#' Use the S3 variant of SQL to query a minio object
#' The S3 Select API can be used against CSV and JSON objects stored in minio.
#' If the minio server runs with MINIO_API_SELECT_PARQUET=on, also parquet files
#' can be queried.
#' @param target character alias or path specification at minio for
#' the object (a .csv, .json or .parquet file)
#' @param query character string with sql query, by default "select * from S3Object"
#' @param recursive logical, by default TRUE, allowing a s3 select query to work
#' across a minio ALIAS/PATH specification
#' @param verbose logical, by default FALSE
#' @return SQL query results as a `data.frame` of class `tbl_df`
#' @export
#' @details
#' See <> and
#' <>
#' For example "select s.* from S3Object s limit 10" is valid syntax.
#' More examples of query syntax here:
#' <>
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' install_mc()
#' # upload a CSV file
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' write.csv(iris, tf, row.names = FALSE)
#' mc_mb("play/iris")
#' mc_cp(tf, "play/iris/iris.csv")
#' # read first 12 lines from the CSV
#' mc_sql("play/iris/iris.csv", query = "select * from S3Object limit 12")
mc_sql <- function(target,
query = "select * from S3Object",
recursive = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE) {
binary <- fs::path(minio_path(), "mc")
if(!file.exists(binary)) {
args <- c("sql", "--json", ifelse(recursive, "--recursive", NULL),
"--query", query, target)
p <- processx::run(binary, args)
if (p$timeout & verbose) warning(paste("request for mc sql query timed out"))
if (p$status != 0) stop(paste(p$stderr))
if (verbose) message(paste0(p$stdout))
con <- textConnection(p$stdout)
res <- jsonlite::stream_in(con, verbose = FALSE)
class(res) <- c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")
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