
Defines functions KFadvanceAR2

Documented in KFadvanceAR2

##' KFadvanceAR2 function
##' A function to compute one step of the Kalman filter with second order AR state evolution. 
##' Embed in a loop to run the filter on a set of data.
##' The model is: (note that Y and theta are COLUMN VECTORS)
##' theta(t) = A*theta(t-1) + A1*theta(t-2) + B + C*W (state equation)
##' Y(t) = D*theta(t) + E + F*V         (observation equation)
##' W and V are the covariance matrices of the state and observation noise. Priors are normal, 
##' N(mu(t-1),Sigma(t-1)) and N(mu(t-2),Sigma(t-2))
##' Result is the posterior, N(mu(t),Sigma(t)), together with the likelihood contribution Prob(Y(t)|Y(t-1))
##' @param obs Y(t)
##' @param oldmean mu(t-1) 
##' @param oldermean mu(t-2) 
##' @param oldvar Sigma(t-1)
##' @param oldervar Sigma(t-2)
##' @param A A matrix A
##' @param A1 A matrix A1
##' @param B column vector B
##' @param C matrix C
##' @param D matrix D
##' @param E column vector E
##' @param F matrix F
##' @param W state noise covariance
##' @param V observation noise covariance
##' @param marglik logical, whether to return the marginal likelihood contribution from this observation
##' @param log whether or not to return the log of the likelihood contribution.
##' @param na.rm na.rm logical, whether or not to handle NAs. Defult is FALSE. Set to TRUE if there are any missing values in the observed data.
##' @return list containing the new mean and variance, and if specified, the likelihood
##' @export
KFadvanceAR2 <- function(obs,oldmean,oldermean,oldvar,oldervar,A,A1,B,C,D,E,F,W,V,marglik=FALSE,log=TRUE,na.rm=FALSE){

                    return(list(mean=A%*%oldmean + A1%*%oldermean  + B,var=A%*%oldvar%*%t(A) + A1%*%oldervar%*%t(A1) + C%*%W%*%t(C),mlik=0))
                    return(list(mean=A%*%oldmean + A1%*%oldermean  + B,var=A%*%oldvar%*%t(A) + A1%*%oldervar%*%t(A1) + C%*%W%*%t(C),mlik=1))
                M <- diag(length(obs))
                M <- M[-which(is.na(obs)),]
                obs <- obs[which(!is.na(obs))]
                D <- M%*%D
                E <- M%*%E
                F <- M%*%F
	T <- A%*%oldmean + A1%*%oldermean + B
	S <- A%*%oldvar%*%t(A) + A1%*%oldervar%*%t(A1) + C%*%W%*%t(C)
	K <- D%*%S%*%t(D) + F%*%V%*%t(F)
	if (marglik==TRUE){
		margmean <- D %*% T + E
		if (all(dim(K)==1)){
			newmean <- T + as.numeric(1/K)*S%*%t(D)%*%(obs-margmean)
			newvar <- S - as.numeric(1/K)*S%*%t(D)%*%D%*%S
			marginal <- dnorm(obs,as.numeric(margmean),sqrt(as.numeric(K)),log=log)
			Kinv <- solve(K)
			newmean <- T + S%*%t(D)%*%Kinv%*%(obs-margmean)
			newvar <- S - S%*%t(D)%*%Kinv%*%D%*%S
			marginal <- dmvnorm(as.vector(obs),as.vector(margmean),K,log=log)
		if (all(dim(K)==1)){
			newmean <- T + as.numeric(1/K)*S%*%t(D)%*%(obs-D%*%T-E)
			newvar <- S - as.numeric(1/K)*S%*%t(D)%*%D%*%S
			Kinv <- solve(K)
			newmean <- T + S%*%t(D)%*%Kinv%*%(obs-D%*%T-E)
			newvar <- S - S%*%t(D)%*%Kinv%*%D%*%S

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