delete_MAR_1_to_x: Create MAR values using MAR1:x

View source: R/delete_1_to_x.R

delete_MAR_1_to_xR Documentation

Create MAR values using MAR1:x


Create missing at random (MAR) values using MAR1:x in a data frame or a matrix


  cutoff_fun = median,
  prop = 0.5,
  use_lpSolve = TRUE,
  ordered_as_unordered = FALSE,
  n_mis_stochastic = FALSE,
  x_stochastic = FALSE,
  add_realized_x = FALSE,



A data frame or matrix in which missing values will be created.


A numeric vector with length one or equal to length cols_mis; the probability that a value is missing.


A vector of column names or indices of columns in which missing values will be created.


A vector of column names or indices of columns, which controls the creation of missing values in cols_mis. Must be of the same length as cols_mis.


Numeric with length one (0 < x < Inf); odds are 1 to x for the probability of a value to be missing in group 1 against the probability of a value to be missing in group 2 (see details).


Function that calculates the cutoff values in the cols_ctrl.


Numeric of length one; (minimum) proportion of rows in group 1 (only used for unordered factors).


Logical; should lpSolve be used for the determination of groups, if cols_ctrl[i] is an unordered factor.


Logical; should ordered factors be treated as unordered factors.


Logical, should the number of missing values be stochastic? If n_mis_stochastic = TRUE, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is a random variable with expected value nrow(ds) * p[i]. If n_mis_stochastic = FALSE, the number of missing values will be deterministic. Normally, the number of missing values for a column with missing values cols_mis[i] is round(nrow(ds) * p[i]). Possible deviations from this value, if any exists, are documented in Details.


Logical; should the odds be stochastic or deterministic.


Logical; if TRUE the realized odds for cols_mis will be returned (as attribute).


Further arguments passed to cutoff_fun.


Deprecated, use cols_mis instead.


Deprecated, use cols_ctrl instead.


Deprecated, use n_mis_stochastic instead.


This function creates missing at random (MAR) values in the columns specified by the argument cols_mis. The probability for missing values is controlled by p. If p is a single number, then the overall probability for a value to be missing will be p in all columns of cols_mis. (Internally p will be replicated to a vector of the same length as cols_mis. So, all p[i] in the following sections will be equal to the given single number p.) Otherwise, p must be of the same length as cols_mis. In this case, the overall probability for a value to be missing will be p[i] in the column cols_mis[i]. The position of the missing values in cols_mis[i] is controlled by cols_ctrl[i]. The following procedure is applied for each pair of cols_ctrl[i] and cols_mis[i] to determine the positions of missing values:

At first, the rows of ds are divided into two groups. Therefore, the cutoff_fun calculates a cutoff value for cols_ctrl[i] (via cutoff_fun(ds[, cols_ctrl[i]], ...)). The group 1 consists of the rows, whose values in cols_ctrl[i] are below the calculated cutoff value. If the so defined group 1 is empty, the rows that have a value equal to the cutoff value will be added to this group (otherwise, these rows will belong to group 2). The group 2 consists of the remaining rows, which are not part of group 1. Now the probabilities for the rows in the two groups are set in the way that the odds are 1:x against a missing value in cols_mis[i] for the rows in group 1 compared to the rows in group 2. That means, the probability for a value to be missing in group 1 divided by the probability for a value to be missing in group 2 equals 1 divided by x. For example, for two equal sized groups 1 and 2, ideally the number of NAs in group 1 divided by the number of NAs in group 2 should equal 1 divided by x. But there are some restrictions, which can lead to some deviations from the odds 1:x (see below).

If x_stochastic and n_mis_stochastic are false (the default), then exactly round(nrow(ds) * p[i]) values will be set NA in column cols_mis[i]. To achieve this, it is possible that the true odds differ from 1:x. The number of observations that are deleted in group 1 and group 2 are chosen to minimize the absolute difference between the realized odds and 1:x. Furthermore, if round(nrow(ds) * p[i]) == 0, then no missing value will be created in cols_mis[i].

If x_stochastic is true, the rows from the two groups will get sampling weights proportional to 1 (group 1) and x (group 2). If n_mis_stochastic is false, these weights are given to sample via the argument prob and exactly round(nrow(ds) * p[i]) values will be set NA. If n_mis_stochastic is true, the sampling weights will be scaled and compared to uniform random numbers. The scaling is done in such a way to get expected nrow(ds) * p[i] missing values in cols_mis[i].

If p is high and x is too high or too low, it is possible that the odds 1:x and the proportion of missing values p cannot be realized together. For example, if p[i] = 0.9, then a maximum of x = 1.25 is possible (assuming that exactly 50 % of the values are below and 50 % of the values are above the cutoff value in cols_ctrl[i]). If a combination of p and x that cannot be realized together is given to delete_MAR_1_to_x, then a warning will be generated and x will be adjusted in such a way that p can be realized as given to the function. The warning can be silenced by setting the option missMethods.warn.too.high.p to false.

The argument add_realized_x controls whether the x of the realized odds are added to the return value or not. If add_realized_x = TRUE, then the realized x values for all cols_mis will be added as an attribute to the returned object. For x_stochastic = TRUE these realized x will differ from the given x most of the time and will change if the function is rerun without setting a seed. For x_stochastic = FALSE, it is also possible that the realized odds differ (see above). However, the realized odds will be constant over multiple runs.


An object of the same class as ds with missing values.

Treatment of factors

If ds[, cols_ctrl[i]] is an unordered factor, then the concept of a cutoff value is not meaningful and cannot be applied. Instead, a combinations of the levels of the unordered factor is searched that

  • guarantees at least a proportion of prop rows are in group 1

  • minimize the difference between prop and the proportion of rows in group 1.

This can be seen as a binary search problem, which is solved by the solver from the package lpSolve, if use_lpSolve = TRUE. If use_lpSolve = FALSE, a very simple heuristic is applied. The heuristic only guarantees that at least a proportion of prop rows are in group 1. The choice use_lpSolve = FALSE is not recommend and should only be considered, if the solver of lpSolve fails.

If ordered_as_unordered = TRUE, then ordered factors will be treated like unordered factors and the same binary search problem will be solved for both types of factors. If ordered_as_unordered = FALSE (the default), then ordered factors will be grouped via cutoff_fun as described in Details.


Santos, M. S., Pereira, R. C., Costa, A. F., Soares, J. P., Santos, J., & Abreu, P. H. (2019). Generating Synthetic Missing Data: A Review by Missing Mechanism. IEEE Access, 7, 11651-11667

See Also


Other functions to create MAR: delete_MAR_censoring(), delete_MAR_one_group(), delete_MAR_rank()


ds <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = 101:120)
delete_MAR_1_to_x(ds, 0.2, "X", "Y", 3)
# beware of small datasets and x_stochastic = FALSE
attr(delete_MAR_1_to_x(ds, 0.4, "X", "Y", 3, add_realized_x = TRUE), "realized_x")
attr(delete_MAR_1_to_x(ds, 0.4, "X", "Y", 4, add_realized_x = TRUE), "realized_x")
attr(delete_MAR_1_to_x(ds, 0.4, "X", "Y", 5, add_realized_x = TRUE), "realized_x")
attr(delete_MAR_1_to_x(ds, 0.4, "X", "Y", 7, add_realized_x = TRUE), "realized_x")
# p = 0.4 and 20 values -> 8 missing values, possible combinations:
# either 6 above 2 below (x = 3) or
# 7 above and 1 below (x = 7)
# Too high combination of p and x:
tryCatch(delete_MAR_1_to_x(ds, 0.9, "X", "Y", 3), warning = function(w) w)

missMethods documentation built on Sept. 16, 2022, 5:08 p.m.