## MissForest - nonparametric missing value imputation for mixed-type data
## This R script contains the actual missForest function.
## Author: D.Stekhoven,
## Acknowledgement: Steve Weston for input regarding parallel execution (2012)
missForest <- function(xmis, maxiter = 10, ntree = 100, variablewise = FALSE,
decreasing = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
mtry = floor(sqrt(ncol(xmis))), replace = TRUE,
classwt = NULL, cutoff = NULL, strata = NULL,
sampsize = NULL, nodesize = NULL, maxnodes = NULL,
xtrue = NA, parallelize = c('no', 'variables', 'forests'))
{ ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## xmis = data matrix with missing values
## maxiter = stop after how many iterations (default = 10)
## ntree = how many trees are grown in the forest (default = 100)
## variablewise = (boolean) return OOB errors for each variable separately
## decreasing = (boolean) if TRUE the columns are sorted with decreasing
## amount of missing values
## verbose = (boolean) if TRUE then missForest returns error estimates,
## runtime and if available true error during iterations
## mtry = how many variables should be tried randomly at each node
## replace = (boolean) if TRUE bootstrap sampling (with replacements)
## is performed, else subsampling (without replacements)
## classwt = list of priors of the classes in the categorical variables
## cutoff = list of class cutoffs for each categorical variable
## strata = list of (factor) variables used for stratified sampling
## sampsize = list of size(s) of sample to draw
## nodesize = minimum size of terminal nodes, vector of length 2, with
## number for continuous variables in the first entry and
## number for categorical variables in the second entry
## maxnodes = maximum number of terminal nodes for individual trees
## xtrue = complete data matrix
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Daniel Stekhoven,
## stop in case of wrong inputs passed to randomForest
n <- nrow(xmis)
p <- ncol(xmis)
if (!is.null(classwt))
stopifnot(length(classwt) == p, typeof(classwt) == 'list')
if (!is.null(cutoff))
stopifnot(length(cutoff) == p, typeof(cutoff) == 'list')
if (!is.null(strata))
stopifnot(length(strata) == p, typeof(strata) == 'list')
if (!is.null(nodesize))
stopifnot(length(nodesize) == 2)
## remove completely missing variables
if (any(apply(, 2, sum) == n)){
indCmis <- which(apply(, 2, sum) == n)
xmis <- xmis[,-indCmis]
p <- ncol(xmis)
cat(' removed variable(s)', indCmis,
'due to the missingness of all entries\n')
## return feedback on parallelization setup
parallelize <- match.arg(parallelize)
if (parallelize %in% c('variables', 'forests')) {
if (getDoParWorkers() == 1) {
stop("You must register a 'foreach' parallel backend to run 'missForest' in parallel. Set 'parallelize' to 'no' to compute serially.")
} else if (verbose) {
if (parallelize == 'variables') {
cat(" parallelizing over the variables of the input data matrix 'xmis'\n")
} else {
cat(" parallelizing computation of the random forest model objects\n")
if (getDoParWorkers() > p){
stop("The number of parallel cores should not exceed the number of variables (p=", p, ")")
## perform initial S.W.A.G. on xmis (mean imputation)
ximp <- xmis
varType <- character(p)
for ( in 1:p) {
if (is.numeric(xmis[[]])) {
varType[] <- 'numeric'
ximp[[,]),] <- mean(xmis[,], na.rm = TRUE)
if (is.factor(xmis[[]])) {
varType[] <- 'factor'
## take the level which is more 'likely' (majority vote)
max.level <- max(table(ximp[[]]))
## if there are several classes which are major, sample one at random
class.assign <- sample(names(which(max.level == summary(ximp[[]]))), 1)
## it shouldn't be the NA class
if (class.assign != "NA's") {
ximp[[[]]),] <- class.assign
} else {
while (class.assign == "NA's") {
class.assign <- sample(names(which(max.level ==
summary(ximp[[]]))), 1)
ximp[[[]]),] <- class.assign
stop(sprintf('column %s must be factor or numeric, is %s', names(xmis)[], class(xmis[[]])))
## extract missingness pattern
NAloc <- # where are missings
noNAvar <- apply(NAloc, 2, sum) # how many are missing in the vars
sort.j <- order(noNAvar) # indices of increasing amount of NA in vars
if (decreasing)
sort.j <- rev(sort.j)
sort.noNAvar <- noNAvar[sort.j]
## compute a list of column indices for variable parallelization
nzsort.j <- sort.j[sort.noNAvar > 0]
if (parallelize == 'variables') {
'%cols%' <- get('%dorng%')
idxList <- as.list(isplitVector(nzsort.j, chunkSize = getDoParWorkers()))
# else {
# ## force column loop to be sequential
# '%cols%' <- get('%do%')
# idxList <- nzsort.j
# }
## output
Ximp <- vector('list', maxiter)
## initialize parameters of interest
iter <- 0
k <- length(unique(varType))
convNew <- rep(0, k)
convOld <- rep(Inf, k)
OOBerror <- numeric(p)
names(OOBerror) <- varType
## setup convergence variables w.r.t. variable types
if (k == 1){
if (unique(varType) == 'numeric'){
names(convNew) <- c('numeric')
} else {
names(convNew) <- c('factor')
convergence <- c()
OOBerr <- numeric(1)
} else {
names(convNew) <- c('numeric', 'factor')
convergence <- matrix(NA, ncol = 2)
OOBerr <- numeric(2)
## function to yield the stopping criterion in the following 'while' loop
stopCriterion <- function(varType, convNew, convOld, iter, maxiter){
k <- length(unique(varType))
if (k == 1){
(convNew < convOld) & (iter < maxiter)
} else {
((convNew[1] < convOld[1]) | (convNew[2] < convOld[2])) & (iter < maxiter)
## iterate missForest
while (stopCriterion(varType, convNew, convOld, iter, maxiter)){
if (iter != 0){
convOld <- convNew
OOBerrOld <- OOBerr
if (verbose){
cat(" missForest iteration", iter+1, "in progress...")
t.start <- proc.time()
ximp.old <- ximp
if (parallelize == "variables"){
for (idx in idxList) {
results <- foreach(varInd = idx, .packages = 'randomForest') %cols% {
obsi <- !NAloc[, varInd] # which i's are observed
misi <- NAloc[, varInd] # which i's are missing
obsY <- ximp[obsi, varInd] # training response
obsX <- ximp[obsi, seq(1, p)[-varInd]] # training variables
misX <- ximp[misi, seq(1, p)[-varInd]] # prediction variables
typeY <- varType[varInd]
if (typeY == 'numeric'){
RF <- randomForest(
x = obsX,
y = obsY,
ntree = ntree,
mtry = mtry,
replace = replace,
sampsize = if (!is.null(sampsize)) sampsize[[varInd]] else
if (replace) nrow(obsX) else ceiling(0.632 * nrow(obsX)),
nodesize = if (!is.null(nodesize)) nodesize[1] else 1,
maxnodes = if (!is.null(maxnodes)) maxnodes else NULL)
## record out-of-bag error
oerr <- RF$mse[ntree]
# }
## predict missing values in column varInd
misY <- predict(RF, misX)
} else { # if Y is categorical
obsY <- factor(obsY) ## remove empty classes
summarY <- summary(obsY)
if (length(summarY) == 1){ ## if there is only one level left
oerr <- 0
misY <- factor(rep(names(summarY), length(misi)))
} else {
RF <- randomForest(
x = obsX,
y = obsY,
ntree = ntree,
mtry = mtry,
replace = replace,
classwt = if (!is.null(classwt)) classwt[[varInd]] else
rep(1, nlevels(obsY)),
cutoff = if (!is.null(cutoff)) cutoff[[varInd]] else
rep(1/nlevels(obsY), nlevels(obsY)),
strata = if (!is.null(strata)) strata[[varInd]] else obsY,
sampsize = if (!is.null(sampsize)) sampsize[[varInd]] else
if (replace) nrow(obsX) else ceiling(0.632*nrow(obsX)),
nodesize = if (!is.null(nodesize)) nodesize[2] else 5,
maxnodes = if (!is.null(maxnodes)) maxnodes else NULL)
## record out-of-bag error
oerr <- RF$err.rate[[ntree,1]]
# }
## predict missing values in column varInd
misY <- predict(RF, misX)
list(varInd = varInd, misY = misY, oerr = oerr)
## update the master copy of the data
for (res in results) {
misi <- NAloc[,res$varInd]
ximp[misi, res$varInd] <- res$misY
OOBerror[res$varInd] <- res$oerr
} else { # if parallelize != "variables"
for (s in 1 : p) {
varInd <- sort.j[s]
if (noNAvar[[varInd]] != 0) {
obsi <- !NAloc[, varInd]
misi <- NAloc[, varInd]
obsY <- ximp[obsi, varInd]
obsX <- ximp[obsi, seq(1, p)[-varInd]]
misX <- ximp[misi, seq(1, p)[-varInd]]
typeY <- varType[varInd]
if (typeY == "numeric") {
if (parallelize == 'forests') {
xntree <- NULL
RF <- foreach(xntree = idiv(ntree, chunks = getDoParWorkers()),
.combine = 'combine', .multicombine = TRUE,
.packages = 'randomForest') %dorng% {
randomForest( x = obsX,
y = obsY,
ntree = xntree,
mtry = mtry,
replace = replace,
sampsize = if (!is.null(sampsize)) sampsize[[varInd]] else
if (replace) nrow(obsX) else ceiling(0.632 * nrow(obsX)),
nodesize = if (!is.null(nodesize)) nodesize[1] else 1,
maxnodes = if (!is.null(maxnodes)) maxnodes else NULL)
## record out-of-bag error
OOBerror[varInd] <- mean((predict(RF) - RF$y) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE)
# OOBerror[varInd] <- RF$mse[ntree]
} else {
RF <- randomForest( x = obsX,
y = obsY,
ntree = ntree,
mtry = mtry,
replace = replace,
sampsize = if (!is.null(sampsize)) sampsize[[varInd]] else
if (replace) nrow(obsX) else ceiling(0.632 * nrow(obsX)),
nodesize = if (!is.null(nodesize)) nodesize[1] else 1,
maxnodes = if (!is.null(maxnodes)) maxnodes else NULL)
## record out-of-bag error
OOBerror[varInd] <- RF$mse[ntree]
misY <- predict(RF, misX)
} else {
obsY <- factor(obsY)
summarY <- summary(obsY)
if (length(summarY) == 1) {
misY <- factor(rep(names(summarY), sum(misi)))
} else {
if (parallelize == 'forests') {
RF <- foreach(xntree = idiv(ntree, chunks = getDoParWorkers()),
.combine = 'combine', .multicombine = TRUE,
.packages = 'randomForest') %dorng% {
x = obsX,
y = obsY,
ntree = xntree,
mtry = mtry,
replace = replace,
classwt = if (!is.null(classwt)) classwt[[varInd]] else
rep(1, nlevels(obsY)),
cutoff = if (!is.null(cutoff)) cutoff[[varInd]] else
rep(1/nlevels(obsY), nlevels(obsY)),
strata = if (!is.null(strata)) strata[[varInd]] else obsY,
sampsize = if (!is.null(sampsize)) sampsize[[varInd]] else
if (replace) nrow(obsX) else ceiling(0.632 * nrow(obsX)),
nodesize = if (!is.null(nodesize)) nodesize[2] else 5,
maxnodes = if (!is.null(maxnodes)) maxnodes else NULL)
## record out-of-bag error
ne <- as.integer(predict(RF)) != as.integer(RF$y)
ne <- ne[!]
OOBerror[varInd] <- sum(ne) / length(ne)
} else {
RF <- randomForest(x = obsX,
y = obsY,
ntree = ntree,
mtry = mtry,
replace = replace,
classwt = if (!is.null(classwt)) classwt[[varInd]] else
rep(1, nlevels(obsY)),
cutoff = if (!is.null(cutoff)) cutoff[[varInd]] else
rep(1 / nlevels(obsY), nlevels(obsY)),
strata = if (!is.null(strata)) strata[[varInd]] else obsY,
sampsize = if (!is.null(sampsize)) sampsize[[varInd]] else
if (replace) nrow(obsX) else ceiling(0.632 * nrow(obsX)),
nodesize = if (!is.null(nodesize)) nodesize[2] else 5,
maxnodes = if (!is.null(maxnodes)) maxnodes else NULL)
## record out-of-bag error
OOBerror[varInd] <- RF$err.rate[[ntree, 1]]
## predict missing parts of Y
misY <- predict(RF, misX)
ximp[misi, varInd] <- misY
if (verbose){
iter <- iter + 1
Ximp[[iter]] <- ximp
t.co2 <- 1
## check the difference between iteration steps
for (t.type in names(convNew)){
t.ind <- which(varType == t.type)
if (t.type == 'numeric'){
convNew[t.co2] <- sum((ximp[, t.ind] - ximp.old[, t.ind])^2) / sum(ximp[, t.ind]^2)
} else {
dist <- sum(as.character(as.matrix(ximp[, t.ind])) != as.character(as.matrix(ximp.old[, t.ind])))
convNew[t.co2] <- dist / (n * sum(varType == 'factor'))
t.co2 <- t.co2 + 1
## compute estimated imputation error
if (!variablewise){
NRMSE <- sqrt(mean(OOBerror[varType == 'numeric'])/
var(as.vector(as.matrix(xmis[, varType == 'numeric'])),
na.rm = TRUE))
PFC <- mean(OOBerror[varType == 'factor'])
if (k == 1){
if (unique(varType) == 'numeric'){
names(OOBerr) <- 'NRMSE'
} else {
OOBerr <- PFC
names(OOBerr) <- 'PFC'
} else {
OOBerr <- c(NRMSE, PFC)
names(OOBerr) <- c('NRMSE', 'PFC')
} else {
OOBerr <- OOBerror
names(OOBerr)[varType == 'numeric'] <- 'MSE'
names(OOBerr)[varType == 'factor'] <- 'PFC'
if (any(!{
err <- suppressWarnings(mixError(ximp, xmis, xtrue))
## return status output, if desired
if (verbose){
delta.start <- proc.time() - t.start
if (any(!{
cat(" error(s):", err, "\n")
cat(" estimated error(s):", OOBerr, "\n")
cat(" difference(s):", convNew, "\n")
cat(" time:", delta.start[3], "seconds\n\n")
}#end while((convNew<convOld)&(iter<maxiter)){
## produce output w.r.t. stopping rule
if (iter == maxiter){
if (any({
out <- list(ximp = Ximp[[iter]], OOBerror = OOBerr)
} else {
out <- list(ximp = Ximp[[iter]], OOBerror = OOBerr, error = err)
} else {
if (any({
out <- list(ximp = Ximp[[iter - 1]], OOBerror = OOBerrOld)
} else {
out <- list(ximp = Ximp[[iter - 1]], OOBerror = OOBerrOld,
error = suppressWarnings(mixError(Ximp[[iter - 1]], xmis, xtrue)))
class(out) <- 'missForest'
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