Man pages for mizer
Dynamic Multi-Species Size Spectrum Modelling

addSpeciesAdd new species
age_matCalculate age at maturity
age_mat_vBCalculate age at maturity from von Bertalanffy growth...
animateSpectraAnimation of the abundance spectra
BevertonHoltRDDBeverton Holt function to calculate density-dependent...
box_pred_kernelBox predation kernel
calc_selectivityCalculate selectivity from gear parameters
calibrateBiomassCalibrate the model scale to match total observed biomass
calibrateNumberCalibrate the model scale to match total observed number
calibrateYieldCalibrate the model scale to match total observed yield
compareParamsCompare two MizerParams objects and print out differences
completeSpeciesParamsAlias for 'validSpeciesParams()'
constantEggRDIChoose egg production to keep egg density constant
constant_otherHelper function to keep other components constant
constantRDDGive constant reproduction rate
customFunctionReplace a mizer function with a custom version
default_pred_kernel_paramsSet defaults for predation kernel parameters
defaults_editionDefault editions
differentCheck whether two objects are different
distanceMaxRelRDIMeasure distance between current and previous state in terms...
distanceSSLogNMeasure distance between current and previous state in terms...
double_sigmoid_lengthLength based double-sigmoid selectivity function
emptyParamsCreate empty MizerParams object of the right size
finalNSize spectra at end of simulation
finalNOtherValues of other ecosystem components at end of simulation
gear_paramsGear parameters
getBiomassCalculate the total biomass of each species within a size...
getCommunitySlopeCalculate the slope of the community abundance
getComponentGet information about other ecosystem components
getCriticalFeedingLevelGet critical feeding level
getDietGet diet of predator at size, resolved by prey species
getEffortFishing effort used in simulation
getEGrowthGet energy rate available for growth
getEncounterGet encounter rate
getEReproGet energy rate available for reproduction
getEReproAndGrowthGet energy rate available for reproduction and growth
getESpawningAlias for 'getERepro()'
get_f0_defaultGet default value for f0
getFeedingLevelGet feeding level
getFMortGet the total fishing mortality rate from all fishing gears...
getFMortGearGet the fishing mortality by time, gear, species and size
get_gamma_defaultGet default value for gamma
getGrowthCurvesGet growth curves giving weight as a function of age
get_h_defaultGet default value for h
get_initial_nCalculate initial population abundances
getInteractionDeprecated function to get interaction matrix
get_ks_defaultGet default value for 'ks'
getM2Alias for 'getPredMort()'
getM2BackgroundAlias for 'getResourceMort()'
getMeanMaxWeightCalculate the mean maximum weight of the community
getMeanWeightCalculate the mean weight of the community
getMortGet total mortality rate
getNCalculate the number of individuals within a size range
getParamsExtract the parameter object underlying a simulation
get_phiGet values from feeding kernel function
getPhiPreyGet available energy
getPredMortGet total predation mortality rate
getPredRateGet predation rate
getProportionOfLargeFishCalculate the proportion of large fish
getRatesGet all rates
getRDDGet density dependent reproduction rate
getRDIGet density independent rate of egg production
getReproductionLevelGet reproduction level
get_required_reproductionDetermine reproduction rate needed for initial egg abundance
getResourceDynamicsDeprecated functions for getting resource parameters
getResourceMortGet predation mortality rate for resource
get_size_range_arrayGet size range array
getSSBCalculate the SSB of species
getTimesTimes for which simulation results are available
getYieldCalculate the rate at which biomass of each species is fished
getYieldGearCalculate the rate at which biomass of each species is fished...
getZAlias for 'getMort()'
indicator_functionsDescription of indicator functions
initial_effortInitial fishing effort
initialNOther-setInitial values for other ecosystem components
initialNResource-setInitial value for resource spectrum
initialN-setInitial values for fish spectra
interAlias for 'NS_interaction'
knife_edgeWeight based knife-edge selectivity function
l2wLength-weight conversion
log_breaksHelper function to produce nice breaks on logarithmic axes
lognormal_pred_kernelLognormal predation kernel
matchBiomassesMatch biomasses to observations
matchGrowthAdjust model to produce observed growth
matchNumbersMatch numbers to observations
matchYieldsMatch yields to observations
mizerEGrowthGet energy rate available for growth needed to project...
mizerEncounterGet encounter rate needed to project standard mizer model
mizerEReproGet energy rate available for reproduction needed to project...
mizerEReproAndGrowthGet energy rate available for reproduction and growth needed...
mizerFeedingLevelGet feeding level needed to project standard mizer model
mizerFMortGet the total fishing mortality rate from all fishing gears
mizerFMortGearGet the fishing mortality needed to project standard mizer...
mizerMortGet total mortality rate needed to project standard mizer...
mizer-packagemizer: Multi-species size-based modelling in R
MizerParamsAlias for 'set_multispecies_model()'
MizerParams-classA class to hold the parameters for a size based model.
mizerPredMortGet total predation mortality rate needed to project standard...
mizerPredRateGet predation rate needed to project standard mizer model
mizerRatesGet all rates needed to project standard mizer model
mizerRDIGet density-independent rate of reproduction needed to...
mizerResourceMortGet predation mortality rate for resource needed to project...
MizerSimConstructor for the 'MizerSim' class
MizerSim-classA class to hold the results of a simulation
NTime series of size spectra
needs_upgradingDetermine whether a MizerParams or MizerSim object needs to...
newCommunityParamsSet up parameters for a community-type model
newMultispeciesParamsSet up parameters for a general multispecies model
newSingleSpeciesParamsSet up parameters for a single species in a power-law...
newTraitParamsSet up parameters for a trait-based multispecies model
noRDDGive density-independent reproduction rate
NOtherTime series of other components
NS_interactionExample interaction matrix for the North Sea example
NS_paramsExample MizerParams object for the North Sea example
NS_simExample MizerSim object for the North Sea example
NS_species_paramsExample species parameter set based on the North Sea
NS_species_params_gearsExample species parameter set based on the North Sea with...
plotBiomassPlot the biomass of species through time
plotBiomassObservedVsModelPlotting observed vs. model biomass data
plotDataFrameMake a plot from a data frame
plotDietPlot diet, resolved by prey species, as function of predator...
plotFeedingLevelPlot the feeding level of species by size
plotFMortPlot total fishing mortality of each species by size
plotGrowthCurvesPlot growth curves
plotM2Alias for 'plotPredMort()'
plot-MizerParams-missing-methodSummary plot for 'MizerParams' objects
plotMizerSimSummary plot for 'MizerSim' objects
plotPredMortPlot predation mortality rate of each species against size
plotSpectraPlot the abundance spectra
plotting_functionsDescription of the plotting functions
plotYieldPlot the total yield of species through time
plotYieldGearPlot the total yield of each species by gear through time
plotYieldObservedVsModelPlotting observed vs. model yields
power_law_pred_kernelPower-law predation kernel
projectProject size spectrum forward in time
project_simpleProject abundances by a given number of time steps into the...
projectToSteadyProject to steady state
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
removeSpeciesRemove species
renameSpeciesRename species
resource_constantKeep resource abundance constant
resource_logisticProject resource using logistic model
resource_paramsResource parameters
resource_semichemostatProject resource using semichemostat model
RickerRDDRicker function to calculate density-dependent reproduction...
saveParamsSave a MizerParams object to file, and restore it
scaleModelChange scale of the model
setBevertonHoltSet Beverton-Holt reproduction without changing the steady...
setColoursSet line colours and line types to be used in mizer plots
set_community_modelDeprecated function for setting up parameters for a...
setComponentAdd a dynamical ecosystem component
setExtEncounterSet external encounter rate
setExtMortSet external mortality rate
setFishingSet fishing parameters
setInitialValuesSet initial values to values from a simulation
setInteractionSet species interaction matrix
setMaxIntakeRateSet maximum intake rate
setMetabolicRateSet metabolic rate
setMetadataSet metadata for a model
set_multispecies_modelDeprecated obsolete function for setting up multispecies...
setParamsSet or change any model parameters
setPredKernelSet predation kernel
setRateFunctionSet own rate function to replace mizer rate function
setReproductionSet reproduction parameters
setResourceSet resource dynamics
setRmaxAlias for 'setBevertonHolt()'
setSearchVolumeSet search volume
set_species_param_defaultSet a species parameter to a default value
set_trait_modelDeprecated function for setting up parameters for a...
SheperdRDDSheperd function to calculate density-dependent reproduction...
sigmoid_lengthLength based sigmoid selectivity function
sigmoid_weightWeight based sigmoidal selectivity function
species_paramsSpecies parameters
steadySet initial values to a steady state for the model
steadySingleSpeciesSet initial abundances to single-species steady state...
summary_functionsDescription of summary functions
summary-MizerParams-methodSummarize MizerParams object
summary-MizerSim-methodSummarize MizerSim object
truncated_lognormal_pred_kernelTruncated lognormal predation kernel
upgradeParamsUpgrade MizerParams object from earlier mizer versions
upgradeSimUpgrade MizerSim object from earlier mizer versions
validGearParamsCheck validity of gear parameters and set defaults
valid_gears_argHelper function to assure validity of gears argument
validParamsValidate MizerParams object and upgrade if necessary
validSimValidate MizerSim object and upgrade if necessary
valid_species_argHelper function to assure validity of species argument
validSpeciesParamsValidate species parameter data frame
wSize bins
mizer documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 9:07 a.m.