
Defines functions CheckStability

Documented in CheckStability

CheckStability <-
function(a.best.l, corr.th=0.7){
  nIruns <- length(a.best.l) ;
  if( nIruns < 2 ){
    print("Argument must be list of at least two a.best objects");
  for( i in 2:nIruns){
    if( a.best.l[[1]]$ncp != a.best.l[[i]]$ncp ){
    print("Stopping: the objects in list must have same number of ICA modes");
 ncp <- a.best.l[[1]]$ncp ;
 X <- a.best.l[[1]]$X;
 nConn.v <- vector(length=nIruns*ncp); # number of connections
 Adj.a <- array(rep(0,nIruns*ncp*nIruns*ncp),dim=c(nIruns,ncp,nIruns,ncp));
 v <- 1;

 for( j1 in 1:nIruns){
  setdiff(1:nIruns,j1) -> selrun ;
  for( j2 in selrun ){

    for( i1 in 1:ncp){

      cor.v <- as.vector(abs(cor(a.best.l[[j1]]$S[,i1],a.best.l[[j2]]$S)));
      which.max(cor.v) -> i2;
      Adj.a[j1,i1,j2,i2] <- 1 ;


  for( i in 1:ncp){ # compute number of connections/links
    nConn <- 0;
    for( j2 in selrun){
      if( sum(Adj.a[j1,i,j2,]) > 0 ){
        nConn <- nConn + 1;
    nConn.v[v] <- nConn ;
    v <- v + 1;
 } # j1-loop

 selmodes.idx <- 1:(nIruns*ncp);
 consS.lv <- list();
 StabScore.l <- list();
 c <- 1;
 while( c <= ncp ){
 which.max(nConn.v) -> max.idx ;
 as.integer(max.idx/(ncp+1))+1 -> j1.max ;
 max.idx - (j1.max-1)*ncp -> i1.max ;
 selrun <- setdiff(1:nIruns,j1.max);
 consS <- a.best.l[[j1.max]]$S[,i1.max];
 corr.idx <- vector();
 for( j2 in selrun ){
   which(Adj.a[j1.max,i1.max,j2,]==1) -> i2;
   if ( length(i2) > 0 ){
    corr.idx <- c(corr.idx, (j2-1)*ncp+i2);
    tmp <- cor(a.best.l[[j1.max]]$S[,i1.max],a.best.l[[j2]]$S[,i2]);
    consS <- consS + sign(tmp)*a.best.l[[j2]]$S[,i2];
 selmodes.idx <- setdiff(selmodes.idx,c(max.idx,corr.idx));
 consS.lv[[c]] <- consS/(nConn.v[max.idx]+1) ;
 StabScore.l[[c]] <- (nConn.v[max.idx]+1)/nIruns ;
 nConn.v[c(max.idx,corr.idx)] <- -1;
 c <- c + 1;

 consS.m <- matrix(nrow=nrow(a.best.l[[1]]$S),ncol=ncp );
 StabScore.v <- vector();
 for( c in 1:ncol(consS.m)){
  consS.m[,c] <- consS.lv[[c]]/sqrt(var(consS.lv[[c]]));
  StabScore.v[c] <- StabScore.l[[c]];

 STS <- t(consS.m) %*% consS.m;
 solve(STS, LINPACK=FALSE) -> STSinv ;
 STX <- t(consS.m) %*% X ;
 consA.m <- STSinv %*% STX ;
 return(list(stabM=StabScore.v, consS=consS.m, consA=consA.m));


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mlica2 documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:45 p.m.