#' List files and directories using mc command
#' This function uses the `mc` command to list files and directories
#' at the specified target location.
#' @param target character vector specifying the target directory path(s).
#' @param recursive Logical indicating whether to recursively list directories.
#' Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param details logical, by default FALSE; if TRUE a data frame with details
#' for the directory listing is returned.
#' @returns a vector of file or directory names ("keys" in minio parlance) or,
#' if details is TRUE, a data.frame with the directory listing information
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' # list all buckets on play server
#' mc_ls("play/")
#' mc_ls("play", details = TRUE)
#' @export
mc_ls <- function(target, recursive = FALSE, details = FALSE) {
flags <- "--json"
if (recursive) {
flags <- paste("--recursive", flags)
stopifnot(length(target) >= 1)
if (length(target) > 1) target <- paste0(collapse = " ", trimws(target))
cmd <- paste("ls", flags, target)
cmd <- gsub("\\s+", " ", cmd)
out <- mc(cmd, verbose = FALSE)$stdout
if (all(nchar(out) < 1)) return(data.frame())
parse_mc_ls_jsonl(out, as_tbl = details, target = target)
# helper functions for parsing
gs <- function(x, y, z)
gsub(pattern = y, replacement = z, x = x, perl = TRUE)
parse_json_ts <- function(x) {
# exclude the colon in the timezone offset to enable using "%z" when parsing
ts <- gs(x, "(.*?[+])(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})", "\\1\\2\\3")
strptime(ts, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS%z")
format_json_sz <- function(x) {
format_iec <- function(x) {
class(x) <- "object_size"
format(x, units = "auto", standard = "IEC")
sapply(x, format_iec)
read_jsonl <- function(x) {
con <- textConnection(x)
jsonlite::stream_in(con, verbose = FALSE)
parse_alias <- function(x) {
strsplit(x, "/+")[[1]][1]
parse_reldir <- function(x, target) {
re_url <- "https*://(.*?)/+(.*)$"
idx_url <- which(grepl(re_url, x))
idx_local <- which(!grepl(re_url, x))
res <- x
res[idx_url] <- paste0(parse_alias(target), gs(x[idx_url], re_url, "/\\2"))
res[idx_local] <- paste0(target, gs(x[idx_local], ".*?/+(.*?)$", "/\\2"))
parse_mc_ls_jsonl <- function(x, as_tbl = FALSE, target) {
df <- read_jsonl(x)
if (!as_tbl) return(df$key)
# convert to more specific types
last_modified <- parse_json_ts(df$lastModified)
size <- format_json_sz(df$size)
#size <- fs::as_fs_bytes(df$size)
is_folder <- df$type == "folder"
# some columns are not provided when listing local files
if (is.null(df$storageClass)) df$storageClass <- NA_character_
if (all(df$etag == "")) df$etag <- NA_character_
# remap some column names to simplify comparison with
# non-json stdout file listings
key <- df$key
bytes <- df$size
storage_class <- df$storageClass
ver <- df$versionOrdinal
etag <- replace(df$etag, df$etag == "", NA_character_)
dir <- df$url
abspath <- paste0(dir, key)
reldir <- NA
relpath <- NA
targets <- strsplit(target, " ")[[1]]
if (length(targets) == 1) {
reldir <- parse_reldir(dir, target)
path <- paste0(reldir, key)
if (length(targets) > 1)
warning(paste0("Several target path specifications given... ",
"targets could be a mix of local and remote paths... ",
"reldir and relpath will contain missing values."))
res <- data.frame(
key, last_modified, bytes, size, storage_class, is_folder, ver, etag,
dir, reldir, path, abspath
class(res) <- c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.