.FilterRegister = new.env() # nolint
#' Create a feature filter.
#' Creates and registers custom feature filters. Implemented filters
#' can be listed with [listFilterMethods]. Additional
#' documentation for the `fun` parameter specific to each filter can
#' be found in the description.
#' @param name (`character(1)`)\cr
#' Identifier for the filter.
#' @param desc (`character(1)`)\cr
#' Short description of the filter.
#' @param pkg (`character(1)`)\cr
#' Source package where the filter is implemented.
#' @param supported.tasks ([character])\cr
#' Task types supported.
#' @param supported.features ([character])\cr
#' Feature types supported.
#' @param fun (`function(task, nselect, ...`)\cr
#' Function which takes a task and returns a named numeric vector of scores,
#' one score for each feature of `task`.
#' Higher scores mean higher importance of the feature.
#' At least `nselect` features must be calculated, the remaining may be
#' set to `NA` or omitted, and thus will not be selected.
#' the original order will be restored if necessary.
#' @return Object of class \dQuote{Filter}.
#' @export
#' @family filter
makeFilter = function(name, desc, pkg, supported.tasks, supported.features, fun) {
assertCharacter(pkg, any.missing = FALSE)
assertCharacter(supported.tasks, any.missing = FALSE)
assertCharacter(supported.features, any.missing = FALSE)
assertFunction(fun, c("task", "nselect"))
obj = makeS3Obj("Filter",
name = name,
desc = desc,
pkg = pkg,
supported.tasks = supported.tasks,
supported.features = supported.features,
fun = fun
.FilterRegister[[name]] = obj
#' List filter methods.
#' Returns a subset-able dataframe with filter information.
#' @param desc (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Provide more detailed information about filters.
#' Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param tasks (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Provide information on supported tasks.
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param features (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Provide information on supported features.
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param include.deprecated (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Should deprecated filter methods be included in the list.
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' @return ([data.frame]).
#' @export
#' @family filter
listFilterMethods = function(desc = TRUE, tasks = FALSE, features = FALSE, include.deprecated = FALSE) {
tag2df = function(tags, prefix = "") {
unique.tags = sort(unique(unlist(tags)))
res = asMatrixRows(lapply(tags, "%in%", x = unique.tags))
colnames(res) = stri_paste(prefix, unique.tags)
rownames(res) = NULL
filters = as.list(.FilterRegister)
df = data.frame(
id = names(filters),
package = vcapply(extractSubList(filters, "pkg"), collapse)
description = extractSubList(filters, "desc")
if (desc) {
df$desc = description
if (tasks) {
df = cbind(df, tag2df(extractSubList(filters, "supported.tasks"), prefix = "task."))
if (features) {
df = cbind(df, tag2df(extractSubList(filters, "supported.features"), prefix = "feature."))
deprecated = stri_endswith(description, fixed = "(DEPRECATED)")
if (include.deprecated) {
df$deprecated = deprecated
} else {
df = df[!deprecated, ]
res = setRowNames(sortByCol(df, "id"), NULL)
addClasses(res, "FilterMethodsList")
#' @export
print.FilterMethodsList = function(x, len = 40, ...) {
if (!is.null(x$desc)) {
x$desc = clipString(x$desc, len = len)
#' @export
print.Filter = function(x, ...) {
catf("Filter: '%s'", x$name)
if (!isScalarNA(x$pkg)) {
catf("Packages: '%s'", collapse(cleanupPackageNames(x$pkg)))
catf("Supported tasks: %s", collapse(x$supported.tasks))
catf("Supported features: %s", collapse(x$supported.features))
#' Minimum redundancy, maximum relevance filter \dQuote{mrmr} computes the
#' mutual information between the target and each individual feature minus the
#' average mutual information of previously selected features and this feature
#' using the \pkg{mRMRe} package.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
# mrmr ----------------
name = "mrmr",
desc = "Minimum redundancy, maximum relevance filter",
pkg = "mRMRe",
supported.tasks = c("regr", "surv"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "ordered"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
if (inherits(task, "SurvTask")) {
data = getTaskData(task, target.extra = TRUE, = "surv")
data = cbind(..surv = data$target, data$data)
target.ind = 1L
} else {
data = getTaskData(task)
target.ind = match(getTaskTargetNames(task), colnames(data))
# some required conversions
ind = which(vlapply(data, is.integer))
data[ind] = lapply(data[ind], as.double)
data = = data)
threads.before = mRMRe::get.thread.count()
res = mRMRe::mRMR.classic(data = data, target_indices = target.ind, feature_count = nselect, ...)
scores = as.numeric(mRMRe::scores(res)[[1L]])
setNames(scores, res@feature_names[as.integer(mRMRe::solutions(res)[[1L]])])
# carscore ----------------
#' Filter \dQuote{carscore} determines the \dQuote{Correlation-Adjusted (marginal) coRelation
#' scores} (short CAR scores). The CAR scores for a set of features are defined as the
#' correlations between the target and the decorrelated features.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "carscore",
desc = "CAR scores",
pkg = "care",
supported.tasks = "regr",
supported.features = "numerics",
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
data = getTaskData(task, target.extra = TRUE)
y = care::carscore(Xtrain = data$data, Ytrain = data$target, verbose = FALSE, ...)^2
setNames(as.double(y), names(y))
# party_cforest.importance ----------------
#' Permutation importance of random forests fitted in package \pkg{party}.
#' The implementation follows the principle of mean decrese in accuracy used
#' by the \pkg{randomForest} package (see description of \dQuote{randomForest_importance})
#' filter.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "party_cforest.importance",
desc = "Permutation importance of random forest fitted in package 'party'",
pkg = "party",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr", "surv"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "ordered"),
fun = function(task, nselect, mtry = 5L, ...) {
args = list(...)
# we need to set mtry, which is 5 by default in cforest, to p if p < mtry
# otherwise we get a warning
p = getTaskNFeats(task)
if (p < mtry) {
args$mtry = p
cforest.args = as.list(base::args(party::cforest))
cforest.args = args[names(args) %in% names(cforest.args)]
control.args = as.list(base::args(party::cforest_control))
control.args = args[names(args) %in% names(control.args)]
varimp.args = as.list(base::args(party::varimp))
varimp.args = args[names(args) %in% names(varimp.args)]
ctrl =, control.args)
fit =, c(list(formula = getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task), controls = ctrl),
im =, c(list(obj = fit), varimp.args))
cforest.importance = makeFilter(
name = "party_cforest.importance",
desc = "Permutation importance of random forest fitted in package 'party'",
pkg = "party",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr", "surv"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "ordered"),
fun = function(task, nselect, mtry = 5L, ...) {
args = list(...)
# we need to set mtry, which is 5 by default in cforest, to p if p < mtry
# otherwise we get a warning
p = getTaskNFeats(task)
if (p < mtry) {
args$mtry = p
cforest.args = as.list(base::args(party::cforest))
cforest.args = args[names(args) %in% names(cforest.args)]
control.args = as.list(base::args(party::cforest_control))
control.args = args[names(args) %in% names(control.args)]
varimp.args = as.list(base::args(party::varimp))
varimp.args = args[names(args) %in% names(varimp.args)]
ctrl =, control.args)
fit =, c(list(formula = getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task), controls = ctrl),
im =, c(list(obj = fit), varimp.args))
.FilterRegister[["cforest.importance"]] = cforest.importance
.FilterRegister[["cforest.importance"]]$desc = "(DEPRECATED)"
.FilterRegister[["cforest.importance"]]$fun = function(...) {
.Deprecated(old = "Filter 'cforest.importance'", new = "Filter 'party_cforest.importance' (package party)")
# randomForest_importance ----------------
#' Filter \dQuote{randomForest_importance} makes use of the [randomForest::importance]
#' from package \pkg{randomForest}. The importance measure to use is selected via
#' the `method` parameter:
#' \describe{
#' \item{oob.accuracy}{Permutation of Out of Bag (OOB) data.}
#' \item{node.impurity}{Total decrease in node impurity.}
#' }
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "randomForest_importance",
desc = "Importance based on OOB-accuracy or node inpurity of random forest fitted in package 'randomForest'.",
pkg = "randomForest",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, method = "oob.accuracy", ...) {
assertChoice(method, choices = c("oob.accuracy", "node.impurity"))
type = if (method == "oob.accuracy") 1L else 2L
# no need to set importance = TRUE for node impurity (type = 2)
rf = randomForest::randomForest(getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task),
keep.forest = FALSE, importance = (type != 2L))
im = randomForest::importance(rf, type = type, ...)
setNames(im, rownames(im))
randomForest.importance = makeFilter( # nolint
name = "randomForest_importance",
desc = "Importance based on OOB-accuracy or node inpurity of random forest fitted in package 'randomForest'.",
pkg = "randomForest",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, method = "oob.accuracy", ...) {
assertChoice(method, choices = c("oob.accuracy", "node.impurity"))
type = if (method == "oob.accuracy") 1L else 2L
# no need to set importance = TRUE for node impurity (type = 2)
rf = randomForest::randomForest(getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task),
keep.forest = FALSE, importance = (type != 2L))
im = randomForest::importance(rf, type = type, ...)
setNames(im, rownames(im))
.FilterRegister[["randomForest.importance"]] = randomForest.importance
.FilterRegister[["randomForest.importance"]]$desc = "(DEPRECATED)"
.FilterRegister[["randomForest.importance"]]$fun = function(...) {
.Deprecated(old = "Filter 'randomForest.importance'", new = "Filter 'randomForest_importance' (package randomForest)")
# linear.correlation ----------------
#' The absolute Pearson correlation between each feature and the target is used as an indicator of feature importance.
#' Missing values are not taken into consideration in a pairwise fashion (see \dQuote{pairwise.complete.obs} in [cor]).
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "linear.correlation",
desc = "Pearson correlation between feature and target",
pkg = character(0L),
supported.tasks = "regr",
supported.features = "numerics",
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
data = getTaskData(task, target.extra = TRUE)
abs(cor(as.matrix(data$data), data$target, use = "pairwise.complete.obs", method = "pearson")[, 1L])
# rank.correlation ----------------
#' The absolute Pearson correlation between each feature and the target is used as an indicator of feature importance.
#' Missing values are not taken into consideration in a pairwise fashion (see \dQuote{pairwise.complete.obs} in [cor]).
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "rank.correlation",
desc = "Spearman's correlation between feature and target",
pkg = character(0L),
supported.tasks = "regr",
supported.features = "numerics",
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
data = getTaskData(task, target.extra = TRUE)
abs(cor(as.matrix(data$data), data$target, use = "pairwise.complete.obs", method = "spearman")[, 1L])
# FSelector_information.gain ----------------
#' Filter \dQuote{information.gain} uses the entropy-based information gain
#' between each feature and target individually as an importance measure.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "FSelector_information.gain",
desc = "Entropy-based information gain between feature and target",
pkg = "FSelector",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
y = FSelector::information.gain(getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task))
setNames(y[["attr_importance"]], getTaskFeatureNames(task))
information.gain = makeFilter(
name = "FSelector_information.gain",
desc = "Entropy-based information gain between feature and target",
pkg = "FSelector",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
y = FSelector::information.gain(getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task))
setNames(y[["attr_importance"]], getTaskFeatureNames(task))
.FilterRegister[["information.gain"]] = information.gain
.FilterRegister[["information.gain"]]$desc = "(DEPRECATED)"
.FilterRegister[["information.gain"]]$fun = function(...) {
.Deprecated(old = "Filter 'information.gain'", new = "Filter 'FSelector_information.gain' (package FSelector)")
# FSelector_gain.ratio ----------------
#' Filter \dQuote{gain.ratio} uses the entropy-based information gain ratio
#' between each feature and target individually as an importance measure.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "FSelector_gain.ratio",
desc = "Entropy-based gain ratio between feature and target",
pkg = "FSelector",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
y = FSelector::gain.ratio(getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task))
setNames(y[["attr_importance"]], getTaskFeatureNames(task))
gain.ratio = makeFilter(
name = "FSelector_gain.ratio",
desc = "Entropy-based gain ratio between feature and target",
pkg = "FSelector",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
y = FSelector::gain.ratio(getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task))
setNames(y[["attr_importance"]], getTaskFeatureNames(task))
.FilterRegister[["gain.ratio"]] = gain.ratio
.FilterRegister[["gain.ratio"]]$desc = "(DEPRECATED)"
.FilterRegister[["gain.ratio"]]$fun = function(...) {
.Deprecated(old = "Filter 'gain.ratio'", new = "Filter 'FSelector_gain.ratio' (package FSelector)")
# FSelector_symmetrical.uncertainty ----------------
#' Filter \dQuote{symmetrical.uncertainty} uses the entropy-based symmetrical uncertainty
#' between each feature and target individually as an importance measure.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "FSelector_symmetrical.uncertainty",
desc = "Entropy-based symmetrical uncertainty between feature and target",
pkg = "FSelector",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
y = FSelector::symmetrical.uncertainty(getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task))
setNames(y[["attr_importance"]], getTaskFeatureNames(task))
symmetrical.uncertainty = makeFilter(
name = "FSelector_symmetrical.uncertainty",
desc = "Entropy-based symmetrical uncertainty between feature and target",
pkg = "FSelector",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
y = FSelector::symmetrical.uncertainty(getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task))
setNames(y[["attr_importance"]], getTaskFeatureNames(task))
.FilterRegister[["symmetrical.uncertainty"]] = symmetrical.uncertainty
.FilterRegister[["symmetrical.uncertainty"]]$desc = "(DEPRECATED)"
.FilterRegister[["symmetrical.uncertainty"]]$fun = function(...) {
.Deprecated(old = "Filter 'symmetrical.uncertainty'", new = "Filter 'FSelector_symmetrical.uncertainty' (package FSelector)")
# FSelector_chi.squared ----------------
#' The chi-square test is a statistical test of independence to determine whether
#' two variables are independent. Filter \dQuote{chi.squared} applies this
#' test in the following way. For each feature the chi-square test statistic is
#' computed checking if there is a dependency between the feature and the target
#' variable. Low values of the test statistic indicate a poor relationship. High
#' values, i.e., high dependency identifies a feature as more important.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "FSelector_chi.squared",
desc = "Chi-squared statistic of independence between feature and target",
pkg = "FSelector",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
y = FSelector::chi.squared(getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task))
setNames(y[["attr_importance"]], getTaskFeatureNames(task))
chi.squared = makeFilter(
name = "FSelector_chi.squared",
desc = "Chi-squared statistic of independence between feature and target",
pkg = "FSelector",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
y = FSelector::chi.squared(getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task))
setNames(y[["attr_importance"]], getTaskFeatureNames(task))
.FilterRegister[["chi.squared"]] = chi.squared
.FilterRegister[["chi.squared"]]$desc = "(DEPRECATED)"
.FilterRegister[["chi.squared"]]$fun = function(...) {
.Deprecated(old = "Filter 'chi.squared'", new = "Filter 'FSelector_chi.squared' (package FSelector)")
# FSelector_relief ----------------
#' Filter \dQuote{relief} is based on the feature selection algorithm \dQuote{ReliefF}
#' by Kononenko et al., which is a generalization of the orignal \dQuote{Relief}
#' algorithm originally proposed by Kira and Rendell. Feature weights are initialized
#' with zeros. Then for each instance `sample.size` instances are sampled,
#' `neighbours.count` nearest-hit and nearest-miss neighbours are computed
#' and the weight vector for each feature is updated based on these values.
#' @references
#' Kira, Kenji and Rendell, Larry (1992). The Feature Selection Problem: Traditional
#' Methods and a New Algorithm. AAAI-92 Proceedings.
#' Kononenko, Igor et al. Overcoming the myopia of inductive learning algorithms
#' with RELIEFF (1997), Applied Intelligence, 7(1), p39-55.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "FSelector_relief",
desc = "RELIEF algorithm",
pkg = "FSelector",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
y = FSelector::relief(getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task), ...)
setNames(y[["attr_importance"]], getTaskFeatureNames(task))
relief = makeFilter(
name = "FSelector_relief",
desc = "RELIEF algorithm",
pkg = "FSelector",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
y = FSelector::relief(getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task), ...)
setNames(y[["attr_importance"]], getTaskFeatureNames(task))
.FilterRegister[["relief"]] = relief
.FilterRegister[["relief"]]$desc = "(DEPRECATED)"
.FilterRegister[["relief"]]$fun = function(...) {
.Deprecated(old = "Filter 'relief'", new = "Filter 'FSelector_relief' (package FSelector)")
# FSelector_oneR ----------------
#' Filter \dQuote{oneR} makes use of a simple \dQuote{One-Rule} (OneR) learner to
#' determine feature importance. For this purpose the OneR learner generates one
#' simple association rule for each feature in the data individually and computes
#' the total error. The lower the error value the more important the correspoding
#' feature.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "FSelector_oneR",
desc = "oneR association rule",
pkg = "FSelector",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
y = FSelector::oneR(getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task))
setNames(y[["attr_importance"]], getTaskFeatureNames(task))
oneR = makeFilter( # nolint
name = "FSelector_oneR",
desc = "oneR association rule",
pkg = "FSelector",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
y = FSelector::oneR(getTaskFormula(task), data = getTaskData(task))
setNames(y[["attr_importance"]], getTaskFeatureNames(task))
.FilterRegister[["oneR"]] = oneR
.FilterRegister[["oneR"]]$desc = "(DEPRECATED)"
.FilterRegister[["oneR"]]$fun = function(...) {
.Deprecated(old = "Filter 'oneR'", new = "Filter 'FSelector_oneR' (package FSelector)")
# univariate ----------------
#' The \dQuote{univariate.model.score} feature filter resamples an \pkg{mlr}
#' learner specified via `perf.learner` for each feature individually
#' with randomForest from package \pkg{rpart} being the default learner.
#' Further parameter are the resamling strategey `perf.resampling` and
#' the performance measure `perf.measure`.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
univariate = makeFilter(
name = "univariate.model.score",
desc = "Resamples an mlr learner for each input feature individually. The resampling performance is used as filter score, with rpart as default learner.",
pkg = character(0L),
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr", "surv"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "ordered"),
fun = function(task, nselect, perf.learner = NULL, perf.measure = NULL, perf.resampling = NULL, ...) {
typ = getTaskType(task)
if (is.null(perf.learner)) {
if (typ == "classif") {
perf.learner = "classif.rpart"
} else if (typ == "regr") {
perf.learner = "regr.rpart"
} else if (typ == "surv") {
perf.learner = "surv.rpart"
if (is.null(perf.measure)) {
perf.measure = getDefaultMeasure(task)
perf.learner = checkLearner(perf.learner)
perf.measure = checkMeasures(perf.measure, perf.learner)
if (length(perf.measure) != 1L) {
stop("Exactly one measure must be provided")
if (is.null(perf.resampling)) {
perf.resampling = makeResampleDesc("Subsample", iters = 1L, split = 0.67)
if (getTaskType(task) != perf.learner$type) {
stopf("Expected task of type '%s', not '%s'", getTaskType(task), perf.learner$type)
fns = getTaskFeatureNames(task)
res = double(length(fns))
for (i in seq_along(fns)) {
subtask = subsetTask(task, features = fns[i])
res[i] = resample(learner = perf.learner, task = subtask, resampling = perf.resampling, measures = perf.measure, keep.pred = FALSE, = FALSE)$aggr
if (perf.measure[[1L]]$minimize) {
res = -1.0 * res
setNames(res, fns)
.FilterRegister[["univariate"]] = univariate
.FilterRegister[["univariate"]]$desc = "(DEPRECATED)"
.FilterRegister[["univariate"]]$fun = function(...) {
.Deprecated(old = "Filter 'univariate'", new = "Filter 'univariate.model.score'")
# anova.test ----------------
#' Filter \dQuote{anova.test} is based on the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) between
#' feature and class. The value of the F-statistic is used as a measure of feature
#' importance.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "anova.test",
desc = "ANOVA Test for binary and multiclass classification tasks",
pkg = character(0L),
supported.tasks = "classif",
supported.features = "numerics",
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
data = getTaskData(task)
vnapply(getTaskFeatureNames(task), function( {
f = as.formula(stri_paste(, "~", getTaskTargetNames(task)))
aov.t = aov(f, data = data)
summary(aov.t)[[1L]][1L, "F value"]
# kruskal.test ----------------
#' Filter \dQuote{kruskal.test} applies a Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test of the
#' null hypothesis that the location parameters of the distribution of a feature
#' are the same in each class and considers the test statistic as an variable
#' importance measure: if the location parameters do not differ in at least one
#' case, i.e., the null hypothesis cannot be rejected, there is little evidence
#' that the corresponding feature is suitable for classification.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "kruskal.test",
desc = "Kruskal Test for binary and multiclass classification tasks",
pkg = character(0L),
supported.tasks = "classif",
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
data = getTaskData(task)
sapply(getTaskFeatureNames(task), function( {
f = as.formula(stri_paste(, "~", getTaskTargetNames(task)))
t = kruskal.test(f, data = data)
# variance ----------------
#' Simple filter based on the variance of the features indepentent of each other.
#' Features with higher variance are considered more important than features with
#' low importance.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "variance",
desc = "A simple variance filter",
pkg = character(0L),
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr", "surv"),
supported.features = "numerics",
fun = function(task, nselect, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
data = getTaskData(task)
sapply(getTaskFeatureNames(task), function( {
var(data[[]], na.rm = na.rm)
# permutation.importance ----------------
#' Filter \dQuote{permutation.importance} computes a loss function between predictions made by a
#' learner before and after a feature is permuted. Special arguments to the filter function are
#' `imp.learner`, a ([Learner] or `character(1)]) which specifies the learner
#' to use when computing the permutation importance, `contrast`, a `function` which takes two
#' numeric vectors and returns one (default is the difference), `aggregation`, a `function` which
#' takes a `numeric` and returns a `numeric(1)` (default is the mean), `nmc`,
#' an `integer(1)`, and `replace`, a `logical(1)` which determines whether the feature being
#' permuted is sampled with or without replacement.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "permutation.importance",
desc = "Aggregated difference between feature permuted and unpermuted predictions",
pkg = character(0L),
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr", "surv"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "ordered"),
fun = function(task, imp.learner, measure, contrast = function(x, y) x - y,
aggregation = mean, nmc = 50L, replace = FALSE, nselect) {
imp = generateFeatureImportanceData(task, "permutation.importance",
imp.learner, interaction = FALSE, measure = measure,
contrast = contrast, aggregation = aggregation,
nmc = nmc, replace = replace, local = FALSE)
imp = as.numeric(imp$res)
names(imp) = getTaskFeatureNames(task)
# auc ----------------
#' Filter \dQuote{auc} determines for each feature, how well the target
#' variable can be predicted only based on this feature. More precisely, the
#' prediction rule is: class 1 if the feature exceeds a threshold and class 0
#' otherwise. The performance of this classification rule is measured by the
#' AUC and the resulting filter score is |0.5 - AUC|.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "auc",
desc = "AUC filter for binary classification tasks",
pkg = character(0L),
supported.tasks = "classif",
supported.features = "numerics",
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
data = getTaskData(task, target.extra = TRUE)
score = vnapply(data$data, function(x, y) {
measureAUC(x, y, task$task.desc$negative, task$task.desc$positive)
}, y = data$target)
abs(0.5 - score)
#' Filters from the package \pkg{praznik} use the mutual information criteria in a greedy forward fashion:
#' \dQuote{praznik_CMIM}, \dQuote{praznik_DISR}, \dQuote{praznik_JMIM}, \dQuote{praznik_JMI},
#' \dQuote{praznik_MIM}, \dQuote{praznik_MRMR}, \dQuote{praznik_NJMIM}.
#' As the calculated feature scores are not guaranteed to be monotone, the scores returned by \pkg{mlr} reflect the
#' selection order instead. The selected features get scores \code{1}, \code{(n-1)/n}, ..., \code{1/n} where \code{n}
#' is the total number of features.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
praznik_filter = function(fun) {
# nolint
function(task, nselect, ...) {
fun = getFromNamespace(fun, ns = "praznik")
data = getTaskData(task)
X = data[getTaskFeatureNames(task)]
Y = data[[getTaskTargetNames(task)]]
k = max(min(nselect, ncol(X)), 1L)
selected = names(fun(X, Y, k = k)$selection)
score = setNames(rev(seq_along(selected)) / length(selected), selected)
if (length(score) < ncol(X)) {
unscored = sample(setdiff(names(X), names(score)))
score = c(score, setNames(, length(unscored)), unscored))
# praznik_JMI ----------------
name = "praznik_JMI",
desc = "Joint mutual information filter",
pkg = "praznik",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "integer", "character", "logical"),
fun = praznik_filter("JMI")
# praznik_DISR ----------------
name = "praznik_DISR",
desc = "Double input symmetrical relevance filter",
pkg = "praznik",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "integer", "character", "logical"),
fun = praznik_filter("DISR")
# praznik_JMIM ----------------
name = "praznik_JMIM",
desc = "Minimal joint mutual information maximisation filter",
pkg = "praznik",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "integer", "character", "logical"),
fun = praznik_filter("JMIM")
# praznik_MIM ----------------
name = "praznik_MIM",
desc = "conditional mutual information based feature selection filters",
pkg = "praznik",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "integer", "character", "logical"),
fun = praznik_filter("MIM")
# praznik_NJMIM ----------------
name = "praznik_NJMIM",
desc = "Minimal normalised joint mutual information maximisation filter",
pkg = "praznik",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "integer", "character", "logical"),
fun = praznik_filter("NJMIM")
# praznik_MRMR ----------------
name = "praznik_MRMR",
desc = "Minimum redundancy maximal relevancy filter",
pkg = "praznik",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "integer", "character", "logical"),
fun = praznik_filter("MRMR")
# praznik_CMIM ----------------
name = "praznik_CMIM",
desc = "Minimal conditional mutual information maximisation filter",
pkg = "praznik",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "integer", "character", "logical"),
fun = praznik_filter("CMIM")
#' Entropy based filters from the package \pkg{FSelectorRcpp}:
#' \dQuote{FSelectorRcpp_gain.ratio}, dQuote{FSelectorRcpp_information.gain}, \dQuote{FSelectorRcpp_symmetrical.uncertainty}.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
FSelectorRcpp.filter = function(type) {
# nolint
function(task, nselect, ...) {
data = getTaskData(task)
X = data[getTaskFeatureNames(task)]
y = data[[getTaskTargetNames(task)]]
res = FSelectorRcpp::information_gain(x = X, y = y, type = type, ...)
res = setNames(res$importance, res$attributes)
replace(res, is.nan(res), 0) # FIXME: this is a technical fix, need to report upstream
# FSelectorRcpp_relief ----------------
#' Filter \dQuote{relief} is based on the feature selection algorithm \dQuote{ReliefF}
#' by Kononenko et al., which is a generalization of the orignal \dQuote{Relief}
#' algorithm originally proposed by Kira and Rendell. Feature weights are initialized
#' with zeros. Then for each instance `sample.size` instances are sampled,
#' `neighbours.count` nearest-hit and nearest-miss neighbours are computed
#' and the weight vector for each feature is updated based on these values.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
# FSelectorRcpp_relief ----------------
name = "FSelectorRcpp_relief",
desc = "RELIEF algorithm",
pkg = "FSelectorRcpp",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
data = getTaskData(task)
X = data[getTaskFeatureNames(task)]
Y = data[[getTaskTargetNames(task)]]
res = FSelectorRcpp::relief(x = X, y = Y, ...)
res = setNames(res$importance, res$attributes)
replace(res, is.nan(res), 0) # FIXME: this is a technical fix, need to report upstream
# FSelectorRcpp_info.gain ----------------
name = "FSelectorRcpp_information.gain",
desc = "Entropy-based Filters: Algorithms that find ranks of importance of discrete attributes, basing on their entropy with a continous class attribute",
pkg = "FSelectorRcpp",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "integer", "logical", "character"),
fun = FSelectorRcpp.filter("infogain")
# FSelectorRcpp_gain.ratio ----------------
name = "FSelectorRcpp_gain.ratio",
desc = "Entropy-based Filters: Algorithms that find ranks of importance of discrete attributes, basing on their entropy with a continous class attribute",
pkg = "FSelectorRcpp",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "integer", "logical", "character"),
fun = FSelectorRcpp.filter("gainratio")
# FSelectorRcpp_symuncert ----------------
name = "FSelectorRcpp_symmetrical.uncertainty",
desc = "Entropy-based Filters: Algorithms that find ranks of importance of discrete attributes, basing on their entropy with a continous class attribute",
pkg = "FSelectorRcpp",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "integer", "logical", "character"),
fun = FSelectorRcpp.filter("symuncert")
# ranger_permutation ----------------
#' Filter \dQuote{ranger.permutation} trains a \pkg{ranger} learner with
#' \dQuote{importance = "permutation"} and assesses the variable
#' importance for each feature.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "ranger_permutation",
desc = "Variable importance based on ranger permutation importance",
pkg = "ranger",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr", "surv"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "ordered"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
lrn.type = paste0(getTaskType(task), ".ranger")
lrn = makeLearner(lrn.type, importance = "permutation", ...)
mod = train(lrn, task)
ranger.permutation = makeFilter(
name = "ranger_permutation",
desc = "Variable importance based on ranger permutation importance",
pkg = "ranger",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr", "surv"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "ordered"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
lrn.type = paste0(getTaskType(task), ".ranger")
lrn = makeLearner(lrn.type, importance = "permutation", ...)
mod = train(lrn, task)
.FilterRegister[["ranger.permutation"]] = ranger.permutation
.FilterRegister[["ranger.permutation"]]$desc = "(DEPRECATED)"
.FilterRegister[["ranger.permutation"]]$fun = function(...) {
.Deprecated(old = "Filter 'ranger.permutation'", new = "Filter 'ranger_permutation' (package ranger)")
# ranger_impurity ----------------
#' Filter \dQuote{ranger.impurity} trains a \pkg{ranger} learner with
#' \dQuote{importance = "impurity"} and assesses the variable
#' importance for each feature.
#' @rdname makeFilter
#' @name makeFilter
name = "ranger_impurity",
desc = "Variable importance based on ranger impurity importance",
pkg = "ranger",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "ordered"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
lrn.type = paste0(getTaskType(task), ".ranger")
lrn = makeLearner(lrn.type, importance = "impurity", ...)
mod = train(lrn, task)
ranger.impurity = makeFilter(
name = "ranger_impurity",
desc = "Variable importance based on ranger impurity importance",
pkg = "ranger",
supported.tasks = c("classif", "regr"),
supported.features = c("numerics", "factors", "ordered"),
fun = function(task, nselect, ...) {
lrn.type = paste0(getTaskType(task), ".ranger")
lrn = makeLearner(lrn.type, importance = "impurity", ...)
mod = train(lrn, task)
.FilterRegister[["ranger.impurity"]] = ranger.impurity
.FilterRegister[["ranger.impurity"]]$desc = "(DEPRECATED)"
.FilterRegister[["ranger.impurity"]]$fun = function(...) {
.Deprecated(old = "Filter 'ranger.impurity'", new = "Filter 'ranger_impurity' (package ranger)")
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