
Defines functions h_add_terms h_add_covariance_terms h_drop_covariance_terms h_extract_covariance_terms

Documented in h_add_covariance_terms h_add_terms h_drop_covariance_terms h_extract_covariance_terms

#' Extract Formula Terms used for Covariance Structure Definition
#' @param f (`formula`)\cr a formula from which covariance terms should be
#'   extracted.
#' @return A list of covariance structure expressions found in `f`.
#' @importFrom stats terms
#' @keywords internal
h_extract_covariance_terms <- function(f) {
  specials <- cov_types(c("abbr", "habbr"))
  terms <- stats::terms(formula_rhs(f), specials = specials)
  covariance_terms <- Filter(length, attr(terms, "specials"))
  variables <- attr(terms, "variables")
  lapply(covariance_terms, function(i) variables[[i + 1]])

#' Drop Formula Terms used for Covariance Structure Definition
#' @param f (`formula`)\cr a formula from which covariance terms should be
#'   dropped.
#' @return The formula without accepted covariance terms.
#' @details `terms` is used and it will preserve the environment attribute.
#' This ensures the returned formula and the input formula have the same environment.
#' @importFrom stats terms drop.terms
#' @keywords internal
h_drop_covariance_terms <- function(f) {
  specials <- cov_types(c("abbr", "habbr"))

  terms <- stats::terms(f, specials = specials)
  covariance_terms <- Filter(Negate(is.null), attr(terms, "specials"))

  # if no covariance terms were found, return original formula
  if (length(covariance_terms) == 0) {
  if (length(f) != 3) {
    update_str <- "~ . -"
  } else {
    update_str <- ". ~ . -"
    stats::as.formula(paste(update_str, deparse(attr(terms, "variables")[[covariance_terms[[1]] + 1]])))

#' Add Individual Covariance Variables As Terms to Formula
#' @param f (`formula`)\cr a formula to which covariance structure terms should
#'   be added.
#' @param covariance (`cov_struct`)\cr a covariance structure object from which
#'   additional variables should be sourced.
#' @return A new formula with included covariance terms.
#' @details [stats::update()] is used to append the covariance structure and the environment
#' attribute will not be changed. This ensures the returned formula and the input formula
#' have the same environment.
#' @keywords internal
h_add_covariance_terms <- function(f, covariance) {
  cov_terms <- with(covariance, c(subject, visits, group))
  cov_terms <- paste(cov_terms, collapse = " + ")
  stats::update(f, stats::as.formula(paste(". ~ . + ", cov_terms)))

#' Add Formula Terms with Character
#' Add formula terms from the original formula with character representation.
#' @param f (`formula`)\cr a formula to be updated.
#' @param adds (`character`)\cr representation of elements to be added.
#' @param drop_response (`flag`)\cr whether response should be dropped.
#' @details Elements in `adds` will be added from the formula, while the environment
#' of the formula is unchanged. If `adds` is `NULL` or `character(0)`, the formula is
#' unchanged.
#' @return A new formula with elements in `drops` removed.
#' @keywords internal
h_add_terms <- function(f, adds, drop_response = FALSE) {
  assert_character(adds, null.ok = TRUE)
  if (length(adds) > 0L) {
    add_terms <- stats::as.formula(sprintf(". ~ . + %s", paste(adds, collapse = "+")))
    f <- stats::update(f, add_terms)
  if (drop_response && length(f) == 3L) {
    f[[2]] <- NULL

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