mlr_learners_classif.cv_glmnet: GLM with Elastic Net Regularization Classification Learner

mlr_learners_classif.cv_glmnetR Documentation

GLM with Elastic Net Regularization Classification Learner


Generalized linear models with elastic net regularization. Calls glmnet::cv.glmnet() from package glmnet.

The default for hyperparameter family is set to "binomial" or "multinomial", depending on the number of classes.


This Learner can be instantiated via the dictionary mlr_learners or with the associated sugar function lrn():


Meta Information

  • Task type: “classif”

  • Predict Types: “response”, “prob”

  • Feature Types: “logical”, “integer”, “numeric”

  • Required Packages: mlr3, mlr3learners, glmnet


Id Type Default Levels Range
alignment character lambda lambda, fraction -
alpha numeric 1 [0, 1]
big numeric 9.9e+35 (-\infty, \infty)
devmax numeric 0.999 [0, 1]
dfmax integer - [0, \infty)
epsnr numeric 1e-08 [0, 1]
eps numeric 1e-06 [0, 1]
exclude integer - [1, \infty)
exmx numeric 250 (-\infty, \infty)
fdev numeric 1e-05 [0, 1]
foldid untyped -
gamma untyped - -
grouped logical TRUE TRUE, FALSE -
intercept logical TRUE TRUE, FALSE -
keep logical FALSE TRUE, FALSE -
lambda.min.ratio numeric - [0, 1]
lambda untyped - -
lower.limits untyped - -
maxit integer 100000 [1, \infty)
mnlam integer 5 [1, \infty)
mxitnr integer 25 [1, \infty)
mxit integer 100 [1, \infty)
nfolds integer 10 [3, \infty)
nlambda integer 100 [1, \infty)
offset untyped -
parallel logical FALSE TRUE, FALSE -
penalty.factor untyped - -
pmax integer - [0, \infty)
pmin numeric 1e-09 [0, 1]
prec numeric 1e-10 (-\infty, \infty)
predict.gamma numeric gamma.1se (-\infty, \infty)
relax logical FALSE TRUE, FALSE -
s numeric lambda.1se [0, \infty)
standardize logical TRUE TRUE, FALSE -
standardize.response logical FALSE TRUE, FALSE -
thresh numeric 1e-07 [0, \infty) integer 0 [0, 1]
type.gaussian character - covariance, naive -
type.logistic character - Newton, modified.Newton -
type.measure character deviance deviance, class, auc, mse, mae -
type.multinomial character - ungrouped, grouped -
upper.limits untyped - -

Internal Encoding

Starting with mlr3 v0.5.0, the order of class labels is reversed prior to model fitting to comply to the stats::glm() convention that the negative class is provided as the first factor level.

Super classes

mlr3::Learner -> mlr3::LearnerClassif -> LearnerClassifCVGlmnet


Public methods

Inherited methods

Method new()

Creates a new instance of this R6 class.


Method selected_features()

Returns the set of selected features as reported by glmnet::predict.glmnet() with type set to "nonzero".

LearnerClassifCVGlmnet$selected_features(lambda = NULL)

Custom lambda, defaults to the active lambda depending on parameter set.


(character()) of feature names.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

LearnerClassifCVGlmnet$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.


Friedman J, Hastie T, Tibshirani R (2010). “Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent.” Journal of Statistical Software, 33(1), 1–22. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.18637/jss.v033.i01")}.

See Also

Other Learner: mlr_learners_classif.glmnet, mlr_learners_classif.kknn, mlr_learners_classif.lda, mlr_learners_classif.log_reg, mlr_learners_classif.multinom, mlr_learners_classif.naive_bayes, mlr_learners_classif.nnet, mlr_learners_classif.qda, mlr_learners_classif.ranger, mlr_learners_classif.svm, mlr_learners_classif.xgboost, mlr_learners_regr.cv_glmnet, mlr_learners_regr.glmnet, mlr_learners_regr.kknn,, mlr_learners_regr.lm, mlr_learners_regr.nnet, mlr_learners_regr.ranger, mlr_learners_regr.svm, mlr_learners_regr.xgboost


if (requireNamespace("glmnet", quietly = TRUE)) {
# Define the Learner and set parameter values
learner = lrn("classif.cv_glmnet")

# Define a Task
task = tsk("sonar")

# Create train and test set
ids = partition(task)

# Train the learner on the training ids
learner$train(task, row_ids = ids$train)

# print the model

# importance method
if("importance" %in% learner$properties) print(learner$importance)

# Make predictions for the test rows
predictions = learner$predict(task, row_ids = ids$test)

# Score the predictions

mlr3learners documentation built on Nov. 21, 2023, 5:07 p.m.