   #   can be read into GIS software and further changes made. Do not modify
   #   the data contained in the shape file or its structure.  Return the 
   #   shape file to its original location.
   #   To restart the processing, the Name Table .RDA and the Shape file are 
   #   retreived from the CheckPoint space in the BorderGroupDir directory.  
   #   The fact that they are both read from the 'CheckPoint' directory and the 
   #   Name Table data.frame can be read from an .rda file indicates this 
   #   is a checkpoint restart of the process. 
   #   Once the minimal information is verified, the data is read in and 
   #   processing is continued.  A copy of the areaParm data.frame is also 
   #   written to the checkpoint to save handling the areaParm data again.  
   #   The Name Table directory points to the area containing the checkpoint 
   #   subdirectory.  The Checkpoint call parameter tell the function to add 
   #   the 'checkpoint' directory to the path, read the three files, and 
   #   then pickup at the end part of the process.
   #   create error and stop counters functions - must be in .GlobalEnv 
   #     so the panelXXXX functions can use them.
   var   <- 'errCnt'
   wstr  <- paste0('assign(var,NewCounter(),envir=.GlobalEnv)')
   var   <- 'stopCnt'
   wstr  <- paste0('assign(var,NewCounter(),envir=.GlobalEnv)')
   # Initialize colors from external function (GetMColors)
   # (uses code in the globals module)
   xColors  <- GetMColors()     # pick up colors from globals module.
   mcolors  <- xColors$mcolors
   options(warn=1)   # enable warning at the time of occurance
   #######  398x
   #  Common Functions
   #   errCntMsg - Send message as Warning, count error, return TRUE
   errCntMsg  <- function(msg) {
       warning(msg, call.=FALSE)
   #   stopMsg - send message as Stop, count stop error, return TRUE
   #       What is the difference from stopCntMsg???
   stopMsg  <- function(msg) {
       stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
   #   stopCntMsg - send message as warning, count stop error, return TRUE
   stopCntMsg <- function(msg) {    
      stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
   #   rot function to rotate the map points in a matrix 'a' radians about the centroid.
   #     This function uses matrix algebra in concert with the sf structure.
   rot <- function(a) matrix(c(cos(a),sin(a),-sin(a),cos(a)),2,2) # 2x2 - a is radian
   #  aggFun - a function to inspect the data.frame columns and determine
   #    an appropriate aggregation method - copy or sum.
   aggFun <- function(z) { if (methods::is(z[1],"character")) {
                              # it's a character - just copy it.
                           } else {
                              # it's a number - sum it.
   #   isBetween 
   #     x is the value to test
   #     l and r are the left (lower) and right (higher) values to check
   isBetween <- function(x,l,r){
          if (x > r)  return (FALSE)
          if (x < l)  return (FALSE)

   #  function to convert PROJ4 string into CRS format, catch any errors and warnings, report them
   #  and return CRS to caller.  (Done-10/10)
   convertPROJ4 <- function (x) {
      #  function is designed to convert a proj4 string into CRS format
      #  and catch any errors or warnings.
      #   x - user provided projection as:
      #        1) projection description string (similar to proj4 string 
      #           or the st_crs $input string.)
      #        2) the projection comments string matching the st_crs
      #           $wkt string.
      #        3) a list consisting of both the $input and $wkt strings
      #           as defined in the st_crs function.
      #   If x is the wkt string, then it is seen as a character string.
      #   It is processed as an $input string - generating a crs with 
      #   the input and wkt entries the same.  If either input or wkt 
      #   contains errors as st_crs attempt to create the wkt, it is 
      #   flagged and we report FALSE.
      #   If x is found to be 'crs' class variable, the st_crs function
      #   does nothing.  The only test for the crs, is to do a st_as_text
      #   function against the $wkt. If it is bad, I can catch an error/warning.
      #   But the result is always a "character" string.
      #   value = is a list of two items.
      #        If the proj4 string and/or wkt string are correct
      #        then the first item is the $input of the crs and the second item 
      #        is the $wkt of the crs.  If the calling value was a "crs" variable,
      #        and the text is correct, then the value is the crs.
      #        If there is an error or warning, then the first
      #        item is the word "WARNING" or "ERROR" and the second item
      #        is the warning/error message from sf.  If a character string is 
      #        is not present (NA, 0, ""), then a NA_character_ is returned.
      #cat(\'convertPROJ4 routine \n')
      z <- list("ERROR",'Empty')
      znull <- NULL
      if (is.na(x))  return(z)
      if (!methods::is(x,"crs"))   {
         # value is not a crs class value.
         if (!methods::is(x,"character")) {
            # not a character vector - error
            ErrFnd      <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3868 The proj4 value character vector is not a valid projection.\n",
                                            "        Must be a value acceptable to st_crs(). proj4 is ignored.\n"))
         } else {
            x  <-  stringr::str_trim(x)
            if (x == "" )  return(znull)
            if (x == "NA") return(znull)
            if (x == "0")  return(znull)
            # have a character string 
            #cat("Value is a character string with content.\n")
            # character vector - OK try the convert
            #cat("TryCatch - st_crs on string\n")
            suppressWarnings(   # we want the error - not on consule but in "res".
             res <- tryCatch( 
                {  y <- sf::st_crs(x) },     # returns the crs or error.
                    warning = function (war) { 
                              #print(paste0("My Warning: ",war))
                              z  <- list('ERROR', war)
                    error   = function (err) {
                              #print(paste0("My Error:  ",err))
                              z <- list('ERROR', err)
                    finally = { }
            # if no warning or error, res is the crs value.
      } else {
        #  it appears to be a crs class variable .
        #cat("x is crs class.  TryCatch - st_as_text.\n")
        res <- x
         res <- tryCatch(
            { y <- sf::st_as_text(x) },    # This checks the wkt only. returns wkt not input no crs.
               warning = function(war) {
                   #print(paste0("st_as_text Warning:",war))
                   z <- list('ERROR', war)
               error   = function(err) {
                   #print(paste0("st_as_text Error:", err))
                   z <- list('ERROR', err)
              finally= { }
        if (res[1]!='ERROR') res = x     
      # it should be a crs or it is invalid
      #cat("I got to the last half.. convertPROJ4 code 1544 \n")
     }  # end of convertPROJ4 function

   #  AEAProjection - build AEA proj4 string for the ShapeFile image passed to it.
   #    The AEA projection will be based on the centroid of the map in the ShapeFile,
   #    with lon_0 and lat_0 set to the centroid, and lat_1 and lat_2 set to 1/4 the 
   #    distance below and above the lat_0.  The +units is set to meters.
   #   Input: sf structure
   #   Output: proj4string for the created AEA projection
   #   UPDATE to use sf structures
  AEAProjection <- function(wsf) { 
        #  Calculate AEA projection
        #    wsf is now an sf structure (everything)
        #  The basic AEA for the continental US is:
        #   Projection       = Alber equal area (aea)  => simpleconic
        #   Lat Parallel 1   = 33
        #   Lat Parallel 2   = 45
        #   Origin of Lat    = 39              # for US, center line is 39, move up and down 6 degrees. 
        #   central Meridian = -96   (96W)
        #  sf_use_s2 must be disabled because this function uses st_make_valid.
        # To fabricate a aea projection:
        #  Set the center based on the shape files centroid.  
        #  If shape file is long/lat, then centroid should be in long/lat.
        #  If shape file is long/lat, then proj4string should be present or NULL and 
        #  I can use the lab point for the entire shape file to get the center.
        #  Set the lat_1 and lat_2 values 1/4 distance from the top and bottom of the map height. 
        #  Based on research in to how the lat_1 and lat_2 are chosen, their 
        #  location is based on the size of the region covered.  Generally, the factor is between 
        #  4 and 6.  The approximation of K=4 is used.  That divides the height of the 
        #  map into 1/4th. The lat_0 is the center of the height.  The lat_1 and lat_2 are 
        #  positioned 1/4 from the bottom and 1/4th from the top.  The area is equally divided in 1/4th.
        #cat("AEAProjection: Shape file now must be projected onto the right AEA \n",
        #    "based on the centroid of the space. This is done when the user has \n",
        #    "not specified a projection or the shape file has no projects.\n")
        # Research in to the position of the long and lat values
        # K = 7  large extent in Longitude (E-W)(Wide - W/H < 0.75)
        #   = 5  large extent in Latitude  (N-S)(Tall - W/H > 1.5)
        #   = 4  circular or elliptical         (W/H = 1)
        #   = 3  square (1:1)                   (W/H = 1)
        # Using K = 4 is a compromise to obtain the Lat1 and Lat2 for our projection.
        #  ADD Code to change K from 4 - 5 - 7 range based on aspect ratio.  FUTURE
        #   find center of the areas.	    
        #  To get the centroid of the entire map, you must first st_union all of areas.
        #  Even if the map has been shifted, this algorithm does care. We are only dealing 
        #  with the centroid, which get convert back to normal coord and the centroid.
        #  Since many of the sf function revert the longitude back to normal from shifted,
        #  this function is not dependent on the shift and really does not want the shift
        #  to be in effect.   The first st_union and st_make_valid are also used to revert.
	#cat("Entered AEAProjection Function Code 1615 .\n")
	wsfc <- sf::st_geometry(wsf)
           FullMap <- sf::st_make_valid(sf::st_union(wsfc))     # now one area
        # need because of trying st_centroid on LL
        #cat("Find centroid of full map Code 1622 \n")
            FullMapCtr    <- sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_centroid(FullMap))
        #cat("Full Map centroid:",FullMapCtr,"\n")
        xBBox      <- sf::st_bbox(FullMap)                 # get bbox of the full map.
	latHeight  <- diff(xBBox[c(2,4)])
        latQuarter <- latHeight/4
        # WARNING: if lon/lat, the above function revert the st_shift_longitude function.
        # cat("AEAProjection: Center of map - long/lat:",FullMapCtr[1]," ",FullMapCtr[2],".  1/4 height:",latQuarter,"\n")
       	# Build new AEA projections.
        #  ### need logic to handle smaller match.
        # Find center Long of area  (lon_0)
        wLong0 = round(FullMapCtr[1],3)    # centroids X coordinate in LL, rounded to 3
        if (wLong0 < 0) {
           wLong0 <- as.character(paste0(abs(wLong0),"w"))
        #  Latitudes (3)  (lat_0 - middle)
        wLat0  = round(FullMapCtr[2],3)   # get center latitude - round to three decimal places.
        #   lat_1 - lower
        wLat1     <-  round(wLat0 - latQuarter,3)  # is the lower lat half way between middle and bottom edge      
        #   lat_2 - upper
        wLat2     <-  round(wLat0 + latQuarter,3)  # is the upper lat half way between middle and top edge
        #  calculated AEA projection for transform.
        AEAProj4  <- paste0("+proj=aea +units=m +datum=NAD83 +lat_1=",wLat1," +lat_2=",wLat2,
                            " +lat_0=",wLat0," +lon_0=",wLong0," +no_defs")
        #cat("Calculated AEA projection for transform\n",
        #    "       ",AEAProj4,"\n")
    }    # Done 10/10    DONE
   #  BuildVisBorder - converts a sf structures of any region or sub-division into a VisBorders
   #       format.
   #   Call Parameters; Sf structure, TypeVis (for documentation and messages) 
   #   Updated to sf functions - 2202-1201
   #   Assumption:  By the time we get here, the Shape file units will be meters.  
   #   So, any rounding will always be to the 10s.   Rounding of Degrees will not be handled.
   BuildVisBorder <- function(wsf,  TypeVis) {
      #    wsf     - simple features of the shape file.
      #            The sf must be supplimented by the union of polygons under each
      #            area. The name table is tied to the shape file data via
      #            a 'Key' string in the Name table and Shapefile/Visborder data.
      #            The 'Key' is loaded into the row.names in the name table and sf structure.
      #            To insure both tables have the 'Key' it is stored in the 
      #            Name Table $Key and Shape File $X__Key fields.
      #            If the row.names are not converted properly, the $X__Key attribute will 
      #            be used to recreate them.
      #            The plot order is maintained within the sf structure and not a separate 
      #            structure like the sp structures.  The assumption is the order of the 
      #            area/polygons in the structure are in proper order.
      #  TypeVis   a string identifying the type of Vis File being converted.  Like
      #            "area", "Level 2", etc.
      #   At the end of the function, the matrix must be converted into a data.frame and 
      #   numerical values converted from character to numeric.  The column labels must
      #   must also be changed from "X" and "Y" to "x" and "y".
      #   The assumption is the sf structure has already been aggregated into one area per row in sf structure.
      #   The row.names are set to the "Key" value for the areas that matches the 
      #   name table.
      #cat("BuildVisBorder Function - for ",TypeVis," file. Code 1702 \n")
      # This function takes a geometry and converts it into a VisBorder structure and returns
      # the VisBorder image.
      #print(wsf, n=60)
      wsfG    <- sf::st_geometry(wsf)     # get rid of data.
      # Build data.frame to return the VisBorders format.
      VisForm <- data.frame(x=numeric(0), y=numeric(0), 
                        L1=integer(0), L2=integer(0), L3=integer(0), 
                        hold=logical(0), ID=integer(0), Key=character(0)
      RScale    <- -1            # round to tens for meters.  10m or 33 ft. 
      xR        <- range(sf::st_bbox(wsf)[c(1,3)])     # range for all
      if (abs(xR[2]) <= 360) RScale <<- 4   # if x,y are long/lat (-360 to 360), the round to .00001 (4)
      # new logic.
      #  Scaling changes to be done...
      #  Estimate the number of increments you need across the map.
      #  Say 5000 units.  Take the range of X values and divide by 5000.
      #  Now round the point values to an increment value calculated above.
      #  xRange extended to provide buffer to side of mapping space. (1%)
      #  xRange/units = delta per unit.  
      #  Round by;   Value/deltaunit - as.integer - * deltaunit
      #  Integer is not rights... must have rounding to approximatesly the 
      #  deltaunit value.  So, 0.06 units -> round to near it. otherwize 
      #  the integer does overrounding on top of the .06 unit multiple.
      RNList     <- row.names(wsf)            # Get row.names from wsf
      NumAreas   <- length(RNList)            # number of Row.Names (areas)
      #cat("looping through the ",NumAreas," geometry rows to get coordinates.\n")
      # Main loop to traverse the rows of the sf and then within the rows. Step through list of areas = numerically
      xx <- lapply(seq(1:NumAreas), function(nz) {
                 #  nz is the row number of the geometry
                 RN      <- RNList[nz]           # get Key for this area.
                 #cat("RN:",RN,"  index:",nz,"\n")
                 z       <- wsfG[[nz]] # pull off row and get st_geometry?
                 tc      <- class(z)[2]          # get class to help make decisions.
                 m       <- sf::st_coordinates(z) # get coordinates.
                    # may not be needed because of the cast to multipolygon....
                 if (tc == "POLYGON") {          # adjust coordinates to make them look like MULTIPOLYGON structure
                    x    <- colnames(m)
                    # adjust columns in coordinates
                    m    <- cbind(m,m[,'L2'])    # new L3
                    m[,'L2'] <- as.numeric(1)    # reset L2 to 1
                    colnames(m) <- c(x,"L3")     # change column names to L1, L2, L3...  now it looks like multipolygon.
                 m       <- as.data.frame(m)     # extended coordinates to include break points, hole indicator, and Key.
                 m[,"X"] <- round(m[,"X"],RScale)   # round vector values
                 m[,"Y"] <- round(m[,"Y"],RScale)   # round vector values
                 # m matrix has 5 columns:  X, Y, L1, L2, L3.
                 bmark   <- paste0(as.character(m[,"L3"]),as.character(m[,"L2"]),as.character( m[,"L1"]))  # form unique ID (character based)
                              # one row per row in data.frame
                 bmarku  <- unique(bmark)        # find the unique set.
                 xm      <- match(bmark,bmarku)  # id column made of L3,L2,L1.. from coordinates. index to unique id.
                 xh      <- (m[,'L1'] > 1)       # if L1>1, then this polygon is a hole.  One per row.
                 m2      <- NULL
                 m2      <- data.frame(hole=as.logical(xh),ID=as.numeric(xm))  # columns 1, 2
                 m2$Key  <- RN                   # add column  3  - $Key
                 m3      <- cbind(m,m2)          # add the three new columns (hole, id, key) - now 8 columns.
                 #  Break up the polygons in the structures and add NAs at the end of the vector list.
                 #  Then add the polygon with Key, and Hole info to the results data.frame
                 lapply( split(m3[,1:8],m3[,7]) , function(z) { 
                             # z is the matrix to the split point (change of id)
                                   z    <- as.data.frame(z)
                                   lenz <- dim(z)[1]
                                   IDx  <- z[lenz,7]   # get list of IDs in this split.  ???
                                   #   must use z matrix values because of the splits to get hole and id.
                                   zAdd <- data.frame(X=NA,Y=NA,L1=0,L2=0,L3=0,hole=z[1,6],ID=z[1,7],Key=RN)
                                   z9 <- rbind(z,zAdd)  # And end of polygon records for "polygon" draw function.
                                   lenz9 <- dim(z9)[1]
                                   if (lenz9 < 4) {
                                      cat("***3A22 Invalid polygon found in ",RN," area #:",nz," id:",z[1,7],"\n")
                                  #     x  y L1, L2, L3, hole, ID, Key  (verified)
                                   VisForm <<- rbind(VisForm,z9)
      #cat("Dim of VisForm:",dim(VisForm),"\n")
      VisForm2        <- VisForm
      VBnames         <- names(VisForm2)
      #cat("VBForm column names:",VBnames,"\n")
      #  Clean up the column names (x,y) # convert uppercase with lowercase
      VisFnames       <- names(VisForm2)
      xm              <- match("X",VisFnames)   # replace "X" with "x"
      VisFnames[xm]   <- "x"
      xm              <- match("Y",VisFnames)   # replace "Y" with "y"
      VisFnames[xm]   <- "y"
      names(VisForm2) <- VisFnames              # replace column name list.
      #  Clean up the x and y as numerics not characters - impact range function
      VisForm2$x      <- as.numeric(VisForm2$x)
      VisForm2$y      <- as.numeric(VisForm2$y)
      VisForm2$hole   <- as.logical(VisForm2$hole)
      VisForm2$ID     <- as.numeric(VisForm2$ID)
      VisForm2$L1     <- as.numeric(VisForm2$L1)    # or set to NULL
      VisForm2$L2     <- as.numeric(VisForm2$L2)
      VisForm2$L3     <- as.numeric(VisForm2$L3)
      #                                               and any others not needed.
      #cat("Now to remove duplicates. code 1823 \n")
      VisForm3        <- as.data.frame(RemoveDups(VisForm2, TypeVis))
      Lft             <- dim(VisForm3)[1]
      row.names(VisForm3) <- seq(1:Lft)
      return(VisForm3)    # return VisBorders structure to caller.
   #  RemoveDups - Remove duplicate points in a VisBorder matrix x,y point structure.
   #    The VisBorder matrix structure has 4 columns a this point in the processing:
   #      x, y, hole, Key
   #  The method looks for duplicate point that may have appeared due to the 
   #  rounding of all of the boundary data points by walking through the point list
   #  and removing any neighboring points that are the same.  It is assumed any 
   #  neighboring polygons that share the same points will also have the point in 
   #  their list removed. NA, NA coordinates are processed like any other point set.
   #  When two neighboring point sets are identical, one is erased. 
   #  No changes for sf vs. sp   DONE
   RemoveDups <- function(VisB, TypeVis) {
      #  VisB is a VisBorder matrix 0f x, y values (and hole, key) for any set of 
      #  spaces or areas.  This function identify and remove any duplicate x,y points 
      #  in a matrix.  A duplicate is defined as two point next to each other that 
      #  are the same.  Points are separated by a different point, an NA point, or 
      #  the begining of a new polygon.  The NA point should mark all of these 
      #  transitions. The matrix should have 4 columns:  X, Y, holes, Key.
      #  The VisB matrix must have row.names set for each row equal to the number 
      #  of the row.
      #  It is assumped the vector values have already been rounded when converted 
      #  to the matrix x,y.
      #  polygons are being reduced to 1 point (first and last combined.)
      #  If one point, kill polygon.  One point polygons don't use up a col=...
      #  Polygon must have more that 3 points (First, middle, last) or it is 
      #  no more than a line.
      #  Need new rounding algorithm.  Then modify remove dups to handle < 4 points per polygon.
      VisB2 <- VisB
      #  Get the number of points in the matrix
      lenVis    <- dim(VisB)[1]   # Get number of rows in the matrix/data.frame
      #  Initial the first "previous" x,y points.
      oldX      <- VisB[1,"x"]
      oldY      <- VisB[1,"y"]
      oldVal    <- 1

      KeepList <- rep(TRUE,lenVis)    # initialize the Keep list to all TRUE.
      #  Scan the rest of the points to the end of the data.frame  
      #  One keeplist variable per point. Mark any points that are duplicated 
      #  to be removed later.
      ind <- 2
      while (ind < lenVis) {  # for does not allow us to alter the index. Must use while.
         if ( !is.na(VisB[ind,"x"]) && !is.na(VisB[ind,"y"]) ) {
            # we have coordinates.
            if ((oldX == VisB[ind,"x"]) && (oldY == VisB[ind,"y"])) {
               #  both equal  - we have a match of non-NA oxy points  
               #   Set keepInd = FALSE to delete it.
               KeepList[ind] <- FALSE        # indicate this point should be deleted.
               #cat("Marking ",row.names(VisB[ind,])," at ",ind," as duplicate to ",oldVal,
               #     " ",oldX,"=",VisB[ind,"x"]," & ",oldY,"=",VisB[ind,"y"]," type:",TypeVis,"\n")
               # move on to check next x,y point set.   
            }  #  Dup or no dup advance the saved items.
            oldX   <- VisB[ind,"x"]   # save new old values.
            oldY   <- VisB[ind,"y"]
            oldVal <- ind
         } else {
            #cat("Found NA coord at ",ind,":",row.names(VisB[ind,])," signalling new polygon.\n")
            #cat(" Resetting checks to value+1 to skip next polygon. Old set to ",ind+1," Current set to ",ind+2,".\n")
            oldX   <- VisB[ind+1,"x"]  # save the next one after the NA.
            oldY   <- VisB[ind+1,"y"]
            oldVal <- ind + 1 
            ind    <- ind + 1        # set ind to the value after the NA which is the new saved value.
         # Move Forward.
         ind       <- ind + 1        # step to next point in the polygon.
      # Done with scan.  KeepList tell me what entries to keep.
      if (any(!KeepList)) {
         # we have a vector of points to delete.
         DupList    <- row.names(VisB)[!KeepList]  # get the row names for any row/vector to be deleted.
         # Report the list of points to be deleted. The row.names should be the same as the row index #.
         #cat("Duplicate vectors to be removed in ",TypeVis," file are:\n",paste0(DupList,collapse=", ",sep=""),"\n")
         VisB2      <- VisB[KeepList,]   # keep the good entries 
         #  Report on the accomplishment
         lenVis2    <- dim(VisB2)[1]     
         #cat("RemoveDups Completed-Original number of vectors was: ",lenVis," Current length is: ",lenVis2,"\n")
   #  MapColoring functions
   #  DSatur is a graph coloring algorithm pu forward by Daniel Brelaz in 1979.  Similarly 
   #  to greedy coloring algorithm, DSatur colors the vectices of a graph one after another,
   #  adding a previously usused color when needed.  Once a new vectex has been colored, 
   #  the algorithm determines which of the remaining uncolored vertices has the highest
   #  number of colors in its neighborhood and colors this vertex next.  Brelaz defines 
   #  this number as the degree of saturation of a given vertex.  The contraction of the term 
   #  degree of saturation forms the name of the algorithm. DSatur is a heuristic graph
   #  coloring algorithm, yet produces exact results for bipartite, cycle and wheel graphs.
   #  DSatur has also been referred to as saturation LF in the literature.
   #  reference(Brelaz, Daniel (1979-04-01) "New methods to color the vertices of a graph"
   #  Communications of ACM 22 (4) 251-256, doi: 10.1145/359101  ISSN 0001-0782.
   #   Convert sf to matrix 
   # st_getAM  function (getAM in sf)  using sf functions to interface with geos.
   st_getAM <- function(xsfc)
      xsfc <- sf::st_make_valid(xsfc)  # make sure the sfc is valid.  shift is gone.
      #cat("Entered st_getAM.\n")
            SFnbmat <- sf::st_intersects(xsfc, sparse=FALSE)
      #cat("length of x:",length(xsfc),"\n")
      for (i in 1:length(xsfc)) {
         for (j in 1:length(xsfc)) {
            if (SFnbmat[i, j]) {
               Xi <- xsfc[i]   # get feature at i
               Xj <- xsfc[j]   # get feature at j
                     stIntersection <- sf::st_intersection(Xi, Xj)   # check each intersection
               if (length(stIntersection[[1]]) > 0 ) { Res <- TRUE } else { Res <- FALSE }
               SFnbmat[i, j] <- Res
      diag(SFnbmat) <- FALSE
   # Since none of the rest of the logic deals with geometrics.  The SF or SP versions of getAM
   # would provide the basics for both answer sets.
   #  getNeighbors
   ## Get neighboring verteces
   getNeighbors <- function(adj_mat, node_index) 
     nb         <- which(adj_mat[node_index,])
     nb         <- nb[!(nb==node_index)]
   #  getAmountColor
   ## Count occurrences of color in given nodes
   getAmountColor <- function(node_indexes, color_number, coloring) 
     node_colors  <- coloring[node_indexes]
   #  dsatur
   dsatur <- function (x, coloring = NULL)   # D.Brelaz (1979) ACM
   {    #   x - adj matrix for the areas.
       #cat("Enter Dsatur function Code 2038 \n")
       adj_mat       <- x                 # get the adjaceny matrix
       #cat("dim of adj_mat:",dim(adj_mat),"\n")
       #cat("class of adj_mat:",class(adj_mat),"\n")
       diag(adj_mat) <- FALSE             # set diag of adj matrix to "FALSE" - Neighbor to self.
       degrees       <- list()  # empty list.

       #   coloring - vector of colors to use.
       if (is.null(coloring)) {
           # If not list of colors.
           color_counter      <- 1          # index to current color = 1
           saturation_degrees <- rep(0, nrow(adj_mat))
           coloring           <- rep(0, nrow(adj_mat))
           uncolored_vertices <- 1:nrow(adj_mat)
           index_maximum_degree <- 0
           maximum_degree     <- 0
           for (index_node in 1:nrow(adj_mat)) {
               degrees[[length(degrees) + 1]] <- c(sum(adj_mat[index_node, ]), index_node)
               if ((degrees[[index_node]])[1] > maximum_degree) {
                   maximum_degree <- (degrees[[index_node]])[1]
                   index_maximum_degree <- index_node
           #cat("calling getNeighbors Code 2063 .\n")
           neighbors = getNeighbors(adj_mat, index_maximum_degree)
           for (index_neighbor in neighbors) {
               saturation_degrees[index_neighbor] <- saturation_degrees[index_neighbor] + 1
           coloring[index_maximum_degree] <- color_counter
           uncolored_vertices <- uncolored_vertices[-index_maximum_degree]
       }   else {
           # have coloring vector for processing.
           color_counter      <- max(coloring)
           saturation_degrees <- rep(0, nrow(adj_mat))
           uncolored_vertices <- 1:nrow(adj_mat)
           uncolored_vertices <- uncolored_vertices[coloring == 0]
           for (index_node in 1:nrow(adj_mat)) {
               degrees[[length(degrees) + 1]] <- c(sum(adj_mat[index_node, ]), index_node)
               index_neighbors  <- getNeighbors(adj_mat, index_node)
               index_saturation <- 0
               for (number_color in 1:color_counter) {
                   if (getAmountColor(index_neighbors, number_color, coloring) > 0) {
                     index_saturation <- index_saturation + 1
               saturation_degrees[index_node] <- index_saturation
       while (length(uncolored_vertices) > 0) {
           maximum_satur_degree = -1
           for (index in uncolored_vertices) {
               if (saturation_degrees[index] > maximum_satur_degree) {
                   maximum_satur_degree = saturation_degrees[index]
           indexes_maximum_satur_degree <- c()
           for (index in uncolored_vertices) {
              if (saturation_degrees[index] == maximum_satur_degree) {
                   indexes_maximum_satur_degree <- c(indexes_maximum_satur_degree, index)
           coloring_index = indexes_maximum_satur_degree[1]
           if (length(indexes_maximum_satur_degree) > 1) {
               maximum_degree = -1
               for (index in indexes_maximum_satur_degree) {
                   degree <- (degrees[[index]])[1]
                   node_index <- (degrees[[index]])[2]
                   if (degree > maximum_degree) {
                      coloring_index = node_index
                      maximum_degree = degree
           node_index_neighbors = getNeighbors(adj_mat, coloring_index)
           for (number_color in 1:(color_counter)) {
               if (getAmountColor(node_index_neighbors, number_color, coloring) == 0) {
                   coloring[coloring_index] = number_color
           if (coloring[coloring_index] == 0) {
               color_counter <- color_counter + 1
               coloring[coloring_index] = color_counter
           uncolored_vertices <- uncolored_vertices[!(uncolored_vertices == coloring_index)]
           for (index_neighbor in node_index_neighbors) {
               subneighbors = getNeighbors(adj_mat, index_neighbor)
               if (getAmountColor(subneighbors, coloring[coloring_index], coloring) == 1) {
                   saturation_degrees[index_neighbor] <- saturation_degrees[index_neighbor] + 1

   #   getColoring - setup for the dsatur function.   (FIX)
   getColoring  <- function (x) 
       #  x is the input information on the Spatial structure
       #  x = matrix then it is the adjacency matrix of the area in the SpatialPolygons or sf
       #  x = SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame (new - simple feature)
       #  The SP structure is converted into an adjacency matrix using getAM (get Adjacency Matrix)
       #  At this time the simple features structures is just being added to this code to 
       #  create a sf structure convertion to an adjacency matrix under st_getAM.
       if (methods::is(x, "matrix")) {   # have adjacency matrix for all areas.
           #cat("processing matrix\n")
           adj_mat <- x
           diag(adj_mat) <- FALSE
       } else 
           if (methods::is(x, "SpatialPolygons")) {                  ##### *****
               #cat("processing SP\n")
               xsf     <- sf::st_as_sfc(x)         # convert SPDF or SP
               adj_mat <- st_getAM(xsf)            # convert SP to sf to matrix,
           } else {
               if (methods::is(x,"sfc")) {
                  #cat("processing sfc\n")
                  adj_mat <- st_getAM(x)      # convert polygon sfc into matrix.               
               } else {
                  stop("First value must be an adjacency matrix, SpatialPolygons* object or a simple feature geometry column (sfc).")
           #cat("calling dsatur.\n")
           coloring   <- dsatur(adj_mat)
           #cat("dsatur returned - coloring:\n")

   #  SamplePrts_sf - one lattic style - multiple small maps with 5 areas
   #  colored each time and one scaled small image map with 5 areas colored.
   #  This routine is called at the three major points in the function where the 
   #  map was modified: Raw-after the initial reading of the shape file;
   #  rmapshaper-after the map has been simplified by rmapshaper; name table  
   #  modifications-after the map has been modified as requested in the Name  
   #  Table Xoffset, Yoffset, Scale, Rotate, and ModOrder parameters. 
   #  The fourth sample point is based on the VisBorders formated 
   #  data at the end of the run.
   #  Used to graphically show how the map areas will looked shaped.
   #  The type of maps draw are dependent on debug bits 256 and 512.
   #  debug bit 256 tells this routine to do a multiple map printout at about the same 
   #  size as the micromap may appear and rotate through the 5 colors to show if any 
   #  areas would no be visiable on the linked micromap.   
   #  debug bit 512 tells this function to draw about a 4" x 4" version of the map with all areas 
   #  colored in.  This is done at each major modification point.
   #  debug bit 1024 tells this function to draw about a 4" x 4" version of the map with all areas
   #  colored in.  This is the same map created for debug bit 512 but instead of 4 maps, only the 
   #  last version of the map is drawn (after vectors are converted to VisBorders format.)
   #  This print sample routine must handle two situations:
   #   a) the SPDF/sf contains polygons not grouped by area. Thus
   #      the number of polygons is much larger than the number of areas.
   #      However, the polygons should be grouped by area and colored.
   #   b) The SPDF/sf has been unioned and all of the polygons are held 
   #      under the entry for each area.
   #   c) correct for long/lat issues crossing the 180 longitude to make a more realistic 
   #      map.
   #  Color are assigned by area identifiers.
   #  Adjust code to handle 5 areas and less.
   SamplePrts_sf <- function(PPsf, PPTitle, PPMfrow, debug, NTKey, MAvgH=NULL, NCol = 5) {
      # PPsf    = Maps sf structure.   Only use the geometry.
      # PPTitle = string used for the title of the graphic and as part of the output filename.
      #           PPTitle is used for the title and output filename of the sample plots.
      #           The PPTitle string is editted before used as part of the file name
      #           by replacing the " " (spaces) with "_" (underscores).
      # PPMfrow = Parameter for the Mfrow graphics call for the multiple map display 
      #           for debug=256 bit
      # NTKey   = Name Table $ Key column. The Key is the link between the name table 
      #           single row to the multiple polygons in the Shapefile.
      #           This is used to make sure all of the polygons related to the same area are
      #           colored the same and colored at the same time.
      #           This is required to be able to handle the situation that all polygons associated
      #           with a given area have not been combined into a single multipolygon (row) in the 
      #           spatial structure.
      # MAvgH   = size of the average map range, attempt to estimate the Group/Row height that 
      #           may be encountered.  (Initial attempt to print the small sizes failed.  More
      #           coding required, but not at this time. Changed the size to about 4 x 4.)
      #cat("Entered SamplePrts_sf...\n")
      # Remove Titles from plots.
      if (length(NTKey) < 2) {
         xmsg <- paste0("***3997 The number of areas in the map is 1 or less. A border group\n",
                        "        can not be made.\n")
         StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(xmsg)
      PPsfGeo <- sf::st_geometry(PPsf)   # get sfc geometry.
      # Edit title string to replace " " with "_" for filenames.
      FTitle <- gsub(" ","_",PPTitle)
      NNN          <- 5   # number of colors and areas per group/row.
      if (NCol != 5) {  NNN <- 6   }
      PKeyList         <- PPsf$X__Key            # use keys to pull polygons together for an area.
                   # one entry in list per geometry row in sf
      PKeyListSize    <- length(PKeyList)   # length of sfc / sf (number of geometries)
      UniPKeyList     <- unique(PKeyList)   # list of unique area identifiers (Keys)
      UniPKeyListSize <- length(UniPKeyList) # length of unique area Keys list.
      if(NNN > UniPKeyListSize ) NNN <- UniPKeyListSize   # keep NNN at or below the number of areas.
           # NNN is normally 5, but could be down to 2
      xNNN             <- UniPKeyListSize - NNN   # used by both map plotters. for DE or RI = 0 (maps with < 6 areas)
      # if NNN <= 5/6, then xNNN will start being zero.
      #cat("UniPKey:",UniPKeyListSize," NNN:",NNN,"  xNNN:", xNNN,"\n")  
      # if number of colors is not 5, then use 6
      BaseColors  <- NULL
      BaseColors  <- c(BaseColors,mcolors[1:NNN])      # basic set of "x" colors.
      BlankColors <- c(rep(NA,NNN))                    # blank set of "x" colors.
      if (missing(MAvgH) || is.null(MAvgH)) {  MAvgH = 1.3  }
      # Match sf/sfc geometry rows to a name table area via Key
      Poly2Area        <- match(PKeyList,NTKey)  # match each polygon to a NTable entry.
               # multiple rows/polygons can be associated with one Name Table entry.
      # initialize NTKeyCol table.  this table maps the colors to the polygon LINKS or KEYS
      NTKeyCol        <- data.frame(Key=NTKey,Col=NA)  
              # NTKey should match sf Key on row/geometry/polygon.
      if (bitwAnd(debug,256) != 0) {
         # draw a set of maps (about 9 to 12 per page) to see the relative size of the micromaps.
         # The colors are rotated through 5 at a time to allow the user to check the 
         # visibility of each areas
         NumPanels        <- as.integer((length(NTKey)-1)/NNN + 1)       # calculate number of panels.
         #cat("SamplePrt_sf - bit 256 - Number of areas:",UniPKeyListSize,"  Number of Panels:",NumPanels,"\n")
         # This printout is only done to PDF.   Build PDF filename and title.
         PDFTest          <- paste0(BGPathName," Test Chart - ",PPTitle,".pdf")
         Title            <- paste0("Test Chart - ",PPTitle)
         #cat("SamplePrt -> ",PDFTest,"\n")
         # open PDF file for output 
         grDevices::pdf(PDFTest,width=10.5,height=7.75)   # open destination PDF file.
         # set up for multiple images.  outside and inside margins.
         par(mai=c(0.125,0.125,0.125,0.125))  # 1/8" around - inside margins
         par(mar=c(1,1,2,1))                  # in lines
         par(oma=c(.5,.5,.5,.5))              # outside margins = 0.5"
         par(mfrow=PPMfrow)   # setup to provide about the same space as a micromap
         #cat("PPMfrow:", PPMfrow,"\n")
         # initialize the color pattern (one per area) (first 5 areas.)
         VColors       <- c(BaseColors, rep(NA,xNNN))    # moving vector(areas) as we draw.
         #cat("xNNN:",xNNN,"  NumPanels:",NumPanels,"  length of VColors:",length(VColors),"\n")
         # plot "n" number of maps (number of areas/5 maps) in a matrix of windows.
         for (inx in c(seq(1,NumPanels))) {   # find the polygons for each area via the Key.
            NTKeyCol$Col  <- VColors     # fill list if the colors (5 good, rest blank) 
            ColList       <- NTKeyCol[Poly2Area,"Col"]  # get color per polygon
            # now match the polygon list KeyCol list and pick up the color
            xm            <- !is.na(NTKeyCol$Col)   # find areas with no color
            NTKeyLeg     <- NTKeyCol$Key[xm]    # get key and col for legend.
            NTKeyLegCol  <- NTKeyCol$Col[xm]
            #  Plot one map - 5 colors/areas   
            plot(PPsfGeo, col=ColList, lwd=0.2, asp=1)     # sf plot.
            par(new=TRUE)  # for the next plot.
            graphics::legend("right", NTKeyLeg, text.col = NTKeyLegCol, 
                   cex=0.9, bty="n", pch=NA, xpd=TRUE, inset=-0.05)
            #  slide colors over for the next set.
            #  Put 5 blank colors infront of list and then keep only the right number.
            VColors      <- c(BlankColors,VColors)[1:UniPKeyListSize]
         # end of page, close file.
         x <- grDevices::dev.off()            # close the PDF
      }  #  done with panels of multiple scaled maps with shapings.
      #  the debug=256 code seems to work.
      #  Generate single image of map pdf or png based on debug = 128
      #  its the debug=512 that doesn't...
      if (bitwAnd(debug,512) != 0) {

         #cat("SamplePrt - 512 bits ...\n")
         # Starting point for mcolors.
      	 # This printout is done to png or pdf
         # The image were also hard to work with.  So, they were all scaled up to about 4 x 4.
      	 PngH         <- 4                       # y = 4"
      	 PngW         <- 4                       # x = 4 / (y/x)
      	 PngH         <- PngH + 0.4    # To make room for title add .4 inches (2 lines)
         # objective is to print one map boundary image at approximate the correct scale.
         # initialize the color pattern (one per area)
         VColors       <- c(BaseColors, rep(NA,xNNN))  # moving vector(areas) as we draw.
         NTKeyCol$Col <- VColors
         PCol          <- NTKeyCol[Poly2Area,"Col"]   # one entry and color per area (regardless of number of polygons.) 
                                                       # sample coloring are assigned by neighbors of unioned areas.
         #  we have two debug flag numbers.  512 prints these images 
         #  at each processing step of the sf, 1024 only prints the first and 
         #  FINISHED images.  If 1024 is set, 512 is asserted.
         OutTestSm    <- paste0(BGPathName,"_SM_",FTitle,OType)
         #cat("output file PDF or PNG: ",OutTestSm,"\n")
         if ( OType == ".png" ) {
            grDevices::png(OutTestSm,res=300,width=PngW, height=PngH , units="in")
         } else {
            grDevices::pdf(OutTestSm, width=PngW, height=PngH)
         # setup margins to get the biggest image.    
         par(mar=c(0,0,2,0))  # one line for title.

         plot(PPsfGeo, col=PCol, lwd=0.05, asp=1)
         x <- grDevices::dev.off()

   #  End of Common Functions
   #   Part 1.0 - BuildBorderGroup Initial Call Parameter check logic.
   #     validates the color and order.
   ##### 310x
   ErrorFlag <- FALSE
   StopFlag  <- FALSE
   #  Quick check out of the debug parameter.   DEBUG
   def_debug <- 0
   if (is.null(debug) || missing(debug)) {
       debug <- def_debug
   } else {
       if (!methods::is(debug,"numeric")) {
          ErrFnd <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3100 debug call parameter is not a numeric value. The default value\n",
                         "        of ",def_debug," will be used.\n"))
          debug <- def_debug
   #cat("DEBUG set to :",debug,"\n")
   # if not debugging - pull formals from the function calls.
   if (bitwAnd(debug,1) == 0) {
      # standard parameter front
      #  Save call parameter values for warning and error messages, 
      #  not content, name of variables.
      #  Cant do this in a function because the environment and 
      #  frames will change.
      # Get list of call parameters - the formals - for the function 
      #   and default values. (as defined).
      frml         <- formals()              
      # Get the name of the parameters  (as we validate the parameter, 
      #   we will back file the defaults.
      frmlNames    <- names(formals())            
      # Get the names and values used on the current call.
      callVar      <- as.list(match.call())[-1]   
      # Get the names of the used call parameters
      callVarNames <- names(callVar)              
      # merge the formals parameter list with the parameter 
      # list used at the time of the micromapST call with user 
      # set values.
      # Seed the call variable list with the formals and default values
      callVL       <- frml                        
      # copy the values used in the call .
      callVL[callVarNames] <- callVar[callVarNames]  
   } else {
      #  debug = 1
      # Fake call - list of parameters and defaults.
      frml <- list(ShapeFile=NULL, ShapeFileDir=NULL, 
                   NameTableDir=NULL, NameTableLink = NULL,
                   BorderGroupName=NULL, BorderGroupDir=NULL,
                   MapHdr=NULL, MapMinH=NULL, MapMaxH=NULL, 
                   IDHdr=NULL, ReducePC=NULL, proj4=NULL, 
                   checkPointReStart=NULL, debug=debug)
      # set call variable list (callVL) to the defined list and defaults.
      callVL       <- frml    
      # merge defaults with values set at time of call.
      if (!is.null(ShapeFile))         callVL$ShapeFile       <- ShapeFile
      if (!is.null(ShapeFileDir))      callVL$ShapeFileDir    <- ShapeFileDir
      if (!is.null(ShapeLinkName))     callVL$ShapeLinkName   <- ShapeLinkName
      if (!is.null(NameTableFile))     callVL$NameTableFile   <- NameTableFile
      if (!is.null(NameTableDir))      callVL$NameTableDir    <- NameTableDir
      if (!is.null(NameTableLink))     callVL$NameTableLink   <- NameTableLink
      if (!is.null(BorderGroupName))   callVL$BorderGroupName <- BorderGroupName
      if (!is.null(BorderGroupDir))    callVL$BorderGroupDir  <- BorderGroupDir
      if (!is.null(MapHdr))            callVL$MapHdr          <- MapHdr
      if (!is.null(MapMinH))           callVL$MapMinH         <- MapMinH
      if (!is.null(MapMaxH))           callVL$MapMaxH         <- MapMaxH
      if (!is.null(LabelCex))          callVL$LabelCex        <- LabelCex
      if (!is.null(IDHdr))             callVL$IDHdr           <- IDHdr
      if (!is.null(ReducePC))          callVL$ReducePC        <- ReducePC
      if (!is.null(checkPointReStart)) callVL$checkPointReStart <- checkPointReStart
      if (!is.null(proj4))             callVL$proj4           <- proj4
      callVarNames    <- names(callVL)    # get list of all names.
      #killlist       <- c("proj4","ReducePC")
      #callVarNames   <- callVarNames[is.na(match(callVarNames,killlist))]   # emulating only values in call.
   for (ivar in names(callVL)) {
      #  Extract the variables from list and then from parameters
      # build cm to assign value to Global Variable.
      wstr <- paste0("assign(ivar,callVL$",ivar,",envir=.GlobalEnv)")  
   parmNames <- callVarNames
   ##### 310x
   # Initialize Variables  0.1
   ReqCParms    = c("ShapeFile", 
                    "NameTableFile", "BorderGroupName") 
   ReqCkptParms = c("NameTableDir", "BorderGroupName")
   #  MapHdr is now an optional call parameter.
   # List of required call parameters
   # If no directories are specified, we use the current working directory.
   #  Set up project 4 strings  -  Original if none is present in the ShapeFile.
   OrigProj      <- "+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +ellipse=WGS84 +no_defs"
   DoUserProj4   <- FALSE  # user provided proj4 for final projection
   DoModProj4    <- FALSE  # have modified shapefile proj4 with meters 
                           #(only if shapefile projection was modified to Meters.)
   DoBldAEAProj  <- FALSE  # ShapeFile is LL, no proj4, need to build AEA projection
   ShpProjLL     <- FALSE  # Indicator of LL projection in ShapeFile, or none and set to LL.
   Across180     <- FALSE  # Indicates the LL projection is across the 180 meridian (-xx to +xx)
   ModProj4      <- NA     # modified ShapeFile Proj4 modified to meters
   OType         <- ".pdf"
   if (bitwAnd(debug,128) !=0)  OType  <- ".png"
   if (bitwAnd(debug,4) != 0)              # debug = 4 - print out projection variables.
         cat("Proj Flags - ShpProjLL:",ShpProjLL,
             "  DoUserProj4:",DoUserProj4,
             "  DoModProj4:",DoModProj4,
             "  DoBldAEAProj:",DoBldAEAProj,"\n")
   #  New logic to find center of map for ProjCRS update.
   #  Get height in units, from bottom 1/4 up Lat1, up 1/4 to center = Rig Lat, up 1/4 to Lat 2.
   #  Center E to W is Central Meridian
   # Call parameters and specified parameters are now saved in a structure (Named List)
   #     real test is if they have NULL or NA values.
   #####  311x
   #  Part 1.1 - checkPointReStart call parameter and logic wrapper.
   #  If checkPointReStart is TRUE. then the critical call parameters to check first
   #  are the checkPointReStart, NameTableDir (foundation for checkpoint folder), and
   #  BorderGroupName (part of the checkpoint file name in folder).
   #  Then we can continue or bypass the other checks.
   #  Required for normal run:  
   #       NameTableDir, BorderGroupName, 
   #    Optional:
   #       ShapeFile, NameTableFile
   #       ShapeFileDir, ShapeLinkName, 
   #       NameTableLink, NameTableDir, 
   #       BorderGroupDir, 
   #       ReducePC, debug, proj4, 
   #       MapMinH, MapMaxH,  MapHdr, IDHdr
   #  Required for checkPointReStart run:
   #       NameTableDir*, BorderGroupName*, checkPointReStart=TRUE
   #    Optional:
   #       BorderGroupDir, debug
   #	Not Used:
   #       ShapeFile, ShapeFileDir, ShapeLinkName,
   #       NameTableFile, NameTableLink, 
   #       MapHdr, IDHdr, MapMinH, MapMaxH, proj4, ReducePC
   #       The areaParms contains most of the information if a checkpoint restart is 
   #       preformed and the values are samed under the border group name.
   #       The re-projection of the shape file has already been done.
   #     * must be the same value as used in original run.
   ##### 312x
   #  Part 1.2 - validate checkPointReStart
   #  Check for checkPointReStart call parameter
   if (missing(checkPointReStart) || is.null(checkPointReStart)) {
      # checkPointReStart call parameter is missing, set to default
      checkPointReStart <- FALSE
   } else {
      checkPointReStart <- checkPointReStart[[1]][1]  # get first value
      if (!methods::is(checkPointReStart,"logical")) {
         # not a logical variable
         xmsg     <- "***3120 The checkPointReStart call parameter is not a logical value.\n"
         StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(xmsg)
      } else {
         if (checkPointReStart) {
            if (bitwAnd(debug,2) != 0) {     # debug = 2 then display progress print outs.
               cat("***3122 Check Point Restart has been requested. \n",
                   "        Check point files will be read from folder :\n",
                   "        ",NameTableDir,"/Checkpoint","  directory.\n")
   # P.S. The directories could be "" representing the current working directory.
   #####  313x
   #  Part 1.3 - Require calling parameters  (normal or restart)  
   if (checkPointReStart) {
      #  checkPointReStart Mode
      xReqCParms <- ReqCkptParms
   } else {
      #  Normal Run mode.
      xReqCParms <- ReqCParms
   #  Test for the required call parameters?
   cm           <- match(xReqCParms, parmNames)
   # test if any missing.
   cmna         <- is.na(cm)   # find missing ones.   NA indicate missing required parameter
   if (any(cmna)) { #      We have missing required parameters  - throw error and stop
      missingRegList <- xReqCParms[cmna]   # get list of missing required call parameters
      StopFlag       <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3130 Required call parameters are missing : \n",
                                          "        ",paste0(missingRegList,collapse=", ")," - execution stopped.\n"))
   if (StopFlag) {
      stop(paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above.  Execution stopped.\n",
                  "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n"))
   #  Changing strategy.  
   #  a) Process all of the parmeters, 
   #  b) if Dir parms are present, indicate DirValid.
   #  c) At the end of the processing, check which are present and which are not.
   #  d) Then backfill filenames with the directories.  
   #  Now that the ShapeFile and NameTable can be passed directly in the parameters, 
   #  their directory parameters are not needed and will not be checked.
   #  So, BorderGroupDir may be required if no other directory (name table 
   #  and Shape file are present.  
   #  It allows the function to go through the filelist and backfill any of the 
   #  directories required with what is provided.  It also removes the check
   #  for data table passing.
   #  Priority of Directory usage if no provided is:
   #  1) Name Table Dir, 2) Shape File Dir, and 3) Border Group Dir.  
   #  NameTable and ShapeFile are always input and required.  Border Group 
   #  is always output of the routine.
   #####  314x
   #  Part 1.4 - NameTable Dir (#1) 
   #                (required may be the backup dir for BorderGroupDir)
   NTDirValid <- FALSE
   NTDir      <- NULL
   if ( missing(NameTableDir) || is.null(NameTableDir)  ) {
       # make sure its NULL
       NameTableDir <- NULL    # no directory provided. Use current working directory
       StopFlag     <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3141 NameTableDir call parameter is missing or NULL.\n",
                                         "        Correct and re-run.\n"))
   } else {
       if (length(NameTableDir) != 1) {
          NameTableDir <- NameTableDir[[1]][1]   # get the first value.
       NameTableDir <- stringr::str_trim(NameTableDir)                   # trim spaces.
       if ( is.na(NameTableDir) || !methods::is(NameTableDir,"character") ||
            nchar(NameTableDir)<=0 ) {
          #   value is NA or not a character string.
          StopFlag   <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3142 NameTableDir call parameter is an 'NA', Empty or not\n",
                                          "        a character string. Correct and re-run.\n",
                                          "        Value is : ",NameTableDir,"\n"))
       } else {         
          # validate the directory exists and is reference.
          NameTableDir <- stringr::str_trim(NameTableDir)                   # trim spaces.
          x  <- stringr::str_sub(NameTableDir,-1,-1)  # get last character of path
          if (x=="/" || x=="\\") {
             # last character is a slash. Trim it off.
             NameTableDir  <- stringr::str_sub(NameTableDir,1,-2)
             NTDirValid    <- TRUE
          if (!dir.exists(NameTableDir))  {
             # NameTableDir path does not exist.
             StopFlag   <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3143 NameTableDir value specified does not exist.\n",
                                             "        Value is : ",NameTableDir,"\n"))
          }  else {
             # have a good NameTable directory
             NTDir      <- paste0(NameTableDir,"/")  # add slash to NTDir.
             NTDirValid <- TRUE
          #  We should have a good NameTable Directory or a StopFlag.
   #cat("NTDir:",NTDir," 2768 \n")
   callVL$NameTableDir <- NameTableDir
   callVL$NTDir        <- NTDir		    # with /
   callVL$NTDirValid   <- NTDirValid

   #####   315x
   #  Part 1.5 - BorderGroup Name and Directory & Restart Directory.
   BGDirValid <- FALSE
   if (missing(BorderGroupDir) || is.null(BorderGroupDir) ) {
      BorderGroupDir <- NameTableDir
      BGDir          <- paste0(NameTableDir,"/")     # with /
   } else {
      BorderGroupDir <- BorderGroupDir[[1]][1]  # get single item
      BorderGroupDir <- stringr::str_trim(BorderGroupDir)
      if ( is.na(BorderGroupDir) || !methods::is(BorderGroupDir,"character") || 
            nchar(BorderGroupDir) <= 0) {
         # BorderGroupDir set to NA, '' or not a character value. - use working directory
         cat(paste0("***3156 BorderGroup directory specified in the call parameter is NA, \n",
                    "        Empty or not a character vector. The parameter will be\n",
                    "        ignored and the NameTable directory used.\n",
                    "        Value is : ",BorderGroupDir,"\n") )
         BorderGroupDir <- NULL    # no directory provided.
         BGDir          <- NULL
      } else {
         # validate the directory exists and is reference.
         BorderGroupDir <- stringr::str_trim(BorderGroupDir)                   # trim spaces.
         # remove trailing "/" if present
         x  <- stringr::str_sub(BorderGroupDir,-1,-1)
         if (x=="/" || x=="\\") {
            BorderGroupDir  <- stringr::str_sub(BorderGroupDir,1,-2)
            BGDir           <- paste0(BorderGroupDir,"/")	 # with /
            BGDirValid <- TRUE
         if (!dir.exists(BorderGroupDir))  {
            # BorderGroupDir path does not exist.
            #StopFlag  <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3150 BorderGroup directory specified in the call parameter does not exist. Value=",BorderGroupDir,"\n"))
            # Create the path ---  This may become optional later.
            cat(paste0("***3150 BorderGroup directory specified in the call parameter \n",
                       "        does not exist. It will be created.\n",
                       "        Value is : ",BorderGroupDir,"\n"))
            BGDir      <- paste0(BorderGroupDir,"/") # with /
            BGDirValid <- TRUE
         } else {
            # have a good directory 
            BGDir <- paste0(BorderGroupDir,"/")	# with /
            BGDirValid <- TRUE
   #cat("BGDir:",BGDir," 2742 \n")
   callVL$BorderGroupDir <- BorderGroupDir
   callVL$BGDir          <- BGDir		  # with /
   callVL$BGDirValid     <- BGDirValid
   #  BorderGroupName
   if ( missing(BorderGroupName) || is.null(BorderGroupName) ) {
      StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3152 The required BorderGroupName call parameter is missing."))
   } else {
      BorderGroupName   <- BorderGroupName[[1]][1]
      BorderGroupName <- stringr::str_trim(BorderGroupName)
      if (!methods::is(BorderGroupName,"character") || is.na(BorderGroupName) || 
           nchar(BorderGroupName) <= 0 ) {
         StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3154 BorderGroupName is a 'NA', Empty or is not a character string.\n",
                                       "        Value is : ",BorderGroupName,"\n"))
   # ***** change to go after NTDir only if missing from BorderGroupDir.
   # ***** Do we need code to check and strip extension form Group Name???
   # strip BG from the end of the Border Group Name.
   if (stringr::str_sub(BorderGroupName,-2,-1) == "BG") {
      BGBase <- stringr::str_sub(BorderGroupName,1,-3)
   } else {
      BGBase <- BorderGroupName
   #cat("BGBase:",BGBase,"  2754 \n")
   callVL$BGBase       <- BGBase      # Name without BG as the ending.
   BGFile              <- paste0(BGBase,"BG.rda")
   #cat("BGFile:",BGFile,"  2758 \n")
   callVL$BGFile       <- BGFile
   BorderGroupPath     <- paste0(BGDir,BGFile)
   BGPathName          <- paste0(BGDir,BGBase)
   #cat("BGPathName:",BGPathName,"  2765 \n")
   callVL$BorderGroupName <- BorderGroupName
   callVL$BorderGroupPath <- BorderGroupPath
   cat("Border Group will be written to:",BorderGroupPath,"\n")
   if (StopFlag) {
      stop(paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above.  Execution stopped.\n",
                  "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n"))
   ## Check for normal path or checkpoint restart
   #cat("checkPointReStart:",checkPointReStart,"  2798 \n")
   if (!checkPointReStart) {   # normal validation of call parameters.
      #  NORMAL PATH
      #  Start validating and processing the calling parameters.
      ##### 320x
      #  Part 2.0 - Name Table filename.   Build NameTablePath
      NTPassed           <- FALSE
      def_NameTableType  <- 1          #   default .csv
      def_NameExt        <- ".csv"     #   default extension
      NameTablePath      <- ""
      #cat("NTDir:",NTDir," 2933 \n")
      if (missing(NameTableFile) || is.null(NameTableFile) ) {
         StopFlag   <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3202 NameTableFile parameter has not been provided. Execution Stopped.\n"))
      } else {
         # Name Table may have been passed as binary structure (data.frame)
         if (methods::is(NameTableFile,"data.frame")) {
            # the value passed in NameTableFile is a data.frame.
            # treat as a read name table.
            # cat("NT passed as data.frame 2942 \n")
            # print(NameTableFile)
            NTable   <- NameTableFile
            NTPassed <- TRUE
         } else {
            #cat("NT testing for non-character type 2890 \n")
            if (methods::is(NameTableFile,"tbl")    || methods::is(NameTableFile,"list") || 
                methods::is(NameTableFile,"tbl_df") || methods::is(NameTableFile,"matrix") ||  
                methods::is(NameTableFile,"array")  || methods::is(NameTableFile,"numeric")) {
                # all of the above are not allowed.
                xmsg <- paste0("***3204 The name table passed to function on NameTableFile parameter\n",
                               "        is not a valid variable type:",paste0(class(NameTableFile),collapse=", ",sep=""),"\n")
                StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(xmsg)
            } else {    
               # assume it is a character string, take only the first element.
               #cat("NameTableFile:",NameTableFile," class:",class(NameTableFile),"\n")
               if ( is.na(NameTableFile) ) {
                  # the value passed is 'NA'
                  StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3206 The NameTableFile parameter is set to 'NA', requires a valid\n",
                                                "        file name or structure.\n"))
               } else {
                  # validate the directory exists and is reference.
                  NameTableFile <- stringr::str_trim(NameTableFile)        # trim spaces.
                  if (nchar(NameTableFile) <= 0) { 
                     # empty parameters  like "" or " ", etc.
                     xmsg     <- paste0("***3207 The NameTableFile parameter is empty. A name table structure\n",
                                        "        or file name must be provided.\n")
                     StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(xmsg)
                  } else {
                     # strip off extention and see what type of file it may be. Also check for .RDA exists.
                     fnSplit       <- stringr::str_split(NameTableFile,"[.]")[[1]]   # split up user provided name.
                     # print(fnSplit)
                     NameTableFileBase <- fnSplit[1]    # base filename only

                     if (nchar(NameTableFileBase) <= 0) {
                        # no filename base...  No characters
                        xmsg <- paste0("***3207 The NameTableFile parameter is empty. A name table structure\n",
                                       "        or file name must be provided.\n")
                        StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(xmsg)
                     } else {
                        if (nchar(fnSplit[2])<=0 || is.na(fnSplit[2])) {
                           # if no extension (missing) - then add .csv
                           ErrorFlag      <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3208 File extension on name table filename is missing.\n",
                                                              "        Assuming .csv type.\n"))
                           NameExt        <- def_NameExt         #  "csv"
                           NameTableFile  <- paste0(NameTableFileBase,".",NameExt)    # make it a CSV file
                           NameTableType  <- def_NameTableType   # 1 - (CSV)
                           NameTablePath  <- paste0(NameTableDir,"/",NameTableFile)
                           #cat("no extension - NameTableFile:",NameTableFile,"  NameTablePath:",NameTablePath,"\n")
                        } else {
                           # if extension is present - must be .csv, .xls, .xlsx, or .RDA
                           #cat("Found file ext of ",fnSplit[2],".\n")
                           NameExt     <- stringr::str_to_upper(fnSplit[2])  # make uppercase so only have to match uppercase versions.
                           NTExtList   <- c("CSV","XLS","XLSX","RDA","RDATA")
                           xm          <- match(NameExt,NTExtList)
                           if (all(is.na(xm))) {   # nor VALID TYPE OF FILE - ERROR AND STOP
                              # error - extension must be .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .RDA or .RData.
                              StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3209 The NameTable file is not a .csv, Excel, or R .RDA format.\n"))
                           } else {
                              # have valid match, XM is type (position in table above)
                              NameTableType <- xm
                              #  cat("NameTableType:",xm,"\n")
                              #  extent in NameExt for later use.
                              #  NameExt has validated file extension
                              #  NameTableFileBase has the filename base
                              #  NameTableType is the type of file (1=CSV, 2&3=Speadsheet, 4=RDA)
                              NameTablePath <- paste0(NameTableDir,"/",NameTableFile)
                           #cat("rebuild 2958 - Path:",NameTablePath,"\n")
            } ##
      if (StopFlag) {stop()}
      ##### 321x
      #   Section 2.1 - NameTableLink call parameter
      def_NameTableLink <- "Link"   # not used.
      if (missing(NameTableLink) || is.null(NameTableLink)) {
         NameTableLink <- def_NameTableLink # if not there assign the default
      } else {
         # NameTableLink can now be a multiple or singluar length variable.
         NameTableLink <- NameTableLink[[1]][1]   # get singular version
         NameTableLink <- stringr::str_trim(NameTableLink) # trim blanks
         if (!methods::is(NameTableLink,"character") || is.na(NameTableLink) || 
              nchar(NameTableLink) <= 0 ) {
            # NameTableLink is not a character value, is empty ('' or ' '), or NA
            xmsg <- paste0("***3212 The NameTableLink call parameter is an 'NA', Empty \n",
                           "        ('' or ' ') or not a character string. Fix and rerun.\n")
         #} else {
            # Using "Link" or user provided.
            # Can't check if it exist until later.
      cat("***3215 Name Table Link column is:",NameTableLink,".  \n")

      ######  322x messages - 322x - Binary Shape Files
      #  Part 2.2 - ShapeFile - simple character string, filename with no 
      #        extensions or sf structure for the shapefile.  Directory 
      #        should be provided in ShapeFileDir parameter if filename.
      #        Used with readOGR shapefile read, as layer= parameter.
      WorkSf01      <- NULL
      BinaryPassed  <- FALSE
      ShapeFilePath <- NULL
      ShapeFileExt  <- NULL
      ShapeDirValid <- FALSE
      if (is.null(ShapeFile) || missing(ShapeFile) ) {
         StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3220 ShapeFile parameter has not been provided or is NA.\n"))
      } else {
         # see if character string or binary structure (SPDF or sf).
         # The caller could have called and passed the function an SPDF or a sf structure.
         # We are trying to avoid the SPDF structure, 
         if (any(is.na(ShapeFile))) {
            StopFlag <- stopCntMsg( paste0("***3220 ShapeFile parameter has not been provided or is NA. ") )
         } else {
            if (!methods::is(ShapeFile,"character")) {
               # not a character string (filename).   Assume it's binary
               #cat("ShapeFile parameter is not characters, check for sf or SPDF structure.\n")
               #  Binary Spatial Structure
               #  The Binary structure must be either SPDF or a full sf with data.
               #   SP and sfc and sfg structures are not supported.
               if (methods::is(ShapeFile,"sf")) {
                  # sf structure with header and all geometric rows
                  #cat("***3221 ShapeFile is a sf structure passed as a call parameter.\n")
                  BinaryPassed <- TRUE
                  WorkSf01     <- ShapeFile
               } else {
                  # check for SPDF structures
                  if (methods::is(ShapeFile,"SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {
                     #cat("***3222 ShapeFile is a SPDF structure passed as a call parameter.\n")
                     # it is either a SPDF.  In either case convert to sf.
                     ShapeFile     <- sf::st_as_sf(ShapeFile)   # convert
                     BinaryPassed  <- TRUE 
                     WorkSf01      <- ShapeFile
                  } else {   # - not missing or NULL, not NA, not binary or character???
                     StopFlag <- stopCntMsg( paste0("***3223 The ShapeFile call parameter is being used to pass a full \n",
                                                    "spatial structure to the function.\n",
                                                    "        However, the structure must be a SPDF or a sf class. The data was:",class(ShapeFile),"\n") )
            } else {  # is character not binary  -> it must be a filename!!!
               BinaryPassed <- FALSE
               ShapeFile    <- ShapeFile[[1]][1]
               #  Character file names ---  error number 323x error numbers
               # validate the directory exists and is reference
               ShapeFile    <- stringr::str_trim(ShapeFile)           # trim spaces.
               ShapeFileExt <- ""
               if (nchar(ShapeFile) <= 0 || is.na(ShapeFile) || !methods::is(ShapeFile,"character") ) {
                   # ShapeFile is NA, Empty(""), or not a character string
                   StopFlag <- stopCntMsg( paste0("***3227 The ShapeFile call parameter is an NA, empty('' or ' '),\n",
                                                  "        or not a character string. The filename of the Shapefile\n",
                                                  "        must be specified. \n"))                                                 
               #cat("ShapeFile Name:",ShapeFile,"\n")
               # handle the problem callers may include extension.
               x <- tools::file_ext(ShapeFile)     # ext last 4 characters of shape file name.
               if (x != "") {
                  if (x == "shp" || x == "shx" || x == "dbf" || x == "prj") { # for ESRI.
                     # extension matches one of the shape file extensions.
                     #  try to find shape file with and without ".shp" extension.
                     ShapeFile     <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(ShapeFile)
                     ShapeFileExt  <- x
                     # strip the extension, but will need one for later file check.
               } else {
                  #  Have no extension - save a "shp" for later name validation
                  ShapeFileExt <- "shp"
               # If ShapeFile is pointing to a file, then must process the ShapeFileDir 
               # call parameter to find out.  Otherwise, it is ignored.
               ###  322x+
               #  ShapeFileDir - Where the shape file is located. (only if this is a filename and not structure)
               #  Need a default:  1) if NameTableDir present use it.
               #                   2) if not, used BorderGroupDir
               #                   3) if that is not present, set to NULL for the working directory
               def_ShapeDir <- NULL	   # if not present and NULL, use the NameTable Directory
               if (missing(ShapeFileDir) || is.null(ShapeFileDir)) {
                  # no directory specified see if NameTableDir exist and use it.
                  if (nchar(NameTableDir) > 0) {
                     # have NameTableDir
                     ShapeFileDir    <- NameTableDir                        # no ShapeFileDir provided, use Name Table Dir.
                  } else {
                     # no NameTableDir - try using BorderGroupDir or binary structure.
                     if (nchar(BorderGroupDir) > 0 ) { 
                        # have border group Directory - use it.
                        ShapeFileDir <- BorderGroupDir
                     } else {
                        # where is the shape file?  Only place left is the working group.
                        ShapeFileDir <- getwd()   # get working directory name
                     # how to handle no ShapeFileDir with a binary image?  Has no meaning.  The logic says we get here
                     # because we are following the trail to a directory/filename, not binary.
                  # back filled with other directories
               # Have a ShapeFileDir.. 
               ShapeFileDir <- ShapeFileDir[[1]][1]   # pick up only the first value.
               ShapeFileDir <- stringr::str_trim(ShapeFileDir) # trim blanks
               if ( is.na(ShapeFileDir) || nchar(ShapeFileDir) <= 0 || !methods::is(ShapeFileDir,"character") ) {
                  # the Shape Directory is NA, empty ("" or " ") or not a character string,  force to use working directory
                  ShapeFileDir  <- NULL            # no directory provided use working directory
                  ShapeFilePath <- ShapeFile
               } else {
                  # validate the directory exists and is reference.
                  ShapeDirValid <- TRUE
                  if (!dir.exists(ShapeFileDir))  {	  ##   msg 3224
                     # ShapeFileDir path does not exist.
                     StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3224 ShapeFileDir directory specified does not exist.\n",
                                                   "        Value is ",ShapeFileDir,"\n"))
                     # stop processing.
                  } else {
                     #  Have a valid existing ShapeFile directory
                     if (!is.null(ShapeFileDir)) {      # real directory.
                        x  <- stringr::str_sub(ShapeFileDir,-1,-1) # strip possible trailing / or \\
                        if (x=="/" || x=="\\") {
                           ShapeFileDir  <- stringr::str_sub(ShapeFileDir,1,-2)
                        } # end of cleaning up directory
                        #  Have valid name and dir -> build ShapeFile path   Dir without / or \\
              			       ### how can this happen???
                        # no directory specified. or supplied, use working directory.
                        # build full pathnames
                        ShapeFilePath <- paste0(ShapeFileDir,"/",ShapeFile)  # path with no ext.
                     } else {
                        ShapeFilePath <- ShapeFile
                     ShapeDirValid <- TRUE
                     # now that the extensions have been stripped, add it back for the exist test.
                  } # end of directory and path build 
               # put extension back on for file test.
               xS <- paste0(ShapeFilePath,".",ShapeFileExt)  # put full filename back together.
               if (!file.exists(xS))    {    ### msg 3225
                  # Shapeliest (dir and name) does not exist.
                  StopFlag   <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3225 Shape file (dir & name) does not exist. Value=",xS))
               }  # end of existance test for full path.
               callVL$ShapeFileDir   <- ShapeFileDir
               callVL$ShapeFilePath  <- ShapeFilePath
               callVL$ShapeFileExt   <- ShapeFileExt
               # error or ready to read file.
               #cat("ShapeFileDir:",ShapeFileDir,"  ShapeFilePath:",ShapeFilePath,"  Ext:",ShapeFileExt," \n")
            } # error or have binary or BINARYPASSED = FALSE
         } # NA check
      } #  end Missing and NULL check
      callVL$ShapeFile      <- ShapeFile
      callVL$BinaryPassed   <- BinaryPassed
      # have shape file or error.
      if (StopFlag) {
   	 stop(paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above. Execution stopped.\n",
   	             "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n"))
      # end of ShapeFile check
      callVL$ShapeDirValid  <- ShapeDirValid
      #  end Shape file name/directory or SPDF(sf)
      #  At this point, we have a full pathname and file name to a shape file that exist - or - 
      #  The binary image of a spatial structure.   BinaryPassed signals which exists.
      #  If it is a filename, then it is read later and checked.

      ######   323x  - Shape Link name
      #  Part 2.3 - ShapeLinkName
      #  Only need if processing a ShapeFile - file or binary.  Restart - no.
      def_ShapeLinkName <- "NAME"
      ShapeLinkName <- ShapeLinkName[[1]][1]
      if (missing(ShapeLinkName) || is.null(ShapeLinkName) ) { 
         ShapeLinkName = def_ShapeLinkName   # the default.
         ErrorFlag  <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3230 The ShapeLinkName call parameter is missing. The default\n",
                                        "        value of 'NAME' will be used.\n"))
      } else {
         # check length
         # ShapeLinkName is present
         if (length(ShapeLinkName) != 1) {
            ShapeLinkName <- ShapeLinkName[1]  # use only first value
         # Length ShapeLinkName is now 1
         if (is.na(ShapeLinkName)) {
            # The value of ShapeLinkName is NA, replace with default value
            ShapeLinkName <- def_ShapeLinkName
            ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3232 ShapeLinkName value is 'NA'. The default of 'NAME' will be used.\n"))
         } else {
            if (!methods::is(ShapeLinkName,"character")) {
               ShapeLinkName <- def_ShapeLinkName  # replace with default value.
               ErrorFlag  <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3234 ShapeLinkName is not a character string. Value is ",ShapeLinkName,".\n",
                                              "        The default of 'NAME' will be used.\n"))
      callVL$ShapeLinkName <- ShapeLinkName
      cat("Shape file data.frame Link column name is ",ShapeLinkName,".\n")
      #  End of Shape file
      if (StopFlag) {
   	stop(paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above. Execution stopped.\n",
   	            "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n"))
      #  Done Checking the require parameters 
      ###### 324x  - MapHdr (1,2)
      #  Part 2.4 - MapHdr  
      def_MapHdr   <- c("","Areas")
      def_MapHdr_v <- TRUE   # TRUE = set to def, FALSE = user provided base.
      if (missing(MapHdr) || is.null(MapHdr) ){
         MapHdr    <- def_MapHdr
      } else {
         if (!methods::is(MapHdr,"character")) {
            # MapHdr strings are not characters
            ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3240 The MapHdr parameter does not contain character strings for\n",
                                          "        use as the column headers. The MapHdr will be ignored.\n"))
            MapHdr       <- def_MapHdr   
            def_MapHdr_v <- TRUE
         } else {
            # MapHdr is characters, check length
            if (!methods::is(MapHdr,"vector")) {
               errCntMsg(paste0("***3242 The MapHdr parameter must be a simple vector type.\n",
                                "        MapHdr is ignored.\n"))
               ErrorFlag <- FALSE
               MapHdr       <- def_MapHdr   
               def_MapHdr_v <- TRUE
            } else {
               if (length(MapHdr) == 1) {
                  if (!is.na(MapHdr)) {
                     # character = length = 1
                     MapHdr       <- c("",MapHdr)
                     def_MapHdr_v <- FALSE
               } else {
                  if (length(MapHdr) > 2) {
                     ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3244 The MapHdr parameter has zero or more than 2 elements. \n",
                                                   "       Only the first 2 will be used.\n"))
                     MapHdr       <- MapHdr[1:2]
                     def_MapHdr_v <- FALSE
                  } else {
                     # We have MapHdr - length of 2 and character.  
                     if (max(nchar(MapHdr)) > 16) {
                        warning(paste0("***3246 It is suggested the max length of the MapHdr strings be\n",
                                       "        16 characters.\n"),call.=FALSE)
                     def_MapHdr_v    <- FALSE
         # empty parameter - it now optional, fill with default of c("","Areas")  MapHdr[1] is not currently used.
         if (def_MapHdr_v) MapHdr <- def_MapHdr  # if still TRUE, set MapHdr to def value.
         # Optional - NOW
      callVL$MapHdr <- MapHdr
      if (def_MapHdr_v == FALSE) cat("MapHdr Header Labels used : ",paste0(MapHdr,collapse=", ",sep=""),"\n") 
      ###### 325x  (1)
      #  Part 2.5.1 - MapMinH - minimum height for the micromap
      def_MapMinH <- 1.0
      MapMinMin   <- 0.4
      MapMinMax   <- 2.5
      MapMinH <- MapMinH[[1]][1]
      if (missing(MapMinH) || is.null(MapMinH) || any(is.na(MapMinH))) {
         # empty parameter - use default 
         MapMinH         <- def_MapMinH
      } else {
         if (!methods::is(MapMinH,"numeric")) {
            # MapMinH strings are not characters
            ErrorFlag    <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3251 The MapMinH parameter does not contain numeric value.\n",
                                             "        Default Value is used.\n"))
            MapMinH      <- def_MapMinH    # Use default of a def_MapMinH
         } else {
            # Numeric -> Pick only the first element of MapMinH
            MapMinH      <- MapMinH[[1]][1]
            # Check to make sure its within range.
            if (MapMinH < MapMinMin || MapMinH > MapMinMax ) {
               ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3252 The MapMinH minimum height value is out of range\n",
                                             "        (0.4 to 2.5 inch). The default will be used.\n"))
               MapMinH   <- def_MapMinH
      callVL$MapMinH <- MapMinH
      ######  325x  (2)
      #  Part 2.5.2 - MapMaxH - Maximum height for the micromap
      def_MapMaxH <- 1.75
      MapMaxMin   <- 1
      MapMaxMax   <- 2.5
      MapMaxH <- MapMaxH[[1]][1]
      if (missing(MapMaxH) || is.null(MapMaxH) || any(is.na(MapMaxH))) {
         # empty parameter - use default 
         MapMaxH         <- def_MapMaxH
      } else {
         if (!methods::is(MapMaxH,"numeric")) {
            # MapMaxH strings are not characters
            ErrorFlag    <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3254 The MapMaxH parameter does not contain numeric value.\n",
                                             "        Default Value is used.\n"))
            MapMaxH      <- def_MapMaxH    # Use default of a def_MapMaxH
         } else {
            # Pick up only the first element of the variable
            MapMaxH      <- MapMaxH[[1]][1]
            # Make sure within range.
            if (MapMaxH > MapMaxMax || MapMaxH < MapMaxMin ) {
               ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3255 The MapMaxH maximum height value is out of range \n",
                                             "        (1 to 2.5 inches). The default will be used.\n"))
               MapMaxH   <- def_MapMaxH
      callVL$MapMaxH <- MapMaxH
      ######  Check values, then make sure Min < Max
      #  Part 2.5.3 - check min and max values
      if (MapMinH > MapMaxH) {
        ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3257 The MapMinH value must be less than the MapMaxH value.\n",
                                      "        Will swap values.\n"))
        x         <- MapMinH
        MapMaxH   <- MapMinH
        MapMinH   <- x
      MapAvgH   <- mean(c(MapMinH,MapMaxH))
      cat("The Maps minimum and maximum height will be:",MapMinH," & ",MapMaxH,"\n")
      if (StopFlag) {
         stop(paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above. Execution stopped.\n",
                     "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n"))
      ######  326x
      #  Part 2.6 - IDHdr
      def_IDHdr <- c(BGBase,"Areas")   # use the MapHdr as the default
      if (missing(IDHdr) || is.null(IDHdr) || (length(IDHdr)==1 && any(is.na(IDHdr))) ) {
         # empty parameter - use the default values.)
         IDHdr     <- def_IDHdr
      } else {
         if (!methods::is(IDHdr,"character")) {
            # IDHdr strings are not characters
            ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3261 The IDHdr parameter does not contain character strings\n",
                                          "        for use as the column headers.\n"))
            IDHdr     <- def_IDHdr
         } else {
            # IDHdr is characters, check length
            if (!methods::is(IDHdr,"vector")) {
               ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3262 The IDHdr parameter must be a simple vector type.\n"))
               IDHdr       <- def_IDHdr
            } else {
               if (length(IDHdr) > 2) {
                  IDHdr <- IDHdr[1:2]   # keep only the first two elements
                  ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3264 The IDHdr parameter has more than 2 elements. Only the\n",
                                                "        first 2 will be used.\n"))
               } else {
                  if (max(nchar(IDHdr)) > 12) {
                    warning(paste0("***3266 It is suggested the max length of the IDHdr strings\n",
                                   "        be 12 characters.\n"), call.=FALSE)
      callVL$IDHdr <- IDHdr
      cat("IDHdr header labels:",paste0(IDHdr,collapse=", ",sep=""),"\n")
      ######   327x
      #  Part 2.7 - Reduce PC    (Range:  .01 to 100 percent)
      #    It is not a decimal, but a percent ranging from 0.01 to 100 %
      def_ReducePC   <- 1.25     # % Value is remaining vectors precentage of original.
      ReducePC <- ReducePC[[1]][1]
      if (missing(ReducePC) || is.null(ReducePC) || any(is.na(ReducePC))) {
         # empty parameter - use default of 1.25 % keep value
         ReducePC   <- def_ReducePC
      } else {
         ReducePC <- as.numeric(ReducePC)   # if not numeric, will become NA
         if (is.na(ReducePC)) {   # after conversion, if = NA, its was not numeric to start.
            # ReducePC value must be a numeric
            ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3272 The ReducePC parameter must be a numeric value. The default\n",
                                          "        of 1.25 % will be used.\n"))
            ReducePC  <- def_ReducePC
         } else {
            # ReducePC is a numeric, check length
            if (!methods::is(ReducePC,"vector") ) {
               # never happen...
               ErrorFlag   <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3274 The ReducePC parameter is not simple vector. The default\n",
                                               "        value of 1.25 % will be used.\n"))
               ReducePC    <- def_ReducePC 
            } else {
               if (length(ReducePC) > 1) {
                  #  never happen...
                  ReducePC    <- ReducePC[1]
                  ErrorFlag   <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3276 The ReducePC parameter has more than one value. Only the first\n",
                                                  "        value will be used.\n"))
               } else {
                  if (ReducePC < .0001 || ReducePC >= 100) {  # out of range  (percentage to keep - .0001 TO 100 %)
                       ErrorFlag   <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3278 The value of ReducePC is out of range (0.0001 to 100 %).\n",
                                                       "        The default value of 1.25 % will be used.\n"))
                       ReducePC  <- def_ReducePC
                  #  The ms_minize call parameter is in ratio from 0 to 1, need to convert
      callVL$ReducePC <- ReducePC
      cat("Map simplification keep value used is:",ReducePC," %. \n")
      if (StopFlag) {
   	 stop(paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above.  Execution stopped.\n",
   	             "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n"))
      ######   328x
      #  Part 2.8 - LabelCex (Range:  .01 to 10 )
      def_LabelCex   <- .4    # Value is remaining vectors precentage of original.
      LabelCex <- LabelCex[[1]][1]
      if (missing(LabelCex) || is.null(LabelCex) || any(is.na(LabelCex))) {
         # empty parameter - use default 
         LabelCex   <- def_LabelCex
      } else {
         LabelCex <- as.numeric(LabelCex)   # if not numeric, will become NA
         if (is.na(LabelCex)) {   # after conversion, if = NA, its was not numeric to start.
            # LabelCex value must be a numeric
            ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3282 The LabelCex parameter must be a numeric value. The default\n",
                                          "        of 0.25 will be used.\n"))
            LabelCex  <- def_LabelCex
         } else {
            # LabelCex is a numeric, check length
            if (!methods::is(LabelCex,"vector") ) {
               ErrorFlag   <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3284 The LabelCex parameter must be a simple vector. The default\n",
                                               "         value of 0.25 will be used.\n"))
               LabelCex    <- def_LabelCex
            } else {
               if (length(LabelCex) > 1) {
                  LabelCex    <- LabelCex[1]
                  ErrorFlag   <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3286 The LabelCex parameter has more than one value.\n",
                                                  "        Only the first value will be used.\n"))
               } else {
                  if (LabelCex < .05 || LabelCex > 10) {  # out of range  (percentage to keep)
                       ErrorFlag   <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3288 The value of LabelCex is out of range (0.05 to 10). \n",
                                                       "        The default value of 0.25 will be used.\n"))
                       LabelCex    <- def_LabelCex
      callVL$LabelCex <- LabelCex
      cat("The font multiplier for the map labels is set to ",LabelCex," through the LabelCex call parameter.\n")
      if (StopFlag) {
   	 stop(paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above. Execution stopped.\n",
   	             "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n"))
      ######  330x
      #  Part 3.0 - proj4 or proj parameter - micromap projection.  For all of the map.
      #    Done in step (setup 2.2, executed in 6.0)
      #    This parameter can be a PROJ4, PROJ5, or PROJ6 formatted projection.
      #    It can consist of simple string or the structured WKT layout.
      #    Formats: <string>      should convert to Proj4 and WKT structure
      #             <slots with string & WKT structure>
      #  **** New policy: The caller should transform the shapefile to the projection 
      #       they want to use in the micromap maps, then save the shapefile for 
      #       reloading by this function (could make changes to allow the shapefile/SP
      #       data.frame to be passed directly to the function instead of reading it in.
      #       Proj4 is only used when caller provides a long/lat projected shapefile or
      #       one with no proj4string (is.na) and want to override the default
      #       transform based on AEA and the calculated Albers parallels and central median
      #       and center latitude.  

      #  There is no default value for the proj4 parameter.  If it is NULL or NA, it stays
      #  that way until its time to test the projection of the shapefile.  If none Long/Lat,
      #  the proj4 parameter is checked.  If none if provided then the default AEA
      #  projection with calculated parameters is created and used.
      #  Standard normal long / lat projection for the world.
      OrigProj <- "+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +ellipse=WGS84 +no_defs"   # if needed to fill the geometry.
      #  When converted to full projection and wkt, results in the above string and 
      #  the following CRS.
      OrigCRS <- sf::st_crs(OrigProj)    # not sure OrigCRS is needed.

      #  For an example of the full $input and $wkt Coordinate Reference System structure
      #  see section on 'proj4' call parameter above:
      #  In the input format, a long/lat project shows up as "NULL", 
      #    "", "NA" or input="+proj=longlat ..."
      #  In the wkt format, it is not clear if a long/lat projection 
      #    has any specific unique value.
      #  The LL tracking flag will be set based on the "input" string in the st_crs value.
      ShpProjLL     <- FALSE  # The shapefile is already a LL projection, 
      # or has no projection - force to LL.
      #  The following flags track all of the changes to the projection 
      #  in the map to be processed.
      #  general projection flags:
      DoUserProj4   <- FALSE  # user provided proj4 for final projection
      DoModProj4    <- FALSE  # projection in shape file needs to be modified to be meters 
      # (Would like to get all projections in to meter units.
      DoBldAEAProj  <- FALSE  # ShapeFile is LL or no projection, 
      #    need to build AEA projection for final transformation
      ModProj4      <- NA    # modified ShapeFile projection modified to meters
      #  Projection Status:
      #  Override the default map projection with the users projection..
      #  The projection string is provided in proj4 format and must 
      #  be convert able by CRS to a usable projection.  It must also be 
      #  reversible back to the proj4 string as a validation.
      #  The transformation is done right before printing the maps.
      #  The projection of the maps is returned to the caller.
      #  If present, proj4 call parameter is inspected for LL. If found, not 
      #     permitted and ignored - set to proj4=NULL.  (DoUserProj4<-NULL)
      #  If present, proj4 checked for being non-LL, string inspected.  If +units is not 
      #     meters, set to meters and flaged for transformation. (DoUserProj4) with mod.
      #  If no proj4 -> shapefile projection exist and not LL, inspect for +units = meters. 
      #     Build projection to change to meters, after modifications. (DoModProj4)
      #  If proj4 is missing and shapefile was LL or none, then indicage AEAproj needed.
      #     (DoBldAEAProj)
      #  Before the final projection is done:
      #     a) do shift, scale and rotate adjustments in original units
      #     b) Build AEA projection is needed.
      #     c) Do final projection 
      #         if no proj4 - ModProj4 or AEAProj
      #         if proj4 - proj4
      #     Modifications are done is the original projection and units.  FACT.
      #     Even if they are all AEA, the lat and lon parameter place the area in 
      #     different locations with different 0,0 centroid.  Meters are therefore
      #     different.
      #   enhancement - do scaling with cartograms.
      #   Upgrade to sf - going with the idea, that the proj4 is just a string and it is 
      #   handled when it is assigned.
      #   proj4 could not have two elements on a list (input and wkt)
      #   hidden in crs class variables are other attrs: units_gdal, IsVertical, 
      #   Wkt, Name, proj4string, epsg, xy, ud_unit, b, units, beyond input and wkt. 
      #   Wkt string usually start with PROJCRS[  or GEOGCRS[ or BASEGEOGCRS[ 
      #   Steps  1) determine what we have proj4, wkt, crs
      #          2) validate and convert into crs
      #              a) proj4(input) to crs - easy
      #              b) wkt to crs - harder (via wkt to proj4, back to crs, and rebuild)
      #              c) crs validate with st_as_text - should the above get run throught this check?
      #          3) Test for long/lat (flag)
      #          4) Test for meters - if not modify (km) in proj4 parameter and shapefile.
      #          5) a)proj4, b)modfied shapefile, c)AEA
      #  Secrets behind the st_crs or any crs class variable...
      #       $input - the initial string used by st_crs.  Not necessarily the proj4 or proj6
      #       $wkt   - the output wkt value used by the packages.
      #       $ud_unit - the units of the wkt
      #       $proj4string - the proj4 equivalent of the wkt  (generated on the fly)
      #       $epsg  - the epsg code number if known for the wkt
      #     parameters for sfc st_crs(, parameter=xxx)
      #       $SemiMajor, $SemiMinor, $InvFlatterning, $IsGeographic, $units_gdal, $IsVertical,
      #       $WktPretty, $Wkt, $Name, $proj4string, $epsg, $yx, and $ud_unit.  
      #    The assignment must be done as $ or the list class is also transferred.
      #  recommend using epsg numbers
      #  Working with the projections (st_crs) should not involve S2, so we don't have to disable it.
      DoUserProj4 <- FALSE
      Wproj4      <- sf::st_crs(NA)    # crs
      if (missing(proj4) || is.null(proj4)) {
         xmsg     <- paste0("***3301 No projection provided in the shapefile or the \n",
                            "        proj4 call parameter, will be set to a\n",
                            "        Long/Lat projection.\n")
         proj4    <- NA      # proj4 string equivalent and INPUT
      } else {
         #  a proj4 call parameter was provided.
         Wproj4 <- NA  # output results of checks.

         if (any(is.na(proj4)) ) {
            # proj4 string can not be NA, "" or not a character string.
            cat("***3302 The proj4 call parameter set to NA. \n",
                "        The parameter will be ignored.\n")
            proj4    <- NA
         } else {
            if (!methods::is(proj4,"crs")) {    # test for crs class.
               # not a crs class 
               if (!methods::is(proj4,"character")) {    # test for single variable character string
                  # not crs class or character class.
                  xmsg <- paste0("***3304 The proj4 call parameter is not a valid character string or\n",
                                 "        'crs' structure for a projection. The proj4 parameter will\n",
                                 "        be ignored. The default AEA projection will be used in needed.\n")
                  ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(xmsg)
                  proj4     <- NA
               } else {

                  proj4 <- proj4[[1]][1]      # Get only first value.
                  proj4 <- stringr::str_trim(proj4)   # Trim spaces.
                  #  Have character string. Is it the $input or $wkt part?
                  #  If wkt starts with PROJCRS[, GEOGCRS[, or BASEGEOGCRS[ or other.  
                  #   Best guess.

                  if (proj4 == "" || is.na(proj4) ) {
                     # NA or empty field - force to NA
                     proj4 <- NA
                  } else {
                     # have text in string.  STRING.
                     p7  = stringr::str_sub(proj4,1,7)
                     p8  = stringr::str_sub(proj4,1,8)
                     p13 = stringr::str_sub(proj4,1,13) 
                     p12 = stringr::str_sub(proj4,1,12)
                     p14 = stringr::str_sub(proj4,1,14)
                     p15 = stringr::str_sub(proj4,1,15)
                     if (p7  == "ENGCRS["      ||
                         p7  == "GEOGCS["      || p7  == "PROJCS["      || p7  == "VERTCS["      ||
                         p8  == "GEODCRS["     || p8  == "GEOGCRS["     || p8  == "VERTCRS["     || 
                         p8  == "PROJCRS["     || p8  == "TIMECRS["     ||
                         p12 == "BASEGEOGCRS[" || p12 == "GEODETICCRS[" || p12 == "COMPOUNDCRS[" ||
                         p12 == "VERTICALCRS[" || p13 == "PROJECTEDCRS["||
                         p14 == "PARAMETRICCRS[" || 
                         p15 == "ENGINEERINGCRS[" 
                         # sf::st_crs()$units_gdal, sf::st_crs()$proj4string
                        ) # if a valid CRS type.
                        # based on header characters - it looks like wkt format.
                        # try to insert into $wkt field of crs with NA $input.
                        testcrs        <- NULL
                        #   ensure the order in the crs class
                        testcrs[[1]]   <- NA
                        testcrs[[2]]   <- proj4
                        #   ensure the lists are named properly
                        names(testcrs) <- c("input","wkt")
                        class(testcrs) <- "crs"          # set class.
                        #   Since the input (proj4) is empty, get the proj4 based on the wkt
                        wP4            <- sf::st_crs(testcrs)$proj4string   
                        testcrs$input  <- wP4     # place the proj.4 image in $input
                        Wproj4         <- convertPROJ4(testcrs)      # see if it's good.

                        DoUserProj4    <- TRUE                  # for now we have a user provided proj4.
                        #   wkt to testcrs, st_crs(testcrs)$proj4string -> newcrs <- st_crs(newInput)
                        #          fills in both input and wkt to match.
                        #   if proj4 (proj4string) modified, then new wkt updates.
                        #   use st_crs(variable)$ud_unit to get units of crs.  units(xxx)$numerator to 
                        #   get key letters 'm', 'km', '0' (degree), 
                     } else {
                        # just a string - assume $ input
                        Wproj4         <- convertPROJ4(proj4)   # attempt a $input (proj4string) conversion.
                        # Take proj4 string parameter and check for valid proj4string type variable. 
                        DoUserProj4    <- TRUE
                     #  get updated proj4 out of "good" crs later.
            } else {
               # have crs class variable
               Wproj4 <- convertPROJ4(proj4)  # check proj4.

               #  Have a crs structure
               # can only test with st_as_text
            } # end of processing by char or crs
         }  # end if check for NA
      } # end of check for missing or NULL
      #  proj4 - stays the same to this point. It is a vector not list.
      #  at this point we have produced or found an error in a string or crs.
      #  proj4 as $input as input, converted to Wproj4 full crs, checked.
      #  proj4 as $wkt   as input, converted to Wproj4 full crs, checked.
      #  proj4 as crs    as input, copied to Wproj4 and checked.
      #  ERRORS reflected in Wproj4 -> [[1]] -> "ERROR"
      #  proj4 is either $input of a valid crs or full warning/error message. 
      #  Wproj4 is always a list of two parts:  $input and $wkt or "ERROR:" and "message".
      #   If the converstion is correct WProj4 is class crs.
      #  Wproj4$proj4string -> proj4 style string, It is generated from wkt.
      #  It is assumed the proj4 as a $input string can be converted back to crs.
      # two stage check
      # What were the results of the checks (look in WProj4)
      if (!is.na(proj4)) {
         # we have a result or valid crs.
         if (Wproj4[[1]] == "ERROR") {
            # error has occured, not valid.
            # Error found and reported by attempt conversion to CRS.
            xmsg        <- paste0("***3305 Invalid proj4 parameter value provided. \n",
                                  "        Parameter will be ignored.\n")
            ErrorFlag   <- errCntMsg(xmsg)
            proj4       <- NULL
         } else {
            # No error found - pass forward as valid crs.
            # WProj4 contain $input and $wkt values (the crs)
            # Conversion to CRS - looks good.
            proj4       <- Wproj4$proj4string   # better value
            DoUserProj4 <- TRUE
      #  to test for degrees or meters, etc.  the units on $ud_units is class(units) and 
      #  will tell you what it is.   Then the question is how to change it.
      #  At this point - proj4 is the  proj4string image of the $wkt string.
      #                  Wproj4 is the full CRS.  ***
      ## two stage check
      Save_proj4 <- proj4
      CPproj4    <- NULL
      # we are just working on the proj4 to be later used.
      # Step 3 is it longlat? and is it meters?
      if (!is.na(proj4)) {
         # If proj4 calling parameter will not NULL, check to make sure
         # check the +units= keyword to make sure the results will be in meters.
         if (is.na(stringr::str_locate(proj4,"\\+proj=longlat")[1]) || !sf::st_is_longlat(proj4)) {    
            # It is not longlat, Is the +units=m or not?
            if (is.na(stringr::str_locate(proj4,"\\+units=m |\\+units=m$"))[1]) {  
               # Not longlat and +units not set to meters.
               xmsg <- paste0("***3308 The proj4 call parameter does not have +units=m,\n",
                              "        changing string to meters.\n")
               matchstr    <- "\\+units=[[:alpha:]]+"     # RegExp string to find +units=???.
               #  find and replace any "+units=<>" string with "+units=m " 
               proj4       <- stringr::str_replace(proj4,matchstr,"\\+units=m ")
               CPproj4     <- sf::st_crs(proj4)   # get the new proj4/wkt
               DoUserProj4 <- TRUE
               cat("New proj4 call parameter is: ",CPproj4$proj4string,"\n")
         } else {
            #  The projection is long/lat...
            xmsg        <- paste0("***3306 The proj4 call parameter specifies a long/lat projection.\n",
                                  "        proj4: ",proj4,"\n",
                                  "        The final projection can't be a longlat projection. \n",
                                  "        An AEA projection will be used, if shapefile does not\n",
                                  "        have a non-long/lat projection.\n")
            ErrorFlag   <- errCntMsg(xmsg)
            proj4       <- NULL
            CPproj4     <- NULL
            DoUserProj4 <- FALSE
      #cat("proj4 results - proj4:",proj4,".  Code 3886 \n")
      #  Note if +proj=longlat, there is no units... Only if not LONGLAT
      #  In wkt world its GEOGCRS, DATUM, ELLIPSOID, LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]d
      #     LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1] go for this anywhere.  
      callVL$proj4      <- proj4
      callVL$CPproj4    <- CPproj4
      callVL$DoUserProj4<- DoUserProj4
      # if LL, can't be meters, kill proj4.  Mark for AEA calculation.
      # if not LL, could be meters - check units.  if meters - OK
      #     if not meters - ???   (if km, cm, mm - scaling to meters.)
      #     if miles, or other linear distrances - scale. 
      #     only if ll, can't do anything.
      if (!is.na(proj4)) cat("Caller requested projection transformation at end of processing sf structure to:\n",proj4,"\n")  
      if (StopFlag) {
         stop(paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above. Execution stopped.\n",
                     "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n"))
      #  At some the ShapeFile proj4string and the proj4 parameter string will be 
      #    adjusted to make sure +unit= is set to meters.
      #####    33xx
      #   Early read of the ShapeFile.  Need some parameters to handle questions
      #   processing the Name Table.
      #   Starting to work with spatial data.   Disable sf_use_s2(FALSE)
         sf_use_s2(FALSE)   # see if warning or error/??

      #######    331x   (Code: 3982)
      #  Part 3.1 - Setup to process ShapeFile and find shapefile 
      #     for areas to use.   (Read file)
      #     Example, find the shapefile containing the counties for a 
      #     State or areas of the border group geographical space. 
      #     All areas must be in the same shapefile. If not, the 
      #     shapefiles must be combined into one shapefile or SPDF 
      #     prior to calling this function.
      #     If there are areas in the shapefile that are not in the 
      #     name table, the caller will be notified that the areas 
      #     in the SPDF will be dropped from the border group.   
      #     No name table row, no boundary data will be kept.
      ShpProjLL     <- FALSE  # not LL
      DoBldAEAProj  <- FALSE
      DoModProj4    <- FALSE
      ShapeDriver   <- "ESRI Shapefile"  # default value if nothing found or binary

      if (!BinaryPassed) {
         # Filename passed in the function call
         #   ShapeFile common extensions:   This assumes ESRI Shapefile, but others??
         SFExtList    <- c("shp","shx","dbf", "prj")
         SFDir        <- ShapeFileDir
         # extension on file
         SFExt        <- tools::file_ext(ShapeFile)              
         xm5          <- any(SFExt == SFExtList)
         if (xm5) {
            # without any extension
            SFName    <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(ShapeFile)   
         } else {
            SFName    <- ShapeFile
         #  Reading shapefile from:
         cat("***3311 Reading shape file from\n",
             "        dir(DSN): ",SFDir,"\n",
             "        file(Layer):",SFName,"\n")
         #  Read shapefile into sf structure.
         #   capture the output of the st_read call to get the name of the driver used.
         #  This logic has been upgraded to try the dsn/layer approach, if it fails try the dsn
         ReadFlag = 0      # unknown...
         xText <- utils::capture.output(
            xres1 <- try(WorkSf01 <- sf::st_read(dsn=SFDir, layer=SFName,    # removed quiet= can't capture no output.
                                      check_ring_dir=TRUE,   # check and correct, CCW-Area, CW-hole
                                      as_tibble = FALSE)
         if (inherits(xres1, "try-error")) {
            cat("Reading Shapefile using dsn/layer - failed.\n")
            # first method failed.
            xText <- utils::capture.output(
              xres2 <- try(WorkSf01 <- sf::st_read(dsn=paste0(SFDir,"/", SFName),    # removed quiet= can't capture no output.
                                        check_ring_dir=TRUE,   # check and correct, CCW-Area, CW-hole
                                        as_tibble = FALSE)
            if (inherits(xres2, "try-error")) {
               cat("     - using dsn only setup failed. Unable to read shapefile.\n")
               xmsg <- paste0("***3312 The sf::st_read can not import the shapefile as specified. \n",
                              "        The errors reported were :\n",
               StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(xmsg)
            } else {
               ReadFlag = 1 # indicate dsn setup used.
         } else {
            ReadFlag = 2   # indicate dsn/layer setup used.
         # print(xText)
         #  the "using driver" may not be in the first row of text.
         #  nice to know, but can't use.  Too complicated to figure out how to write.
         lenText <- length(xText)   # array of length of each line in the output
         # search for driver name  "using driver" is always at the end of the text line in one of the first lines.
         SReadDriver <- NA
         ic = 1
         while (is.na(SReadDriver) && ic <=lenText) {
            # no driver found and text line available
            # search for "using driver", find begining and end of following string.
            SReadDriver <- stringr::str_sub(stringr::str_trim(noquote(    # trim blanks and remove quotes.
                                      # look for "using driver" lead and if exists get the end position of the "using driver" string.
                                      stringr::str_locate(xText[ic],"using driver")[1,"end"]+1,-1)
                                      # add one to end position and extract (str_sub) the driver name to end of line.
                               # trim the resulting string and get rid of quotes.  Then save as SReadDriver.
                     # if no "using driver" field exists, NA is returned and saved, move on to the next string.
            ic = ic + 1
         # got the name of the driver used to read the shape file into the function.
         if (!is.na(SReadDriver)) {
            cat("***3314 Spatial Driver found in boundary data file read was ",SReadDriver,".\n")
         } else {
            SReadDriver = "ESRI Shapefile"
         #  as an sf structure there is no @data slot.  All of the attrs are $ including the 
         #  geometry.  The geometry is a sfc_polygon or sfc_multipolygon with one entry per polygon(s).
         #  The number of entries must equal the number of items in each attr array.
      } else {
         cat("***3315 The shape file structure was passed to the function in the call.\n")
         ReadFlag    <- -1                 # -1 = binary image passed in call parameter
         WorkSf01    <- ShapeFile
         SReadDriver <- "ESRI Shapefile"   # force driver name.
         #  What type of binary image is it ?
         if (methods::is(WorkSf01,"SpatialPolygons")) {
            # SP or SPDF
            WorkSf01 <- sf::st_as_sf(WorkSf01)  # convert SPDF and SP to sf
         } else {
            # now check for sf types of binary code 
            if (!methods::is(WorkSf01,"sf")) {
               # not full sf structure
               xmsg <- paste0("***3317 The spatial structure passed to the function via the\n",
                              "        ShapeFile parameter is not a SPDF or a sf full structure.\n",
                              "        Please correct and try again.\n")
               StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(xmsg)
            # We want to accept any of these structures as the value of the parameter.
            # Any of these should be converted to sf - here.
         #  Error Checking of binary.
      #  have a shape file in sf format.
      if (StopFlag) {
         stop(paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above. Execution stopped.\n",
                     "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n"))
      StopFlag      <- FALSE
      ErrorFlag     <- FALSE
      #####  332x  (0-4)
      #  Part 3.2 - Inspect and set projection in shapefile.
      WorkSf01_a    <- WorkSf01
      WorkSf01      <- sf::st_make_valid(WorkSf01)   # added 1/3/24
      WorkSfc01     <- sf::st_geometry(WorkSf01)
      WorkSf01BBox  <- sf::st_bbox(WorkSf01)   # watch out different format not matrix
      MapBox        <- WorkSf01BBox
      xLim          <- as.numeric(MapBox)[c(1,3)]
      yLim          <- as.numeric(MapBox)[c(2,4)]
      WorkSf01Proj4 <- NULL     # proj4string image
      SfCrs         <- sf::st_crs(WorkSf01)    # get projection (user and wkt) (FULL)
      Sfproj4       <- SfCrs$proj4string       # get old proj4
      #print(Sfproj4)     # could be empty or NA or NULL
      if (is.null(Sfproj4) || any(is.na(Sfproj4)) || any(Sfproj4 == "")) {
         # if shape file crs (proj4) is empty, NA or NULL 
         # no projection supplied in ShapeFile (sf POLYGONS)
         #cat("***3320 The projection field in the shapefile is empty, set to \n",
         #    "      ",OrigProj,"\n")
         # Set to generic longlat projection.         
         sf::st_crs(WorkSf01)<- OrigProj            # set empty projection to def L/L
         SfCrs               <- sf::st_crs(WorkSf01)# get current projection string
         Sfproj4             <- SfCrs$proj4string   
         WorkSf01Proj4       <- Sfproj4
         ShpProjLL           <- TRUE     # indicate shapefile is longlat
         DoBldAEAProj        <- TRUE     # indicate most likely will need an AEA project built.
      } else {
         # not empty or NA.
         #cat("class of Sfproj4:",class(Sfproj4),"\n")   # st_crs is not empty.
         WorkSf01Proj4       <- SfCrs$proj4string      # must assign with $ or else you transfer class.
         # shape file has crs..
      WorkSf01Proj4   <- as.character(WorkSf01Proj4)
      SfCrs$input     <- WorkSf01Proj4
      #cat("projection check: \n")
      #print(Sfproj4)                 # class crs
      #  In this section it was found W <- SFproj4$proj4string transfered the value 
      #  as character and nothing else.  
      #  while W <- SFproj4["proj4string"] transfered the value and the class of 'list'
      #  because it also transfered the name.  
      if (bitwAnd(debug,64) != 0) 
            cat("WorkSf01_projection: ",WorkSf01Proj4,"\n")
      # may have a projection string set in the shapefile (SfCrs & Sfproj4),
      # and the proj4 string type in WorkSf01Proj4.  
      #  Need to make sure geometry is valid
      # Is it long/lat and what units if not Long/Lat?
      # Is the st_shift_longitude needed?   Crosses the anti-meridian.
      LLShift <- FALSE     # no shift required.
      # check # 1 is the proj4 long/lat 
      if (is.na(stringr::str_locate(WorkSf01Proj4,"\\+proj=longlat"))[1]) {  
         # if found, START/END are values.  is.na comes up FALSE
         # if not found, START/END are "NA" and is.na = TRUE.
         # the st_crs(sf)$input is not a longlat projection
         #     alternate is to test using st_is_longlat() - later..
         ShpProjLL                    <- FALSE
         DoBldAEAProj                 <- FALSE
         ModProj4                     <- NA
      } else {
         # if found, START/END are values.  is.na comes up FALSE
         # the projection in the shapefile is long/lat
         ShpProjLL                    <- TRUE
         DoBldAEAProj                 <- TRUE
         ModProj4                     <- NA

         #  Determine if shift can be used.
         #  Get bbox of map  [MapBox]
         # xbbox                        <- sf::st_bbox(WorkSf01)
         # Get centroid of map
         #    Take centroid of all areas and sum x,y
         #cat("get centroid for shift evaluation.\n")
         WorkSfc01  <- sf::st_geometry(WorkSf01)   # sfc, but LL still throws a warning.
               MapCtr <- sf::st_centroid(sf::st_union(WorkSfc01))   # converted to sfc or sfg
                    # must have valid geometry
         xctr     <- sf::st_coordinates(MapCtr)   # restore xctr to work with original code.
         #cat("Map's Center:",xctr,"\n")
         if (all(c(sign(xctr[1])==sign(xLim[1]),sign(xctr[1])==sign(xLim[2]),
                 sign(xLim[1])==sign(xLim[2])))) {
            # If the signs of the X box values and X centroid are the same, then 
            # all of the points are in the same hemisphere - no need for shift.
            LLShift   <- FALSE
         } else {
            # the extreme longitudes or centroid are in different hemsipheres.  
            # cross the 180 or 0 meridian
            if (sign(xctr[1])==-1) {
               # sign of X at the centroid is negative -  West Hemisphere.
               # therefore xctr[1]+180 degree is the opposite point and one limit.
               Xopp <- xctr[1] + 180  # a point 180 degrees to the east of the centroid.
               X180 <- 180            # the 180 or East side of the anti-meridian.
                   # if any point(bbox) is between these two limits, then shifting is REQUIRED.
               #cat("LL Range:",Xopp,"  ",X180,"   ctr:",xctr[1],"  ",xLim,"\n")
               #  is the X min or max within this range. Pos "+n" to 180 
               #  The point lands in the area between 180 degrees (E) and ctr-180 (or somewhere
               #  between about 45 and 180 degrees.
               if (isBetween(xLim[1],Xopp,X180)) {
                  # within range
                  LLShift = TRUE
               if (isBetween(xLim[2],Xopp,X180)) {
                  # within range
                  LLShift = TRUE
               # example - Alaska:  X bbox has -179 to 179 min and max.  Since
               # the difference between these values is about 358, it spans the anti-meridian.
               # The USA centroid X=-96 degrees.  So, the test range would be 180 to 84 degrees.
               # The points in the eastern hemsphere are all positive and would fall in that range.
            } else {
               # sign of X at the centroid is +  East Hemisphere.
               Xopp <- xctr[1] - 180    # a point 180 degree west of the centroid.
               X180 <- -180             # the -180 or west side of the meridian
               #cat("LL Range:",X180,"  ",Xopp,"   ctr:",xctr[1],"  ",xLim,"\n")
               #  is the X min or max within this range. Pos -180 to "-n" 
               #  if any point is between these two limits, then shifting is REQUIRED.
               #  the point lands in the area between -180 degrees (W) and ctr+180 (or
               #  somewhere between -45 and -180 degrees
               if (isBetween(xLim[1],X180,Xopp)) {
                  # within range
                  LLShift = TRUE
               if (isBetween(xLim[2],X180,Xopp)) {
                  # within range
                  LLShift = TRUE
      #if(LLShift) cat("LLShift flag indicating the st_shift_longitude function will be used.\n")
      if (bitwAnd(debug,4) != 0) cat("Proj Flags -ShpProjLL:",ShpProjLL, "  DoUserProj4:",DoUserProj4,
                                     "  DoModProj4:",DoModProj4,         "  DoBldAEAProj:",DoBldAEAProj,"\n")
      ##### 332x  (5-9)
      #  Part 3.2 - Handle Link column in Shape File ; put it away.
      cat("***3325 Checking Shape Link Name Column:",ShapeLinkName,"\n")
      WorkSf01Names <- names(WorkSf01)  # get names of shape file data columns
      if (bitwAnd(debug,64) != 0) 
         cat("Shape file data variable names:",paste0(WorkSf01Names,collapse=", ",sep=""),"\n")
      #   Make sure "LinkName" exists in the data.frame
      if (!any(ShapeLinkName == WorkSf01Names)) {     # is ShapeLinkName is valid?
         # no = not valid name
         StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3326 The ShapeLinkName provided: ",ShapeLinkName,"\n",
                                       "        does not exist in the shape file data.\n"))
      } else {
         # column present
         #cat("***3327 Shape file link variable name is valid, values will be \n",
         #    "        cleaned up and stored namesin variable X__Link.\n")
         shpLinkData               <- stringr::str_squish(as.character(WorkSf01[[ShapeLinkName]]))
	 WorkSf01[[ShapeLinkName]] <- shpLinkData
	 WorkSf01[["X__Link"]]     <- shpLinkData
      if (StopFlag) {
   	 xmsg <- paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above.  Execution stopped.\n",
   	                "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n")
      if (bitwAnd(debug,8) != 0){
         WorkSfc01 <- sf::st_geometry(WorkSf01)
         OutPutP   <- paste0(BGPathName, "BBG_Raw_shapefile_image.pdf")
         plot(WorkSfc01,main='',lwd=0.2,asp=1,key.pos=NULL)     # *** CHANGe
         graphics::title("Shape file - Original raw data")
         x <- grDevices::dev.off()
      }  # now done via Sample Prts
      #  fill empty projection in shape file
      #  The SP, SPDF, and sf are in WorkSf01 is RAW no modifications as a sf structure.
      #cat("End of section 3.2 - Code 4364 \n")
      #  BuildBorderGroup - Read and validate NameTable (90%)
      #  Ready to start processing and build the border group from the 
      #  shape file
      #cat("***3500 Name Table Link column is:",NameTableLink,"\n")
      ##### 35xx and 36xx
      #  Part 5 - read excel or .csv file and verify it. (columns and data)
      #              Set up of variables
      #  The Name Table starter file must be an .axils, .axils, or an .csv 
      #  formatted file. Once the Name Table is fully built, it will be 
      #  re saved as an .xlsx formatted excel spreadsheet file.  
      #  The Link column and at least one of the following must be 
      #  present in the Name Table spreadsheet:  Name, Abbr, or ID
      #  The Name Table starter file must have the following columns 
      #  and heading:
      #  "ID" - a numeric reference to the area (example, 
      #    US FIPS codes) This value needs to entered in the 
      #    spreadsheet, CSV file as a character string with leading 
      #    zero.  If leading zeros are not present, they are added 
      #    to make all of the ID values the same length.
      #  "Name" - a character field containing the full length name 
      #    of the area (example, county name = "Jefferson") as would 
      #    be used by a user of their border boundary data set.
      #  "Abbr" - a character field containing the most common 
      #    abbreviation for the area. The abbreviation should be no 
      #    more than 6 characters if at all possible.  The abbreviation 
      #    should be a widely used and accepted abbreviation for the area. 
      #    For Example: the abbreviations for the US states are two 
      #    character abbreviations assigned by the US Postal Service:   
      #    Kansas => KS.  The fewer characters the better.  
      #  "Link" - a character field used to link the Name Table row 
      #    entires to the shape file areas through the "ShapeLinkName" 
      #    column name in the Shape data.frame.  This link is 
      #    also used to group the multiple polygons of an area
      #    under one "polygons" structure (or multipolygons) in 
      #    the spatial structure.
      #    - a character string used to link the Name Table rows
      #    to the "polygon" entries for the area in the 
      #    Spatial Polygons structure created from the shape file 
      #    and simplified and generalized.  The "ShapeLinkName" call 
      #    parameter provides the name of a column in the sf 
      #    data.frame created when the shape file was read into 
      #    the sf data.frame.  The "Link" values in the 
      #    Name Table in each row (representing an area) must match 
      #    the values in the sf$<ShapeLinkName> field.  
      #    Since there may be multiple polygons in the SPDF for 
      #    each area, the important attribute is there are the same 
      #    number of rows in the Name Table as there are unique strings 
      #    in the shape file SPDF identified in the 
      #    sf$<ShapeLinkName> column.
      #  Optional field (columns) for area look up.
      #  Alt_Abbr (Alternate Abbreviation) - a character field containing an alternate 
      #    abbreviation for the area.  In some cases there is not a 
      #    single accepted abbreviation for the areas.  To be able to 
      #    make the border group more usable, an alternate abbreviation 
      #    can be used in the data.  However, the program must be told 
      #    to use the alternative abbreviation instead of the "Name", 
      #    "Abbr", or "ID".  This is done through the rowNames call 
      #    parameter by setting it to "Alt_Ab".  The Name Table must 
      #    have an "Alt_Abbr" column with the values of the second 
      #    set of abbreviations. If you want an alternate abbreviation 
      #    to be available, include it in the Name Table under the 
      #    column name of "Alt_Abbr".  If not column is provided by 
      #    the user, the package will copy the "Abbr" column to the 
      #    "Alt_Abbr" column.  The values in the alternate abbreviation
      #    column should be 6 characters or less, similar to the abbr. 
      #    field.
      #    We are looking into adding code to automatically match 
      #    the rowNameCol values against the "Abbr", "Name", "ID", 
      #    "Alt_Abbr", and "Alias" Name Table columns to find the 
      #    best fit and report the finding to the user.
      #    When the NameTable is filled out, if there are no 
      #    "Alt_Abbr" values provided, the data in the "Abbr" column 
      #    is copied to the "Alt_Abbr" column.
      #  Alias - a character string that can be used in a pattern match
      #    against the area name string in the data structure. In come 
      #    cases the source of the data table does not output a short 
      #    or reasonable abbreviation or name.  In this case, if each 
      #    area can be tagged by a unique string in the area label
      #    in the data, the "Alias" feature can be used to tie the 
      #    data to an area.  This is a special feature of the 
      #    Name Table and micromapST.  If the starter Name Table 
      #    contains character strings in the "Alias" column, the data 
      #    will be included in the final NameTable data.frame.  To use 
      #    the "Alias" feature, set the calling parameter "rowNames" 
      #    to "Alias".
      #  Once the Name Table is mostly completed, the function moved 
      #  on to loading the shape file, validating it, cleaning it up 
      #  (cleangeo), Simplifying the polygons to able 0.75% of the 
      #  original size and complexity, and then joins the polygons 
      #  for each area under one "polygon" slot in the SPDF.
      #  Name Table "Key" column value is assigned each areas' 
      #  collection of polygons in the SPDF/sf and eventually the 
      #  sf row.name.  
      #  A "Key" value can be provided by the caller in the 
      #  Name Table.  It will be used as the "Key" value for the Name Table
      #  and the shape file and Visborder data (later).
      #  If none is provided, the "Abbr" value or one of the following values: 
      #  "ID", "Alt_Abbr", and finally the "Name" column. 
      #  The row.names of the Name Table will be used to set
      #  the "Key" values in all table and the border data for lookups.
      #  It is recommended the NameTable have values for each type 
      #  of reference to an area (Name, Abbr, ID, and Link.) If any column 
      #  is missing, the function attempts to backfill the information 
      #  from the other columns to create a unique value for 
      #  the missing field. The most used references columns are the "Abbr"
      #  and "ID" columns.
      #  Process of backfilling column values when not present:
      #     The process of backfilling missing location identifier 
      #     columns with the "Abbr" column. If it is not present, 
      #     the function looks to see if any of there columns are 
      #     present and uses their value as the "Name", "Abbr", 
      #     "Alt_Abbr", "Alias", "ID", 
      #  If the shape file contains more areas then listed 
      #     in the Name Table, the extra areas will be ignored 
      #     and processing continued.  A list of the omitted areas 
      #     will be outputted to notify the caller.
      #  The micromapST "rowNames" call variable specifies which 
      #  column in the NameTable will be used to match the data 
      #  rows to the geographic areas in the boundary group.  
      #  The rowNames values are "full" (Name), "AB" (Abbr), 
      #  "alt_ab" (Alt-Abbr), "ID" (ID field), and "alias" 
      #  (alias wildcard matching).
      #  If a data row does not match an entry in the NameTable, 
      #  it can not be represented in the linked micro map.  
      #  Any area that does not have data is colored "WHITE" 
      #  to show no data present.
      #  In the creation of the boundary group, the number of 
      #  rows (lines) in the NameTable must equal the number of 
      #  areas in the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame saved in the 
      #  next steps.
      #  The following fields are optional in the name table and 
      #  are used to provide additional functions.  If the feature 
      #  is desired, the following columns must be set by the user.
      #  This routine will not try to create there columns, but will
      #  check their validity.
      # Layer 2 Feature:
      #  The Layer 2 feature, allows the builder to overprint the map with
      #  with a little wider boundary line for areas within a Layer 2 space.
      #  In the US border groups, the Layer 2 boundaries are the state areas.
      #  In this case, the Layer 2 feature just accentuates the state boundaries.
      #  If a border group has administrative districts that are not regional 
      #  spaces, the Layer 2 feature can be used to outline the administrative
      #  spaces on top of the states, districts or province areas contained in 
      #  the administrative district.
      #  It is recommended that any Layer 2 spaces and their boundaries
      #  be contained in region spaces if the region feature and DataRegionsOnly option
      #  is planned to be used.
      #  To implement Layer 2 boundary overlaying, fill in the L2_ID and L2_ID_Name
      #  columns in the name table.  
      #  L2_ID - numerical ID of one Layer 2 group of areas in the map. 
      #  L2_ID_Name - a character name of one of the Layer 2 group of areas in the map.
      #          It represents the L2_ID value.
      #  The L2 grouping of the areas can consist of one area per L2 group
      #  up to 2 L2 groups per border group.  One L2 group per map is not
      #  allow or useful. The value of the ID is only used to collect and combine the 
      #  boundary data for the L2 group.  Either the L2_ID column or the L2_ID_Name
      #  columns can be used for this purpose. The areas identified by the L2_ID and 
      #  L2_ID_Name should be the same.  Both columns are carried in the 
      #  Name Table for possible future reference.  At this time only the L2_ID
      #  column is used.  If the L2_ID column is missing, the information in the 
      #  L2_ID_Name column will be used to construct the L2_ID column.
      #  When the builder provides the layer 2 information, the Map.L2Borders flag 
      #  will be set to TRUE to indicate layer 2 information and VisBorder boundary
      #  data is included in the border group.
      # Regions Feature:
      # The Regions feature along with "dataRegionsOnly" feature make use of the 
      # the regID or regName columns in the name table.
      # The "regions" call parameter when set to TRUE, requests that micromapST
      # draw the region boundaries on the micromap.  The region boundaries are
      # drawn with a little heavier line then the standard boundary line.  
      # If the "dataRegionsOnly" call parameter is set to TRUE, then micromapST
      # will only draw regional areas where the user has provided data for an 
      # area within the region.  This aspect of the regional boundary data provides
      # a means of including multiple groups of areas in a border group instead 
      # of having multiple border groups.  For example, The UKIrelandBG border group
      # included with this package has regions of England, Wales, Scotland,
      # Northern Ireland, and the republic of Ireland included in one border group.
      # When the call parameter of "dataRegionsOnly" is set to TRUE, if the data
      # supplied in the micromapST function call only contains entries for areas 
      # in Scotland, then only the Scotland counties will be drawn.  The counties
      # for Wales, England, and the Irelands will be suppressed.
      # The builder can enable this feature by including in the Name Table 
      # either the regID or the regName columns.  Like the Layer 2 boundaries,
      # the regID is the column used by the function. If it is missing, the 
      # function will construct it based on the information provided in the 
      # regName column.  If either column is present, there must be more than 1 
      # region specified.  Having one region per area can be done, but is not very
      # useful.
      #  regID - numeric ID of the geographic region a collection of areas are a member.
      #  regName - character string of the name of the region identified by 
      #    regID.  Again it represents a region a collection of areas are
      #    a member.  The regID and regName list must represent the same collections
      #    of areas in the map.
      #  In the US, states can belong to one of 4 census regions.  Each area
      #  must belong to only one region, identified by regID and/or regName. 
      #  When "regionsB=TRUE" is set in the call, micromapST package will 
      #  draw the regional boundaries with the heavier line over the map.
      #  If the "dataRegionsOnly=TRUE" is set in the call, micromapST will
      #  only draw areas in regions where the user has provided rows of data
      #  in the data data.frame (statsDFrame).
      #  When one of the regional columns are present in the name table, 
      #  The aP_Regions flag in the areaParms data.frame is set to TRUE to 
      #  enable the regions features and indicate the regVisBorders boundary
      #  data is included in the border group.
      #  When inspected, the following columns were added to complete 
      #  the NameTable:
      #      Key and Link
      #  The "Key" is always set to the content of the "Abbr" field.  
      #  If the "Abbr" field is empty, the "Name" field will be used. 
      #  If the "Name" field is empty, the "ID" field will be used.  
      #  The "Link" field is set to values that allow the function 
      #  to associate each Name Table row with an area in the Shape file.
      #  Once the shape file and the name table are matched up, the Shape file
      #  and Name Table "Link" fields are replaced with a "Key" field containing
      #  the selected key.  In this manner the "Link" values don't have to be 
      #  easy for the micromapST user to remember.  The "Key" values should be.
      #  A good tool for editing and building the NameTable prior to running 
      #  this function is a spreadsheet. The finished worksheet representing
      #  the NameTable must be the first worksheet in the spreadsheet, the 
      #  first row must be the accepted column names, and no rows should be
      #  blank (no data and does not represent an area.) The
      #  spreadsheet can be saved as an .CS, .xls, or xlsx file.
      #  Name Table Modifications
      #  The Name Table also includes a few special columns used in the construction of the 
      #  Border Group but are not used in micromapST.  There fields provide information to 
      #  shift, scale and rotate the location of an area within the map.  
      #  In the U. S. border groups, these parameters were used to size and move Alaska, 
      #  Hawaii, and the District of Columbia and to re-size Rhode Island to make it more
      #  visible.  These columns will not be added to the Name Table, 
      #  but if they are present, they will be validated and used to modify 
      #  the polygons of the associated area.
      #   Xoffset, Yoffset - provide the shift values to move an area to a different location
      #       in the map space.  Since the shift process is done after the map is transformed 
      #       to the AEA projection or the caller has already changed the projection, the units
      #       are in meters.   For Xoffset, a neg value move the area to the left and pos 
      #       value to the right. For Yoffset, a neg value moves the area down and a pos value
      #       up.
      #   Scale  - Scale applys a percentage increase or decrease in size to both the X and Y axis. 
      #       Scaling is done by first converting the coordinates from their normal centroid (xc, yc)
      #       to a normalized 0,0 center. The coordinates are scale in relation to the center of 0,0 and 
      #       then restored to their original centroid of xc, yc.
      #       The values are in percentages.  Value of 100% is no change.
      #       Values < 100% are reduction in size.  Values > 100% are enlargement of area size.
      #       The default is NA.  The valid range is from 0.5% to 200%.
      #   Rotate - The number of degrees to rotate an area, from -360 to 360.  The default is 0.
      #       The rotation is done around the centroid of the area.  After rotating, the area may be 
      #       scaled or moved.
      #  The following optional columns are supported to help manipulate 
      #  the boundary data for an area. The offset moves are applied after 
      #  the transformation of the original SPDF/sf, so its units should 
      #  be in meters.
      #     Xoffset - (-) moves X values to the left and 
      #               (+) to the right 
      #     Yoffset - (-) moves Y values to down and (+) up
      #     Scale   - scaling in percentage (0.01% to 1000%) done around 
      #               the centroid of the area. For example, scaling Alaska 
      #               down by 50% and moving the state from the NW of 
      #               the continental US to just below California to make 
      #               the overall map more compact. The default is 100% or no change.
      #     Rotate  - the number of degree CW to rotate the area.  The valid
      #               range is -360 (CCW) to 360 (CW)  The default is 0 degree rotation.
      #     ModOrder -The modification order to execute the name table 
      #               modifications.  In some cases, the order can 
      #               effect the outcome of the re-combining of the area polygons.
      #               The valid range is 0 to "n".  (not implemented)
      #  Map Labeling
      #  Since it is possible to relocate an area far enough away from its normally 
      #  recognizable location, three more columns have been added to the name table
      #  to allow the border group builder to specify a very short label and the X, Y
      #  coordinates to draw the label on the map.  In the U.S. border group, labels were 
      #  added for "AK", "DC", and "HI".  No label was used for "RI".  
      #  The name table columns used for this labeling are: "MapL", "MapX", and "MapY" 
      #  for the text label (please keep to a few letters), and the X and Y coordinates.  
      #  The X and Y coordinates should be in the coordinates system used by the 
      #  original shape file. When the areas are shifted, scaled, or rotated, 
      #  these X,Y coordinates are not modified.  The builder should run the 
      #  function and then assess the correct location for the label. 
      #  The "MapL", "MapX", and "MapY" columns may be created by the 
      #  user. The older "MapLabel" name table column has been retired, but 
      #  will be translated into the new columns if seen. This feature is used in 
      #  rare cases, when a label is required for a moved area. 
      #  The labels are only drawn on the first micromap in the graphic.
      #  The old format of the defunct "MapLabel" field is Label,X,Y in quotes, where L is the label
      #  and X and Y are the numerical values for the labels draw coordinates. 
      #  After processing, the "MapLabel" field is deleted leaving the "MapL", "MapX",
      #  and "MapY" fields.
      #  MapLabel - (retired) for each area, MapLabel provides a vector of three values: 
      #    Label and x and y coordinates. When present in the NameTable, micromapST
      #    will draw a label on the first micro map at the oxy coordinates to help
      #    identify moved areas. In the U. S. States border group, extra area labels  
      #    are used for Alaska, Hawaii and District of Columbia, since they were 
      #    moved. The oxy values must be in the same units and orientation as the 
      #    oxy points in the final border group, meters. This options should only be 
      #    used less that 3 times in a border group.
      #    This field should normally be NA_character_. 
      #    The MapLabel field is being retired and replaced by three field
      #    (columns). The present MapLabel triple field is now processed into 
      #    the newer "MapL", "MapX", and "MapY" fields. New implementations 
      #    should use only the three columns. The "MapL" field contains the 
      #    text of the label to be drawn at the "MapX" and "MapY" coordinates.
      #    The coordinates for the label are the same coordinates system used 
      #    by the original shape file.  The X and Y values must take into 
      #    account any shifts, scaling or rotation planed for the area 
      #    being labeled.
      #    If the map coordinates are transformed from the original coordinates,
      #    the label ccordinates (MapX, MapY) also be transformed using a 
      #    SpatialPoints structure.  The original proj4 will be copied to 
      #    the structure. It will then be transformed as did the original map.  
      #    The new coordinates will be then
      #    be returned to the Name Table MapX and MapY field.
      #        MapL  - character, 2 character label for the offset area 
      #                 in the map.
      #        MapX & MapY - numeric x and y coordinates to draw the MapL text.
      #    The MapLabel information can be provided in the Name Table 
      #    using the "MapL", "MapX", and "MapY" columns. The use of the 
      #    MapLabel column is being retired.  Once the MapL, MapX, and MapY
      #    columns are constructed, the MapLabel column is deleted.
      #  Any extra columns (fields) in the spreadsheet will be ignored as the nametable
      #  is verified and completed.
      #  To be able to match the most input Name Tables with the Shape file, 
      #  All of the column names in the original Name Table are converted to 
      #  upper case.  Then matched against a list of the column names in upper case.
      #  The matches are returned to the column names with the proper upper and 
      #  lower case letter to match the rest of the software.
      #  Required Columns in csv / xlsw file  or passed as DF (NameTable)
      ##### 350x
      #  Variable Setup
      #cat("Name Table Variable Setup - Code 4717 \n")
      UserLinkCol <- c(NameTableLink)           # columns that must be present
      LinkCol   <- c("Link")
      OneCol    <- c("Abbr","Name","ID")        # columns that at least one must be present
      OptCol1   <- c("Alt_Abbr")                # extension to the OneCol list.
      OptCol3   <- c("Alias")
      OptCol2   <- c("L2_ID","L2_ID_Name","regID","regName")  # optional columns to be added.  L2 and Regional Info.
      ManCol    <- c("Xoffset","Yoffset","Scale","Rotate")
      ManOCol   <- c("ModOrder")
      #ProjCol  <- c("Proj","Proj4")                    # optional columns used for adjustments.
      ProjCol   <- NULL
      LabCol    <- c("MapLabel")
      Lab2Col   <- c("MapL","MapX","MapY")
      TotCol    <- unique(c("Key", OneCol, OptCol1, OptCol2, OptCol3, ManCol, ManOCol, 
                            ProjCol, LabCol, LinkCol, UserLinkCol, Lab2Col, "DoAdj"))  # combined list of all columns kept in the NameTable.
      MustCol   <- unique(c(LinkCol,OneCol,OptCol1))     # Link, Name, Abbr, ID columns  Plus
      KeyCol    <- unique(c(LinkCol,"Abbr","Alt_Abbr","ID","Name","Alias"))   # possible fields for the Key and in order of selection.
      AltCol    <- c("Link","Name","Abbr","ID","Alt_Abbr","Alias","L2_ID_Name", "regID","regName",
      AltColCaps <- stringr::str_to_upper(AltCol)  # get list of column names in upper case.
      StopFlag   <- FALSE
      ErrorFlag  <- FALSE
      ######  351x
      # Part 5.1 - read nametable .csv and validate   (or excel spreadsheet)
      #     The type of the NameTable file is determined in the call parameter check.
      # select correct code to read name table
      if (!NTPassed) {
         #cat("Opening Name Table @ Type:",NameTableType,"  Path:",NameTablePath,"\n")
         if (!file.exists(NameTablePath)) {
            # Name File does not exist.
            xmsg <- paste0("***3511 The Name Table Path provided to read the Name Table\n",
                           "        does not exist.\n",
                           "        Value is ",NameTablePath,"\n")           
            StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(xmsg)
         } else {
            NTable <- NULL
            NTable <- switch(NameTableType,
                         utils::read.csv(NameTablePath),     # .csv
                         readxl::read_xls(NameTablePath),    # .xls    
                         readxl::read_xlsx(NameTablePath),   # .xlsm 
                         load(NameTablePath)                 # .rda
            cat("***3510 The Name Table was read from:",NameTablePath,"\n")
            # NameTable stored as .rda file.
            if (NameTableType == 4) {  #  a .rda file has been loaded and may contain multiple data.frame.
               # the value of NTable is a list of objects loaded from the load.
               xm <- match("areaNamesAbbrsIDs",NTable)
               if (is.na(xm)) {
                  # a "areaNamesAbbrsIDs" name table was not included in load.
                  # If only one data.frame was loaded, try to use it.
                  if (length(NTable) == 1) {
                     xDfName <- NTable[[1]][1]    # get name of the table.
                     NTable  <- get(xDfName)      # get name of DF read
                     if (!methods::is(NTable,"data.frame")) {
                           StopFlag <- stopCntMsg("***3512 The NameTable in the .rda file is not a data.frame.\n",
                                                  "        Please correct and retry.\n")
                    # We have good data.frame to use as the NameTable
                  } else {
                     StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3514 There are more than one data.frame in the .rda file provided\n",
                                                   "        for the NameTable. Provide only one data.frame table\n",
                                                   "        in the .rda and retry.\n"))
                  #  StopFlag == TRUE of we have a data.frame to use as the name table.
               } else {
                  #   the areaNamesAbbrsIDs data frame was in the data set loaded - use it.
                  NTable <- areaNamesAbbrsIDs   #  Make he viable old areaNamesAbbrsIDs date frame the working Name Table.
               # The name table (if present) has been placed in the NTable data.frame
               # Finished with setup up .rds data frame as Name Table.
            # All readings of the Name Table are equal and unknown at this time - equally.
         }  # End of existing path check
      # if NTPassed, NTable is already loaded with the passed data.frame
      if (StopFlag) {
          xmsg <- paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above. Execution stopped.\n",
                         "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n")
          stop(xmsg, call.=FALSE)
      StopFlag = FALSE
      #cat("End of Name Table Read - Code 4819 \n")
      ##### 352x
      #  Part 5.2 - Validate Name Table 
      #   Check upper case and other variations - Do uppercase, then find match in array and 
      #    get correct upper/lower version for the code.
      NTable      <- as.data.frame(NTable,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)   # its now a data.frame
      NTNames     <- names(NTable)
      NTable02    <- NTable
      #  Convert column names to the proper upper and lower case
      #  step 1 - make all of them upper case
      NTNamesOrig <- NTNames
      NTNames     <- stringr::str_to_upper(NTNames)
      #  step 2 - match them against the AltColCaps list.
      xm          <- match(NTNames,AltColCaps)
      xmna        <- is.na(xm)  # no match
      #  step 3 - replace any matches in the original list.  (no match stay as is.)
      NTNames     <- AltCol[xm]  # update enties that matched.
      NTNames[xmna] <- NTNamesOrig[xmna]   # restore entires that did not match
      if (bitwAnd(debug,64) != 0) { 
         cat("Updated Name Table column names: \n")  #  Code 4917 \n")
         print(data.frame(o=NTNamesOrig, n=NTNames))   # if one is wrong it remains upper cast.
      names(NTable) <- NTNames  #  up date column names.
      #cat("Name Table Columns:",NTNames,"\n")
      if (length(NTNames) <= 0) {
         xmsg <- paste0("***3521 The Name Table has no columns of data.")
         StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(xmsg)
      if (dim(NTable)[1] <= 0) {
         xmsg <- paste0("***3522 The Name Table has no rows or areas.")
         StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(xmsg)
      if (StopFlag) {
   	 stop(paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above. Execution stopped.\n",
   	             "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n"))
      NTable0 <- NTable
      #  Must haves:   "Link"  (or one provided by user) and 
      #      at least one "Location Identifier" - "Name", "Abbr", "ID"
      #      Optional ties to data are "Alt-Abr" should only be used 
      #      if "Abbr" is filled and an alternate is needed.
      #      "Alias" is a special identifier to be used as needed.
      ##### 353x
      #  Part 5.3 is the Link column still in the table?  (required columns)
      # check "link" column name (provided by user or default)
      #cat("Part 5.3 - Code 4880 \n")
      NTable03    <- NTable
      NTableLink  <- rep(NA,dim(NTable)[1]) 
      # build empty Link table column.
      #cat("Empty NTlink Table = length:",length(NTableLink),"\n")
      xm          <- any(NameTableLink == NTNames)     # is the name in the list.  def="Link"
      if (!xm) {  # error link not present.
         xmsg        <- paste0("***3532 The column specified in the NameTableLink calling parameter\n",
                               "        does not exist in the loaded Name Table.\n")
         StopFlag    <- stopCntMsg(xmsg)               # can't do this test until now.
      } else {
         NTableLink  <- NTable[,NameTableLink]         # get copy of link data
         NTableLink  <- stringr::str_trim(NTableLink)  # clean up.
         # move data to the link column name
         NTable$Link <- NTableLink                     # not a risk of over writing - This is our column.
      NTNames       <- names(NTable)
      #NameTableLink <- "Link"   # kill off old information.    Old column no longer required
      #cat("Checking name table for required minimum columns.\n")
      ###### 354x 
      #  Part 5.4 - In forming the name table, the shapefiles have 
      #      data columns that may have clues as to which could be 
      #      used for each of these. The caller can use this 
      #      information there research to build the name table.
      #  The Caller must provide a name table that has at last 
      #  a Name, Abbr, or ID column.
      #cat("Checking name table to make sure at least one column is Name, Abbr, or ID.\n")
      xmPres    <- sum(OneCol %in% NTNames)
      if (xmPres==0) {
         # The key loc ids were not found in the Name Table column list.
         xmsg <- paste0("***3542 At least one of the following columns must be present in the\n",
                        "        NameTable file:", paste0(OneCol,collapse=", "),"\n")
         warning(xmsg, call.=FALSE)
         xmsg2 <- "  Please correct the spreadsheet and try again."
         StopFlag <- TRUE
      ###### 355x
      #  Part 5.5 - Remove any columns not in our acceptable list  (can delete the user named link - NOW!
      #cat("Part 5.5 - Code 4934 \n")
      xmM          <- TotCol %in% NTNames          # identify good columns
      KeepList     <- TotCol[xmM]
      DelList      <- NTNames[!(NTNames %in% TotCol)]
      if (length(DelList) > 0 ) {
         cat("***3550 The following columns are not needed and will be deleted\n",
             "        from the Name Table :\n")
         NTable    <- NTable[,KeepList]           # Clean up what we cant handle
      NTNames      <- names(NTable)
      ###### 356x
      #         Columns that should have values and no duplicates.
      #  Part 5.6  - Clean up the data in each column.  Included Link column
      #            Check for NA or "" Values
      #            Check for duplicate Values
      #cat("Part 5.6 - Code 4956 \n")
      NoDupCol   <- c(LinkCol, OneCol, OptCol1, OptCol3)   # list of columns that cant have duplicate entries.
      NoDupList  <- NTNames[NTNames %in% NoDupCol]
      #cat("Name Table - The following location id columns will be validated:",paste0(NoDupList,collapse=", ",sep=""),"\n")
      for ( inx in NoDupList )  {
         # check for duplicates.  No format check.  Should not be NA or "".
         #cat("Checking Name Table NoDup Column:",inx,"\n")
         Wrk       <- NTable[,inx]   # get data
         Wrk       <- stringr::str_trim(Wrk)
         UniWrk    <- unique(Wrk)
         if (length(Wrk) != length(UniWrk))  {
            # duplicates in list.
            xmsg       <- paste0("***3562 The ",inx," column contains duplicate entries. \n",
                                 "        Correct and retry.\n")
            StopFlag   <- stopCntMsg(xmsg)
         if (any(is.na(Wrk)) | any("" == Wrk)) {
            xmsg       <- paste0("***3564 The ",inx," column contains NA or blank values\n",
                                 "        that are not allowed.\n")
            StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(xmsg)
      if (StopFlag) {
   	 stop(paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above. Execution stopped.\n",
   	             "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n"))
      #  Now work on cleaning up the contents of the columns and back fill 
      #  important columns 
      xm0  <- any("Name" == NTNames)   # is the "Name" column present?
      if (xm0) {   # yes it is
         NTable$Name <- stringr::str_replace_all(NTable$Name,"[[:punct:]]", "")   # remove punctuation from the Name field.
      # this must also be added to filter the row names on the user supplied data.frame
      ###### 357x
      #  Part 5.7 - Backfill to create "Abbr" -> "Name" ->  "ID"  (Location IDs)
      #cat("Part 5.7 - Name Table Backfill:  If Abbr is missing, can use Name, ID, Alt-Abbr or Alias VALUES.\n")
      ######  355x & 357x
      #  Part 5.7.1 - Abbr - field (# 1)
      xm1     <-  any("Abbr" == NTNames)
      if (!xm1) {
         warning(paste0("***3572 The Abbr column in the Name Table is not included. \n",
                        "        Will attempt to backfill the Abbr from other information.\n"),call.=FALSE)
         #  What can we use as a replacement
         xm1    <- any("Alt_Abbr" ==  NTNames)   # is the alternate abbr column present ???
         if (xm1) {
            # Use Alt_Abbr for Abbr
            #cat("Used Alt-Abbr for Abbr.\n")
            NTable$Abbr <- NTable$Alt_Abbr
         } else {         
            # the Alt_Abbr column is not present.
            xm1     <- any("Name" == NTNames)
         	 if (xm1) {
               # Use Name for Abbr
               #cat("Used Name for Abbr.\n")
               NTable$Abbr <- NTable$Name
            } else {            
               # the Name column is not present.
         	    xm1     <- any("ID" == NTNames)
         	    if (xm1) {
                  # Use ID for Abbr	      
         	       #cat("Used ID for Abbr.\n")
         	       NTable$Abbr <- NTable$ID
         	    } else {
                  # ID field is not present
         	       xm1    <- any("Link" == NTNames)
         	       if (xm1) {
                     # Use Link for Addr
         	          #cat("Used Link for Abbr.\n")
         	          NTable$Abbr <- NTable$Link  # $Link may not be Shape$Link
         	       } else {
                     # Link field is not present 	     
         	          xm1    <- any("Alias" == NTNames)
         	          if (xm1) {
         	             # use the Alias as the Abbr
         	             #cat("Used Alias for Abbr.\n")
         	             NTable$Abbr <- NTable$Alias
         	          } else { 
         	             # the Alias column is not present. 
         	             # Nothing left to backfill with.
         	             # This can not happen.  STOP
         	             xmsg <- paste0("***3576 None of the columns needed are present. The Link and\n",
         	                            "        one of the Name, Abbr, and ID column should have been there.\n",
         	                            "        This should never happen with the previous checks.\n")
      } else {
        # Abbr field is present - no backfill needed.
        if (bitwAnd(debug,32) != 0) 
           cat("***3573 The Name Table Abbr field is persent-no backfill required.\n")
      #   Add check for length of abbreviation
      xAbbrMax <- max(nchar(NTable$Abbr,keepNA=TRUE))   # get maximum length of Abbr values
      if (xAbbrMax > 6) {
         xmsg <- paste0("***3574 Some of the Name Table Abbr values are longer than\n",
                        "        6 characters. It is recommended the Abbr values be keep short.\n")
         warning(xmsg, call.=FALSE)
      #  Abbr field is now setup no matter what.
      ######  357x
      #  Part 5.7.2 - Name
      #cat("Part 5.7.2 - Name Table Backfill:  If Name is missing, can use Abbr, ID, Alt-Abbr or Alias VALUES.\n")
      xm1    <- any("Name" == NTNames)
      if (!xm1) {
          # The Name column is not present.
          #cat("no Name field present - attempting to find a usable substitution.\n")
          # Name is not present  - find a backfill
          xm2    <- any("Abbr" == NTNames)
          if (xm2) {
             #  Use Abbr for Name
             #cat("Used Abbr for Name.\n")
             NTable$Name <- NTable$Abbr
          } else {
             # Abbr is not present - keep looking
             xm2   <- any("Alt_Abbr" == NTNames)
             if (xm2) {
                # Use Alt_Abbr for Name
                #cat("Used Alt_Abbr for Name.\n")
                NTable$Name <- NTable$Alt_Abbr
             } else {
                # Alt_Abbr is not present - keep looking
                xm2    <- any("ID" == NTNames)
                if (xm2) {
                   # Use ID for Name
                   #cat("Used ID for Name.\n")
                   NTable$Name <- NTable$ID
                } else {                
                   # ID is not present
                   xm2   <- any("Alias" == NTNames)
                   if (xm2) {
                      # Use Alias for Name.
                      #cat("Used Alias for Name.\n")
                      NTable$Name <- as.character(NTable$Alias)    
                   } else {
                      # no Alias field is present
                      xmsg <- paste0("***3576 None of the columns needed are present.  \n",
         	                     "       The Link and one of the Name, Abbr, and ID column \n",
         	                     "       should have been there. This should never happen\n",
         	                     "       with the previous checks.\n")
         	        } # end Alias 
                } # end ID
             } # end Alt_Abbr
          } # end Abbr
      #} else {
         #cat("Name Table Name field if present.\n")
      } # end of Name - it exists
      #  At this point, Name and Abbr should have valid data 
      #   or was backfilled.
      ###### 357x
      #  Part 5.7.3 - backfill Alt_Abbr 
      #cat("Part 5.7.3 - backfill Alt_Abbr \n")
      xm2          <- any("Alt_Abbr" == NTNames)
      if (!xm2) {
         # no Alt_Abbr Present, but Abbr is (by now)!
         ####### Backfill from Abbr.  If Abbr was not present, 
         #  it was backfilled from name.
         #cat("Name Table Alt_Abbr column is not present,",
         #  " will backfilling Alt_Abbr with Abbr.\n")
         NTable$Alt_Abbr <- NTable$Abbr # backfill with Abbr
      #  Reset NameTable name lists - could have added one.
      NTNames      <- names(NTable)  # refresh the name list
      ###### 357x
      #  Part 5.7.4 - backfill Alias
      #cat("Part 5.7.4 - backfill Alias \n")
      xm2          <- any("Alias" == NTNames)
      if (!xm2) {
         # no Alias, Backfill from Name
         #cat("Name Table Alias column is not present,",
         #   " will backfilling Alias with Name values.\n")
         NTable$Alias <- NTable$Name
      #  Abbr and Name columns either existed or is now backfilled from
      #    1) Abbr, 2) Name, 3) ID, 4) Alt_Abbr, or 5) Alias.
      #  All exist and are filled user provided info, or backfilled from 
      #  other fields.
      #  Reset NameTable name lists - could have added one.
      NTNames   <- names(NTable)  # refresh the name list
      NumNTable <- dim(NTable)[1]
      ###### 358x
      #  Part 5.8 ID column
      #cat("***3582 Checking ID column in the name table to make sure the values\n",
      #    "        are numeric with leading zeros.\n")
      xm1    <- any("ID" == NTNames) 
      if (!xm1) {
         # ID field is not present.  Create the ID column using 
         #  a numerical sequence 1 to n.
         #  Since it must be a numeric field, must fill it in with a 
         #  sequence of numbers.
         xmsg  <- paste0("***3584 The ID column is not present. A numerical sequence number has\n",
                         "        been used to fill the column.\n")
         xlen      <- dim(NTable)[1]
         NTable$ID <- (seq(101,101+xlen-1))
      } else {
         # Test that then are numeric
         NTable$ID <- as.numeric(NTable$ID)    # convert to numeric.
         if (any(is.na(NTable$ID))) {
            # some numeric values did not convert.
            # get list of invalid ID
            xmna      <- is.na(NTable$ID)      
            # get row.names for the IDs with problems.
            BadList   <- NTable$Name[xmna]     
            ErrorFlag <- 
               errCntMsg(paste0("***3586 The ID data column is not all numeric values.\n",
                                "        Values will be assigned.\n"))
            # get maximum value to start a extension list.
            xMax      <- max(NTable$ID,na.rm=TRUE)   
            xmTF      <- is.na(NTable$ID)  # get list of bad rows.
            xmNum     <- sum(xmTF)
            NTable$ID[xmTF] <- seq(xMax+10,xMax+10+xmNum)
      # ensure all off the IDs are numeric and have the same number of 
      # digits (with leading zeros.)  (Option??) 
      # convert numeric to character
      NTable$ID    <- as.character(NTable$ID)
      # find the max number of characters in the IDs
      NTable$ID    <- stringr::str_pad(NTable$ID,max(nchar(NTable$ID)),
      #  Reset NameTable name lists - could have added one.
      NTNames      <- names(NTable)  # refresh the name list
      ##### 359x
      #  Part 5.9 - validate and fill in L2_ID and L2_ID_Name 
      #  L2_ID  variable (level 2 boundaries)
      #cat("Clean up L2_ID and L2_ID_Name columns if needed.\n")
      #cat("Part 5.9 - L2_ID and Name.\n")
      L2Feature = FALSE    # disabled - make me turn it on.
      xm2          <- any("L2_ID" == NTNames)
      if (!xm2) {
         # no L2_ID present   - check for L2_ID_Name
         xm3       <- any("L2_ID_Name" == NTNames)
         if (!xm3) {
            #  L2_ID not present and L2_ID_Name is not present 
            L2Feature = FALSE
            #  Create entries one area per L2 area.  Don't build L2 columns.
            #NTable$L2_ID      <- seq(from=1,to=NumNTable)
            #NTable$L2_ID_Name <- paste0("L2_",NTable$L2_ID)
            # do not create two new columns.  Feature Off.
         } else {
            # L2_ID is not present, but L2_ID_Name is.
            NTable$L2_ID_Name <- stringr::str_trim(NTable$L2_ID_Name)
            if (any(is.na(NTable$L2_ID_Name)) | any(NTable$L2_ID_Name=="")) {
               xmsg <-paste0("***3590 Name Table L2_ID_Name column contains row(s) with NAs or '' \n",
                             "        values.  The L2 feature is disabled.\n")
               ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(xmsg)  # not all of the L2_ID_Names are present. ERROR
               L2Feature <- FALSE
            } else {
               # have a full list of L2_ID_Names
               # get unique list.
               uL2_ID_Name       <- 
               # get an ID value
               tempL2_ID         <- match(NTable$L2_ID_Name,uL2_ID_Name)
               # create L2_ID
               NTable$L2_ID      <- tempL2_ID                              
               # use L2_ID_Name for any pattern and repeats. Then copy 
               # that numerically into L2_ID
               L2Feature         <- TRUE
      } else {
         # L2_ID is present, but no L2_ID_Name column
         NTable$L2_ID  <- stringr::str_trim(NTable$L2_ID)
         # we got all we need.
         if (any(is.na(NTable$L2_ID)) | any(NTable$L2_ID == "")) {
            # have empty or na rows in L2_ID
            xmsg <- paste0("***3592 Name Table L2_ID column contains row(s) with NAs or '' \n",
                           "        values.  The L2 feature is disabled.\n")
            ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(xmsg)
            L2Feature = FALSE
         } else {
            # Have good set of L2_IDs.
            L2Feature   <- TRUE
            xm3   <- any("L2_ID_Name" == NTNames)
            if (!xm3) {
               # no L2_ID_name   
               # NTable$L2_ID_Name <- paste0("L2_",NTable$L2_ID)  # don't create L2_ID_Name
               x <- 1   # don't create new column.
            } else {
               # Both exist - leave them along.
               NTable$L2_ID_Name <- stringr::str_trim(NTable$L2_ID_Name)
               # are they the same pattern?  We go by L2_ID anyway - no need to check.
            #  Check for only 1 L2_ID - not allowed.
            L2Num  <- length(NTable$L2_ID)
            UL2Num <- length(unique(NTable$L2_ID))
            if (UL2Num == L2Num || UL2Num == 1 ) {
               L2Feature = FALSE   # turn it off.
      #  Reset NameTable name lists - could have added one.
      NTNames <- names(NTable)  # refresh the name list

      ###### 359x
      #   Part 5.9 - Validate RegID and RegName
      #cat("Clean up regID and regName columns.\n")
      RegFeature = FALSE
      xm7 <- any("regID" == NTNames)
      if (!xm7) {
         # no regID present
         xm8 <- any("regName" == NTNames)
         if (!xm8) {
            # no regName and regID are present  - one region per area.
            #NTable$regID   <- seq(from=1, to=NumNTable)
            #NTable$regName <- paste0("RegN",NTable$regID)
            RegFeature      <- FALSE       # disabled.  don't create new columns
         } else {
            # regNames are present, create regID
            NTable$regName <- stringr::str_trim(NTable$regName)
            if (any(is.na(NTable$regName)) || any(NTable$regName == "")) {
               # have missing values in the regNames
               xmsg <- paste0("***3596 Name Table regName column contains row(s) with NAs or '' values.\n",
                              "        Regions feature is disabled.\n")
	       ErrorStop  <- errCntMsg(xmsg)
               RegFeature <- FALSE  #  can't do the region feature
            } else {
               # no regID present but the regName column is and it is complete.
               uRegName          <- 
               tempRegID         <- match(NTable$regName, uRegName)
               NTable$regID      <- tempRegID
               # use regName to set the pattern for the regions
               RegFeature        <- TRUE
      } else {
         # regID present. 
         NTable$regID <- stringr::str_trim(NTable$regID)
         # regID are present.
         if (any(is.na(NTable$regID)) || any(NTable$regID == "")) {
            # have missing values regIDs.
            xmsg       <- paste0("***3598 Name Table regID column contains row(s) with NAs or '' values.\n",
                                 "        Regions feature is disabled.\n")
	    ErrorStop  <- errCntMsg(xmsg)
            RegFeature <- FALSE   # disable RegFeature
	 } else {
            xm7 <- any("regName" == NTNames)
            if (!xm7) {
               # but no regName  - choose to not create regNames column, not needed.
               #NTable$regName <- paste0("RegN",NTable$regID)  # not done.
               x <- 1  # don't create more columns.
            } else {
               # both columns are present - nothing to do..
               NTable$regName <- stringr::str_trim(NTable$regName)  # clean up column
            RegFeature = TRUE  # good regID list - enable 
      #  Reset NameTable name lists - could have added one.
      NTNames <- names(NTable)  # refresh the name list
      ##### 3599
      #  Do we activate the regional feature?
      #  Must have more than one region id in list.
      #  If the number of unique region IDs = 1 or the number of 
      #  region IDs equals the length of the name table, then
      #  disable the RegFeature - There are no regions to speak of.
      if (RegFeature)  {
         # the regional feature has been enabled, see if this is valid.
         RegNum    <- length(NTable$regID)          # number of entries in name table
         x         <- length(unique(NTable$regID))  # number of unique regIDs.
         if (x == 1 || x == RegNum) {
            # only one region or the number of regions = number of rows(areas) in name table
            RegFeature   <-  FALSE
            xmsg <- paste0("***3599 The Region Feature has been disabled. The number of\n",
                           "        regions defined is as either 1 or is equal to\n",
                           "        the number of areas.\n")

      if (StopFlag) {
   	 stop(paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above. Execution stopped.\n",
   	             "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n"))
      #  Assorted columns
      ##### 361x   #####
      #  Part 6.1 - Validate Key and Set Correctly.
      #  Key
      xm9    <- any("Key" == NTNames)
      if (!xm9) {
         # no Key field provided.
         #cat("Backfilling Key with Abbr.\n")
         NTable$Key <- NTable$Abbr   # use name field or backfill
      NTNames <- names(NTable)  # refresh the name list
      row.names(NTable) <- NTable$Key
      if (bitwAnd(debug, 4) != 0) {
         cat("Proj Flags - ShpProjLL:",ShpProjLL, "  DoUserProj4:",DoUserProj4,
              "  DoModProj4:",DoModProj4,  "  DoBldAEAProj:",DoBldAEAProj,"\n")
      #    Adjust Name, Abbr, Alt_Abbr, ID, and Key values.
      #cat("Code 5436 - Name Table after Name, Abbr, ID, L2 and Rg columns checked.\n")
      ##### 362x
      #  Part 6.2 - Modification Column Checks and builds 
      #           (Valid Parmeters) MUST WAIT.
      # Other Column has a range associated with it.  The table is 
      # based on the units in the original ShapeFile. Can't depend 
      # on ShpProjLL at this moment.
      # Should we allow these columns to be miss cased and forced to 
      # UPPER case to process.

      WorkSf01BBox  <- sf::st_bbox(WorkSf01)   # linear vector X,Y,X,Y
      ManCol    <- c("Xoffset","Yoffset","Scale","Rotate")
      if (diff(WorkSf01BBox[c(1,3)]) <= 360 ) {    # difference in X values (long)
         #  best guess is it is longlat.
         ModCols <- data.frame(n=ManCol, 
              low = c(-360, -360,0.0001,-360), 
              high= c(360,360,10,360), 
              def = c(0,0,1,0))
      } else {
         # Otherwise it is meters, km, etc.
         ModCols <- data.frame(n=ManCol, 
              low = c(-24000000, -24000000,0.0001,-360), 
              high= c(24000000,24000000,10,360), 
              def = c(0,0,1,0))
      row.names(ModCols) <- ModCols$n
      NTable     <- as.data.frame(NTable,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      NTNames    <- names(NTable)
      #cat("Prior to column check - 5536\n")

      # As a coding safety measure, if a modification column does 
      # not exist, one will be created and filled with NA.
      xm         <- !(ManCol %in% NTNames)    # which modify columns don't exist
      # Fill in default values for missing columns.
      for (ntc in ManCol[xm]) {
          def  <- ModCols[ntc,"def"]
          #cat("column:",ntc,"  def:",def,"\n")
          NTable[,ntc] <- def
      xm         <- !xm
      # list of columns to check-The others were just added.
      Def_ModVal     <- rep(FALSE,dim(NTable)[1])
      # One per row.  Each valid operation forces a TRUE.
      NTable$DoAdj   <- FALSE   # All of the rows. 
      NTableRN       <- row.names(NTable)   # list of rows to check
      #1 get name of row to work on.  Cycle through rows.
      for (inxRN in NTableRN) { 
         AllDoMod  <- FALSE    # initially - no work to do for this row.
         # check to see if NTable row is set to the defaults 
         # - no need to check further.
         for (inx in ManCol) { 
            #   Check each value for row for this modifier.
            DoMod       <- FALSE            
            ModDef      <- ModCols[inx,"def"]    
            WrkVal <- NTable[inxRN,inx]  # a value to inspect.
            if (is.na(WrkVal)) { 
                 WrkVal <- ModDef     # NA - next value Set Def.
            if (WrkVal == "") {
                 WrkVal = ModDef
                 next      # "" - next value
            if (WrkVal == ModDef) {
                 next  # default - next value
            # values of NA and "" are set to the defaults.
            #cat("Checking Name Table Manipulation Row-Column:",inxRN,
            #    " - ",inx,"\n")
            # cycle through each value for each row
            # set up for the specific test for this column  # warning - st_shift
            LLim        <- ModCols[inx,"low"]    
            HLim        <- ModCols[inx,"high"]
            #cat("Mod Table:",inx," value test-Low:",LLim,", High:",HLim,
            #    ", def=",ModDef,".\n")
            # it is not one of the no action values, check it for real.
            WrkVal      <- stringr::str_trim(WrkVal)  # Clean up value
            WrkVal2     <- as.numeric(WrkVal)
            #cat("inxRN:",inxRN,"  inx:",inx,"  WrkVal:",WrkVal2,"\n")
            if (is.na(WrkVal2)) { #3 it is not a numeric value.
               xmsg <- paste0("***3622 The Name Table in the ",inxRN," area row and in the \n",
                              "        ",inx," column is not numeric. \n",
                              "        It has a bad value of: ",WrkVal,"\n",
                              "        Value set to the default. Fix and retry.\n")
               ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(xmsg)
               WrkVal2   <- ModDef
            } else { #3
               # good numeric - now check range.
               # Range Check.
               if (WrkVal2 > HLim || WrkVal2 < LLim) { #4
                  xmsg     <- 
                     paste0("***3624 Data in row : ",inxRN," for ",inx," parameter\n",
                            "        is ",WrkVal2," and out of range. (",formatC(LLim,format="f",width=4)," to ",formatC(HLim,format="f",width=4),")\n")
                  StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(xmsg)
               } else { #4
                  # good number 
                  DoMod <- TRUE   # good value
               } #4
            } #3
            if (DoMod) { #5
               AllDoMod <- ( AllDoMod || DoMod )
            } #5
         } #2  Default or Validate the row?.
         NTable[inxRN,"DoAdj"] <- AllDoMod
      } #1 loop through each row (area)
      NTNames  <- names(NTable) ###  Code: 5511 - Point a
      if (StopFlag) {
   	 stop(paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above.  Execution stopped.\n",
   	             "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n"))
      NTable3 <- NTable
      NTNames <- names(NTable)
      ##### 363x  (0-4)
      #  Part 6.3 - MapLabel validation - two formats
      #      MapLabel="AK,1,2"   or MapL="AK", MapX=1, MapY=2
      #      Note -MapL should really not have the string quoted.
      #      But since it could be, we will remove any quotes.
      #  Check for the MapL,MapX,and MapY format and columns first.
      #  Part 6.3.1 - MapL, MapX, and MapY Name Table columns
      #  If MapL is present with valid MapX and MapY, ignore 
      #  MapLabel column - retired.
      #  Setup up for MapL, MapX, MapY, conversion of MapLabel 
      #  and then validation
      MapLData <- FALSE     # no MapL data, may be MapLabel data.
      NTable1  <- NTable
      nrNT     <- dim(NTable)[1]
      xMapL    <- rep(NA,nrNT)
      xMapX    <- xMapL
      xMapY    <- xMapL
      #  Do we have MapL columns?
      im8      <- any("MapL" == NTNames)        # is MapL column present
      if (im8) {
         # MapL present, validate MapL, MapX, and MapY.  
         # If good, ignore MapLabel.
         # remove head and tail white space.
         MapL           <- stringr::str_trim(NTable$MapL)   # get a copy for processing
         MapL[MapL==""] <- NA_character_    # no label set to NA
         MapL1          <- str_remove_all(MapL,'\"')
         MapL           <- str_remove_all(MapL1,"\'")
         NTable$MapL    <- MapL
         MapLNA         <- rep(NA_character_,length(NTable$MapL))
         if (all(is.na(MapL) | MapL=="")) {
            # MapL column is empty  - don't have to check MapX and MapY   
            # - go check for MapLabel.
            MapL <- MapLNA  #  set all to <NA>
         } else {
            # Validate the MapL  - at least one is present
            # methods::is(NTable$MapL,"character") is against the entire column, not entry.
            xmNoNA    <- !is.na(NTable$MapL)          # not an <NA>  * (old MapLs) have label?
            if (!methods::is(NTable$MapL,"character")) {  # the column is character..  step 1
              # column not character - logic or numeric
              xmsg        <- paste0("***3630 The MapL column in the name table is not character data.\n",
                             "        Labeling will not be done.\n") 
              ErrorFlag   <- errCntMsg(xmsg)
              NTable$MapL <- MapLNA
            } else {
              # possible labels are in rows xmNoNA = TRUE
              im9 <- (any("MapX" == NTNames) && any("MapY" == NTNames) ) 
              if (!im9) {    # do we have MapX and MapY columns - no one or the other is missing.
                 # one of the companion columns is missing.
                 xmsg   <- paste0("***3631 If the MapL column is present with label(s), then MapX and\n",
                                  "        MapY must be present.  One or the other is missing.\n",
                                  "        Labeling is not done.\n")
                 ErrorFlag    <- errCntMsg(xmsg)
                 NTable$MapX  <- NA
                 NTable$MapY  <- NA
                 MapL         <- MapLNA   # fix it later.
              } else {
                 # have both needed x,y coordinates columns
                    NTable$MapX  <- as.numeric(NTable$MapX)
                    NTable$MapY  <- as.numeric(NTable$MapY)
                 if (all(is.na(NTable[xmNoNA,"MapX"]))) {
                    # the MapX values are all missing or invalid.
                    xmsg <- paste0("***3632 MapL value is present and there are no valid MapX coordinates.\n",
                                   "        Labeling will not be done.")
                    ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(xmsg)
                 } else {
                    # we have MapX
                    if (all(is.na(NTable[xmNoNA,"MapY"]))) {
                       # The MapY values are all missing
                       xmsg <- paste0("***3633 MapL is present and there are no valid MapY coordinates.\n",
                                      "        Labeling will not be done.\n")
                       ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(xmsg)
                    } else {
                       # We do have MapX and MapY
                       # step through the values for final validation
                       # xmMap has TRUE set for each row with MapL
                       MapList  <- seq(1,length(NTable$MapL))[xmNoNA]   # get list of rows with MapL labels.
                       # MapList should be list of index numbers of name table rows.
                       for (inx in MapList) { 
                          # Step through list of row index and check it out
                          xxMapL <- NTable[inx,"MapL"]
                          #cat("MapL:",xxMapL," len:",nchar(xxMapL),"\n")
                          # label for error messages
                          NTN <- NTable[inx,"Name"]        # get name field for message.
                          if (nchar(xxMapL) > 3) {
                             # too long a label > 3 chars
                             xmsg <- 
                                paste0("***3634 The MapL label - ",xxMapL," -  for area ",NTN," should be 3 or less\n",
                                       "        characters to be usable.\n")
                                ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(xmsg)
                          } else {
                             # build table of just the MapL labels.
                             MapLData <- TRUE   # have good MapL, X, and Y.
                       # it is all stored in the Name Table - validate later.
         #NTable$MapL <- MapL   # restore MapL values to Name Table  (Done above)
      #  End of MapL, MapX, and MapY processing
      #  Have information in NTable data.frame
      #cat("Status of MapLData:",MapLData,"\n")
      ##### 363x  (5-7)
      #  Part 6.3.2 - MapLabel - and break it up into three fields 
      #        (MapL, MapX, MapY)
      #  The format for the MapLabel Name Table entry is a character 
      #  string containing three character values separated by commas.
      #  Example:   "AK,3,5"  where the first field in the label to 
      #    be drawn (text) and the second and third fields are the 
      #    x and y coordinates to drawn the label.
      #  If MapL was present and valid, the MapLabel call parameter 
      #  will be ignored in favor of the MapL, MapX, and MapY 
      #  columns in the Name Table.
      #  The x,y coordinates used to draw the label must be in the 
      #  same coordinates system and units as the original shape file.  
      #  The points are used to create a SpatialPoints structure.
      #  If the maps is transformed, the points for the Map labels 
      #  are also transformed and NTable is updated.
      if (!MapLData) {
         # if TRUE, then we already built MapL, X, and Y. Skip MapLabel processing.
         # No MapL, MapX, MapY columns present.  Thus no MapLData 
         # processed.  Can have one or the other, but not both.
         # is the MapLabel column present?  
         xm8 <-  any("MapLabel" == NTNames)  
         # Clear out result columns.
         NTable$MapL     <- NA
         NTable$MapX     <- NA
         NTable$MapY     <- NA
         if (!xm8) {
            # no MapLabel field (column)  create the column and 
            # fill with NA
            #cat("no MapLabel, Do not build column\n")
            NTable$MapLabel <- NULL  # make sure it is removed.
            # no MapLabel parameters in Name Table..
         } else {
            # Column is present - check for any content
            # clean up all strings in column
            NTable$MapLabel <- stringr::str_trim(NTable$MapLabel)  
            if (all(is.na(NTable$MapLabel)) || 
                       all(NTable$MapLabel == "")) {
               # column is empty - skip processing it.
               x <- 1
               #cat("***3635 No MapLabel content - processing skipped.\n")
            } else {
               # there should be some entries to validate - usually 
               # no more than 6 or so.
               for (inxRN in row.names(NTable)) {           
                  # Scan each Name Table row.
                  # check for format of each entry.  if a true 
                  # MapLabel entry, move data to MapL, MapX, MapY.
                  # a copy of the single value
                  WrkVal <- NTable[inxRN,"MapLabel"] 
                  #  Check for the default - no action values.
                  if (is.na(WrkVal)) next   # MapLabel = NA
                  if (WrkVal=="")  {
                      WrkVal = NA
                      next   # MapLabel = ""
                  # Parse the MapLabel - three components.
                  # parse first field nchar > 1 - use only the first value
                  WrkValV   <- WrkVal[[1]][1]      
                  # one element / split into many
                  WrkValV   <- 
                  # Now check for number of items and type
                  #cat("WrkValV - split:",
                  #   paste0(WrkValV,collapse=", ",sep=""),"\n")
                  if (methods::is(WrkValV,"vector") && length(WrkValV)==3 ) {   
                     # Yes, value must be a vector of three items
                     # Check each out the three values, none can be 
                     # blank or NA
                     WrkValV <- stringr::str_trim(WrkValV)
                     if (any(is.na(WrkValV)) || any(WrkValV == "")) {
                        # Empty entry one of the values is blank or NA
                        xmsg <- paste0("***3636 Some of the items in the MapLabel entry for ",inxRN,"\n",
                                       "        are NA or blanks. Will be ignored.\n")
                        ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(xmsg)
                     } else {
                        # all entries contain data.
                        NTable[inxRN,"MapL"] <- 
                        NTable[inxRN,"MapX"] <- 
                        NTable[inxRN,"MapY"] <- 
                        MapLData <- TRUE
                        # Validate it later.
                  } else {
                     # the variable is not a vector and does 
                     # not have 3 elements.  Something is missing.
                     xmsg <- paste0(
                             "***3637 The MapLabel value for ",inxRN," is not valid.\n",
                             "        Must be a character string with three values separated\n",
                             "        by commas. The value is ignored.\n")
                     ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(xmsg)               
               }  # end of for loop
            #NTable$MapLabel <- NULL    # MapLabel converted, delete.
         NTNames <- names(NTable)  # refresh the name list
      # Finished with MapLabel and MapL, MapX, and MapY initial 
      #   processing and validation.
      ##### 363x  (8-9, 40)
      #  Part 6.3.3 - data converted into MapL/MapX/MapY format.
      #    Now validate the data format and ranges.
      #  If we found any information under MapLabel or MapL, 
      #  then we need to validate it NOW
      NTable4 <- NTable
      if (MapLData) { 
         # Validate the MapL, MapX, and MapY information from
         # MapL columns or resulting from the MapLabel column.
         # find all rows with MapL information
         xmMap    <- !is.na(NTable$MapL)          

         # get the access names (abbr) for entries
         MapRN    <- row.names(NTable)
         MapRN    <- MapRN[xmMap]        
         #  multiplier
         MapMul   <- matrix(c(.66,.66,1.5,1.5),ncol=2)   # AGAINST the bbox numbers
         # increase the values.
         MapBox2  <- MapBox * MapMul      # MapBox is from WorkSf01 when it was loaded.
         for (inxRN in MapRN) {
            # the variables for this area
            xMapL <- NTable[inxRN,"MapL"]
            xMapX <- NTable[inxRN,"MapX"]
            xMapY <- NTable[inxRN,"MapY"]
            #  Inspect
            if (is.na(xMapL) || (xMapL == "")) {
               # Blank value
            if (nchar(xMapL) > 3) {
               ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3638 The label value in the MapLabel entry for ",inxRN,"\n",
                                             "        is > 3 char.  Only first 2 characters will be used.\n"))
               xlen      <- nchar(xMapL)
               if (xlen > 3) xlen = 3
               xMapL     <- stringr::str_sub(xMapL,1,xlen)
            if ( is.na(xMapX) || is.na(xMapY) || (xMapX=="") || (xMapY=="") ) {
               ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3639 One of the coordinates in the MapLabel entry for ",inxRN,"\n",
                                             "        is/are not a number. ",xMapX," or ",xMapY,"\n"))
            # Check Range of X,Y coordinates.
            if (xMapX < MapBox2[1,1] || xMapX > MapBox2[1,2] || 
                    xMapY < MapBox2[2,1] || xMapY > MapBox2[2,2] ) {               
               # out or range - any of the TRUE - out of range              
               ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3640 One of the MapLabel coordinates for ",
                          inxRN," are out of range. Entry ignored.\n"))               
            } else {               
               # Every thing is fine with this entry.
               NTable[inxRN,"MapL"] <- xMapL    # put back in Name Table               
               NTable[inxRN,"MapX"] <- xMapX               
               NTable[inxRN,"MapY"] <- xMapY               
               MapLData <- TRUE               
      #  End of map label processing and conversion.
      NTNames <- names(NTable)  # refresh the name list
      #cat("Complete Name Table - ",NTNames,"  Code 5916 \n")
      #cat("End of Name Table Processing - Code 5923 \n")
      #  End of Name Table Processing and setup.

      if (StopFlag) {
         stop(paste0("***3999 Errors have been found and noted above.  Execution stopped.\n",
                     "        Please fix problem(s) and retry.\n"))

      #cat("NTable after MapLabel check\n")
      #  BuildBorderGroup_Part 7 <- Shape file has been read, but not inspected or cleaned up.
      if (bitwAnd(debug,64) != 0) cat("ShapeFile Current Proj4 CRS:",
            as.character(SfCrs$input)," ",as.character(SfCrs$wkt),"\n")    #     String
      #  Later this code will be turned into a function
      #  Part 7 - process, simplify shapefile and get initial
      #      data for nametable
      #    Build SFdsn and SFlayer to specify the path to the shapefile
      #    and the layer to be loaded.
      #     If an area contains multiple polygons, then there may be multiple "polygon" 
      #     class elements for a single area. The function will do a union of the 
      #     polygons in an area under one "Polygons" structure. To reform a SPDF,
      #     the @data part of the SPDF must be aggregated from the "Polygon"s that 
      #     were combined.  However, the critical information can be copied and a 
      #     true aggregation of the area, parimeter, etc. is not required.
      #     Future Feature Add code to handle .zip version of shapefile.
      #    A character string name of the area covered by the 
      #    boundary group.
      #     Note 1: Read ShapeFile - was moved to just behind
      #     the completion of the call parameter validation.
      #     This was done to have the ShapeFile data section available (drop geometry)
      #     for the Name Table content validate and building the 
      #     "links" and "keys". 
      #     If the shapefile projection was empty, longlat projection will be inserted.
      #     If a projection is present in the shapefile, it is checked to see if 
      #       it is a long/lat projection.
      #     If the projection is long/lat the ShpProjLL and DoBldAEAProj flags
      #       are set.  
      #     Otherwise the shapefile does not have a LL projection and the flags
      #       are set to FALSE.
      #     WorkSf01Proj4 carries the st_crs(WorkSf01)$input
      ##### 371x  
      #   Part 7.1 - Handle processing of Shape File projection, see if we will be 
      #              re-projecting or not.
      #  If empty, set to generic long/lat projection. Check the proj4 to see if
      #  user set it to a long/lat or other projection and set flags.
      #  If user set proj4 to non-long/lat, we check for +units=m.  If not,
      #  a new projection is built to change it.
      #  Processing based on shape file's projection.
      ModProj4       <- NA          # none created at this time.
      DoModProj4     <- FALSE
      # WorkSf01Proj4 has already been retreived from the initial load 
      # of the shapefile and if empty back filled with a basic long/lat 
      # projection string. 
      # ShpProjLL - was set up when shapefile opened.  
      # If the shapefile has:
      #    a) no projections - forced LL proj and set flag.
      #    b) projection present with long/lat - set flag
      #    c) projection present and is not long/lat - reset flag.
      # If user provided proj4 call parameter is Long/lat, it is ignore 
      # with error message.
      # Check for +units=m if non-long lat.
      #cat("WorkSf01Proj4:", WorkSf01Proj4,"  ShpProjLL:",ShpProjLL,"\n")
      if (!ShpProjLL) {
         #cat("Check non-long/lat projection in shapefile to see if its +units are meters.\n")
         # Is not longlat, need to check for +units=m or not?
         # If no +units= the default is "m".
         if (!is.na(stringr::str_locate(WorkSf01Proj4,"\\+units="))[[1]]) {
            # +units= is in the projection
            if (is.na(stringr::str_locate(WorkSf01Proj4,"\\+units=m |\\+units=m$"))[[1]]) {  
               # +units not set to meters.
               cat("***3711 The projection provided in the Shape File does not have\n",
                   "        +units=m, will modify and setup for re-projection to change to meters.\n")
               CurProj     <- WorkSf01Proj4    # get copy of projection string
               # find the +units=??? and replace with +units=m.
               matchstr    <- "\\+units=[[:alpha:]]+"     # RegExp string to find +units=???.
               ModProj4    <- stringr::str_replace(CurProj,matchstr,"\\+units=m ")   # find start and end and do replacement
               cat("New Projection for ShapeFile to be applied later:",ModProj4,"\n")
               #  ModProj4 contains copy of the upgraded projection from the shape file.               
               DoModProj4 <- TRUE   
               # Should not do transform until after modifications....
            } else {
               #cat("***3712 Found +units=m in projection string of non-longlat projection\n",
               #    "        in the shape file. \n")
               # If ShapeFile projection is not Long/Lat and has +units=m, no projection later
               x <- 1
            } # end of adjustment for +units=
      }  # end of non-longlat checking.
      #  When the proj4 call parameter is inspected and found to be good,
      #    DoUserProj4 is set to TRUE.  If the proj4 string does not contain
      #    +units=m, it is edited and changed.
      #  If call parameter proj4 is a longlat protection, a warning is thrown
      #    and the parameter is ignored.  Having the final projection LL does not
      #    make any sense.
      #  If the shapefiles projections is non-long/lat and +units=m, then ModProj4 will be
      #    set to NA and DoModProj4 to FALSE to correct the +units.
      #  Since all adjustments are in native units, no transformation can be done until
      #    after the adjustments are made.
      #  If shapefile default or original proj4 is longlat, then both ShpProjLL and 
      #    DoBldAEAProj are set to TRUE. 
      #  If DoUserProj4 is set, then DoModProj4 and ModProj4 value will be ignored.
      #    They would be overriden by the users proj4 request.
      WorkSf02     <- WorkSf01        # advance the sf for the next phase of this process.
      WorkSf02_a   <- WorkSf01
      WorkSf02Data <- sf::st_drop_geometry(WorkSf02) # save for later if need to restore.
      ## Start Here Cleaning Polygons
      #cat("***3720 Cleaning up polygons in spatial structure.\n")
      #####  3720  (new)
      #  Inspect and clean up shape file using sf tools.
      #  sf_use_s2 has to be disabled to repair and process the polygons.
      # Clean up geometry with sf..
      xStatus <- sf::st_is_valid(WorkSf02)   # one true per polygon
      if (any(!xStatus)) {
         # something is wrong
         BadStatus  <- !(xStatus == TRUE)   # find FALSE and NAs
         cat("***3722 Shape File contains invalid polygons.  The indexes and associate reasons are :\n")
         xp1        <- WorkSf02[BadStatus,]
         xp2        <- sf::st_is_valid(WorkSf02[BadStatus,], reason=TRUE) # get reasons for invalid polygons.
         xp1$reason <- xp2
         cat("        Attempting to fix.\n")
         WorkSf02   <- sf::st_make_valid(WorkSf02)  # ahould fix them.
         xStatus2   <- sf::st_is_valid(WorkSf02)
         if (any(!xStatus2)) {
            cat("The following polygons still have a problem. Processing stopped.\n")
            BadStatus2  <- !(xStatus2 == TRUE)
            xp1a        <- WorkSf02[BadStatus,]
            xp2a        <- sf::st_is_valid(WorkSf02[BadStatus2,], reason=TRUE)
            xp1a$reason <- xp2a
         } else {
           cat("        All issues fixed.\n")
      # to ensure shape file is good.
      if (bitwAnd(debug,8) != 0) {
         WorkSfc02    <- sf::st_geometry(WorkSf02)
         OutPutP      <- paste0(BGPathName,"Shape_File_sf_Cleaned_Up_image.pdf")
         grDevices::pdf(OutPutP,width=10, height=7)
         plot(WorkSfc02,main='',lwd=0.2,asp=1,key.pos=NULL)   # **** CHANGE
         graphics::title("Shape File after sf cleaned")
         x            <- grDevices::dev.off()
      ##  Part 7.2 - BuildBorderGroup - inspect and clean the SPDF/sf 
      ##            polygon structure
      ##      Execute Cleangeo on the shapefile.   - Retired
      ##  WorkSf03 now has the geospatial data points.
      WorkSf03   <- WorkSf02
      WorkSf03_a <- WorkSf02
      #  We have the basic NTable and Shape file @data information (sf::st_drop_geometry)
      #  Time to link the two tables. It will be a one to many link
      #  at this time.
      #  Step 7.4 - Get DATA and KEY from WorkSf03.
      ##### 374x
      #  Step 7.4 - Check shape file - link data to Name Table.
      #     Validate against NameTable.
      #     and set keys in ShapeFile to kill LINK
      #   Should be done after union to least area entries and after 
      #   keys are selected in the Name Table. This is after the 
      #   polygon union.
      #cat("Part 7.4 - Code 6166 - shape file LINK \n")

      #  7.4 - Set Up Shape Link and Name Table Link for match:
      #  Whatever the links are - numberic or character.  It is best to 
      #  pad all of the links to the same length with leading "0"s.  
      #  So trim, get max length and pad with "0". It works best 
      #  with numbers, and should not really impact character strings.
      #  Just don't modify any column but true "Link" columns.
      #  If a user specifies a "name" or "Abbr" column, copy it to 
      #  link first.  Same goes for the ShapeFile@data
      # Build the matching strings from EACH link column.   
      #    (always paded to the left with "0" in case its FIPS codes.)
      #  The SPDF link name is valid, get the data.   (We are assuming 
      #    the link is a numeric and need leading 0 padding.)
      #  Pull data from user provided name (or default), place in 
      #    the X__Link column, and prep for the match.
      #  Part 7.4 - Sort & Setup NameTable by "Name" field and order by "Name"
      # Name Table is re-ordered bsaed on "name" field.
      xst          <- order(NTable$Name)
      NTable       <- NTable[xst,]
      row.names(NTable) <- NTable$Key
      NTable       <- as.data.frame(NTable,sringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      NTNames      <- names(NTable) # reset Name Table column names.
      #  Get the Shape File "Link' info to create link string for matching.
      # WorkSf's data DF   - get shape file link variable
      WorkSf03$X__Link     <- stringr::str_replace_all(WorkSf03$X__Link,"[[:punct:]]","")
      WorkSf03$X__Link     <- stringr::str_squish(WorkSf03$X__Link)
      WorkSf03$X_Link      <- WorkSf03$X__Link
      WorkSf03Link         <- WorkSf03$X__Link
      maxSf03              <- max(nchar(WorkSf03$X__Link))
      #cat("WorkSf03 - Link, maxChar:",maxSf03,"\n")
      #  Get the name table "Link" info to create link string for matching.
      # Name Table link
      #  Move Name Table "link" coiumn info to NTable$Link column.
      #  The name table link is now in the correct spot.
      NTableLink           <- stringr::str_replace_all(NTable$Link,"[[:punct:]]","")
      NTableLink           <- stringr::str_squish(NTableLink)
      maxNT                <- max(nchar(NTableLink))
      #cat("NTable - Link, maxChar:",maxNT,"\n")

      maxBoth              <- max(maxSf03,maxNT)
      #  Now create the strings for matching the Shape File and Name Table
      # Trim trailing and leading blanks, pad to left with "0" to make all of the strings
      #  the same length, and make all of the strings uppercase to maximize the possibility
      #  of a reasonable match.
      WorkSf03LMatch       <- WorkSf03Link
      WorkSf03LMatch       <- stringr::str_pad(WorkSf03LMatch,maxBoth,side="left",pad="0")
      WorkSf03LMatch       <- stringr::str_to_upper(WorkSf03LMatch)
      WorkSf03$X__Link     <- WorkSf03LMatch   # save in sf
      #print("WorkSf L Match")
      NTableLMatch         <- NTableLink
      NTableLMatch         <- stringr::str_pad(NTableLMatch,maxBoth,side="left",pad="0")
      NTableLMatch         <- stringr::str_to_upper(NTableLMatch)
      NTable$Link          <- NTableLMatch     # save in Name Table
      #cat("NameTable L Match \n")

      ##### 375x
      #  7.5 - Compare ShapeFile links to the Name Table links
      #cat("***3750 Comparing shape file to name table links \n")
      xm          <- match(WorkSf03LMatch, NTableLMatch) # check is all of the areas in the sf have name table rows?
      MS_Sf_m     <- is.na(xm)      #  NA values for any ShapeFile Link that does not have a Name Table entry.
      if (any(MS_Sf_m)) {
         # have entries in ShapeFile that are not in NTable.
         if (bitwAnd(debug,16) != 0) {
            LL <- WorkSf03$X__Link[MS_Sf_m]
         #  Delete extra areas or polygons that don't have a Name Table entry.
         MS_Sf_List  <- WorkSf03Link[MS_Sf_m]     # get name (link) list of Shape File areas not in Name Table.
         MS_Sf_ListU <- unique(sort(MS_Sf_List))
         ErrorFlag   <- errCntMsg(paste0("***3752 The following Shape File areas are not in Name Table:\n",
	                                 "        ",paste0(MS_Sf_ListU, collapse=", ", sep=""),"\n",
	                                 "        The areas will be dropped."))
         MS_Sf_List2 <- WorkSf03$X__Link[MS_Sf_m] # list of non-matched links
         ShpDelList  <- (WorkSf03$X__Link %in% MS_Sf_List2)    # find which polygons get deleted. (could be multiple polygons)
         # Do the deletes from the WorkSf03 sf
         WorkSf03    <- WorkSf03[!ShpDelList,]    # keep the rest.
         # Clean up the match list for deleted polygon/area.
         WorkSf03LMatch <- WorkSf03LMatch[!ShpDelList]  
         # We have cleaned up the Shape File by deleting any areas not in the name table.
         WorkSf03_a  <- WorkSf03
      ##### 376x
      #   7.6 - Compare Name Table to the ShapeFile Link Values
      #  Compare --> 
      xm       <- match(NTableLMatch,WorkSf03LMatch)  # test Name table link against ShapeFile.
      #cat("***3760 Comparing the link values to tie the name table\n",
      #    "        to the shape file.\n")
      MS_NT_m  <- is.na(xm)    # NA says Name Table has entry that is not in ShapeFile.
      if (any(MS_NT_m)) {
         # Found entries in Name Table that have no polygons to map.
         #   Have to stop... Name Table must have polygons.
         MS_NT_List <- NTableLink[MS_NT_m]    # get list of unmatched name table entries.
         NTableAbbr <- NTable[MS_NT_m,"Abbr"]
         StopFlag   <- stopCntMsg(paste0("***3762 The following Name Table areas do not have boundaries in the\n",
                                         "        ShapeFile :\n ",
                                         "        List of Abbr:",paste0(MS_NT_List,collapse=', ',sep=""),".\n",
                                         "        Correct and retry."))
         # In this case stop, can't draw all of the areas of the map.
      } else {
         # At this point the number of areas in the Shape File (SPDF) and the Name Table
         # match and their values (links) match.  Both structures should have no duplicates.
         # the unionSpatialPolygons should have removed the SPDF duplicates and the 
         # Name Table was scanned and duplicates reported as errors.
         xmna <- is.na(xm)   # place holder
      xm      <- match(WorkSf03LMatch,NTableLMatch)    # Get from polygons to the name table.
      xmNA    <- is.na(xm)
      if (any(xmNA))   {    # if any, then one of the polygons does not belong to a name table row.
         xmsg <- paste0("***3764 Some of the polygons in the Shape file still do not belong to \n",
                        "        areas in the name table. Polygon(s) are ignored. \n")
         ErrorFlag <- errCntMsg(xmsg)
      WorkSf03$Key    <- NTable$Key[xm]
      WorkSf03$X__Key <- NTable$Key[xm]
      WorkSf03$Abbr   <- NTable$Abbr[xm]
      #########   First application of sf::st_shift_longitude()
      if (LLShift)  WorkSf03   <- sf::st_shift_longitude(WorkSf03)  # adjust for 180 long.
      ##### 378x
      #  *** Check point print of map after read in and before smoothing.
      #   Part 4.0 - East/West Hemisphere Line for long/lat projection
      #     for RAW displays.  (First)
      #   Check for long/lat and the East/West Hemisphere crossing -
      #   If found - correct to help with plots while building.
      WorkSf03_b <- WorkSf03   #  (RAW - first image)
      #cat("printing map raw - WorkSf03\n")
      vDebug <- debug 
      ##  if debug bits 256, 512, or 1024 are set - plot map for inspection.
      if (bitwAnd(debug,1024) != 0)  vDebug <- bitwOr(vDebug,512)    # requested to print first image.
      if (bitwAnd(vDebug,256+512) !=0) {
         # check point image - RAW  (all un-unioned polygons)
         WorkTemp     <- WorkSf03
         #cat("Generating scaled example of map - initial raw data.\n") 
         #cat("SamplePrts_sf - WorkSf03\n")
         PPsf         <- WorkTemp
         PPTitle      <- "RAW"
         PPMfrow      <- c(3,3)
         SamplePrts_sf(PPsf,PPTitle,PPMfrow,vDebug,NTable$Key,MapAvgH)   # first sample maps.
      #####  377x
      #   Part 7.8 - BuildBorderGroup - simplify, generalize sf
      #   WorkSf03 carries the boundary information for all areas.
      #cat("***3770 Simplifying the shape file boundary data with rmapshaper.\n")
      #   Part 7.8.1 - Simplify
      #          Run the shapefile through rmapshaper to reduce the 
      #          number of points and vertices in the map, yet 
      #          maintain the shared boundary between the sub-areas.
      #          No sub-area should be deleted during the 
      #          simplification.  Each sub-area should still have 
      #          a resemblenc to the original sub-area. This 
      #          reduces the size of the data and speeds up the
      #          drawing time.  Since the micromap image will be 
      #          about 1" by 1.5" using a characturized version is 
      #          best.  But none are available overly simplifying 
      #          the boundaries should be used.  
      #          Make sure MapShaper will not allow any area to be 
      #          eliminated. Do not use the coordinate resolution 
      #          feature. It turns the boundaries into step 
      #          functions instead of smooth lines.
      #          If an area becomes to small or are not seeable in 
      #          the micromap, you may have to manually adjust the 
      #          boundaries to enlarge the area to be visible.   
      #          More on this later.
      #  Snap shoot of data before smoothing and simplification
      #  sf_use_s2 must be disabled to repair polygons.
      ##### 377x
      #cat("rmapshaper - ReducePC:",ReducePC, "\n")
      MS_Keep      <- ReducePC/100   # convert from percentage (0 to 100) to decimal (0 to 1)
      MS_Weighting <- 0.9
      cat("***3772 rmapshaper parameters before simplification: Keep=",MS_Keep,"  Weight=",MS_Weighting,".\n")
      #SizeSf03 <- utils::object.size(WorkSf03)    # Size of structure before
      #cat("Geometry size before ms_simplify:",SizeSf03," (03)\n")
      WorkSf03_c <- WorkSf03   
      if (bitwAnd(debug,64) != 0) 
         cat("sf structure data section:\n")
      #  rmapshaper call for ms_simplify   (affine - simplification)
          WorkSf04 <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify( WorkSf03,
                             keep        = MS_Keep,         # def = 1.25 %  or 0.0125 units.
                             method      = "vis",           # NULL=Visvalingam Simplification (default)
                             weighting   = MS_Weighting,    # def = 0.925  
                             keep_shapes = TRUE,   # OK to lose if not the last one in a group # not default (FALSE) 
                             no_repair   = FALSE,  # do repairs       # default
                             snap        = TRUE,   # correct vertixes # default
                             explode     = TRUE,   # Not Default (FALSE)
                             drop_null_geometries = TRUE, # default
                             snap_interval = NULL, # default
                      )  # structure changed to ...
                          # the following are set to defaults within package and 
                          # the force_FC is throwing error - not valid parameter.
                          # Therefore, these two parameters are commented out
                          #   force_FC    = TRUE,   # default - passed to apply_mapshaper_commands
                          #   sys         = FALSE)  # default - passed to apply_mapshaper_commands
          )    )
      #SizeSf04  <- utils::object.size(WorkSf04)
      #cat("sf size after ms_simplify:",SizeSf04," (04)\n")
      # The rmapshaper in its simplification, places two polygons very close 
      # to each other - almost touching. The projection is LL for Alaska and 
      # the point is near Jueanu. When this point is projected to AEA or 
      # other projections, these two polygons intersect and "overlap" causing 
      # an invalid map. This impacts all of the rest of the spatial operations 
      # once the map is actually transformed after the modifications and before 
      # the VisBorder conversions.
      #cat("***3774 rmapshaper processing completed.\n")

      WorkSf04     <- sf::st_make_valid(WorkSf04)     # fix up polygons.
      if (LLShift) WorkSf04 <- sf::st_shift_longitude(WorkSf04)  # reapply shift.

      #   After simplification by rmapshaper
      if (bitwAnd(debug,8) != 0) {
         WorkSfc04  <- sf::st_geometry(WorkSf04)
         OutPutP    <- paste0(BGPathName, "BBG-Shape_file_after_rmapshaper_simpl.pdf")
         grDevices::pdf(OutPutP,width=10, height=7)
         graphics::title("Shape File after rmapshaper simplification.")
         x          <- grDevices::dev.off()
      #  Part 7.7.2 - COMBINE polygons under single area entries.  
      #        (unionSpatialPolygns)  (WorkSf04-> WorkSf05)
      #cat("WorkSf04 before aggregation. Code 6523 \n")
      #print(WorkSf04, n=40)
      MList           <- WorkSf04$X_Link   # List of polygon Link names
      WorkSfxx        <- sf::st_make_valid(WorkSf04)
           # even though nothing reports as invalid.  We found we have to do 
           # a st_make_valid call with sf_use_s2(FALSE) to get the geometry cleaned
           # for the aggregate after the rmapshaper.
      WorkSf05        <- aggregate(WorkSfxx,by=list(MList),FUN=aggFun )
                         # the coordinates modified sf::st_shift survive the aggregations.
      #cat("Aggregation of Polygons completed.\n")
      #cat("projecton of WorkSf05 after aggregation:\n")
      WorkSf05       <- sf::st_make_valid(WorkSf05)
      #cat("***3778 Map area aggregation completed.\n")
      # All of the header rebuild is already done by aggregate.
      if (bitwAnd(debug,64) != 0) {
         cat("lengths of - 02:",length(sf::st_geometry(WorkSf02)),
             "     03:",length(sf::st_geometry(WorkSf03)),
             "     04:",length(sf::st_geometry(WorkSf04)),
             "     05:",length(sf::st_geometry(WorkSf05)),"\n")
         cat("Sizes of   - 02:",utils::object.size(WorkSf02),
             "     03:",utils::object.size(WorkSf03),
             "     04:",utils::object.size(WorkSf04),
             "     05:",utils::object.size(WorkSf05),"\n")
         cat("ShapeFile combination completed. ",length(sf::st_geometry(WorkSf04))," now ",
                length(sf::st_geometry(WorkSf05))," areas. Code: 6543 \n")
      #  Update the spatial data with the abbr and Link information that match the name table.
      WorkSf05_a <- WorkSf05
      #  cat("Matching Shape File to Name Table and setting Abbr, X__Key, row.names\n")
      #  Match the Name table to be able to move to the shape file the abbr and keys.  ??? LINKs
      row.names(WorkSf05) <- WorkSf05$X__Key
      #  Shape file now in WorkSf06
      WorkSf06   <- WorkSf05
      #cat("Set Abbr and Key into WorkSf06.\n")
      StopFlag   <- FALSE
      ErrorFlag  <- FALSE
      if (bitwAnd(debug,8) !=0) {
         WorkSfc06 <- sf::st_geometry(WorkSf06)
         OutPutP   <- paste0(BGPathName,"BBG-Shape_file_after_multipolygon_agg.pdf")
         grDevices::pdf(OutPutP,width=10, height=7)
         graphics::title("ShapeFile after multipolygon agg ")
         x         <- grDevices::dev.off()
      if (bitwAnd(debug,64) !=0) {
         cat("New ShapeFile Data information - WorkSf06 data: Code 6599 \n")
      WorkSf06a <- WorkSf06
      WorkSf06  <- sf::st_make_valid(WorkSf06a)
      #  Create an AEA projection to use for area estimation on map areas
      EstAEAProj <- NULL
      #cat("Code 6700 - ShpProjLL: ", ShpProjLL,"\n")
      if (ShpProjLL) {
           EstAEAProj <- AEAProjection(WorkSf06)
           #cat("Creating projection for area estimation using Alber Equal Area.\n")
      #  may need for later, but must create now.
      ##### 378x
      #  Part 7.8.4 - check point plot of map after smoothing  (rmapshaper).
      #  Call Parameters: sf, Legend Pos, Colors(T/F), Lattice DIM, Colors
      WorkSf06_b   <- WorkSf06
      if (bitwAnd(debug,512) != 0) {
         # we have a long/lat projections  (only plot one map)
         # check for problems with E/W hemisphere crossing.
         #cat("Generating scaled example of map - after rmapshaper.\n")
         PPsf         <- WorkSf06
         PPTitle      <- "After rmapshaper"
         PPMfrow      <- c(3,3)
         SamplePrts_sf(PPsf,PPTitle, PPMfrow, debug, NTable$Key, MapAvgH)


      #  ShapeFile simplification and process is done.  
      #  End Function part 7 - Steps 1 to 9.   
      ##### 380x
      #  Part 8.0 - Add Neighbor relationships - shape file has been simplified,
      #   the polygons gathered under area names, data section should remain 
      #   the same for the rest of the run.
      #   This information required to do the modification phase.
      #cat("***3801 Identifying neighbors for each area.\n")
          Sf06.nb <- spdep::poly2nb(sf::st_geometry(WorkSf06,queen=TRUE))
      #cat("Completed spdep::poly2nb\n")
      RNList        <- row.names(WorkSf06)              # Get list to help backfile in the nb list.
      NBList        <- sapply(Sf06.nb, function(x) RNList[x])
      xmm           <- match(NTable$Key, WorkSf06$X__Key)
      NTable[,"NB"] <- NA
      NTable[,"NB"] <- list(NBList[xmm])   # get list of neighbors for each area by "Key"
      # the adjacency list for each area is converted to the keys, not physical entry in sf.
      #cat("***3804 The list of neighbors for each area are in the name \n",
      #    "        table 'NB' column.\n")
      #  Information needed to do modifications and replacment 
      ##### 381x
      #  Step  8.1 - Name Table Adjustments To ShapeFile.
      #  Previously - the neighborship relations are calculated and 
      #    saved into the Name Table for this processing. (Sp06.nb)
      #  Basic logic:
      #    No transformations have been done, since the adjustment metrics are in
      #      the original metrics (km, m, long/lat) of the original Shape file.
      #    If the shapefile does not contain a projection, it was assumed to be
      #      long/lat and forced to long/lat for later transformations.
      #    The scaling (percentage) and rotation (degrees) are not in the 
      #      shape files original metric, the X and Y offsets (shifts) are. 
      #      So, their processing must occur before any transformation.
      #      In the long/lat projection, the problem of the E-W crossing 
      #      can complicate the X and Y adjustments since the 
      #      X,Y values flip from -179 (like with Alaska) to 179.  Even though 
      #      there are no islands or sub-areas that exists across the 
      #      E-W crossing, Alaska does. 
      #      DONE..
      #    The final calculated projection to AEA from Long/Lat requires
      #      is calculated to use the centroid of the centroid of the MAP. 
      #      If the map is already projected, it may need to be re-projected 
      #      to update the units to +units=m for uniform rounding and processing.
      #      If the caller has specified the final proj4 string, then 
      #      it is also inspected and adjusted to insure the +units will be "m".
      #    All transformations are done after the map modification section
      #      is completed.  
      #    The modification process is done in the following steps:
      #      1) If the projection is long/lat and involves the E-W crossing,
      #         the LL must be adjusted to permit the math to work.
      #         The x,y coordinates in polygons crossing or on the other side
      #         are adjusted to a range of 360 to 0 or -360 to 0.  This 
      #         adjustment is not liked by many spatial functions in R
      #         so it must be done at the very end function when no other
      #         R Spatial function will be used before conversion to the 
      #         VisBorder (micromapST) data.frame format.
      #      2) Each modification is performed against one area at a time.
      #         If the area has multiple polygons within it. They are all
      #         modified in the same way.
      #      3) The centroid of the area and sub-polygons is calculated and saved.
      #      4) All points in the polygons in the area are normalized to the 
      #         centroid to ensure all point shift, scale or rotate together.
      #         To make the process simplier, the normalization is done in all
      #         cases even though it is not needed for the shift.
      #      5) The X and Y shifts are applied to all points.  The X and Y 
      #         are handled separately and do not require both to be 
      #         present.
      #      6) The scaling is applied to all points. This is done by 
      #         decreasing or increasing the distance of the X,Y points from 
      #         the centroid point, affectively a multiplier, since the 
      #         centroid is effectively the 0,0 point in the set of polygons.
      #      7) The rotation is applied to all points about the centroid.
      #         Each X,Y point is modified by:
      #         (x',y') <- (x cos<a> + y sin<a> , -x sin<a> + y cos<a>)
      #      8) Once shifting, scaling and rotation is completed, the polygons 
      #         are adjusted by the centroid back to their normal projection.
      #      9) Since the areas polygons may not fit back into the map in the 
      #         same way. If the area overlays neighbors, must Spatial functions,
      #         will complain and may not function.  Attempts to simply repair
      #         the map have not worked.  So, the code uses the gDiff function
      #         of the modified areas polygons and its neighbors to cut 
      #         out a space in the map to put the modified area back into 
      #         the map.  It is possible to adversely impact the layout of 
      #         the other neighbors, so all modification must be visually
      #         inspected to see if the desired result occured.
      #    The result should be a workable map that the user can manage 
      #    the shift, scale and rotate coordinates easily.
      #    Investigations:
      #       cartograms - weighting is size of area.   This gives you the same map.
      #             Increase the size of the area and it is enlarged and the surrounding areas
      #             are adjusted.
      # Already have adjacency in the Name Table.. as lists of keys.
      # Apply modifications and gDiff to neighors.
      # Section 8.1 - Apply to area
      # Section 8.2 - gDiff neighbors
      # Section 8.3 - re-insert all changed areas???
      WorkSf06_d <- WorkSf06
      ##### 381x
      #  Step 8.1 - Do any required Modifications
      #       Sub-Step - resolve international date line and 180 degree longitude issue.
      #       Resulting sf will be in the WorkSf07.
      WorkSf07    <- WorkSf06
      # cat("Setting Xoffset and Yoffset to 0 if value NA.\n")
      # Set Default NA's to zero for the code.  
      # move the following to the Name Table validation code.
      x <- is.na(NTable$Xoffset)
      NTable$Xoffset[x] <- 0
      x <- is.na(NTable$Yoffset)
      NTable$Yoffset[x] <- 0

      CurProj         <- sf::st_crs(WorkSf06)
      Curproj4        <- CurProj$proj4string
      if (any(NTable$DoAdj)) { 
         ##### 381x
         #  The Name Table holds the modification columns:  Xoffset Yoffset, Scale, 
         #  Rotate, and ModOrder.
         #  Loop through the sf and process the adjustements (offsets and scaling.)
         #   Find areas in the Name Table that need adjustments (DoAdj=TRUE)
         #   Copy the polygons and multipolygons for the area needing adjustments from sf.
         #   Apply adjustment (Centroid Normalizing, Shift, Scale, and Rotate and 
         #     unNormalizing for the centroid)
         #   Get list of neighboring areas.
         #   Apply gDiff to the neighbors.
         #   Remove all changed areas and re-insert the new areas.
         #  If the area needs to be shifted, scaled or rotated, the area is copied 
         #  out of the sf. The area is adjusted to be centered at 0,0 for the centroid
         #  of the space and the shift, scale and rotate operations are preformed,
         #  Once done, the area is de-normalized back to it initial centroid (x,y).
         #  The Name Table DoAdj column provides a quick way to determine if an 
         #  area needs adjustments/scaling/rotation.  Only areas with DoAdj=TRUE 
         #  will be processed along with its neighbors. If the areas' polygons have
         #  changed, then the area is deleted from the sf and re-added.
         #   it's not safe to assume within a region, all of the areas will not be outside
         #   of every other area's space.  We have several situations where an area lies within
         #   anothers boundaries.
         #   Check my Georgia example...  See what it is doing.  Still thinking sf is much
         #   smarter when ploting polygons and holes and back fills holes with a more intelligent 
         #   image.
         # we have shifting, scaling and rotating to do, but which areas?
         # Think it is best to do them in their plot order in the sf.
         # The map is in WorkSf07.
         #   Pick up next Key in the plot order, step through them.
         Worksfc   <- sf::st_geometry(WorkSf07)
         Lensfc    <- length(Worksfc)  # number of areas.
         KeyList   <- WorkSf07$X__Key  # one per geometric entry.
         NTNames   <- names(NTable)    # list of name table columns
         modNames  <- c("Xoffset","Yoffset","Scale","Rotate") # list of possible mod columns
         xm        <- match(NTNames,modNames)    # which do we have.
         # which columns for mod. do we have.
         nxmNA      <- !is.na(xm)                # get list of the one we have.
         modList    <- NTNames[nxmNA]
         names(Worksfc) <- KeyList    # add names to each row.
         for (xKey in KeyList) {      #  See which areas need modification in order of geometry?
            ##  geometry order -> go to NTable and get flags.
            #cat("Checking modifications for ",xKey,"  \n")
            # Only need to work on rows with "DoAdj" flag set in Name Table.
            if (NTable[xKey,"DoAdj"]) {      # of NTable row says DoAdj, we have work to do on this area.
               cat("***3811 Area:",xKey," will be adjusted using the ",modList," values.\n")

               # pick up Xoffset, Yoffset, Scale and pass to the function to process sf row.
               # translate degrees to radian
               xAdjParms <- (NTable[xKey,modList])   # get modification values
               if (is.null(xAdjParms$Rotate) || is.na(xAdjParms$Rotate)) { # no rotate
                  xAdjParms$Rotate = 0
                  NTable[xKey,"Rotate"] = 0
                  xAdjParms$RotateR = 0
               } else {
                  xAdjParms$RotateR <- xAdjParms$Rotate * pi / 180  # get radian angle
               if (is.null(xAdjParms$Scale) || is.na(xAdjParms$Scale))  { # no scale
                  xAdjParms$Scale = 1
                  NTable[xKey,"Scale"] = 1
               #cat("***3812 Area: ",xKey," Xoffset:",xAdjParms$Xoffset," Yoffset:",xAdjParms$Yoffset,"\n",
               #    "        Scale:",xAdjParms$Scale, " Rotate :",xAdjParms$Rotate, " in radians:",xAdjParms$RotateR,"\n")
                 # get sub-SF for area.
                 # pull off each areas sf structure by key.
               areaSFC    <- Worksfc[xKey]   # get sfc for the area to adjust.   
               #cat("get centroid of area. code 7011 \n")
                  areaCtr    <- sf::st_centroid(areaSFC)  # old coordinates  of sfc
               if (LLShift)   {
                  areaCtr <- sf::st_shift_longitude(areaCtr)  # convert if needed.
                  #cat("LLShift set - need to adjust.\n")
               #print(areaCtr)                        # OK - use average of bbox.
               #  Alternate to the below code for Affine transformations
               #  area's geometry as = sfc  - I'm existed this equation works.
               #  It takes any geometry and 1) re-centers, rotates, scales, offsets then restores the centering.
               #  This is done with vectors and matrixs.
               #     rotation:  uses a 2x2 matrix of the cos/sin
               #     scaling:   uses a single scalar value
               #     shifting:  uses a 2x1 matrix (vector)
               #     recentering: uses a 2x1 matrix line shifting.
               #cat("Do adjustment for ",xKey,"\n")
               areaSFC2         <- (areaSFC - areaCtr) * rot(xAdjParms$RotateR) * xAdjParms$Scale + c(xAdjParms$Xoffset,xAdjParms$Yoffset) + areaCtr
 	       # The above formula strips the crs from the spatial definition.
 	       # Add the crs back in the area sfc.
 	       sf::st_crs(areaSFC2)   <- CurProj   
 	       #if (LLShift) areaSFC2 <- sf::st_shift_longitude(areaSFC2)   # don't need to check on st_crs.

	       Worksfc[xKey]    <- areaSFC2  # re-insert the area into the sf
               cat("***3813 Re-inserting area polygons for ",xKey,"\n")
   	       # Working at the sfc level mays it easy to manipulate, plot,
               # and replace entry in the SF or SFC.
               # In some cases, the st_shift_longitude shift and st_crs 
               # projection are lost and must be reapplied.  
               # It appears MULTIPOLYGON and POLYGON
               # sf objects are automatically handled by matrix algebra.
               # You can manipulate the list form of the areaSFG for the modifications.  
               # Get list of Neighbors to be Evaluate for overlay
               NBList          <- NTable[xKey,"NB"][[1]]  # neighbor list for this area (xKey).
               # Find a way to modify to check if the area overlays 
               # some areas near by, but not neighbors.   *** FUTURE
               WorkAreaSFC <- Worksfc[c(NBList,xKey)]   # get the geometry for the area  
                                            # being modified and all of its neighbors. 
               NB_bbox     <- as.numeric(sf::st_bbox(WorkAreaSFC))  # Size the working area to get limits for plots.
               xLim        <- NB_bbox[c(1,3)]
               yLim        <- NB_bbox[c(2,4)]
               #  Got plotting limits for test and debug plots.  Add space if neighbors.
               # overlayed by below...
               #cat("***3814 plot of original area before modifications in blue :\n") # xKey and Violet
               # plot of area before modification
               #plot(areaSFC,border="blue",xlim=xLim,ylim=yLim)   # basic plot
               #cat("***3815 plot of main area after modifications in green :\n") # Modified xKey and Green    
	       # plot of area after modification 
               # the area can be modified but not have neighbors.
               # don't handle case where you move an area over areas elsewhere.
               # This code only ties to adjust if the modified area overlays a neighbor.
               if (length(NBList) > 0 ) {   # Do neigbhors exist?
                  # Yes neighbors exist. - get spatial data for neighbors
                  #  may have to check the type of results and neighbor to get the overlay done.
                  for (iNB in NBList) {   # process for each neighbor of this modified area.
                     #  get neighbor area
                     #cat("***3818 Original neighbor boundaries in magenta for neighbor : ",iNB,"\n")
                     wsfSFC    <- Worksfc[iNB]    #  get sfc (each neighbor)
                     #plot(wsfSFC,border="magenta",xlim=xLim,ylim=yLim,add=TRUE)  # neighbor over print
                     #cat("difference: ",xKey," and ", iNB,"\n")
                       wsfTrimmedSFC      <- sf::st_difference(wsfSFC, areaSFC2)
                     if (LLShift) wsfTrimmedSFC <- sf::st_shift_longitude(wsfTrimmedSFC) # long values modified - reapply st_shift_longitute
                     #cat("***3819 Trimmed neighbor boundaries in seagreen for ",iNB,"\n")
                     #  Now have the new boundaries for the neighbor  - sfc
                     Worksfc[iNB] <- wsfTrimmedSFC   # save the change back into map.
                  } # next neighbor
               if (bitwAnd(debug,8) != 0) {            
	          WorkSfc04  <- sf::st_geometry(Worksfc)
	          OutPutP    <- paste0(BGPathName, "BBG-AT start of NT Mod loop-",xKey,".pdf")
	          grDevices::pdf(OutPutP,width=10, height=7)
	          graphics::title("Shape File at head of NT Mod loop.")
	          x          <- grDevices::dev.off()

            }  # End of process of modifying values for one area.     
         }  # Loop through areas to see which need adjustments
         sf::st_geometry(WorkSf07) <- Worksfc   # put all of the areas back in to sf.
         # Do we have any work to adjust.
      } else {
         x <- 1
         #cat("***3810 Info:No modifications are required to map.\n")
      #cat("end of name table modifications\n")
      # Results in WorkSf07 with modifications and East-West Crossing issue 
      # corrected (sf::st_shift_longitude).
      # Areas are modified and neighbors clipped to have the space is needed.
      #cat("Delete NTable$NB.\n")
      #NTable$NB <- NULL   # clean up finished with them.
      ##### 382x
      #  Step 8.2 - Sample maps after name table modifications and st_difference to neighbors.
      if (bitwAnd(debug,512) != 0) {
         # caller wants sample maps after the name table modifications - one map
         #cat("Generating scaled example of map - after Name Table modifications.\n")
         vDebug       <- bitwAnd(debug,bitwNot(256+1024))   # remove 1024 and 256
         PPsf         <- WorkSf07
         PPTitle      <- "After Name Table modifications"
         PPMfrow      <- c(3,3)
         SamplePrts_sf(PPsf,PPTitle,PPMfrow,vDebug,NTable$Key, MapAvgH)
      cat("***3822 Name Table modificiations to Shape file are complete.\n")
      #  Notes on area modification processing:
      #  1) Using st_buffer apparently - messes up the polygons of each 
      #     involved.  The edges get raged and areas no longer match up.
      #  2) When rmapshaper is reduced to low, the areas shapes are 
      #     mal-formed and sections become hard to recognize.  Example 
      #     is the state of Maryland the the western counties, looks like
      #     a pan handle.
      #  3) It is nice to be able to do the shifting, scaling, and rotation
      #     with one basic matrix equation using scalars, vectors, and 2x1 matrix
      #     values.  However, since you are working at the matrix level
      #     you need to rebuild the sfc and sf and restore the crs to the spatial
      #     structure.
      #  4) If you use the st_shift_longitude function to present areas like
      #     the US, Alaska, etc.  For some reason, when you process the 
      #     the sfg, sfc, or sf, the coordinates revert to the original coordinates
      #     from 180 to -180 instead of staying 0 to 360.  When this happens,
      #     you can recover by re-processing the results of the function 
      #     with st_shift_longitude function again. I decided to determine if 
      #     the current task required the shift and if so, set a flag that 
      #     I have used the shift function.  After that, when the program 
      #     does a function that causes the coordinates to be reverted, I 
      #     check the flag and re-execute the shift against the results.
      #  5) It is best to work with the spatial structure at the sfc level in 
      #     sf.  This separates the data from the geometry and allows you to 
      #     easily reference each area/multipolygon/polygon individually without
      #     having to deal with the overhead structure or extra list () level.
      #     At this level, the coordinates are basically matrix.  To do 
      #     a align transformation all you have to do is:
      #     results <-  (original - ctr point) + c(Xoff, Yoff) * scale (scalar) * rotFun(rad) + ctr point
      #     The rotFun is rotFun <- function(a) {
      #          matrix(c(cos(a),sin(a),-sin(a),cos(a)),2,2)   }
      #  6) The modified area row (sfc) can be re-inserted back into the SF as follows:
      #     a) get the sf-columns from the sf by Wsfc <- st_geometry(Wsf)
      #     b) get the working row from the sfc via index number or assigned "names" to each
      #        row.   I like the names.   WsfcArea <- Wsfc[key]
      #     c) manipulate the geometry at the sfc level. Almost all of the functions
      #        will work with the sfc data and handle different classes (POLYGON, MULTIPOLYGON).
      #     d) When done, using the same key or index you can re-insert the row back 
      #        into the sfc structure.    Wsfc[key] <- WsfcArea
      #     e) The complete sfc can them be reinserted into the original sf by:
      #           st_geometry(Wsf) <- Wsfc    Warning, this will replace the entire geometry.
      #  7) Using any of the st_area, st_distance and more functions, does not change or add
      #     to the sf header data.  You must save the vector and cbind it / are $xxx<- it to 
      #     the data header of the sf structure.
      ##### 384x
      #  Step 8.4 - Get area sq. ft (ll or m) to predict too small areas.
      #  Use a Temporary Projection to be able to get est. real area 
      #  values for each element. You can't do this with LL projections.
      #  The calculation is done after the name table modifications have been 
      #  completed. So, the exact graphic image is represented in the results.
      #  US small areas: DC @ 0.0019 %; RI @ 0.027 %; 
      #                  PR (eliminated - no name table entry); 
      #    break point appears to be between 0.057 % and lower.
      #    0.331322 of 1104.407 units.
      if (ShpProjLL)  {
         WorkTemp        <- sf::st_transform(WorkSf07,EstAEAProj)  # transform to AEA to be able 
                                # do the calculation against the modified map
         WorkSf07$AreaM2 <- as.numeric(sf::st_area(WorkTemp))                               
      } else {
         # if shape file is not a LL projection - it's already set to check the areas.
         WorkSf07$AreaM2 <- as.numeric(sf::st_area(WorkSf07))
      AllTempArea     <- sum(WorkSf07$AreaM2)        # get the total area for the region/map
      WorkSf07$PCA    <- WorkSf07$AreaM2/AllTempArea    # based on map modified areas.
                                 # Some may have been moved or scaled.
      if (bitwAnd(debug,64) != 0) {
         # show details table on areas
         cat("Detailed Report of possible areas that shaping may not be visible:\n\n")
         cat("For a total map area (m^2):",AllTempArea,"\n")
         cat("    Area Key","    % of Total","\n")
         for (inx in c(1:length(WorkSf07$PCA))) {
            print(paste0(WorkSf07$X__Key[inx],"      ",
      # set debug to 64 to get a full area/percentage report.
      xm     <- WorkSf07$PCA < 0.00057
      if (any(xm)) {
         cat("***3843 These area coverage estimates were done after the name table modifications.\n",
             "        The area's coverage may have be increased or decreased from the original Shape file.\n",
             "        This coverage review is done against the current area's coverage after all modifications.\n",
             "        If an area's coverage is less than 0.057% of the total map coverage of \n",
             "        ", (AllTempArea * 0.00057) , " m^2 may not be large enough to be visible in a \n",
             "        in a linked micromap graphic.  The area(s) that should be reviewed is(are):\n")
         cat("***3844  ",paste0(WorkSf07$X__Key[xm],collapse=", ",sep=""),"\n" )
      }  else  {
         cat("***3845 All of the area appear to be big enough to show the shading\n",
             "        in a linked micromap.\n")
      # Alternate method to create border group.
      #  An alternate method is make a copy of the geographic area of the border group,
      #  identify any areas or polygons that will be to small in the micromap,
      #  without eliminating any shared boundaries or neighbor relationships - enlarge
      #  the small areas (this may involve using circular, ellipical, or other shapes), 
      #  if necessary, shared boundaries may be moved reducing the size of the larger 
      #  neighboring sub-areas, once the highlighted boundaries are completed on the 
      #  copied map, cover the map with tracing paper and copy the characterized
      #  boundaries to the trace paper, scan the trace paper into a image file, 
      #  make the boundaries to be characterized with a medium weight pen or marker.

      # End of area inspection
      ##### 386x
      #  Step 8.6 - transform projection
      #  Apply transformations to the polygons.
      #  The final transform is one of the following:
      #     a) user provide proj4
      #     b) ModProj4 to get +units=m
      #     c) A created AEA based on the centroid and long/lat of the original.
      #  No NTable projection of individual area will be attempted.
      #  Map is already unioned by area, so areas reported should 
      #  be for all polygons in area.
      #######  386x
      #  Step 8.6 - Build Border Group - 6 - transform sf, if needed
      #  Transform sf after all of the validity checks
      #  Possible Flow:
      #    a) have proj4 specified in call - overrides ModProj4 and must be non-longlat.
      #        Execute Transform proj4   (DoUserProj4)
      #    b) No proj4 in call, not LL, shapefile +units=m - nothing to do.
      #    c) No proj4 in call, not LL, shapefile not +units=m 
      #        Execute ModProj4   (DoModProj4)
      #    d) No proj4 in call, LL, create AEA around Centroid 
      #        Execute Transform  AEAProj  (DoBldAEAProj)
      #  Last step if transform did occur, is to check for Map Labels.
      #  If present, then transform the label points.
      #cat("***3860 Transforming projection of Shape file and label points.\n")
      ##### 386x
      #    Step 8.6 - Do projection 
      WorkSf08   <- WorkSf07   # Map Bounderies Setup incase no transform.
      CurProj    <- sf::st_crs(WorkSf07)
      Tproj      <- NA
      # Do Map and MapX/Y point collection if present.
      #    MapL/X/Y present flag = MapLData = TRUE
      #   Build POINT collection for MapL's MapX and MapY if present
      xmMap  <- FALSE
      MapSF  <- NULL
      MapSF2 <- NULL
      if (MapLData) {    # Since the sf is transformed, the mapL variable points must
         # also be done - now.  However, if the shape file is saved and modified, then 
         # a checkpoint restart occurs, the routine will have to check the shape file
         # and see if the map points are still correct.
         # Problem - if only one label is used, operations don't work the same. (row.names)
         #### Build Spatial Point from MapL, MapX, MapY. 
         xmMap    <- !( is.na(NTable$MapL) | NTable$MapL == "" )   # T/F map
         if (any(xmMap)) {
            MapDF    <- NTable[xmMap,c("Key","MapL","MapX","MapY")]   # small DF of label data.
      	    MapDF$Rn <- row.names(MapDF)    # no problems this is a DF.
      	    #cat("Building MapXY table for transform.\n")
      	    # We have MapL entries
            xMRn   <- row.names(MapDF)    # row names
       	    # Convert point columns in to sfc for transform
       	    MapSF  <- sf::st_as_sf(MapDF,coords=c("MapX","MapY"))
       	    sf::st_crs(MapSF) <- CurProj
       	    xmMap         <- TRUE
         } else {
            xmMap         <- FALSE
      #  xmMap remains indicator the other end - TRUE - have points, FALSE - no points
      WorkSf08x <- WorkSf08
      #  Make sure the map and the points are 'valid'
      WorkSf08  <- sf::st_make_valid(WorkSf08)
      if (xmMap) MapSF <- sf::st_make_valid(MapSF)
      #cat("make valid - WorkSf08 and MapSF.\n")
      # Do transformations
      TransDone <- FALSE
      if (DoUserProj4) {   # execute the projection in the call parameters (it has been adjusted to meters)
         ##### Option 1 - User provided PROJ4 on call.
         Tproj        <- sf::st_crs(proj4)   # should be the same as CPproj4
         #cat("***3861 Using user provided projection :\n",
         #    "        ",proj4,"\n")
         WorkSf08     <- sf::st_transform(WorkSf07,Tproj)
         if (xmMap) MapSF2 <- sf::st_transform(MapSF,Tproj)
         # If a proj4 general transformation is being requested by the caller, 
         # then any transformation to none longlat will not be useful.  
         # Best to ignor any NTable$proj entries, and any transformation to get units set to meters.
         TransDone <- TRUE
         # The area transforms must be done before this.  (actually only the adjustments.)
      } else {
         #  No calling parameter "proj4".
         ##### Option 2 - ShapeFile had non-longlat proj4
         if (DoModProj4) {
            #cat("***3862 Re-transforming shape file using original projection, \n",
            #    "        with +unit= changed to meters.\n")
        	  #  BUT the +units are not Meters.  ModProj4 is the 
         	  #  proj4string character string with +units=m added.
         	  Tproj    <- sf::st_crs(ModProj4)    # should be the same as SFproj4
         	  WorkSf08 <- sf::st_transform(WorkSf07,Tproj)
         	  if (xmMap) MapSF2 <- sf::st_transform(MapSF,Tproj)
             #  This will preserve the users projection, gives 
             #  me the units in meters, but MapLabels SPDF must be converted.
             TransDone <- TRUE
         } else {
            ##### No Proj4 on call, ShapeFile has a longlat projection
            #  Need to build a AEA about the centroid of the map.
            if (DoBldAEAProj) {
               #cat("***3863 Projecting shape file using calculated AEA projection.\n")   ###
               AEAProj4     <- AEAProjection(WorkSf07)    # build based on modified map. 
               cat("Created AEA projection :\n",
                   "        ",AEAProj4,"\n")
               Tproj        <- sf::st_crs(AEAProj4)
               #  Do gross transformation to the map.  (NewProj4, if needed???)
               WorkSf08     <- sf::st_transform(WorkSf07,Tproj)
  	       if (xmMap)  MapSF2 <- sf::st_transform(MapSF,Tproj) 
  	       TransDone <- TRUE
      WorkSf08 <- sf::st_make_valid(WorkSf08)
      #cat("***3865 Transformations completed.\n")
      if (xmMap) {
         # points are transformed. put them back into the Name Table
         #cat("restore MapXY to name table.\n")
         xm        <- match(MapSF2$R,NTable$Key)   # find name table entires that match
         # should not have na's ...   data came from Name Table
         WMat       <- matrix(sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_geometry(MapSF2))[,c("X","Y")],ncol=2)
         colnames(WMat)  <- c("X","Y")
         row.names(WMat) <- MapSF2$R
         #cat("WMat length:",length(WMat),"  dim:",dim(WMat),"  class:",class(WMat),"\n")
         rn <- MapSF2$R
         NTable[rn,'MapX']  <- WMat[rn,"X"]
         NTable[rn,'MapY']  <- WMat[rn,"Y"]
      #  I need a way to validate the areas in the map and make sure they area
      #  not overlapping or causing gaps.
      #  I need a way to build a point set, transform it, then replace them in to 
      #  the NTable.. in a more efficent manner.
      #####  387x 
      #   Section 8.7 - Add Area Color Index for map coloring.
      #    Get the neighbor relationship from nacol and the non-shared color index. 
      #    Also place in Name Table for later use after checkpoint.
      #    Take the position in the SPDF and translate it to the Name Table for 
      #    that area.
      #cat("Calling getColoring Code 7372 \n")
      xNTCC           <- getColoring(sf::st_geometry(WorkSf08))   # color indexes assigned based on area neighbors.
                         # values are in a matrix.
      xNTCC           <- as.data.frame(xNTCC,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) # Convert matrix to DF.
      row.names(xNTCC)<- row.names(WorkSf08)                # save xNTCC table for later use. ? check point.
                                                            # can't recreate after conversion to VisBorders.
      NTable$CCode    <- xNTCC[row.names(NTable),1]         # save the color index for the area.
                             # CCode ranges from 1 to "n" - that is the number of colors required.
      #cat("Getting Color Codes - Completed.\n")
      #   Final sf Test Plot of Map before convertion, full color. 
      if (bitwAnd(debug,8) != 0) {    #  Change dropped 512 
         # Do final test map  
         #cat("Generating scaled example of map.\n",
         #    "        - last check of sf structure before conversion.\n")
         BCol      <- c("#e41a1c","#377eb8","#4daf4a","#984ea3","#ff7f00","#ffff33","#a65628","#f781bf","#999999", "green")
         WorkSf08Data <- sf::st_drop_geometry(WorkSf08)
         WorkSf08sfc  <- sf::st_geometry(WorkSf08)
         if (length(WorkSf08sfc) != length(NTable$CCode)) {
            cat("***3872 The length of Name Table and number of areas in the \n",
                "        shape file are different.\n")
         PPTitle    <- "_TC_Ready for VisBorders"
         FTitle     <- gsub(" ","_",PPTitle)
         OutFileN   <- paste0(BGPathName,FTitle,OType)
         #cat("Printing map at:",OutFileN,"\n")     # got here...  No errors.
         if (OType == ".png") {
         } else { 
         Title     <- "Test Chart - After Mods before VisBorder."
         NTCol     <- NTable[WorkSf08$X__Key,"CCode"]
         colList   <- BCol[NTCol]
         graphics::text(NTable$MapX, NTable$MapY, NTable$MapL,cex=LabelCex)
         x         <- grDevices::dev.off()
      #####  390x
      #  Section 9.0 - Get set up for building the VisBorder files
      #    and doing the data checkpoints
      #  Start building the areaParms data.frame for the checkpoint.
      #  Set up for build VisBorder data.frames.
      #  but need some of the information earlier
      #  for the areaParms data.frame.
      SaveProj4    <- sf::st_crs(WorkSf08)        # CRS of proj4string.   # keep
      SProj4I      <- as.character(SaveProj4$input)
      px0          <- stringr::str_locate(SProj4I,"\\+proj=")
      px1          <- stringr::str_sub(SProj4I,px0[1,2]+1,-1)
      px2          <- stringr::str_locate(px1," ")
      ProjUsed     <- stringr::str_sub(px1,1,px2[1,1]-1)    # keep?
      #cat("ProjUsed:",ProjUsed,"\nSProj4I:",SProj4I," Used:",ProjUsed,"\n")
      xBBoxBG      <- sf::st_bbox(WorkSf08)
      mBBoxBG      <- as.numeric(xBBoxBG)  # convert from 'bbox' class to 'numbers'
      xLim         <- mBBoxBG[c(1,3)]
      yLim         <- mBBoxBG[c(2,4)]
      bbdx         <- diff(xLim)
      bbdy         <- diff(yLim)
      VisAsp       <- bbdy/bbdx            # must keep.
      #cat("xLim:",xLim,"  yLim:",yLim,"\n")
      #cat("class:",class(xLim),"  ",class(yLim),"\n")
      #cat("Step 9.0 Code 7455 - VisAsp:",VisAsp,"  bbdx:",bbdx,"  bbdy:",bbdy,"\n")   #  get here
      WorkSfMaster <- WorkSf08
      #  Start areaParms table - Fill out areaParms Table
      if (bitwAnd(debug,64) !=0) 
           cat("MapMinH:",MapMinH,"  MapMaxH:",MapMaxH,"  mean:",mean(c(MapMinH,MapMaxH)),"\n")
         sf_use_s2(TRUE)   # exiting for a while
      # Get original names or types of the shape file.
      if (methods::is(ShapeFile,"character"))  {
         SFName <- ShapeFile
         SFDir  <- ShapeFileDir
      } else {
         SFName <- "BinaryImage"
         SFDir  <- ""
      cat("The original Shapefile name is ",SFName," in ",SFDir,"\n")
      # check name table to see if L2 or Reg are all the same or completely unique.
      #  The areaParms data.frame must contain everything needed to pickup
      #  and continue the border group build after a checkpoint restart.
      areaParmsVer <- c("1")
      #cat("Building areaParms.\n")
      areaParms    <- NULL
      areaParms    <- data.frame(OrigProj4=as.character(sf::st_crs(WorkSf01)$input), 
                                 NewProj4 =as.character(sf::st_crs(WorkSf08)$input),
                                 OrigWkt  =sf::st_crs(WorkSf01)$wkt,   
                                 NewWkt   =sf::st_crs(WorkSf08)$wkt,
      areaParms$Ver           <- areaParmsVer         # data.frame format version.
      areaParms$SReadDriver   <- SReadDriver          # Driver used to read shapefile.
      areaParms$Driver        <- ShapeDriver          # Shape File Driver used to write CheckPoint Shape File image
      areaParms$ReadFlag      <- ReadFlag             # Type of Shapefile Read.
      areaParms$ShapeFName    <- SFName               # Shape File Name or "BinaryImage" if binary
      areaParms$ShapeFDir     <- SFDir                # Shape File Dir or ""
      areaParms$BGDir         <- BGDir                # border group dir at build time.
      areaParms$BGBase        <- BGBase               # border group name (minus BG)
      areaParms$bordGrp       <- paste0(BGBase,"BG")  # Name of the border Group with BG on the end. 
      areaParms$areaUSData    <- FALSE                # Indicates the border group is of the U.S. geography. (Old MapLabel)
      areaParms$enableAlias   <- FALSE                # Disables the use of the Alias field for wild card area name matches.
      areaParms$Map.MinH      <- MapMinH              # The minimum height in inches a micromap drawing is allowed to be.
      areaParms$Map.MaxH      <- MapMaxH              # The maximum height in inches a micromap drawing is allowed to be.
      areaParms$MapLData      <- MapLData             # T/F indicating there is map label information in Name Table.
      areaParms$LabelCex      <- LabelCex             # the cex multiplier for the Map Labels 
      areaParms$Map.Aspect    <- VisAsp               # The micromaps aspect ratio :  width/height
      areaParms$Map.L2Borders <- L2Feature            # Are L2 boundards to be drawn where appropriate.
      if (is.na(MapHdr[1]))  MapHdr[1] = BGBase
      areaParms$Map.Hdr1      <- MapHdr[1]            # The first line of the Map Glyphic header
      if (is.na(MapHdr[2]))  MapHdr[2] = "Areas"
      areaParms$Map.Hdr2      <- MapHdr[2]            # The second line of the Map Glyphic heade
                                                      # if only one header is present, it is placed in the lower line.
      if (is.na(IDHdr[1]))   IDHdr[1] = BGBase
      areaParms$Id.Hdr1       <- IDHdr[1]             # The first line of the ID Glyphic header
      if (is.na(IDHdr[2]))   IDHdr[2] = "Areas"
      areaParms$Id.Hdr2       <- IDHdr[2]             # The second line of the ID Glyphic header
                                                      # if only one header is present, it is placed in the lower line.
      areaParms$aP_Regions    <- RegFeature           # set based on presents of regID and multiple values.
      areaParms$Map.RegBorders<- RegFeature           # regional boundary data is present.
      areaParms$aP_Units      <- "meters"             # Coordinates units - should always be meters.
      areaParms$aP_Proj       <- ProjUsed             # The final projection used, should be equal-area or user defined.
      areaParms$xLimL         <- xLim[1]              #  X coordinates Min,Max
      areaParms$xLimH         <- xLim[2]              #  X coordinates Min,Max
      areaParms$yLimL         <- yLim[1]              #  Y coordinates Min,Max
      areaParms$yLimH         <- yLim[2]              #  Y coordinates Min,Max
      areaParms   <- as.data.frame(areaParms, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)   # Make Sure it is a good DF
      #cat("areaParms table - Ckpt version\n")
      ##### 391x
      #  step 9.1.0 - Starting the Check pointing saves.  Build the unique 
      #  directory to save the 
      #  three files.
      #  Checkpoint directory based on BorderGroupDir  - BGDir ends 
      #  with /
      CkptPath <- paste0(BGDir,"CheckPoint")
      #cat("***3910 The checkpoint files will be store in the Checkpoint directory :\n",
      #    "      ",CkptPath,"\n")
      if (!dir.exists(CkptPath)) {
         # create if it does not exist.
         # build checkpoint folder if first time (rebuild if needed.)
      #  Build file names and path for the checkpoint datasets
      #  Need to check for existing files.  If there, erase???
      #  The numerical value of the data points are meters and have been adjusted.
      #  They may be too big to be saved.  Area m^2 can be a problem.
      #  Consider KM, or another solution.  Blogs recommend saving values as character types.
      #   9.1.1 Name Table
      #   Clean up Name Table Variables - delete extra columns
      NTable$NB       <- NULL
      NTable$MapLabel <- NULL
      NTable$area     <- NULL
      NTable$Link     <- NULL     # $Key exists and fill be the link from now on.
      #  Name Table check points
      NTCkpt     <- paste0("/",BGBase,"_NT_Ckpt.RDA")
      NTCkptcsv  <- paste0("/",BGBase,"_NT_Ckpt.CSV")
      NTPCkpt    <- paste0(CkptPath,NTCkpt)
      NTPCkptcsv <- paste0(CkptPath,NTCkptcsv)
      cat("***3912 Checkpoint - Name Table RDA Filename : ",NTCkpt,"\n",
          "        Checkpoint - Name Table CSV Filename : ",NTCkptcsv,"\n")
      areaNamesAbbrsIDs      <- as.data.frame(NTable)
      areaParms$CP_NTPath    <- NTPCkpt
      # Save name table as RDA file.
      save(areaNamesAbbrsIDs, file=NTPCkpt, compress="xz")  
      # Save name table as CSV file.
      if (file.exists(NTPCkptcsv)) {
         file.remove ( file=NTPCkptcsv )
      utils::write.csv(areaNamesAbbrsIDs, file=NTPCkptcsv, row.names=FALSE)        
      #  Name Table now written as .CSV and .RDA files.
      #   9.1.2 Shape File
      #   Shape File Image
      # Clean Up sf
      WSFNames <- names(WorkSfMaster)
      if (any('X__Link'==WSFNames)) WorkSfMaster$X__Link <- NULL   # will depend on the $X__Key field from now on.
      if (any('AreaM2' ==WSFNames)) WorkSfMaster$AreaM2  <- NULL   # remove AreaM2 field - too large and not needed.
      if (any('Group.1'==WSFNames)) WorkSfMaster$Group.1 <- NULL
      # Before writing shape files, since the numeric field sizes for the data
      # are limited and can trigger an error that will prevent the shape file from
      # being written, check all data fields and convert the fields value to 
      # character type if the maximum value is > 4,250,000,000.
      WSFng    <- sf::st_drop_geometry(WorkSfMaster)
      WSFNames <- names(WSFng)   # get list of data field names.
      for (ft in WSFNames) {    # check each field
         if (methods::is(WSFng[,ft],"numeric")) {   # if numeric
            if (max(WSFng[,ft]) > 4250000000) {    # if max > 4,250,000,000
               WorkSfMaster[,ft] <- as.character(WSFng[,ft])  # convert column to character.
      # writeOGR (sf::st_write) layer - no extension and no "/" - put on by writeOGR
      SFCkpt       <- paste0(BGBase,"_SF_Ckpt")  
      SFCkptRDA    <- paste0(SFCkpt,".RDA")     # shape file RDA filename
      # writeOGR (sf::st_write) DSN
      SFPCkpt      <- paste0(CkptPath)  # no extension and no "/" - put on by writeOGR
      SFPCkptRDA   <- paste0(CkptPath,"/",SFCkptRDA)    # full pathname for RDA shape file
      areaParms$CP_ShpDSN     <- SFPCkpt   # save location of shape file information.
      areaParms$CP_ShpLayer   <- SFCkpt
      cat("***3913 Checkpoint - The shape file spatial data is written to:",SFCkpt,"\n",
          "        as a set of ESRI Shapefiles.  The RDA image spatial data is in:",SFCkptRDA,"\n")
      save(WorkSfMaster, file=SFPCkptRDA, compress="xz")
      wFiles  <- dir(SFPCkpt,pattern=paste0(SFCkpt,'.*'))  # get list of existing file we will
      RMFiles <- paste0(SFPCkpt,'/',wFiles)
      file.remove(RMFiles)                                # overwrite files - erase old copies.
      # Now I know how I read the shapefile in and the driver that was used.
      # I can now write it back the same way using the SReadDriver and the ReadFlag information.
      sf::st_write(WorkSfMaster, dsn=SFPCkpt, layer=SFCkpt, quiet=TRUE,
                      driver=ShapeDriver, append=FALSE)    # ESRI Shapefile
      #  Shape Files are now written (ESRI Shapefile format) and .rda of data.frame.
      #   9.1.3 areaParms
      #   areaParms image  - contains all of the variables to check point and restart.
      APCkpt       <- paste0("/",BGBase,"_AP_Ckpt.RDA")
      APPCkpt      <- paste0(CkptPath,APCkpt)
      cat("***3915 Checkpoint - areaParms data.frame in : \n",
          "        ",APPCkpt,"\n        as ",APCkpt,"\n")
      #  areaParms data.frame file is now written as .RDA file.
      #  9.1.4  Report where all the files for the shapefile and 
      #         the intermediate work data.frames are located and named. 
      # After doing the check point, we continue to build 
      # the border group dataset.
      cat("***3917 BuildBorderGroup has completed writing of the checkpoint\n",
          "        files to disk for possible editing and restart.\n",
          "        They are located in the following directory : \n")
      cat("        ",CkptPath,"\n")
      #cat("***3918 The check point Shape File for the border group is saved to:\n",
      #    "        ",SFCkpt,"\n")
      cat("***3919 After editing, the resulting files must be saved back to\n",
          "        the same directory and filename.\n")
      WorkSfMst <- WorkSfMaster
      # Files saved for the Check Point are:  ShapeFile, Name Table, and areaParms
      #  End of regular run and the creation of the checkpoint files.

   } else {
      #  Start of the re-start of the run using the checkpoint files.
      ##### 392x 
      #   Part 9.2 - Pull Data in for checkPointReStart
      cat("***3920 Check Point Restart Process Initiated.\n")
      #  A checkPointReStart process is being done.  
      #  Build the directory and path strings and reload 
      #  the:  ShapeFile, NameTable, areaParm table.
      #  Key calling parameters are:  NameTableDir (contains the check point folder),
      #  the BorderGroupName (part of the check point file names and the final border
      #  group name).
      #  While the BorderGroupDir is the base directory for the checkpoint 
      #  files.  If missing try using the NameTableDir which could 
      #  have been the original source. In the BorderGroupDir was 
      #  created the "checkpoint" sub-directory to contain the files.
      #  Need to load areaParms file. IT has all of the rest of the data.
      RecoveryBase <- NULL
      # Make sure the BorderGroupDir is provided as the base to find the 
      # checkpoint files.
      if (missing(BorderGroupDir) || is.null(BorderGroupDir) ) {
         # no border group dir - use name table dir as backup.
         if (missing(NameTableDir) || is.null(NameTableDir) ) {
            # no Name Table Dir - ERROR
            xmsg <- paste0("***3921 No Border Group or Name Table directory provides. Cannot\n",
                           "        find restart files. Process stopped.\n")
         } else {
            # have Name Table Dir
            cat("***3922 Using the NameTable directory :\n",
                "        ",NameTableDir,"\n        to locate the checkpoint files.\n")
            RecoveryDir <- NameTableDir
      } else {
         # have border group dir - use it.
          cat("***3923 Using the BorderGroup directory :\n",
              "        ",BorderGroupDir,"\n        to locate the checkpoint files.\n")
          RecoveryDir <- BorderGroupDir
      # build full path to the check point files.
      RecoveryBase <- paste0(RecoveryDir,"/CheckPoint/",BGBase)
      cat("Checkpoint File Path used is :\n",
         "   ",RecoveryBase,"\n")
      #  Load #1 the areaParms dataset.
      #cat("***3925 Reading areaParms dataset : \n",
      #    "        ",paste0(BGBase,"_AP_Ckpt.RDA"),"\n")
      load(file=paste0(RecoveryBase,"_AP_Ckpt.RDA"))        # areaParms
      #  Load #2 the shape file (ERSI Shapefile format or whatever format it is.)
      SFCkpt        <- areaParms$CP_ShpLayer
      SFPCkpt       <- areaParms$CP_ShpDSN
      #cat("***3926 Reading shapefile : \n",
      #    "        dsn  =",SFPCkpt,"\n",
      #    "        layer=",SFCkpt,"\n")
      WorkSfMaster  <- sf::st_read(dsn=SFPCkpt,layer=SFCkpt)   # read in shape file.
      # The row.names of the shape file spatial structures are 
      # preserved by st_write and st_read. If the GIS system
      # does any modifications to the data base section of the shape
      # file, issues will develop.
      # If the X__Key variable is maintained and the X__Key does not
      # match the row.names of the sf structure, the row.names will be
      # reset.
      SFNames <- names(WorkSfMaster)   # get names of fields.
      # Enforce the X__Key variable as the row.names on the sf.
      if (any("X__Key" == SFNames)) {
         # the variable exists.
         row.names(WorkSfMaster) <- WorkSfMaster$X__Key
      } else {
         xmsg <- paste0("***3928 The Shapefile has been modified and the 'X__Key' variable \n",
                        "        has been removed.  Rerun the BuildBorderGroup function to\n",
                        "        restore the variable.  Then re-edit the shapefile and \n",
                        "        do not remove the variable when editing the shape file.\n")
         StopFlag <- stopCntMsg(xmsg)
      WorkSfMst     <- WorkSfMaster
      WorkSfMst     <- sf::st_make_valid(WorkSfMst)
      WorkSfMstData <- sf::st_drop_geometry(WorkSfMst)
      #  Shape file is loaded.
      #  Load the name table from the RDA
      NTCkpt        <- areaParms$CP_NTPath
      #cat("***3927 Reading NameTable: ",NTCkpt,"\n")
      areaNamesAbbrsIDs <- as.data.frame(areaNamesAbbrsIDs,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)    
      NTable        <- areaNamesAbbrsIDs
      #   Name Table is loaded.
      #  Shape File restored to WorkSfMst
      #  Name Table restored to NTable
      #  areaParms table restored to areaParms
      #  Reload some information and variables stored 
      #     in the areaParms data.frame
      OrigProjFull <- areaParms$OrigProjFull
      CurProjFull  <- areaParms$CurProjFull
      BGDir        <- areaParms$BGDir
      BGBase       <- areaParms$BGBase
      bordGrp      <- areaParms$bordGrp
      areaUSData   <- areaParms$areaUSData
      enableAlias  <- areaParms$enableAlias
      MapMinH      <- areaParms$Map.MinH
      MapMaxH      <- areaParms$Map.MaxH
      MapAvgH      <- mean(MapMinH,MapMaxH)
      MapLData     <- areaParms$MapLData
      LabelCex     <- areaParms$LabelCex
      VisAsp       <- areaParms$Map.Aspect
      L2Feature    <- areaParms$Map.L2Borders
      MapHdr       <- NULL
      MapHdr[1]    <- areaParms$Map.Hdr1
      MapHdr[2]    <- areaParms$Map.Hdr2
      IDHdr        <- NULL
      IDHdr[1]     <- areaParms$ID.Hdr1
      IDHdr[2]     <- areaParms$ID.Hdr2
      RegFeature   <- areaParms$aP_Regions
      aP_Regions   <- RegFeature
      aP_Units     <- areaParms$aP_Units
      aP_Proj      <- areaParms$aP_Proj
      ProjUsed     <- aP_Proj
      # Reloading of the check point files is done.
   suppressMessages(      # Turn it off so we can process the shapefile.
   #####  3A0x
   # Since Shapefile could have been modified, make sure 
   # shape file is OK.
   WorkSfMst     <- sf::st_make_valid(WorkSfMst)
   WorkSfMst     <- st_cast(WorkSfMst,"MULTIPOLYGON")   # Make sure all geometry elements are multipolygons
   WorkSfMstData <- sf::st_drop_geometry(WorkSfMst)
   WorkSfNames   <- names(WorkSfMst)   # get names of variables

   #  Make sure the added variables are still there.
   #     X__Link should be gone..
   #     only X__Key should remain.
   if (!any("X__Key" == WorkSfNames)) {
      # X__Key variable are missing.   I can't restore row.names if needed to
      #  or compare them to see if they are right.
      xmsg <- paste0("***3A02 The shape file variables have been editted. The 'X__Key'\n",
                     "        variables are missing.  Redo the edits and do not \n",
                     "        delete the 'X__Key' variable.\n")
   KeyRowNames <- row.names(WorkSfMst)   # Check to see if the row.names match
                                         # the X__Key values.
   if (any(KeyRowNames != WorkSfMst$X__Key)) {
      # The row.names do not match the X__Key variables.
      xmsg <- paste0("***3A04 The shape file row.names in the spatial structure do not match \n",
                     "        the 'X__Key' variable values. Investigate and correct cause.\n",
                     "        row.names are reset to the 'X__Key' values.\n")
      row.names(WorkSfMst) <- WorkSfMst$X__Key
   ##### 3A1x
   #  Since projections have been done, no more dateline concerns.
   #  Step 10.x - Build VisBorder data.frames from sf and UNION as needed.
   #  a) Save sf Images for area, Regions, L2 and L3.
   #  b) Preform UNIONS aS NEEDED ON sf for Regions, L2, and L3.
   #  c) Convert images into VisBorders format.
   #     Repeat for each layers sf (area, L2, L3, Regions)
   #  d) Test images and Name Table together,
   #  e) Write border group dataset.
   #  f) Print out documentation on Name Table.
   #      labels to be used in data (Name, Abbr, Alt_Abbr, ID, and Alias.)
   #  g) Draw the lattice maps and single map from the VisBorder 
   #      boundary dataset information.
   #####  3A1x
   #  Step 10.1 = Convert sf to VisBorder Data.frames and round vectex
   #  User now has a usable SPDF for micromapST conversion and the start
   #  of the NameTable structure to enhance.
   #  Rounding smoothing.  For lat/long rounding of 2 is approprivate (xxx.xx)
   #     However, this must be changed for other units of measure:
   #       Lat/Long  = round(x,4)     x.xxxx (0.00008983)   = 1/11131.94 of degree (0.008983% of degree)
   #          round(,6) = .xxxxxx,  5) = .xxxxx,   4) = .xxxx  ...  target =0.0001 (4)
   #       meters    = round(x,-1)    xxx0     = 10 meters or 36.9 feet.
   #       kilometer = round(x,-4)    x.xx0  = 10 meters 
   #       1 mile = 1609.34 meters    (720 degrees around the world)
   #       circumference of earth = 24901 miles  or 40,075,000 meters.
   #   The width and height of the map should also be taken into account.
   #   If the map covers a small area, rounding of the vectex x,y values
   #   may have to be changed to preserve the areas.
   #   At this time, the +units will always be "m".   
   #   Right now the rounding is at about the 36.4 to 36.9 feet increments.
   #   Scaling and Rounding:
   #     a) Long/Lat = round(y, 4)   down to xxx.xxxx
   #     b) meters =   round(y,-1)   down to xxxx0 
   #     c) kilometers = round(y,-4) down to xx.xx0
   #RndValue = 4, -1, -4   ???? fix
   #   Current thought is must have at least 5000 increments.  
   #   For meters, it must come to 10s.  US map is 2660000 m high, 4509000 wide.
   #   To keep rounding to 10 meters, that gives up 266000 unite high, and 450900 wide.
   #   For Delaware: height=154,000m, width = 48,000m using 450,000 wide
   #   and 250,000 high. 
   #   US at 10m, so number of buckets is 250,000 high and 500,000 wide. So, 500,000 buckets 
   #   wins.   Applied to Delaware at 154,000m high and 48,000m wide = 154/500 high
   #   and 48/500 wide = 1/10 and 1/3... of a meter - smaller wins.
   #   Rhode Island = 77,000 high, 60,000 wide.
   #   Future improvement could be to calculate a better rounding value then 10 
   #   based on the size of the area.
   # Select correct rounding factor for the size of map and distance on the map.

   ##### 3A3x
   #  Step 10.1  - get sf for each boundary set - area, L2, L3, and Regions
   cat("***3A30 Creating the 4 micromapST boundary data.frames (area, L2,\n",
       "        L3, and Regions).\n")
   BCol    <- c("#e41a1c","#377eb8","#4daf4a","#984ea3","#ff7f00","#ffff33","#a65628","#f781bf","#999999")
   vDebug  <- debug
   if (bitwAnd(vDebug,256) != 0) {              # change - dropped 512 and 1024
      # caller wants sample maps
      PPsf         <- WorkSfMst
      PPTitle      <- "Before conversion to VisBorder"
      PPMfrow      <- c(4,4)
      SamplePrts_sf(PPsf,PPTitle,PPMfrow,vDebug,NTable$Key,MapAvgH)    # gotcha
   Wkbbx    <- sf::st_bbox(WorkSfMst)
   wDist    <- abs(Wkbbx[1]-Wkbbx[3])/7500

   SfMstrows <- row.names(WorkSfMst)  # the list of rows in the WorkSf08 sf
   #  No more unions on the area layer
   if (L2Feature) {    
      #  L2 Groups - Create boundaries
      #cat("Layer 2 Feature groups.\n")
      # do union based on L2_IDs in the Name Table
      # Get list from WorkSf row.names order from Name Table.
      WorkL2             <- WorkSfMst   # get copy of area master.
      L2Grps             <- NTable[SfMstrows,"L2_ID"]   # assuming one sf row (area) per name table row
      WorkL2$agg         <- L2Grps
      WorkL2$agg_name    <- NTable[SfMstrows,"L2_ID_Name"]
      WorkL2             <- aggregate(WorkL2,by=list(L2Grps),FUN=aggFun)
      row.names(WorkL2)  <- WorkL2$agg  # restore row.names
      #cat("calling getColoring for L2 Code 8014 \n")
      L2_NTCC            <- as.data.frame(getColoring(sf::st_geometry(WorkL2)),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)  # Have colors for super-areas.
      row.names(L2_NTCC) <- row.names(WorkL2)             # save xNTCC table for later use. ? check point.
                                                          # can't recreate after conversion to VisBorders.
      NTable$L2CCode     <- L2_NTCC[row.names(NTable),1]  # save the color index for the area.
      #### Only if L2 flag set. 
      if (bitwAnd(debug,8) != 0 ) {
         #cat("Calling getColoring - Code 8024 \n")
         WorkL2Neib   <- getColoring(sf::st_geometry(WorkL2))
         #cat("Looking at Neighbors:", WorkL2Neib, " (colors)\n")
         WorkL2ColK   <- BCol[WorkL2Neib] # find best color pattern
         WorkL2sfc    <- sf::st_geometry(WorkL2)
         OutPutP      <- paste0(BGPathName, "BBG-Level_2_map_image.pdf")
         grDevices::pdf(OutPutP,width=10, height=7)
         plot(WorkL2sfc,main='',lwd=0.2,asp=1,key.pos=NULL, col=WorkL2ColK)
         graphics::title("Level 2 SP Shape file data")
         x <- grDevices::dev.off()
   if (RegFeature) {
      #  Regional Groups create boundaries
      #cat("Regional Feature Groups Code 8045 .\n")
      WorkReg          <- WorkSfMst
      RegGrps          <- NTable[SfMstrows,"regID"]   # assuming one sf row per name table row.
      WorkReg$agg      <- RegGrps
      WorkReg$agg_name <- NTable[SfMstrows,"regName"]
      WorkReg          <- aggregate(WorkReg,by=list(RegGrps),FUN=aggFun)
      row.names(WorkReg) <- WorkReg$agg
      Reg_NTCC            <- as.data.frame(getColoring(sf::st_geometry(WorkReg)),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      row.names(Reg_NTCC) <- row.names(WorkReg)             # save xNTCC table for later use. ? check point.
                                                            # can't recreate after conversion to VisBorder
      NTable$R2CCode   <- Reg_NTCC[row.names(NTable),1]       # save the color index for the area.
                                    # CCode ranges from 1 to "n" - that is the number of colors required.
      # Only if region flag set.
      if (bitwAnd(debug,8) != 0) {
         #WorkRegColK <- BCol[nacol(WorkReg)]
         #cat("Region outline - get Coloring\n")
         WorkRegColK  <- BCol[getColoring(sf::st_geometry(WorkReg))]
         WorkRegsfc   <- sf::st_geometry(WorkReg)
         OutPutP      <- paste0(BGPathName,"BBG-Regional_level_map_image.pdf")
         grDevices::pdf(OutPutP,width=10, height=7)
         graphics::title("Region Shape file data")
         x            <- grDevices::dev.off()
   #  L3 (All) outline
   #cat("Layer 3 - outline of all.\n")
   WorkL3          <- WorkSfMst

   WorkL3agg       <- aggregate(WorkSfMst,by=list(rep("L3",length(SfMstrows))),FUN=aggFun)
   #  Aggregate reverted the spatial objects back to polygons.  Have to re cast it again.
   ##WorkL3aggb      <- sf::st_boundary(WorkL3agg)
   ##   In some cases st_boundary creates a linestring geometry.  This can't be
   ##   converted back to Multipolygon in one step.  Needs MULTIPOLYGON to 
   ##   ensure the conversion to VisBorders works.
   #cat("Layer 3 - outline of all.\n")
   WorkL3          <- sf::st_cast(WorkL3agg,"MULTIPOLYGON")   # Make sure all geometry elements are multipolygons
   #            This is required for the BuildVisBorders to work right.
   WorkL3$agg      <- BorderGroupName
   WorkL3$agg_name <- BorderGroupName
   #  Steps to find concave hull  - not used.
   #  a) st_union (not useful, skip)
   #  b) get bbox for sizing
   #  c) find distance for st_buffer  =  width of map / 7500 (meters)  = US is 4882 km = 4,882,000
   #     st_buffer increases the size of the file enormously..  find another method of 
   #     building a concave hull boundary for entire map.  
   #    I suppect, the modificates create a small river like gap between RI and MA on the right 
   #    and also a gap on the top border between MA and RI and CT.   st_boundary can't 
   #    catch it since it looks like a river.
   #  -- Did not use st_buffer since it inflated the size of the objects by 2x and did not really help.
   #  Alternate Steps:
   #  1) get a clean and valid copy of the boundaries.
   #  2) aggregate all boundaries to one key.
   #  3) Use st_boundary function to clean up edges.
   #  4) Set the results to ALL MULTIPOLYGON elements.
   #  5) Set the aggregate names in the data section.
   #suppressMessages(    # removed.
   #   suppressWarnings(
   #      WorkL3          <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_union(WorkL3))  # all of the areas.
   #   )
   #WorkL3   <- sf::st_buffer(WorkL3,wDist)

   if (bitwAnd(debug,8) != 0) {
      WorkL3sfc <- sf::st_geometry(WorkL3)
      OutPutP   <- paste0(BGPathName,"BBG-Map_outline_(L3)_map_image.pdf")
      grDevices::pdf(OutPutP,width=10, height=7)
      graphics::title("L3 SP Shape file data")
      x         <- grDevices::dev.off()
   ######   3A2x
   #  Step 10.2  - convert each boundary Sf to the VisBorders format.
   #    Warning 3A22 = Invalid Polygons.
   cat("Building VisBorders data.frames for the areas.\n")
   areaVisBorders      <- BuildVisBorder(WorkSfMst, "area")
   GrpList <- c("areaVisBorders")
   uAVBKey <- unique(areaVisBorders$Key)
   #cat("Keys - areaVisBorders - Unique\n")

   if (L2Feature) {
      cat("Building VisBorders for the level 2 boundaries.\n")
      L2VisBorders        <- BuildVisBorder(WorkL2, "Level 2")
      GrpList <- c(GrpList,"L2VisBorders")
      uL2VBKey <- unique(L2VisBorders$Key)
      #cat("Keys - L2VisBorders - Unique\n")
   if (RegFeature) {
      cat("Building VisBorders for the Regional boundaries.\n")
      RegVisBorders       <- BuildVisBorder(WorkReg, "Regional")
      GrpList <- c(GrpList,"RegVisBorders")
      uRegVBKey <- unique(RegVisBorders$Key)
      #cat("uRegVBKey - RegVisBorders - Unique\n")
   cat("Building VisBorders for the Level 3 map outline.\n")
   L3VisBorders        <- BuildVisBorder(WorkL3, "Level 3 Map Outline")
   GrpList <- c(GrpList,"L3VisBorders")
   #cat("***3A28 Completed conversion to VisBorders format.\n")
   #  Clean up VisBorders DF
   areaVisBorders$L1 <- NULL
   areaVisBorders$L2 <- NULL
   areaVisBorders$L3 <- NULL
   L3VisBorders$L1   <- NULL
   L3VisBorders$L2   <- NULL
   L3VisBorders$L3   <- NULL
   if (exists('L2VisBorders')) {
      L2VisBorders$L1   <- NULL
      L2VisBorders$L2   <- NULL
      L2VisBorders$L3   <- NULL

   if (exists('RegVisBorders')) {
      RegVisBorders$L1   <- NULL
      RegVisBorders$L2   <- NULL
      RegVisBorders$L3   <- NULL

   #####  3A3x
   #  Step 10.3 - Display on the screen the final results.
   if (bitwAnd(debug,2048) !=0) {
      #  Test Plotting to windows of each VisBorders  (debug= 2048)
      #  areaVisBorders
      # The range of the CCode should only be between 4 and 6 at max.
      #cat("Drawing test images of the border group layers to the screen'\n")
      #cat("  one per windows.  Each must be manually closed.\n")\
      maxCol           <- max(NTable$CCode)
      if (maxCol < 5) maxCol = 5
      WANCol           <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(maxCol, "RdYlBu")
      WANAreaCCode     <- NTable[areaVisBorders[is.na(areaVisBorders$x),"Key"],c("CCode")] 
      WANAC            <- WANCol[WANAreaCCode]  # ordered by neigbhor
      #   areaVisBorders 
      graphics::title("VisBorder of areas")
      if (L2Feature) {
         #   L2VisBorders
         #   Clean up unused columns
         L2VisB           <- NULL
         L2VisB$Key       <- L2VisBorders[is.na(L2VisBorders$x),"Key"]
         uniL2Keys        <- unique(L2VisB$Key)
         maxCol           <- length(uniL2Keys)
         #cat("L2 Max Colors:",maxCol,"\n")
         if (maxCol > 10) {
            WANCol1       <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, "RdYlBu")
            WANCol1       <- rep(WANCol1, maxCol / 11 + 1)
            L2Col         <- WANCol1[1:maxCol]
         } else {
            L2Col         <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(maxCol,"RdYlBu")
         #cat("Colors:", paste0(L2Col,collapse=", ",sep=""),"\n")
         xm               <- match(L2VisB$Key, uniL2Keys)
         L2VisB$Col       <- L2Col[xm]
         graphics::title("VisBorders of L2")
      if (RegFeature) {
         # RegVisBorders
         # Clean up unused columns
         RegVisB          <- NULL
         RegVisB$Key      <- RegVisBorders[is.na(RegVisBorders$x),"Key"]
         uniRegKeys       <- unique(RegVisB$Key)
         maxCol           <- length(uniRegKeys)
         #cat("Reg Max Colors:",maxCol,"\n")
         if (maxCol > 10) {
            WANCol1       <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, "RdYlBu")
            WANCol1       <- rep(WANCol1, maxCol / 11 + 1)
            RegCol        <- WANCol1[1:maxCol]
         } else {
            RegCol        <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(maxCol,"RdYlBu")
         xm               <- match(RegVisB$Key, uniRegKeys)
         RegVisB$Col      <- RegCol[xm]
         #cat("Colors:", paste0(RegCol,collapse=", ",sep=""),"\n")
         #  Must be done when area is in spatial structure (sf).
         #  Then encode the color code and save in the levels name table for that level.
         #  Later use the name table to help translate the VisBorder entries back to 
         #  colors per polygon.
         #  Name Table.
         graphics::title("VisBorder of Regions")
      graphics::title("VisBorder of L3")
   }  # end of the test plots of each VisBorder data.frame as a set of windows.
   #####  3A5x
   #   Plot final areaVisBorder in file.
   #   Use Name Table for Color codes.
   if (bitwAnd(debug,512+1024) != 0) {
      #  plot of final areaVisBorders map to PDF or PNG file.
      #cat("Generating scaled example of map - after conversion to micromapST format.\n")
      maxCol       <- max(NTable$CCode)
      WANCol       <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(maxCol, "RdYlBu")
      WANAreaCCode <- NTable[areaVisBorders[is.na(areaVisBorders$x),"Key"],c("CCode")] 
      WANAC        <- WANCol[WANAreaCCode]  # ordered by neigbhor
      PPTitle      <- "Final_areaVisBorders"
      PngH         <- 4 + .4
      xAsp         <- areaParms$Map.Aspect
      PngW         <- PngH / xAsp   #  Y / (Y/X)  <-  Y * X/Y
      #cat("xAsp:",xAsp,"  PngW:",PngW,"  PngH:",PngH,"\n")
      FTitle       <- gsub(" ","_",PPTitle)
      OutTestSm    <- paste0(BGPathName,"_FP_",FTitle,OType)
      if (OType == ".png") {
         grDevices::png(OutTestSm, res=300, width=PngW, height=PngH, units="in")
      } else {
         grDevices::pdf(OutTestSm, width=PngW, height=PngH)
      #cat("par('din')",par('din'),"  par('fin'):",par('fin'),"  par('pin'):",par('pin'),"\n")
      PlotVis(areaVisBorders,WANAC)     # micromapST defaults lwd to 0.5  
      # draw the extra characters (wrong - correct)
      MapT <- data.frame(l=NTable$MapL,x=NTable$MapX,y=NTable$MapY)
      row.names(MapT) <- NTable$Key
      xm <- !is.na(MapT$l)
      MapT <- MapT[xm,]
      if (dim(MapT)[1] > 0 ) {
         #cat("MapT matrix for labels:")
         graphics::text(MapT$x, MapT$y, MapT$l, cex=LabelCex)  # micromapST LabelCex multiplier = def=0.25
      x <- grDevices::dev.off()
   }  # end of PDF or PNG final image plot of areaVisBorder borders.
   #  Finish Name Table build out.
   #   Clean up entries in areaParms for final border Group - no checkpoint information.
   areaParms$CP_NTPath   <- NULL
   areaParms$CP_ShpDSN   <- NULL
   areaParms$CP_ShpLayer <- NULL
   ##### 3A5x
   #  Fields: 
   #   bordGrp  -  name of border group
   #  Save the individual data.frames   (no need to dump so much.)
   #cat("***3A53 Writing an images of each Border Group data.frame for ",BGBase,"\n")
   #save(areaNamesAbbrsIDs, file=paste0(BGPathName,"_areaNamesAbbrsIDs.rda"), compress="xz")
   #save(areaVisBorders,    file=paste0(BGPathName,"_areaVisBorders.rda"),    compress="xz")
   #if (L2Feature)  save(L2VisBorders, file=paste0(BGPathName,"_L2VisBorders.rda" ), compress="xz")
   #if (RegFeature) save(RegVisBorders,file=paste0(BGPathName,"_RegVisBorders.rda"), compress="xz")
   #save(L3VisBorders,      file=paste0(BGPathName,"_L3VisBorders.rda"),      compress="xz")
   #save(areaParms,         file=paste0(BGPathName,"_areaParms.rda"),         compress="xz")
   #  Save the border group data set of all data.frames
   saveL <- c("areaParms",  "areaNamesAbbrsIDs", GrpList)
   SavePath <- BorderGroupPath # paste0(BGPathName,"BG.rda")
   save(list=saveL,file=SavePath, compress="xz")   # save border group datasets for check point.
   cat("***3A55 Border Group Created - Successfully.\n")
   #   Create scale images of maps one per linked micromap image.
   if (bitwAnd(debug,8192) != 0) {
      #cat("Generate scaled example of test maps - after rounding and convert to VisBorders.\n")
      VisB         <- areaVisBorders
      KeyList      <- unique(VisB$Key)
      KeyCol       <- data.frame(Key=KeyList,Col=NA)
      #KeyCol$Name <- NTable[KeyCol$Key,"Name"]
      KeyNum       <- dim(KeyCol)[1]  # Get number of rows.
      NumPanels    <- as.integer((KeyNum-1)/5) + 1  # calculate number of panels.
      #NumPanels   <- as.integer(NumPanels)
      BaseColors   <- c(mcolors[1],mcolors[2],mcolors[3],mcolors[4],mcolors[5])
      Base6Colors  <- c(BaseColors,mcolors[6])
      BlankColors  <- c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA)
      # find the multiple polygons per area.  Must have colors per polygon.
      KeyNA        <- as.data.frame(VisB[is.na(VisB$x),"Key"])  # list of Keys and NA (x coordinates)
      names(KeyNA) <- c("Key")
      KeyNA$Col    <- NA
      KeyNA$Inx    <- match(KeyNA$Key,KeyCol$Key)
      VColors      <- c(BaseColors, rep(NA,KeyNum-5))
      # One image per group/row.
      PDFTest      <- paste0(BGPathName,"_TestChart_based_on_VisBorder.pdf")
      par(mai=c(0.125,0.125,0.125,0.125))  #  1/8" around
      par(mfrow=c(4,4))   # setup to provide about the same space as a micromap
      for (inx in c(seq(1,NumPanels))) {
         KeyCol$Col   <- VColors
         # now match the polygon list KeyCol list and pick up the color
         KeyNA$Col    <- KeyCol[KeyNA$Inx,"Col"]
         PlotCol      <- KeyNA$Col
         xm           <- !is.na(KeyCol$Col)
         KeyLeg       <- KeyCol$Key[xm]
         KeyLegCol    <- KeyCol$Col[xm]
         #legend("right", KeyLeg, text.col = "black", cex=0.5, bty="n",
         #       pch=NA, xpd=TRUE, vfont=c("san serif"), inset=-0.05)
         legend("right", KeyLeg, text.col = KeyLegCol, cex=0.5, bty="n",
                pch=NA, xpd=TRUE, inset=-0.05)
         VColors      <- c(BlankColors,VColors)[1:KeyNum]
      x <- grDevices::dev.off()
   }  # end of multiple small image print out 
   ### 3A6x
   #   Final summary report of the names, abbrs, IDs, Alias's, and Alt_Abr used 
   #   in the name table as documentation of the border group.
   #  Convert to write to Ascii file.
   RepOutFile <- paste0(BorderGroupDir,"/",BGBase,"BG_rpt.txt")
   cat("***3A60 Summary build report of names, abbr, id and other data \n",
       "        is written to ",RepOutFile,"\n")
       "   ",paste0(BGBase,"BG")," ",format(Sys.time(),format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),"\n")
   NTNames  <- names(NTable)
   TCol     <- c("Name","Abbr","ID", "Alt_Abbr", "Alias")
   CCol     <- c("full","ab","id", "alt_ab", "alias")
   L2Col    <- c("L2_ID","L2_ID_Name")
   RegCol   <- c("regID", "regName")
   AltL2RegCol <- c(L2Col,RegCol)
   ModCol   <- c("Xoffset","Yoffset","Scale","Rotate")
   MapLabel <- c("MapL","MapX","MapY")
   AltModMapLCol <- c(ModCol,MapLabel)
   xm       <- match(NTNames,TCol)  # what columns are in Name Table
   # Have a number if there is a match otherwise a NA.
   xmNA     <- !is.na(xm)  # now a TRUE for the matches.
   NTUser   <- NTable[,xmNA]
   NTNames  <- names(NTUser)
   xmm      <- match(NTNames,TCol)
   xmmNA    <- !is.na(xmm)
   NTNamesC <- CCol[xmm]
   names(NTUser) <- NTNamesC
   print(NTUser)	    #  print a copy of the users name table. 
   ###  Duplicate - already done..
   NTrn    <- row.names(NTable)
   NTnr    <- dim(NTable)[1]              # number of rows in NTable
   if (L2Feature) {
      L2Uni   <- length(unique(NTable$L2_ID))  # number of unique entries in L2 list
      L2List  <- ( L2Uni != NTnr )
      L2Yes   <- L2List & (L2Uni > 1)
   if (RegFeature) {
      RegUni  <- length(unique(NTable$regID)) 
      RegList <- RegUni != NTnr
      RegYes  <- RegList & ( RegUni > 1)
   if (RegFeature && L2Feature) {
      # Both sets of columns are valid.
      cat("\n\nName Table Layer 2 and Regional Values\n")
   } else {
      # none, one or the other are needed.
      if (L2Feature) {
         cat("\n\nName Table Layer 2 Values\n")
      if (RegFeature) {
         cat("\n\nName Table Regional Values\n")
   MapLYes   <- sum(!is.na(NTable$MapL)) > 0
   DoAdjYes  <- sum(NTable$DoAdj) > 0
   if (MapLYes & DoAdjYes) {
      cat("\n\nName Table Modifications and Map Label Values\n") 
   } else {
      if (DoAdjYes) {
         cat("\n\nName Table Map Modifications Values\n")
      if (MapLYes) {
         cat("\n\nName Table Map Label Values\n")
  cat("\n\nAny entries in the name table with location ids with a value \n",
      "of 'NA', '', or ' ' are considered empty and will not be ignored.\n\n")
  sink()   # end of report to file. 
  # END OF report for documentation.

  cat("***3A69 Border Group:",paste0(BGBase,"BG")," is done.\n")
  invisible(SavePath)   # return the file path to the written border group .rda file.

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micromapST documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:11 a.m.