In two seminal papers, @HECK:76 and @HECK:79 considered the case where two variable are jointly determined: a binomial variable and an outcome continuous variable. For example, the continuous variable can be the wage and the binomial variable the labor force participation. In this case, the wage is observed only for the sub-sample of the individuals who works. If the unobserved determinants of labor force participation are correlated with the unobserved determinants of wage, estimating the wage equation only on the subset of individuals who work will result in an inconsistent estimator. This case is called the sample selection model.
An other example is the case where the binomial variable is a a dummy for private vs public sector. In this case the wage is observed for the whole sample (for the individuals in the public and in the private sector). But, once again, if the unobserved determinants of the chosen sector are correlated with those of the wage, estimating the wage equation only will leads to inconsistent estimators. This case is called the endogenous switching model.
Two consistent method of estimation can be used in this context:
Let $y$ be a count response (for sake of simplicity a Poisson variable) and $z$ a binomial variable. The value of $z$ is given by the sign of $\alpha ^ \top z + \nu$, where $\nu$ is a standard normal deviate, $z$ a vector of covariates and $\alpha$ the associated vector of unknown parameters. The distribution of $y_n$ is Poisson with parameter $\lambda_n$, given by $\ln \lambda_n = \beta ^ \top x_n + \epsilon_n$ where $x$ is a second set of covariates (which can overlap with $z$), $\beta$ is the corresponding set of unknown parameters and $\epsilon$ is a random normal deviate with 0 mean and a standard deviation equal to $\sigma$. $\epsilon$ and $\nu$ being potentially correlated, their joint distribution has to be considered:
$$ f(\epsilon, \nu ; \sigma, \rho) = \frac{1}{2\pi\sqrt{1 - \rho ^ 2}\sigma} e^{\displaystyle-\frac{1}{2} \frac{\left(\frac{\epsilon}{\sigma}\right) ^ 2 + \nu ^ 2 - 2 \rho \left(\frac{\epsilon}{\sigma}\right)\nu}{1 - \rho ^2}} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\sigma e ^ {-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{\epsilon}{\sigma}\right) ^ 2} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sqrt{1 - \rho ^ 2}} e^{-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{(\nu - \rho \epsilon / \sigma)}{\sqrt{1 - \rho ^ 2}}\right) ^ 2} $$
The second expression classically gives the joint distribution as the product of the marginal distribution of $\epsilon$ and the conditional distribution of $\nu$.
For $z=1$, the unconditional distribution of $y$ is obtained by integrating out $g(y_n \mid x_n, \epsilon_n, \nu_n, z_n = 1)$ with respect with the two random deviates:
$$ P(y_n \mid x_n, z_n = 1) = \int_{-\infty} ^ {+\infty}\int_{-\alpha ^ \top z_n} ^ {+ \infty} g(y_n \mid x_n, \epsilon_n, z_n = 1) f(\epsilon, \nu) d\epsilon d\nu $$
$$ P(y_n \mid x_n, z_n = 1) = \int_{-\infty} ^ {+\infty} g(y_n \mid x_n, \epsilon_n, z_n = 1) \left(\int_{-\alpha ^ \top z_n} ^ {+ \infty} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sqrt{1 - \rho ^ 2}} e^{-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{(\nu - \rho \epsilon / \sigma)}{\sqrt{1 - \rho ^ 2}}\right) ^ 2} d\nu\right) \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} e ^ {-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{\epsilon}{\sigma}\right) ^ 2} d\epsilon $$
By symetry of the normal distribution, the term in braquet is:
$$ \Phi\left(\frac{\alpha ^ \top z_n + \rho / \sigma \epsilon}{\sqrt{1 - \rho ^ 2}}\right) $$
which is the probability that $z = 1$ for a given value of $\epsilon$. The density of $y$ given that $z = 1$ is then:
\begin{equation} P(y_n \mid x_n, z_n = 1) = \int_{-\infty} ^ {+\infty} \frac{e ^ {-\mbox{exp}(\beta ^ \top x_n + \epsilon_n)}e^{y_n(\beta^\top x_n + \epsilon_n)}}{y_n!}\Phi\left(\frac{\alpha ^ \top z_n + \rho / \sigma \epsilon}{\sqrt{1 - \rho ^ 2}}\right)\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} e ^ {-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{\epsilon}{\sigma}\right) ^ 2} d\epsilon (#eq:probyz1) \end{equation}
By symmetry, it is easily shown that $P(y_n \mid x_n, z_n = 0)$ is similar except that $\Phi\left( (\alpha ^ \top z_n + \rho / \sigma \epsilon) / \sqrt{1 - \rho ^ 2}\right)$ is replaced by $1 - \Phi\left( (\alpha ^ \top z_n + \rho / \sigma \epsilon) / \sqrt{1 - \rho ^ 2}\right) = \Phi\left( -(\alpha ^ \top z_n + \rho / \sigma \epsilon) / \sqrt{1 - \rho ^ 2}\right)$, so that a general formulation of the distribution of $y$ is, denoting $q = 2 z -1$:
\begin{equation} (#eq:proby) P(y_n \mid x_n) = \int_{-\infty} ^ {+\infty} \frac{e ^ {-\mbox{exp}(\beta ^ \top x_n + \epsilon_n)}e^{y_n(\beta^\top x_n + \epsilon_n)}}{y_n!}\Phi\left(q_n\frac{\alpha ^ \top z_n + \rho / \sigma \epsilon}{\sqrt{1 - \rho ^ 2}}\right)\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} e ^ {-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{\epsilon}{\sigma}\right) ^ 2} d\epsilon \end{equation}
There is no closed form for this integral but, using the change of variable $\eta = \epsilon / \sqrt{2} / \sigma$, we get:
$$ P(y_n \mid x_n) = \int_{-\infty} ^ {+\infty} \frac{e ^ {-\mbox{exp}(\beta ^ \top x_n + \sqrt{2} \sigma \eta)}e^{y_n(\beta^\top x_n + \sqrt{2}\sigma\eta)}}{y_n!}\Phi\left(q_n\frac{\alpha ^ \top z_n + \sqrt{2} \rho \eta}{\sqrt{1 - \rho ^ 2}}\right)\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}} e ^ {-\eta ^ 2} d\eta $$
which can be approximated using Gauss-Hermite quadrature. Denting $\eta_r$ the nodes and $\omega_r$ the weights:
$$ P(y_n \mid x_n) \approx \sum_{r = 1} ^ R \omega_r \frac{e ^ {-\mbox{exp}(\beta ^ \top x_n + \sqrt{2} \sigma \eta_r)}e^{y_n(\beta^\top x_n + \sqrt{2}\sigma\eta_r)}}{y_n!}\Phi\left(q_n\frac{\alpha ^ \top z_n + \sqrt{2} \rho \eta_r}{\sqrt{1 - \rho ^ 2}}\right)\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}} e ^ {-\eta_r ^ 2} $$
For the exogenous switching model, the contribution of one observation to the likelihood is given by \@ref(eq:proby).
For the sample selection model, the contribution of one observation to the likelihood is given by \@ref(eq:probyz1) if $z_n = 1$. If $z_n = 0$, $y$ is unobserved and the contribution of such observations to the likelihood is the probability that $z_n = 0$, which is:
\begin{equation} P(z_n = 0 \mid x_n) = \int_{-\infty} ^ {+\infty} \Phi\left(q_n\frac{\alpha ^ \top z_n + \rho / \sigma \epsilon}{\sqrt{1 - \rho ^ 2}}\right)\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} e ^ {-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{\epsilon}{\sigma}\right) ^ 2} d\epsilon \end{equation}
The ML estimator is computing intensive as the integral has no closed form. One alternative is to use non-linear least squares, by first computing the expectation of $y$. @TERZ:98 showed that, in the endogenous switching case:
$$ \mbox{E}(y_n\mid x_n) = \mbox{exp}\left(\beta ^ \top x_n + \ln \frac{\Phi\left(q_n(\alpha ^\top z_n + \theta)\right)}{\Phi\left(q_n(\alpha ^\top z_n)\right)}\right) $$
For the sample selection case, we have:
$$ \mbox{E}(y_n\mid x_n, z_n = 1) = \mbox{exp}\left(\beta ^\top x_n + \ln \frac{\Phi(\alpha ^\top z_n + \theta)}{\Phi(\alpha ^ \top z_n)}\right) $$
@GREE:01 noted that, taking a first order Taylor series of $\ln \frac{\Phi(\alpha ^\top z_n + \theta)}{\Phi(\alpha ^ \top z_n)}$ around $\theta = 0$ gives: $\theta \phi(\alpha ^ \top z_n) / \Phi(\alpha ^ \top z_n)$, which is the inverse mills ratio that is used in the linear case in order to correct the inconsistency due to sample selection. As $\alpha$ can be consistently estimated by a probit model, the NLS estimator is obtained by minimizing with respect to $\beta$ and $\theta$ the sum of squares of the following residuals:
$$ y_n - e^{\displaystyle \beta ^ \top x_n + \ln \frac{\Phi(\hat{\alpha} ^ \top z_n + \theta)}{\Phi(\hat{\alpha} ^ \top z_n)}} $$
As it is customary for these two-steps estimator, the covariance matrix of the estimators should take into account the fact that $\alpha$ has been estimated in the first step. Moreover, only $\theta = \rho \sigma$ is estimated. To retrieve an estimator of $\sigma$, @TERZ:98 proposed to insert into the log-likelihood function the estimated values of $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\theta$ and then to maximize it with respect to $\sigma$^[These once again requires to use Gauss-Hermite quadrature, but the problem is considerably simpler as the likelihood is maximized with respect with only one parameter.].
The escount
function estimates the endogenous switching and the
sample selection model for count data. The first one is obtained by
setting the model
argument to 'es'
(the default) and the second
one to 'ss'
. The estimation method is selected using the method
argument, which can be either 'twosteps'
for the two-steps non-linear
least squares model (the default) or 'ML'
for maximum
likelihood. The model is described by an extended formula (using the
Formula package) of the form:
y | d ~ x + y + z + d | x + y + w
which indicates that the two responses are y
(the count) and d
binomial variable), that the covariates are x
, y
and z
for the count equation and x
, y
and w
for the
switching/selection equation. When there are two large sets of
covariates that overlap, it is possible to define the second set of
covariates by updating the first one:
y | d ~ x + y + z + d | . - d - z + w
is an integer that indicates the number of points used for the
Gauss-Hermite quadrature method. Relevant only for the ML method, the
argument is a boolean: if TRUE
, the covariance matrix of
the coefficients is estimated using the numerical hessian, which is
computed using the hessian
function of the numDeriv
package, otherwise, the outer product of the gradient is used.
returns an object of class escount
which inherits from
@TERZ:98 analyzed the number of trips taken by 577 individuals in the
United States in 1978 the day before they were interviewed. The
data set is included in the micsr package.A major
determinant of trips demand is the availability of a car in the
household. @TERZ:98 advocates that the unobserved determinants of the
decision of having a car may be correlated with those of the trip
demand equation. In this case the estimation of the Poisson model will
lead to inconsistent estimators. The covariates are the share of
trips for work or school (workschl
), the number of individuals in
the household (size
), the distance to the central business district
) a factor (smsa
) with two levels for small and large urban
area, the number of full-time worker in household (fulltime
), the
distance from home to nearest transit node, household income divided
by the median income of the census tract (realinc
), a dummy if the
survey period is Saturday or Sunday (weeekend
) and a dummy for
owning at least a car (car
). Although the coefficients are
identified, as in the classic Heckman model by the non-linearity of
the correction term, @TERZ:98 use a different set of variable for the
binomial and the count parts of the model. Namely, the weekend
covariate is removed and adults
is added in the binomial part of the
We first compute the two-steps NLS estimator. The model
and method
arguments needn't to be set are the default values are es
switching) and twosteps
(two-steps NLS).
trips_2s <- escount(trips | car ~ workschl + size + dist + smsa + fulltime + distnod + realinc + weekend + car | . - car - weekend + adults, data = trips) names(trips_2s)
The result is a list with usual items, except
and rho
which are the estimates of $\sigma$ and
$\rho$ obtained from the estimation of $\theta$.
The print of the summary method returns the usual table of coefficients, the value of the objective function (the sum of squares residuals) and the estimated values of $\sigma$ and $\rho$:
trips_pois <- glm(trips ~ workschl + size + dist + smsa + fulltime + distnod + realinc + weekend + car, data = trips, family = poisson) trips_ml <- update(trips_2s, method = "ml")
The following table presents the results of a Poisson estimation and of the endogenous switching model, estimated by the two-steps non-linear least squares method and by maximum likelihood.
if (requireNamespace("modelsummary")){ library("modelsummary") msummary(list("Poisson" = trips_pois, "2 steps" = trips_2s, "ML" = trips_ml), label = "tab:tripsres", title = "Estimation results for the trip demand model") }
The coefficient of car
is equal to 1.413 for the Poisson model,
which implies that the number of trips increases by $e^{1.413} - 1 =
311$% for individuals who belongs to households that own at least one
car. The coefficient is much higher in the selection models (2.796 for
the 2-step estimator and 2.160 for the ML estimator), which implies an
increase of 767% for the ML estimator. The Poisson estimator
is therefore downward biased, which indicates a negative correlation
between the unobserved part of the trips demand equation and the
propensity to own a car equation.
@KENK:TERZ:01 investigate the effect of physician's advice on alcohol
consumption. The outcome variable drinks
is the number of drinks in
the past 2 weeks and the selection variable advice
is a dummy based
on the respondents' answer to the question "Have you ever been told
by a physician to drink less". The unobserved part of the equation
indicating the propensity to receive an advice form the physician can
obviously be correlated with the one of the alcohol consumption
equation. The data set drinks
is part of the **micsr
package. The covariates are monthly income in thousands of dollars
), age
(a factor with six 10 years categories of age),
education in years (educ
), race
(a factor with levels white
and other
), the marital status (marital
, a factor with
levels single
, married
, widow
, separated
), the employment
status (a factor empstatus
with levels other
, emp
and unemp
and the region (region
, a factor with levels west
, northeast
and south
). For the binomial part of the model, the same
covariates are used (except of course advice
) and 10 supplementary
covariates indicating the insurance coverage and the health status are
kt_pois <- glm(drinks ~ advice + income + age + educ + race + marital + empstatus + region, data = drinks, family = poisson) kt_ml <- escount(drinks | advice ~ advice + income + age + educ + race + marital + empstatus + region | income + age + educ + race + marital + empstatus + region + medicare + medicaid + champus + hlthins + regmed + dri + limits + diabete + hearthcond + stroke, data = drinks, method = "ml") kt_2s <- update(kt_ml, method = "twosteps")
The following table presents the results of a Poisson
estimation and of the endogenous switching model, estimated by the
two-steps non-linear least squares method and maximum likelihood^[The
coefficients of marital
, empstatus
and region
are omitted to
save place.].
msummary(list("Poisson" = kt_pois, "2 steps" = kt_2s, "ML" = kt_ml), gof_omit = "AIC|BIC|Log.Lik.", label = "tab:drinksres", coef_omit = "region|marital|empstatus|age", title = "Poisson and endogenous switching models for alcohol demand")
The coefficient of advice
in the alcohol demand equation is positive
in the Poisson model, which would imply that a positive effect of
physical advice on alcohol consumption. The estimation of the
endogenous switching model shows that this positive coefficient is
due to the positive correlation between the error terms of the two
equations (the unobserved propensities to drink and to receive an
advice from a physician are positively correlated).
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