
Defines functions customFunction

Documented in customFunction

#' Replace a mizer function with a custom version
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' This function allows you to make arbitrary changes to how mizer works by
#' allowing you to replace any mizer function with your own version. You
#' should do this only as a last resort, when you find that you can not use
#' the standard mizer extension mechanism to achieve your goal.
#' @details
#' If the function you need to overwrite is one of the mizer rate functions,
#' then you should use `setRateFunction()` instead of this function. Similarly
#' you should use `resource_dynamics()<-` to change the resource dynamics and
#' `setReproduction()` to change the density-dependence in reproduction.
#' You should also investigate whether you can achieve your goal by introducing
#' additional ecosystem components with `setComponent()`.
#' If you find that your goal really does require you to overwrite a mizer
#' function, please also create an issue on the mizer issue tracker at
#' <https://github.com/sizespectrum/mizer/issues> to
#' describe your goal, because it will be interesting to the mizer community
#' and may motivate future improvements to the mizer functionality.
#' Note that `customFunction()` only overwrites the function used by the mizer
#' code. It does not overwrite the function that is exported by mizer. This
#' will become clear when you run the code in the Examples section.
#' This function does not in any way check that your replacement function is
#' compatible with mizer. Calling this function can totally break mizer. 
#' However you can always undo the effect by reloading mizer with
#' ```
#' detach(package:mizer, unload = TRUE)
#' library(mizer)
#' ```
#' @param name Name of mizer function to replace
#' @param fun The custom function to use as replacement
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fake_project <- function(...) "Fake"
#' customFunction("project", fake_project)
#' mizer::project(NS_params) # This will print "Fake"
#' project(NS_params) # This will still use the old project() function
#' # To undo the effect:
#' customFunction("project", project)
#' mizer::project(NS_params) # This will again use the old project()
#' }
customFunction <- function(name, fun) {
    if (!exists(name, envir = as.environment("package:mizer"),
                mode = "function")) {
        stop("There is no mizer function called ", name)
    environment(fun) <- asNamespace("mizer")
    utils::assignInNamespace(name, fun, ns = "mizer")

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mizer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:16 a.m.