
Defines functions getRRDump addRRMeasure getRRPredictionList getRRTaskDesc getRRTaskDescription getRRPredictions

Documented in addRRMeasure getRRDump getRRPredictionList getRRPredictions getRRTaskDesc getRRTaskDescription

#' @title Get predictions from resample results.
#' @description
#' Very simple getter.
#' @param res ([ResampleResult])\cr
#'   The result of [resample] run with `keep.pred = TRUE`.
#' @return ([ResamplePrediction]).
#' @export
#' @family resample
getRRPredictions = function(res) {
  if (is.null(res$pred)) {
    stopf("The 'pred' slot is empty because the ResampleResult was generated with keep.pred = FALSE.")
  } else {

#' @title Get task description from resample results (DEPRECATED).
#' @description
#' Get a summarizing task description.
#' @param res ([ResampleResult])\cr
#'   The result of [resample].
#' @return ([TaskDesc]).
#' @export
#' @family resample
getRRTaskDescription = function(res) {

#' @title Get task description from resample results (DEPRECATED).
#' @description
#' Get a summarizing task description.
#' @param res ([ResampleResult])\cr
#'   The result of [resample].
#' @return ([TaskDesc]).
#' @export
#' @family resample
getRRTaskDesc = function(res) {

#' @title Get list of predictions for train and test set of each single resample iteration.
#' @description
#' This function creates a list with two slots `train` and `test` where
#' each slot is again a list of [Prediction] objects for each single
#' resample iteration.
#' In case that `predict = "train"` was used for the resample description
#' (see [makeResampleDesc]), the slot `test` will be `NULL`
#' and in case that `predict = "test"` was used, the slot `train` will be
#' `NULL`.
#' @param res ([ResampleResult])\cr
#'   The result of [resample] run with `keep.pred = TRUE`.
#' @param ... (any)\cr
#'   Further options passed to [makePrediction].
#' @return [list].
#' @export
#' @family resample
getRRPredictionList = function(res, ...) {

  assertClass(res, "ResampleResult")
  # We need to force keep.pred = TRUE (will be checked in getRRPredictions)
  pred = getRRPredictions(res)
  predict.type = pred$predict.type
  time = pred$time
  task.desc = getRRTaskDesc(res)

  # split by train and test set
  set = levels(factor(pred$data$set))

  # get prediction objects for train and test set
  prediction = lapply(set, function(s) {
    # split by resample iterations
    p.split = pred$data[pred$data$set == s, , drop = FALSE]
    p.split = split(p.split, as.factor(p.split$iter))
    # create prediction object for each resample iteration
    p.split = lapply(p.split, function(p) {
      # get predictions based on predict.type
      if (predict.type == "prob") {
        y = p[, stri_startswith_fixed(colnames(p), "prob."), drop = FALSE]
        # we need to remove the "prob." part in the colnames, otherwise
        # makePrediction thinks that the factor starts with "prob."
        colnames(y) = stri_replace_first_fixed(colnames(y), "prob.", replacement = "")
      } else if (predict.type == "se") {
        y = as.matrix(p[c("response", "se")])
      } else {
        y = p$response
      makePrediction(task.desc, id = p$id,
        truth = p$truth, y = y, row.names = p$id,
        predict.type = predict.type, time = NA_real_, ...)
    # add time info afterwards
    for (i in seq_along(p.split)) {
      p.split[[i]]$time = time[i]

  ret = setNames(prediction, set)
  if (is.null(ret$train)) ret = append(ret, list(train = NULL))
  if (is.null(ret$test)) ret = append(ret, list(test = NULL))
  return(ret[c("train", "test")])

#' @title Compute new measures for existing ResampleResult
#' @description
#'  Adds new measures to an existing `ResampleResult`.
#' @param res ([ResampleResult])\cr
#'   The result of [resample] run with `keep.pred = TRUE`.
#' @template arg_measures
#' @return ([ResampleResult]).
#' @export
#' @family resample
addRRMeasure = function(res, measures) {

  assertClass(res, "ResampleResult")
  if (inherits(measures, "Measure")) measures = list(measures)

  # check if measures are missing in ResampleResult object
  measures.id = vcapply(measures, function(x) x$id)
  missing.measures = setdiff(measures.id, colnames(res$measures.test))

  # if there are missing measures
  if (length(missing.measures) != 0) {
    # get list of prediction objects per iteration from resample result
    pred = getRRPredictionList(res)

    # recompute missing performance for train and/or test set
    set = names(pred)[!vlapply(pred, is.null)]
    perf = setNames(lapply(set, function(s) {
      as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", lapply(pred[[s]], function(p) {
        ret = performance(p, measures)
        matrix(ret, ncol = length(measures), dimnames = list(NULL, names(ret)))
    }), set)

    # add missing measures to resample result
    if (is.null(perf$train)) {
      res$measures.train[, missing.measures] = NA
    } else {
      res$measures.train = cbind(res$measures.train, perf$train[, missing.measures, drop = FALSE])
    if (is.null(perf$test)) {
      res$measures.test[, missing.measures] = NA
    } else {
      res$measures.test = cbind(res$measures.test, perf$test[, missing.measures, drop = FALSE])
    aggr = vnapply(measures[measures.id %in% missing.measures], function(m) {
      m$aggr$fun(task = NULL,
        perf.test = res$measures.test[, m$id],
        perf.train = res$measures.train[, m$id],
        measure = m,
        pred = getRRPredictions(res),
        group = res$pred$instance$group)
    names(aggr) = vcapply(measures[measures.id %in% missing.measures], measureAggrName)
    res$aggr = c(res$aggr, aggr)

#' @title Return the error dump of ResampleResult.
#' @description
#' Returns the error dumps generated during resampling, which can be used with `debugger()`
#' to debug errors. These dumps are saved if [configureMlr] configuration `on.error.dump`,
#' or the corresponding learner `config`, is `TRUE`.
#' The returned object is a list with as many entries as the resampling being used has folds. Each of these
#' entries can have a subset of the following slots, depending on which step in the resampling iteration failed:
#' \dQuote{train} (error during training step), \dQuote{predict.train} (prediction on training subset),
#' \dQuote{predict.test} (prediction on test subset).
#' @param res ([ResampleResult])\cr
#'   The result of [resample].
#' @return [list].
#' @family debug
#' @export
getRRDump = function(res) {

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